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Ciao Bella

Page 12

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “We’ll be taking care of that. You just be sure you keep those assholes busy, and when all is said and done we will ensure you won’t be behind bars for long and will be living a cozy little life in a witness protection program,” Andrews told him and then gave a nod to Ford to get the ball rolling. They had about twelve hours left to pull this off and to solve the biggest case of their careers, plus, capture one of Asad Jhakla’s main men and operator in the United States.

  * * * *

  “Slane, please I need you too. Please,” she said as she rocked on top of Vince, fucking him while Slane pulled off his clothes and grabbed the tube of lube. Lucky and Chord were getting undressed too. They were all desperate to make love, to hold her in their arms and be together. There was so much going on with the case, and by morning they would leave her to raid the warehouses and capture the men involved in the illegal smuggling of weapons and artillery.

  Slane slid fingers of lube to her asshole as he gripped her shoulder on one side and nipped her neck and skin on the other side. Lucky climbed on the bed and caressed her hair to bring her head to his cock and suck him down. She wanted it, needed it as she lowered and opened wide to take his cock between her lips as Slane pulled out his fingers and replaced fingers with cock. He thrust right into her as Lucky stroked into her mouth. They all moaned and it was on, making love together, feeling so desperate and now satisfied they were together.

  “Take her harder, deeper. Make sure she knows she belongs to us forever,” Chord said as he caressed her back and even guided her head, under her hair, as she sucked up and down on Lucky’s cock. It was so carnal and erotic. She came and came over and over again. Vince thrust upward and roared as he came first. Lucky pulled from her mouth and then Slane wrapped his arm around her waist and lifted her up. Lucky lay down and she lowered over his shaft and took his cock deep. Chord cheered them on, and Vince went to wash up. They were both thrusting into her when Slane came in her ass, giving it a smack as he rocked and shook.

  “Oh my God!” she cried out and Slane slid his cock from her ass and Chord took his place. There was no preamble as they kept filling her up with cock, thrusting and stroking into her, and she wanted it, loved it, and needed it all. “Harder, Chord, I’m almost there. I need both of you so badly I ache,” she begged and Chord and Lucky thrust up and into her pussy and ass until she came in a gasp and they both followed. She collapsed against Lucky’s chest as Chord pulled from her ass and kissed each ass cheek. Slane and Vince were there to lift her up off of Lucky and wash her up before Vince pulled her into his arms and hugged her to him. “I love you, sweetie. So damn much.” He kissed her nose and she smiled.

  “I love you too. I love all of you,” she said and tears stung her eyes. He squinted but she hugged him tighter. She never wanted to be without them. She pulled back.

  “I’m going to be so lonely and afraid without you guys with me. I’ve gotten so used to you always being here to protect me,” she said to them.

  “It will be one night, and then we’ll be together. We’ll put this case behind us, and we’ll move on with our lives as one family,” Vince told her.

  “Are you sure that it will work out? I’m just so nervous.”

  “It will be fine. Your family isn’t being charged with anything, and Sodo and them said that Costano is still in New York and isn’t flying out anywhere as far as what the feds know. The last we checked that meeting was still taking place tomorrow night in New Jersey, so it’s a good thing that Costano is holding off on coming to take you or to mess with your family. It seems like you won’t ever have to face him or any of those dicks again,” Chord told her.

  “And hopefully not those two agents. They were such assholes. They made me feel like I was destroying the case and could get you guys killed.”

  “They have one agenda and that’s to catch Asid or someone close to him. They were going to risk your life for that. No fucking way,” Slane told her.

  “It doesn’t matter now. You’ll be safe here, we’ll be doing the raids on the warehouses, and the feds will be going to New York and raiding that meeting. By tomorrow morning it will be behind us,” Lucky told her and she snuggled up closer to Vince and enjoyed the next several hours with her men.

  * * * *

  “What the fuck is going on!” Vince asked through the wrist mic as they prepared to enter the warehouse property in Crescent Valley.

  “I don’t know, but I don’t like the looks of this shit,” Sodo replied and the other teams were moving in on all sides of the property. The first team was about to make entry, and Vince and his team were following when suddenly gunfire erupted around them. They were being shot at. They started to return fire and then were moving in, setting off smoke bombs, and agents and police were getting hit. It was complete chaos and Vince knew that there was a rat. That somehow these men found out about the raid. He started to hear chatter in his ear from the other units at the other locations. The warehouses were empty. Someone gave up the information on the raids. Something went terribly wrong.

  * * * *

  Bella was in the kitchen with her family when suddenly the doors burst open in the front and back of the house. They all reacted, she and her mother screamed and ducked as smoke filled the area, her brothers were yelling, and men in black wearing masks started to grab them, tie them up, pulling their hands behind their backs as they knelt against their spines. Her brothers were yelling in pain as the masked men restrained them and taped their mouths shut. They were fighting but these men were soldiers, professional As Bella went to run, she was tackled to the ground, her face hit the carpeting, and her arms were immediately yanked behind her and tied up, and something was stuck into her neck. She screamed and tried to fight when her limbs went numb and then her vision blurred. She could barely hear the muffled sounds or take in the sight of the inside of a vehicle before everything went black.

  * * * *

  “No! God damn it, no fucking way this happened. What the fuck is going on?” Vince yelled as agents and other officers got to the Puchenzi residence to find the house destroyed and broken into, smoke still filtering in the air and the family tied up and beaten. Bella was gone.

  “You know something about this. You fucking know!” Slane yelled at the agents that were there. “We don’t know anything. We weren’t informed about this,” one of the agents said who looked pretty shaken up at the scene.

  “Who would do this? Who would take Bella like this?” her father asked as he held a bag of ice to his cheek from the paramedics on scene.

  “Where are Agents Andrews and Ford?” Chord asked and Vince widened his eyes and then pulled out his cell phone.

  “They didn’t. If they fucking took her to use as bait, I’m going to kill them both,” he said and then spoke into the phone. “Lucas, we got a worse situation.” He looked at his brothers and his friends. Bella was in trouble.

  * * * *

  Agent Andrews and Agent Ford smiled wide as Ahad Shazim, a right-hand man to Asid Jhakla was arrested along with several other businessmen who were responsible for the illegal arms deals and also part of a terrorist organization planning attacks on local military bases in Texas. Word was traveling fast, and they felt smug about how they got this bust as they were being congratulated. They didn’t get Asid Jhakla, and that was a disappointment, but they hoped this capture would lead them right to Asid. That was their next focus. After receiving kudos of course for this job well done.

  When their commander entered the room Andrews expected a congratulations and job well done, but instead other men came in and he was arrested on the spot.

  “You put innocent lives, law enforcement officers’ lives, and other agents’ lives in jeopardy for this and there are consequences to that.”

  “What are you talking about? I got the biggest fish yet, a terrorist ready to bomb military bases, a man responsible for bringing in weapons to arm those loyal to his cause and regime. I did my fucking job,” Andrews yelled.

what cost? We lost seven agents and three law enforcement officers, and where the hell is Bella Puchenzi?” his commander yelled at him.

  “Are you serious? You care about some woman when we caught men like this?”

  “You did not catch these men solo. There were other agents in the field, other ones working undercover, and your antics nearly cost a three year-long undercover operation by military operatives. You decided to get involved with something that you never should have pursued. You were to help in raiding those warehouses, not in raiding innocent people’s homes, and then a business meeting you had no authority or right to raid? You’re done, Andrews, you’re going to prison, and whether you get there in one piece is on whether you tell me where Bella Puchenzi was taken to, or I will let her men remain alone in a room with you and they will find out their way.”

  * * * *

  Chord ran his fingers through his hair as he paced. “Where the fuck did he take her? This is insanity,” he said to his brothers, friends and other agents.

  “We’re getting closer to an exact location Chord.” Sodo Buristoff said to him as he took a deep breath and exhaled. Their friends, the Buristoff’s were using their military connections as well, and they figured out that Costano had taken Bella somewhere near Lake Texoma. It was taking some time to figure out where. They were private estates and she could be held up in any of them. That took time to evaluate and confirm before they raided the wrong location.

  “Every minute they have her they could be hurting her or worse. I can’t stop thinking about that.” Chord admitted.

  “We’re all worried, Chord, and thinking everything that you are, but we have to remain focused and ready to enter the estate professionally and carefully. We don’t know what they have as far as guards and security.” Lucky said to his brother.

  “To think Costano and Feluppe were small time was a mistake. They may not have had mafia ties, but they were running things like their own mafia.” Century said to them.

  “We got it. We got it.” Sodo said.


  “She has to be scared out of her mind. Holy fuck,” Lucky whispered as they prepared for the signal to move in on the private estate on Lake Texoma.

  “Okay, we got a lot of security around the perimeter, and it’s affirmative that Asid Jhakla and Luther Valderez are there as well. We have four teams ready to infiltrate once the first team disarms the security system and perimeter alarms. We get the okay and we move in swiftly,” Sodo told them.

  “We appreciate all the help with this. I don’t even fucking care about Asid or those assholes. We need Bella safe and back with us,” Vince told him.

  “Understood and that’s our main objective. We can’t be sure where she is right now. So stay focused and we search together. Do not separate,” Sodo said and they agreed.

  A few minutes later they got the signal and began to infiltrate the estate, by land and by water. They had the help of other agents and friends of theirs they could trust. As they got closer and then into the house, there was little resistance. Those who got in the way were shot, but as they traveled up the staircase, they could hear Bella screaming.

  “Move faster,” he said and as they came around the corner at the top of the stairs gunfire erupted around them and a shootout began. They fired back, taking out several men, and he could hear through his earpiece that Asid and the others were arrested and captured. “We have to get to her. There. That room there!” Lucky pointed and Slane, Vince, and Chord followed with Sodo and his team along with them. The screaming grew louder. They weren’t going to get to her in time.

  * * * *

  Bella awoke wearing only her bra and panties. She felt the hot breath against her neck, and a hand cupped her breast roughly. She realized it was Costano and then the bed dipped and there was Feluppe wearing only his pants. He licked his lips and gripped her ankle. “Ahh, she’s awake now.”

  She kicked her foot and somehow got away from Costano and fell onto the floor. Her head felt funny and her limbs were not working normal. She remembered the drugs, her home being invaded by men in black.

  “Easy, Bella, the drugs will wear off soon enough,” Feluppe said and he reached for her and she struck him in the nose. Blood splattered and she scream as she crawled away, still unable to get her legs to work. She was teetering side to side, her knees extra wobbly and her vision blurred, when a strong arm wrapped around her midsection and then threw her onto the bed she screamed some more. Feluppe was yelling at her, his blood dripping from his nose. “You stupid bitch!” He backhanded her across the mouth and then hit her again and again as Costano chuckled. “Maybe she does need to be sedated. I’ll grab the drugs. In no time she’ll comply,” he said and she knew she had to fight. If they drugged her, they would rape her, but Feluppe was big and mean and as she struggled to get up, he forearmed her to the throat and she continued screaming. She was kicking him and somehow made contact with his balls because he grunted, let go, and she jumped up despite the pain in her mouth, her cheeks, and her eyes that were beginning to swell. She shoved at him and went to run towards the door when a gun went off, hitting the door next to her.

  “Get back here or I’ll shoot you,” Costano said but then gunfire erupted outside of the door. Both men looked frantic and then Feluppe grabbed her by her hair and started pulling her toward another doorway. She was screaming so much, and trying to fight, and he slammed her body up against the doorframe. She was losing strength and the ability to resist with every strike to her body. Everything hurt but she screamed more and fought harder, her vision getting worse, the weakness overpowering her will to live and get free. Through the doorway was a flight of stairs, she somehow threw her arms and hands up swiftly and struck at Costano, and he lost his footing, dropped the gun, and tumbled down it.

  “Fucking bitch!” Feluppe yelled and he dragged her down the stairs, over Costano’s body as Costano moaned in pain. She could hear some kind of noises coming from the bedroom she was just in and as they got to the bottom of the stairs, she heard someone call her name.

  “Bella!” That was Chord. She recognized his name.

  “Chord!” she screamed but Feluppe struck her and shoved her against the wall. He gripped her throat, and she grabbed onto his wrists, her feet and legs off the ground as he strangled her and she kicked at him and remembered a move she learned in martial arts and self-defense. She released his wrist and slammed her palms really hard against his ears. He dropped her and she fell down the last two steps as gunfire erupted in the stairs and Feluppe fell to the ground. Someone shot him in the back and in the head. She could barely see but she heard her men’s voices, felt their hands on her and them yelling for help, for an ambulance. She could barely breathe as she put her hands to her throat and tears fell from her eyes.

  “We got you, Bella. You fought so hard to get free. We got you. Please hold on. Please don’t die,” Slane said and then she started to fall in and out of consciousness, not really knowing what was going on, only feeling the motion, then hearing muffled voices until darkness completely overtook her vision.


  Bella awoke gasping for breath and grabbing at whomever was next to her. “Easy, Bella, you’re safe. You’re home and with all of your men,” Chord told her as he pulled her into his arms and caressed her back. She eased against his chest, inhaled his cologne, and calmed her breathing. Then came the aches and pains of her injuries and of course she still couldn’t talk. Her voice box was injured, and it would take time to heal and recover. If she did speak it sounded so terrible and the pain wasn’t worth it. Her eyes were swollen still, her cheeks and lips and her body, as tears spilled from her eyes.

  “Don’t cry, honey, it makes it worse,” Slane said to her and he caressed her arm and climbed up onto the bed next to her. She couldn’t help it. She felt like crap.

  “I got the liquid ibuprofen right here,” Lucky said as he and Vince walked into the room, but Vince remained by the edge of the bed. She looked at him, an
d Chord and Slane helped her sit up. She locked gazes with him.

  “Here, sweetie.” Lucky brought over the little cup of medicine. She couldn’t even swallow pills. She could only drink shakes but barely did because everything hurt so much, and Vince still was being distant.

  She pointed to him and curled her finger for him to come closer.

  “I’m fine right here. They got you,” he said and she shook her head. She drank the liquid and then looked at his brothers as Chord gave a wave.

  “She wants you here too. She belongs to all of us.”

  “No, I failed her, failed all of you. I promised to protect her and this family.”

  “Stop it, Vince. It was out of our control. No one expected those federal agents to do what they did. We found her and she fought to get to us as we fought to get to her. Let’s enjoy the blessing,” Lucky added.

  She opened her arms to him.

  “Vince.” She said his name and it sounded terrible.

  “Don’t you still love me?” she asked.

  “Don’t talk, Bella. The doctors said not to,” Vince said and tears filled her eyes.

  “I love you though. I need you,” she cried and Slane got up and Vince took his place. He looked at her and she knew he was angry like his brothers were over her bruises.

  “I’ll heal,” she said.

  “You didn’t deserve any of this.”

  “I have all of you,” she said and then cringed. He pulled her closer and lay down with her, her face against his chest.


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