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Dark Secrets

Page 5

by Doug Pountain

  “Trust me, I will not let you get hurt in any way, I promise I will be there for you every step of the way”.

  This comment appeared very strange to Joyce as she had never been assured of anything by a man for many years, apart from abuse that is.

  Graham picked up his paperwork and looked at everyone.

  “We will need to move to the flat in London later this week, but before that we need to get our act together, I am sorry Joyce it’s come so quickly for you, and so if you don’t feel up to it then now is the time to say”.

  Joyce thought for a moment before she said. “I am more than ready especially if David is with me”.

  David looked at Joyce and again reassured her that he would look after her,

  “I will move into the barn and that will let us spend more time together preparing, if that’s alright with you Joyce”?

  “Let’s get started then”. She replied.

  “Before you go I have an idea for a cover story, you two will be brother and sister, and you can keep your Christian names but use the surname Perkins”. Said Graham.

  “That’s fine, I like the sound of that, and I was going to stop using my married name anyway”. She replied.

  “What was your married name anyway”? David asked her.

  And she hesitated for a moment before she replied. “Don’t laugh, but it was Pratt”. She told them much to their delight.

  The group looked around at each other and there was a deathly silence before they all burst into fits of laughter.

  “Yes alright, that’s enough thank you”. She said.

  David went over to his car as they left Graham and Carol’s house and collected his case containing his clothes and they made their way over to the barn.

  “Which is my room”?

  “Turn left on the landing and that’s your room, but we have to share the bathroom”.

  David took his case upstairs and had a look around.

  “It’s not bad is it? Though I do have to say it’s not as nice as my pad in Chiswick, but I really prefer city life to living in the sticks. Do you mind if I ask you a question Joyce, was your husband a real bastard”?

  “Yes he was, he couldn’t wait to abuse me at every opportunity”. And she lifted the side of her blouse to show him some of the bruises.

  “You know I have never worked it out why some men do that to women or anyone else for that matter, it must give them some kind of sexual gratification, but as I said we are not all like that”.

  David now opened a small bag he had taken from his case and it contained some pieces of electronic kit that he showed to Joyce.

  “Right this one is vital and you must get used to wearing it most of the time, put this in your ear”.

  And Joyce went over to the mirror and inserted the small ear piece into her right ear.

  “Right now put your hair over it, that’s it, perfect, you can’t see anything, hang on a minute”. Said David as he played with his “I pad for a moment”.

  “He whispered very quietly “can you hear me? Nod your head if you can”.

  Joyce nodded her head to confirm all was well.

  “Is the volume alright”? He asked.

  “Can you turn it up just a little more please?” Said Joyce.

  And again David made some adjustments on his tablet.

  “That’s perfect, it’s crystal clear”. She replied.

  “Do you wear glasses at all Joyce”?

  “No, why do you ask”?

  “Well you do now” He said. And he took a pair from his bag.

  “Try these on and let’s see what you think”.

  “I like the colour of the frames”.

  Joyce put on the glasses and to her surprise they suited her, and she was more than pleased with her new look. David popped back upstairs and quickly returned with his lap top and turned it on.

  “Here use my phone and send Carol a text”. And she did as requested before a minute later she said to David.

  “Alright, I have done that shall I send it now”?

  “Yes please”.

  And a few seconds later Carol replied to the message and David started to laugh.

  “What’s wrong, what’s so funny David”?

  David looked at her before he replied. “Well if you want to share a shower with me that’s fine, and I see Carol also thinks it’s a good idea”.

  “How did you know what message I had sent or the reply”?

  “I can see everything you are looking at, there is a camera built into the frame of your glasses and also a microphone”. He told her.

  Joyce quickly retorted “That’s cheating”.

  “Yes I know it is, but it’s great”. Said David who was now laughing.

  “Right let’s get down to some real work, you use my lap top and let’s look at some share prices”.

  To be fair Joyce’s enthusiasm and dedication, even though she had been out of practice for a very long time was startling to a professional such as David. “Now don’t forget I can see and hear everything, but you must learn to speak very quietly and move your lips very little, something like a ventriloquist. I am going upstairs with my tablet and I am on the same page as you so let’s have a go shall we”?

  David kept asking her questions about what she was looking at, and Joyce tried as best she could to describe it, doing exactly as she had been instructed and moving her lips as little as possible which was something that she actually found quite difficult.

  After a couple of hours David finally came downstairs. “That was brilliant, you did a really good job”. He said.

  “I tried my best David, I just don’t want to let anyone down”.

  “You certainly won’t do that, if you keep that up we have cracked it”. He said very reassuringly.

  “But what about the share dealing bit, I am alright with the banking side of things and the numbers involved but I have never dealt with shares”?

  “Right, that’s where Carol comes in. Shares are her thing and she will lead you every step of the way through your earpiece and your glasses, and so you will always be in contact with her, plus I will be working very closely in the same office somewhere, and so we will never be far apart”.

  Joyce looked at David with a little fear now present in her eyes as she now fully realised the enormity of what she had to do.

  “I really want to do well at this, I want this to be my time with my rules and not a fucking doormat for a bastard”.

  “And you will be great and so will our team because that’s what we are Joyce Perkins, a team”.

  “Ok my brother David Perkins”. She replied.

  “Let’s do a few more exercises because tomorrow you start with Carol and I want you to be the best you can possibly be”.

  The time was now 4pm as the phone rang and it was Carol confirming that although it was a little late, lunch was ready.

  “Don’t forget the alarm”. Said David.

  As they left the barn for some much deserved food. Carol quickly spotted the glint in Joyce’s eyes. “Well, how did you get on”? She asked.

  “I loved it and David is a very good instructor and I would like to think that I am ready for phase two of my training with you tomorrow Carol”.

  “I am pleased about that, now let’s eat because I am starving”. Said Carol.

  Graham had always kept a good wine cellar, and as such the conversation flowed to and fro with very little hesitation, but Joyce still couldn’t believe her luck, she had instantly gone from being dead to being a young woman again overnight. She had in a few days become the person that she always wanted to be and now her beautiful green eyes sparkled as never before. Later in the evening David said.

  “Thank you for that wonderful food Carol, but I must go and have a shower, I was going to have one when I arrived this morning, but better late than never”.

  Joyce and David said their good byes and walked along the drive to the barn.

  “Do you fancy a night cap”? I
have a bottle of 15 year old malt in my case”. He said.

  “Oh why not, I will get the glasses and you get the main course”. She replied.

  He quickly went upstairs and returned a moment later with the old malt and poured the drinks. They sat on the sofa in the lounge as though they had known each other for years instead of only a few hours, and yet in that short space of time they had formed a very close bond of trust, and she realised that she could tell him anything, she was now starting to live in a very different world, one where you relied on each other and had no secrets, and the success of the mission depended on that trust.

  “Right I am going upstairs to have my shower and then I am going to bed unless you want to scrub my back”? He said.

  “You should be so lucky”. Replied Joyce with a large smile on her face.

  Joyce sat alone in her new surroundings of the barn, and for the first time in many years she started to feel good about herself and the direction her life was taking. She finished her drink, turned off the lights and made her way upstairs to her room, but as she got onto the landing she could see in the reflection of full length mirror on the wall straight into the bathroom. She stood there for a minute and watched David as he undressed and walked into the shower. For some unexplained reason that lay deep within her, she suddenly felt an urge, a yearning, call it what you will, but she wanted the feel of a man, a real man who was not going to hit or abuse her. She wasn’t looking for a relationship and nor was David, but at this one moment in time she just wanted to feel a real man inside her again.

  She went into her own room and quickly undressed, and as she did so she now saw that her large nipples were now very erect, but then suddenly she started to have second thoughts about her intentions as doubt set in her mind. But it was too late for that now as she finally plucked up the courage and walked into the bathroom. David was in the shower happily singing and facing the wall and completely unaware of Joyce, that was until she stepped into the large walk in shower behind him and wrapped him in her arms and pressed her breasts into his back, He held her hands on his chest for a moment until he finally turned around and kissed her. The sensations and desires that were passing through her body were electric and she was now very aware that the part of her body where she had recently shaved and which had seen so little use in her years of marriage was now suddenly feeling a warmth that she hadn’t felt in years, and as they stood there with the hot flowing water running all over their bodies, David slowly bent slowly forwards and kissed her breasts and very gently teased her nipples with his tongue.

  Suddenly she was also very aware that his penis had now become fully erect, and that it was both long and quite thick, he turned off the shower and they both stepped out. David got a towel from the rail and very gently dried her body from top to bottom and Joyce realised what an erotic experience it truly was, and then she shared the towel and in turn dried David paying particular attention to his penis. He picked her up in his arms and carried her to his bed kissing her passionately as they went. He laid her down very gently and kissed every part of her body, with David expecting nothing in return, his only aim at that moment in time was to please Joyce. She looked down at him as he kissed between her thighs and which made her sigh with a deep intense pleasure, these feelings were so very new to her. Then very slowly he made his way up her body and carried on with her breasts as before in the shower before he finally entered her and seconds later she climaxed again and again before he too finally did the same.

  They lay there for some time kissing and fondling each other before they made love once again, Joyce finally looked at David and said.

  “I had the most wonderful time I have had in years, you are a perfect gentleman and you made me feel like a real woman again and not a doormat”.

  “Never mind being a gentleman, that was absolutely brilliant”. He replied.

  She kissed him once more before she got up and made her way to her room and climbed into bed, and she lay there feeling the most relaxed she had ever felt. Joyce had just been made love to and pleasured by a man, a real man whose only real aim was to please, and yet by doing so he too had also experienced that same feeling of being wanted. But she now realised that her new life could also be very lonely and that she may in the future have to conceal her real feelings to protect herself, but that was a risk she was quite prepared to take.

  Morning came round very quickly and Joyce and David again shared the shower but this time not with the same end result, today was all about business. This morning Joyce decided to dress very casually as did David and they made their way downstairs and had some breakfast before going over to the other house where Joyce was to begin her training with Carol.

  “Good morning you two, did you sleep well”? Enquired Carol.

  “It was a wonderful night’s sleep” they both replied trying very hard not to express the fun they had together.

  “Would you both care for some coffee before we start”? To which they both replied in the positive.

  “Where’s Graham”? Asked David.

  “Oh he had to go out early to meet someone, but he will be back in time for lunch”.

  No mention was made of the events of the previous night, but it had opened Joyce’s eyes to a truly different world with a man she had only just met and yet he expected nothing in return when making love, his only aim was to please. But she was also well aware that not all men were real men such as David and she must be prepared to guard herself well in the future. With coffee now finished Carol said to Joyce.

  “Come on, show me what David taught you last night”.

  The two lovers briefly glanced a look at each other and smiled. Joyce put on the glasses and Carol went into the next room. They logged onto a share dealing web site and Carol explained which shares look good to buy and which if she owned them she would sell.

  “All I need you to be is very confident and sociable when we move you into the bank, you have to remember that some of them have been in the game for many years, but also one or more of them are the “baddies” and these are the ones that we need to root out”.

  Training went very well for Joyce and she was now getting quite adept at using the glasses and also how to communicate with very little lip movement and David and Carol were very impressed by her attention to detail.

  “You’re a very quick learner Joyce, so now try a few deals on your own”. And Joyce quickly made a note of her imaginary dealing figures and after about an hour Carol enquired as to. “How she was doing”.

  “Well according to theory I have made about £500”. Said Joyce.

  “That’s not bad in that short a time, but be prepared to make a lot more when we start using big numbers, but to be fair it would appear that your number work has lost none of its speed, but now you must also learn aggression in dealing. You are not going to make a profit every time you deal and some will be quite large losses, and sometimes if the market is weak then you will struggle to actually break-even, but that’s the name of the game. But you must also be aware that somewhere maybe even very close to you there will be a very large amount passing through the bank with no record of any deal”.

  “Someone in that room is moving mega amounts of money, remember. “In dirty and out clean” and we need to find out who it is and who the money really belongs to and also just as important what it’s for. But your safety is the main concern and exposing a fraud with this amount of money is very dangerous, and remember if we do need to get you out fast then no one knows who you really are”.

  “What are you doing in the bank David”? Asked Joyce.

  “Well I am being brought in to carry out some mods on the computer system, and so I will always be no more than an office away from you, and Carol will be in the van parked somewhere in the car park, all you will need to do is exactly as we tell you and it will be fine”.

  While Joyce was happy enough with this arrangement, she still had some niggling doubts in her mind, it was after all something very
new to her, but that was not enough to prevent her from getting very excited. Graham returned home just before lunch, and as he walked in his phone rang, he quickly answered it but the conversation was quite brief and ended with a look of slight apprehension on his face at the information he had just received.

  “Is everything alright”? Asked David.

  “I am not quite sure, but I think we need to move to the apartment in London today as I have just been informed that things are moving very quickly and we need to be in position by Friday”.

  David stood up and said to Joyce. “Well in that case, training is over”.

  This statement suddenly robbed Joyce of a little of her new found confidence with the stark realisation that the very little she had learned was about to be put to the test in a real situation.

  Carol said to the others “We need to pack”.

  To which David quickly replied. “Well that’s very easy for me as I haven’t unpacked yet anyway”.

  Joyce and David made their way back to the barn and she started to put her clothes out on her bed ready to pack, but her hands were now shaking slightly before David reassured her that she would be fine.

  “Just take your time and concentrate on the most minor things you see and hear and you will be just great. I tell you what, before we go let’s leave shall we go and get your watch back”?

  This statement raised Joyce’s spirits considerably. “That would be wonderful, thank you David. That heap of shit will be at work anyway, so I can just go in and get it”.

  With all her things now assembled and neatly folded on her bed, she very carefully packed a case that she had borrowed from Carol.

  “It may sound very silly to you David, but this is only the second time since I got married that I have packed a case to go anywhere, I am now very excited”.

  David looked at her and now fully realised what a totally crap life she had been living since her marriage and he decided that not only were they working together, but he was also going to do his best to give this very pretty girl a far better shot at life and show her what true independence can be without a controlling man to overpower her just because he could. He was going to give her life back to her, a life where she would make her own decisions and also be responsible for her own destiny and not ruled by a bastard. It was about an hour later they all reassembled in Carol and Graham’s kitchen.


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