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Dark Secrets

Page 23

by Doug Pountain

  “Right now there I can help you, my Italian Cousin who lives in Queens is the Station Superintendent, and so we will be alright for access there”. Said Roger.

  “Well come along Mr Davis, get a cab”. Said Joyce.

  For the first Davis smiled as he realised that he was working with a team he knew nothing about, but who were fully prepared to do anything within their power to prevent a coup in his Country and also if required at the expense of their own lives, and he suddenly felt very proud and part of the friendship and understanding that existed between them all.

  “You will recognise where you are very soon Joyce, the station is very close to the Jolly Madison where we first stayed for a very short time before we started on our grand tour of bomb sites in good old New York”.

  Joyce smiled at the remark as eventually they arrived at the stations main entrance, and it was now as she entered the building that she realised that it was like a Cathedral, she had never seen anything like it. “How are we going to find a small package in this place, its enormous”?

  Roger went up to the information desk and told them to put out an urgent call for Antonio the Superintendent. About ten minutes later a tall man in a very smart designer suit arrived and he and Carl shared a large man cuddle and asked about each other’s families.

  “Are you still robbing banks for a living Carl or have you found an honest job? And before you answer that question, please introduce me to your friends including this most beautiful of women”.

  “I like this man already”. Said Joyce.

  With the introductions now over, Carl went on to explain in great detail what was happening and the assistance which the group needed. Davis then also informed him of the consequences should he ever speak of the events to anyone. The problem was that now that more people were getting involved the chances of some kind of leak of information were getting much stronger, but even though they had told Antonio of the bomb threat, they did not disclose the threat of a possible coup.

  “I will do whatever I can, but as you can see the station is enormous with so many hiding places. I personally oversee everything that goes on here and the companies and the men we use are all vetted for obvious security reasons. No one goes anywhere without my knowledge, there are really only two places that the public can physically enter, that is the left luggage lockers and the lost and found”. They all looked at each other realising that in this case the search would be more or less impossible.

  “Do you have a time line of a possible planting of a bomb”? Asked Antonio. Because if you do it could make things a little easier, you see all of the luggage lockers are locked into the computer system so that we can tell if one has been left for too long a period, and if so we have the right to open it”.

  This was great news for the group and they all followed Antonio to his office where he logged on and brought up the file with the required information.

  “If we have got it right, then we need to check for the past two weeks for any overdue locker hire”.

  But the checks revealed that all of those that had taken place during the period had all been reclaimed. They checked other periods of time but all with the same result. The next area to be checked was the lost and found office which contained many strange items but each time something went into the office it was always opened, including any bags or cases for possible identification and return to its owner.

  “What about staff lockers Antonio”?

  “Well again they are all on computer, so let’s have a look, but bear in mind most people have been here for years. He said as he checked his records. Well that makes me look a liar doesn’t it? We had a cleaner who started about three weeks ago, but then last week he just didn’t turn up for work and we haven’t heard from him since, could that be of any help”?

  “Can we see his locker”?

  “Of course, let’s go and check it out, the station is my responsibility and I don’t want any fatalities on my watch”.

  Antonio led the way along many corridors and it was very obvious why the station had been chosen as a target, there were thousands of people passing through every day, and again the cost to the City in lost lives would have been enormous.

  “Here we are, locker 344 which is next to the Cooling Tower Air Inlet”.

  Everyone looked at each other, the mention of Cooling Towers had got all of their attention. Carl took the duplicate key from his cousin and unlocked the door and eased it open just far enough to check it for traps, but all was fine. Inside as they expected was a metal box, again sealed with duct tape. Antonio’s expression changed immediately to one of fear as he watched the group conduct the same routine to open the box, and as expected it was booby trapped.

  “Davis contact your boss and tell him we need an immediate pick up the same as last time”.

  “Shall I evacuate the station”? Asked Antonio who was now in full panic mode, his original bravado had now all but disappeared leaving him very vulnerable to behaving like a headless chicken?

  “Don’t do anything Antonio, just leave it to us, and remember what you have been told. We do not exist and we were never here, have you got that straight”?

  He nodded his head in agreement as the group quickly left the locker room and made their way outside. Joyce who was carrying the device stood at the rear of the group next to the station wall with the others in front of her, and five minutes later the same lorry parked just down the street. As she made her way the short distance along the pavement some idiot running by her with a bag knocked the box from her hand and it fell to the floor quite violently. She held her breath waiting for the bang, the last sound that she would ever hear before her death in the explosion or the slow lingering death by poisoned gas with whatever pain that would bring.

  She opened her eyes not knowing if she was still here or in Heaven, but the noise and the commotion of the City and the look of sheer disbelief on her friend’s faces confirmed her location. The man who had knocked the package from her hands, slowly bent down and picked up the package and handed it to her, apologising for his actions, if only he had known the contents. She made her way to the vehicle, and as before she entered through the side door, and a few minutes later she reappeared minus the package and re-joined the others.

  “Butter fingers”. Said David with a very relieved look on his face, as had the others.

  But Davis looked at her before saying, “I nearly shit myself there Ma’am”.

  “Don’t be so dramatic, it could have happened to anyone, dropping poison gas is an everyday occurrence for me”. And she gave him a little wink.

  “Davis, get another cab and let’s get to Battery Park ASAP”.

  He raised his arm and within a split second a yellow cab screeched to a halt in front of them and they were on their way to meet the others, knowing that the immediate threat had been neutralised and the items were now safely with the FBI. But the group realised that it was only a matter of time before the order to explode the bombs would be given and the fact that nothing would happen would mean that although they would save many lives, the group still did not fully understand what the ultimate aim was to have been, apart from mass murder that is. But they also realised that the other suspect device that was exchanged in the crate at the warehouse had still not as far as they knew been moved, maybe if it were to be transferred to another location it may just make things a little clearer.

  It was about forty minutes later that the two groups happily reunited very pleased with their efforts at thwarting the bombers and keeping themselves in one piece.

  “Good job everyone, but don’t you think that it was all very easy, in fact to easy, let’s get back to our Hotel and make a few calls. But first I would like to thank Davis and Phillips for your assistance, you are a credit to your country”. Said Graham.

  “Thank you Sir and Ladies, but the credit is all yours, and the bravery of this young woman Joyce was spectacular. God bless America and God save the Queen”. Replied Davis
br />   As they waved down cabs and went their separate ways, very pleased with their efforts, but Graham’s words were still playing on everyone’s mind. He was right, it had all been very easy. Eventually they arrived back at the Hotel and went up to their suite and second’s later Grahams phone rang.

  “Graham, this is Davis, we had just arrived back at the office and spoke with the Director, and he told us that the devices we found were designed never to explode. Even though they were made to look exactly like the real thing and there was a real explosive device, it couldn’t have been activated, the phones that were attached had no sim card inside, but you couldn’t have known that at the time. He is on his way to meet you at the Hotel, but he also believes that he is being followed, and so he wants you to meet him at the service entrance and not inside the Hotel, but he also says that your own lives are now in great danger, he is convinced they are on to you”.

  Graham thanked Davis for the heads up and then he quickly told the group the information he had just been given.

  “Just leave everything except the passports and let’s get out of here fast. Carl and Roger do you both have guns”?

  “Yes we do”.

  The group, even though they were totally lacking in sleep made for the lift down to the lobby and through the kitchens and out the back of the Hotel, it was now only adrenaline that was keeping them going, the thought of death is always a great provider of energy. Suddenly in the rear alley of the Hotel, not a car but a large van appeared. Roger and Carl drew their weapons in anticipation and pushed the others behind some large rubbish bins. The side door of the van suddenly opened to reveal Director Colby beckoning them in.

  “Quickly get in, I think we are safe here for the moment, I understand that Davis has already told you about the bombs, and that they were never made to explode at all. I think the idea was for them to be found very publicly to create panic in the Country and in this City in particular, and to push the blame not onto the Russians but instead onto Islamic Extremists.

  I have good intel from an agent who I believe has since been taken out, and he confirmed that Senator Dixon is in league with the Russian and Chinese States, and that they are planning a coup just as you said. Aslonov is the link directly to the Kremlin, the CIA and their own Director are also involved right up to their necks. They plan to get rid of the President using the United Nations as the New World Government and any country that does not comply with this New World Order will be either invaded or obliterated. I have already spoken to Sir Richard, and he himself is on his way to personally collect you from an upstate airfield in about six hours’ time. All we need to do until then is to stay alive. There is a hit team after me and all of you”.

  The mood of the group changed dramatically as they were driven around the city in this very ordinary looking white bakers van, all the people on the street were only interested in their Christmas Shopping, and little did they know that the world was about to change forever and beyond all recognition. Very little was spoken in the back of the van as it wasted several hours driving around. Eventually they left the city and headed up state, keeping to all the speed limits so as not to draw any attention to themselves. But they were also very aware as they looked out of the rear dark tinted windows that there were now many Army and National Guard Vehicles on the move, and at some major intersections they could also see groups of soldiers with rolls of barb wire and crowd control barriers, everything was pointing to the information being correct and also very imminent.

  It was now dark as they eventually arrived at this small airfield in the middle of nowhere, even the runway lights were not turned on, and so for safety they parked to one side of a hangar out of sight.

  “We should be safe here, it is used mostly by the CIA for secret rendition flights and it’s also where you met the Ambassador, and so I thought the safest thing to do would be to hide in plain sight. I have already given Richard the CIA landing codes so he will be able to come straight in without any questions being asked, but I am also hoping that by now he will also have more information for me”.

  All they could do now was to wait and ponder what this New World Order would actually mean to the World, admittedly it was a strange World that everyone already lived in, but most people had freedom and some kind of security, who then were these people to take it from them. But it was the not knowing that frightened them most of all.

  It was another hour before a small private jet approached the airfield and circled the dark skies before the runway lights were eventually turned on. The plane quickly landed and taxied to the far end of the runway and turned round, and as it did so the runway lights were turned off. The van drove slowly across the grass and stopped beside the plane as the steps were lowered from inside. Everyone got out of the van and entered the aircraft.

  “Hello Richard, how are you”? Asked Colby.

  “Well as they say in England, this is a right pickle. The man we are holding in custody at MI5 has finally given us everything, and believe me it is very bad. It is quite a long story so I suggest you get comfy, but bear in mind that we cannot stay here for very long. It is true that Senator Dixon and the Russians and the Chinese are going to take over the United Nations as a front for a New World Order under the pretext of preventing the world descending in to chaos, apparently this has been in the planning for years and covered up by the CIA. The Military of the three countries involved in the coup are to become UN Blue Helmet Soldiers and a World Army under a one Government world. For the Chinese and Russian people this shouldn’t create much of a problem as they are already used to state control of most things in their lives, but as for democracies, well that’s a different matter.”

  “The precursor for this coup was going to be the discovery of the bombs that you found and the blame was going to fall firmly on Iran, and so as a result of them finding the bombs before they had actually exploded they would have averted a catastrophe and become hero’s to the American people by saving many lives. The people themselves would then have called on the President to exact revenge, but because of his indecision and procrastination, this New Order of the UN would then step in to right the wrongs for Iran’s support and sponsorship of terrorism across the globe, not with sanctions or by invading them, but by letting Israel conduct a massive cyber-attack against them which would blind them before being totally destroyed with a pre-emptive nuclear strike. Following this the New World Army would invade all of the Gulf States and secure their oil reserves. Any other country that decided against joining this new order would also be taken out, but it gets better still, Great Britain is to become America’s 51st State”.

  The group sat there speechless for a minute as they digested all of this information.

  “Do we have a timetable for these events Richard”? Asked Colby.

  “I am afraid we do, I have credible information from GCHQ that the fake bombs are about to be discovered, the fact that you have removed them already will not make any difference, they will just replace them, they need to find something to justify the creation of this New World Order. Shortly after they are found the President will be replaced for allowing Iran to place the bombs and bring a fresh wave of terror to America when he was warned of the imminent danger of the attack even though he actually had no idea. Then the Israelis will bomb Iran in eight hours’ time, and then the rest will follow on from that event.

  “Which gives me just enough time to return to the UK with Graham’s team, as in approximately two hours’ time all flights from the U.S. Russia and China with the exception of Military Aircraft will be grounded and any planes over flying these counties will be treated as hostile and shot down, that’s why we need to be airborne ASAP. Also we now know that all weapons are to be confiscated right across this country and any unauthorised guns will result in the owner being interred in camps which are already being set up in Parks all over the States. For any dissenting voices they will again be interred and the same applies to the UK. I also know that our own Government
and our armed forces are also very much involved and I realise that on our return to the UK we will all be targets for arrest or assassination, especially as you still have Aslinovs eight billion dollars, but that’s the nature of the beast in this game, one minute you’re a Friend and the next minute you are Foe”.

  “George bush spoke of a New World Order in 1990 and also stated that the war in Iraq was a crusade”. Said Colby.

  “It goes back much further than that Director, a World Government it is even mentioned in the Bible in Revelations, some even know it as the end of days and the rise of a Godless Society, when Satanic law rules the Earth. Whatever you want to call it, it will certainly be the end of freedom, and that means there will also be many civilian casualties too. Look, I am sorry Director but we must leave, do you wish to come with us? You would be much safer in the short term, I know you have no family ties to keep you here”.

  “No thank you Richard, this is my Country and I will fight as long for as I can for its values and freedoms, that’s if such a thing can survive”.

  “Then we all wish you good luck Sir, you are a true patriot and an honour to your Country”.

  Everyone shook the Director’s hand and the girls shed a tear as they gave him a small kiss. Just as he was about to leave the plane his phone rang, he quickly answered it and the information he received obviously caused him even further concern.

  “Thank you for calling”. He said and returned his phone to his pocket, he turned and looked at the group with much sadness on his face.

  “The man who was with you from my own team, Davis, is dead. The CIA shot him because he knew too much, those bastards will pay for that”.

  His head was now held low as he finally left the plane and returned to the van, everyone knew his fate. This man had given his life to protect his Country, but would that be enough to keep him alive in this new world. The pilot started the engines and roared down the runway in total darkness and into the dark night sky. The mood of everyone was now very subdued at the news of Davis’s death, even though they had only known him for a very short time he had become a friend, and the news of his death hit the team hard, but at least they were all safe, for the moment at least.


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