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Page 25

by Sarah Pond

  It was now Thursday, and tomorrow Olivia would be heading back to St Ives. She couldn't stop thinking about the publishing job, though. Olivia wanted it so much, the thought of it gave her butterflies. As she and Emma were walking through Covent Garden, arms linked together, she heard her phone ringing. 'Hello, Olivia speaking.'

  'Hi, it's Jasmine, from JJ Publishing,' Olivia's stomach began twisting with anxiety, now was the moment of truth. 'We would like to offer you the job. Would you like to think about it?'

  'No. Yes. I mean yes, please, I'd love to take the job, thank you, this is wonderful,' Olivia said excitedly, her face beaming.

  'That's wonderful,' said Jasmine warmly, 'In that case, we just need to go through some details, and sort out your start date. Are you are able to pop into the office, so we can go through everything in person?'

  'Yes, of course. I was going to be travelling home tomorrow afternoon, but I can change that.'

  'Well, how about tomorrow at ten?'

  'That would be perfect. Thank you, thank you so much.'

  'Until tomorrow, then. Goodbye, Olivia.' Olivia put her phone back in her bag, practically jumping for joy. Emma hugged her, Olivia laughing, thinking that this was one of the best moments in her life.

  Emma said, 'Right, time to celebrate! I'm treating you to dinner, there's a great Mexican restaurant just around the corner. They do the best fajitas ever!'

  Jasmine put the phone down, smiling to herself. Olivia was so natural and free, no pretence. She was an honest and genuine person, that had come through clearly at the interview, as had her sincerity and passion. Yes, it was going to be great working with Olivia, Jasmine was really looking forward to it.

  The Mexican restaurant was a really cosy and vibrant place, painted in warm, bright colours, with a wonderful atmosphere. The bar was on the right as you walked in, with the restaurant at the back. The aroma emanating from the open kitchen was warm and wonderful, and made Olivia's mouth water. There was a painting of a mermaid on the whole of one wall, and pictures everywhere. There were not many dining tables, but fortunately Emma and Olivia were able to get one. They both ordered chicken fajitas, on Emma's recommendation. Emma said, 'I think we should have cocktails. What do you fancy?'

  Emma chose a margarita, and Olivia plumped for a pina colada. When the drinks arrived, Emma raised her glass, 'A toast, to your new job and a new life in London.'

  'Thank you.' They clinked glasses, and Olivia took a sip of her cocktail. 'Um, delicious. I hope everything here tastes this good!'

  'So, what's your new boss like, then?'

  'Well there are two, Jason and Jasmine are partners. Laura works for Jason, and she will be teaching me the job. I think she might be about thirty, and she seems really nice, very friendly. I think she's been there quite a long time, they all seem to get on very well together. I liked Jason the moment I met him. He's got twinkly eyes, I think it will be fun working with him. His office is very messy, with books and manuscripts all over the place. I felt like I'd walked into one of the teachers' rooms at Hogwarts! He's probably in his late twenties too, but he has a mix of maturity and boyishness. I'll be working for Jasmine, once I know what I'm doing. She seems really nice too, and very pretty. She really looks at you when she's talking to you, she makes you feel important.'

  Emma smiled, 'That sounds brilliant. It also sounds like you've got a bit of a crush on Jason!'

  'No, don't be silly. He just really nice, that's all.' Olivia blushed.

  Emma laughed. 'Anyway, I'm so pleased you've got this job. It's going to be brilliant fun having you as a flat mate.'

  They had a great evening, Emma telling Olivia about the clubs and bars they could go to, although that wasn't really Olivia's scene. Still, she wanted to have some new experiences, so she could give it a go. Olivia was looking forward to going to films and concerts, as there would be a lot more choice here in London than she was used to back home. 'Thank you so much Emma. You've been amazing, putting me up, helping me get around.'

  'It's a pleasure. It's been great spending time with you again. I'll have to ask Matt if he has any friends we can set you up with, just in case Jason isn't available!'

  It was ten to ten on Friday morning, and Olivia was just approaching the office of JJ Publishing. She was so excited, and also rather nervous. Laura greeted her when she arrived, and showed her to Jasmine's office. She offered Olivia a drink, and this time she accepted, asking for a coffee. Jasmine's office was quite different to Jason's cosy office. It was tidy and had a light wooden desk, with cream chairs on either side, and a cream sofa at the side, in front of a bookcase. It smelt fresh, with an almost indiscernible fragrance of citrus and flowers. Jasmine stood as Olivia entered, and they shook hands. 'Thank you for coming in this morning, I do appreciate it.'

  Olivia was beaming, 'The pleasure is mine, I was thrilled when you offered me the job. I'm so excited, out of the interviews I had, this was the job that I really wanted.'

  Jasmine smiled back, 'You are certainly the most enthusiastic applicant we had! To be honest, we knew there and then at the interview that we wanted you. Please, take a seat.'

  Jasmine explained that the purpose of the visit was to arrange a start date, sign her contract, and get Olivia's bank details to pay her salary. They sat across the desk from one another, then Laura brought the drinks in. She gave Olivia her coffee, and a cup of tea to Jasmine. Jasmine and Olivia both thanked Laura, and she smiled as she left the office. Jasmine and Olivia went through the paperwork and arranged a start date of fifteenth of June. Olivia was thinking that this would give her a week to go home, pack up what she needed, and get back to London again. She wouldn't need many things as the room in Emma's flat was fully furnished. It would be mostly be clothes, really. She looked up to see Jasmine looking at her, and blushed. 'Sorry, I was just thinking about all the things I've got to do in the next week.'

  Jasmine smiled kindly, 'Yes, it's going to be quite a change for you. If you want any help at all getting settled in, you will just ask, won't you?'

  'Thank you, that's very kind of you. Emma, my old college friend, has been great, helping me get around. Our flat is nice and close for work, too.'

  'Well, I think that's everything for now. Do you have any questions, Olivia?'

  'I don't think so at the moment.'

  'Well, if you think of anything, just give us a call. I hope your trip back to Cornwall goes well. I'm so looking forward to having you here, you're going to fit in perfectly.' She looked Olivia in the eye as she smiled, and shook hands with her.

  Jasmine walked Olivia to the door and as they were saying their goodbyes, Jason appeared at his office door. 'Olivia, wonderful. I'm so pleased you've accepted the job. Welcome on board!'

  'Thank you, I'm really looking forward to it.' Olivia smiled at Jason.

  With his twinkling eyes and ruffled hair, he had the air of a mischievous schoolboy. Yes, Olivia was going to enjoy working here.

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