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Dragon's Claws

Page 19

by Bri Sailor

  “Lusha!” she roared above the din.

  She sprinted after the witch. Suddenly, the red-eyed warrior noticed a pair of horses galloping towards her. She turned to see an arm extended to her. She reached for the proffered hand and pulled herself onto the stampeding beast. The brown hair flowing from under the helmet looked awfully familiar. The rider turned around and Ky was greeted with a familiar pair of glowing blue eyes. A sudden calm washed over her.


  Atreyis swung her sword mightily from her mount and felled many opponents. She was gaining ground and getting closer to Ky. She still couldn’t believe that the warrior had snapped the enchanted chains like they were twine. Taryn was close by her side as they fought through the fray. All around them the two sides fought ferociously.

  There! Atreyis saw a flash of blonde hair and red eyes. It was Ky! She watched in awe as the warrior took out two soldiers with one spear. The warrior paused and then took off in the direction of the woods. Atreyis looked to what Ky was chasing after and saw the golden chariot. The princess kicked her horse, urging him to go faster. When they were behind the warrior she leaned down and extended her arm. Ky turned and grasped her hand and jumped onto the saddle. The princess felt her face flush and her skin tingle as the warrior wrapped a muscular arm around her waist. She smiled.

  “You didn’t think that I would leave you out here by yourself did you?” shouted Atreyis above the din.

  Ky collected herself from her rush of feelings upon seeing the princess. There was no time for small talk. Ky pointed her sword in the direction of the chariot.

  “Follow her! Now!”

  The doubly burdened horse raced as fast as he could. Taryn stayed close as the three riders disappeared from the battlefield and into the trees. The sounds of the battle fading until only the steady hoof beats and the quick breath of the horses remained. Ky had a white-knuckle grip on her sword and squeezed her iron-like arm around Atreyis’ waist. The princess tried to ignore her feelings to no avail as they chased after the witch.


  Ehren and Arainya raced for Stone Shield, hoping that they could find the princess before anything could happen to her. From what they could see almost all of the troops had already passed through the gate. Those that remained ran the catapults and waited as reinforcements. The sounds of the battle grew louder as they neared the gate. They didn’t even stop once they got to the camp.

  Ehren shouted to the gatekeepers. “Open the gate!

  The soldiers barely recognized the prince as they stumbled to do what they were commanded. The two riders barely had to slow their steeds to pass through. The queen drew her sword and prepared herself to fight. Ehren moved to do the same when something caught his eye. In the distance a golden chariot was fleeing for the woods with riders in hot pursuit beyond it. He could swear that one of them was Ky. He broke off from his mother and followed after them.

  The queen watched as Ehren sped off and let him go. She had faith in the boy, and her mission was to find her husband and daughter. With a brave yell she entered the fray and gracefully cut her way through the enemy’s ranks. The queen was elegant as ever but extremely deadly. Her courtly manners belied the warrior inside. Flaming rocks crashed all around her and arrows whizzed past her head. Her blue eyes burned with a righteous fury. If anyone so much as laid a finger on her daughter she would personally see to it that they wished they were never born.


  The three girls followed Lusha into a small clearing in the woods. The witch was waiting for them. Before the princess could even slow down Ky leapt off the horse and charged the woman. Lusha smiled wickedly and drew her twin blades from her back. The warrior brought her steel crashing down, the clang of metal ringing throughout the trees.

  “It was you!” Ky spat. “It’s always been you!”

  Lusha shoved Ky backwards. “My dear General, you disappoint me. I ordered you to bring both of the twins, yet I only see two little girls playing soldier, and blindly following their new leader. What spell have you entranced them with this time? Untold riches? Glory? Power? Love perhaps?”

  The warrior ignored her jabs.

  “I only follow the orders of my king, but you have corrupted his mind, you witch. I see now, you dug in your talons and blinded everyone else from the truth, but I know what you are. What your plans are.” Ky dropped her voice to a low register, her eyes burning red. “You’ve dishonored the Khenná people. You turned our gloriously feared nation into murderers, thieves, and cowards. All in the pursuit of what? The crown?”

  The two women circled each other.

  “I made us great!” shouted Lusha, her dark eyes were wild. “I gave us power unlike our kingdom has seen since the ancient days. We are feared and rule the world now. Peoples are falling on their knees in praise of our deeds, how we have united all into one great empire. How we laugh in the face of the gods!”

  “Damn the gods!” Ky snapped. She ran at the witch.

  The two exchanged equal blows, neither gaining the advantage. Atreyis and Taryn had drawn their swords but stayed out of the way. This deadly dance was beyond their skill. The princess’ stomach turned, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. What was the witch talking about? What orders to bring the twins?

  “We are only great because of our king and the many victories I have brought us.” Shouted Ky. “But you killed him!”

  “Do you actually believe your victories were your own?” laughed Lusha. “It was because of me that you commanded legions, because of me that you won every battle! And I haven’t killed your precious king…yet.”

  Ky lost it. “I am the greatest warrior this world has ever seen! And it is by my sword you will die!”

  Atreyis swore she saw the blonde breathe fire.

  “A warrior, created by a goddess! Ii än t’kät Göddëns!” screamed Lusha, her eyes went completely black.

  “Bite your demon tongue! You think yourself a god?” boomed the warrior. “Do you really think that the Goddess looks on you with favor? Look upon my face and you shall know the only true god of this world!”

  The sorceress’ entire body began glowing white. Ky saw her opening and punched her in the face and sent the woman flying. Lusha recovered and blocked a death-dealing blow. The shockwaves from the sheer force between the two titans shook the trees around them. She struggled against the strength of the warrior.

  “I have nothing but disdain and contempt for the Goddess!” shouted the witch. “She and her kind had all too easily forgotten us and are now long dead! She abandoned us to the Darkness! T’kë Ëdër Därk. Now I have embraced it and I will bring about the end of all war! Through blood it shall end once and for all! The Goddess’ precious Descended shall all perish and rid this world of their stench! Ämd Ii skägg rügë!”

  Lusha threw off Ky and their fighting resumed. Atreyis didn’t like where this was going. Her blue eyes glowing even brighter. She looked over at Taryn who was sporting the same look. She cast off her helmet and drew her sword. The witch connected a blow and sent Ky soaring through the air.

  “Ky!” screamed Atreyis. She dismounted and ran to the fallen warrior.

  “Atreyis! No!” yelled Taryn.

  The familiar name caused the sorceress to pause momentarily. She smiled evilly.

  “My dear General, I apologize. You managed to follow through brilliantly.” She purred.

  The confused princess looked at Taryn.

  Lusha laughed. “You’re a better liar than I gave you credit for, Ky.”

  Atreyis bristled and turned to the fallen warrior. “What’s she talking about Ky? What orders? What’s going on?”

  “Well, almost completed orders.” Answered Lusha. “She only delivered half of what I wanted and—’’ she gestured to Taryn, “some useless xög.”

  Taryn was pissed.

  “Bite your tongue, witch!” she looked at Ky. “What is she talking about?”

  The silent general stood and wiped her bloody lip.

bsp; “Yes, Ky, what am I talking about?” cooed Lusha. “Could it be that at my behest the king took away your command after you killed your own men and refused to follow orders? Or is it the part where you deliver the twin spawn of the enemy into my hands for the return of your status as General, K’ti Giiär?”

  Ky ran at her.

  “Say no more, you vile beast! I will never be yours!” she yelled as she swung for Lusha’s head.

  The witch moved even faster than Ky and dodged the blow, starting the fight once more. The clashing metal ran out. Atreyis watched helplessly as her world crumbled around her. Her father was right. Ky didn’t care; she was just another monster. The princess willed her feet to move, to get as far away as she could and not stop, but her body refused to listen. She could only watch in a stupor the events unfold in front of her.

  “You disappoint me.” Laughed Lusha at the warrior. “Here I thought you were your father’s daughter, but you are just as weak as your whore of a mother!”

  Ky felt the blood drain from her head. Her father? Her mother? What did the witch know of them? Rage consumed the warrior and she lunged for the witch and was thrown off balance. Lusha caught her arm and cut deeply into it, causing the warrior to drop her sword.

  The fight raged on and Atreyis watched in fear. She gripped her sword and tried to steel her nerves. She took a step forward but froze in her tracks. It happened so fast that the princess had questioned if it had really happened at all. The witch’s face changed. Her dark eyes turned into recessed black pits, her beautiful dark skin morphed into rotting scaly flesh. Her skull became elongated and sharp. The rotting skull locked eyes with the princess. Instantly, Atreyis felt like the very air had been sucked out of her lungs and Darkness itself began to swallow her alive. Just when she thought all hope was lost, in a blink of an eye the specter disappeared as Taryn’s sword came down hard. Atreyis shook herself. Lusha locked swords with the young fighter. With a grunt she sent her flying through the air, and knocking the breath out of her as she landed with a hard thud.

  Ky pulled herself together and ran at Lusha the moment she sent Taryn flying. The last blow had taken a lot out of her. The witch took delight in Ky’s diminished attacks and easily fended her off. She gave the warrior a hard shove. The evil woman paused for the briefest of moments when she heard a whistling sound. She felt a stinging sensation on her cheek. She whirled around and narrowly dodged the next arrow. Atreyis had gathered her courage and retrieved her bow and was releasing arrows with deadly accuracy. Another arrow sliced Lusha’s arm. Using her swords she knocked the arrows out of the air and dodged what she could. The princess’ skill won out and an arrow found its mark and buried itself in Lusha’s thigh. The witch let out a hiss and staggered. Ky seized the moment and tackled her to the ground. The warrior knocked the swords out of her hands and let her fists fly, bashing and bloodying her face.

  Taryn slowly roused herself and Atreyis held her breath as she watched the carnage. Ky was actually winning. She dropped her bow and walked towards the brawl with sword in hand. As Ky was unleashing her rage she didn’t notice that the witch started glowing a faint white again. Lusha had had it. She let loose a blast of energy that sent Ky sailing through the air and crashing into a tree, the blow nearly knocking her unconscious. Taryn and Atreyis threw themselves at the witch. The bloodied witch retrieved her swords. She struggled some but did not give up any ground. The clashing of their steel was deafening. Lusha swung hard, knocking both girls off balance and thrust the hilt of her sword straight into Taryn’s face, instantly knocking her out. Atreyis flew into a rage and tackled the witch. The two rolled and wrestled, each trying to gain the upper hand. Lusha proved to be the better and the princess soon found herself in a crushing chokehold.

  “Why do you struggle, princess?” grunted Lusha. “Your fate was sealed the moment you followed after her. Ii äkt i’öür Dëätk!”

  The choking princess looked over at the deathly still Ky. She clawed at the arms choking her and tried to free herself, but to no avail.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not going to kill you…” Lusha leaned into her ear, “…yet.”

  She reached into her belt and pulled out a small vial.

  “It helps if the blood is fresh. Xrëd’h.” She smiled wickedly.

  Black swirled in Atreyis’ vision and she went limp, succumbing to the vice around her neck. Lusha dropped her. She procured a dagger and sliced the princess’ arm. Raising the limb the blood flowed freely and she collected it in the vial and tucked it away in her belt.

  “Always better fresh.” She sneered.

  Having what she needed it was time to dispose of the first obstacle. She raised her dagger the end the princess when an arrow shot past her face. A feral snarl rumbled in her throat.

  The prince came charging out of the trees on horseback, knocked another arrow and let it fly. The witch dove out of the way. Ehren wasted no time as he leapt from the saddle and brought his sword crashing down on her. She barely blocked the blow with the dagger. With a flick of his wrist, Ehren sent the dagger flying out of her hands. Lusha dropped and rolled out of the way, grabbing her blades as she stood.

  “Do what you will with your traitor.” Ehren said in a low voice. “But attack my sister and I shall show no mercy.”

  Lusha was silent. A nefarious bloody smile fixed itself on her face. She wiped the blood form her nose and lip and let out a piercing scream. The evil woman ran at the prince, intent on ending him swiftly. His strength was impressive as well as his skill and she found herself having to be more careful in her attacks. Ky finally put her head back together and slowly stood, trying to decipher the situation. The princess was lying on the ground and her brother had appeared out of nowhere and was now fighting Lusha. Trying not to think about what was going on, she retrieved her sword and joined the fray. The witch, now burdened with two skilled fighters, found herself in a losing situation. She heard a whooshing sound to her right and moved out of the way in time to avoid Taryn’s sword from severing her head. Even with two blades she was going to lose this fight. She stopped attacking and resorted to only blocking, gathering her strength in the meantime.

  Atreyis stirred. Through blurry eyes she watched in shock as Ehren and Taryn fought side by side. They were winning. It looked like the end of the witch. Taryn sliced Lusha’s shoulder. Blood ran like a river down her arm. But no one was paying attention to her increasingly glowing body. Atreyis tried to warn them but her voice was hoarse from strangulation. The cornered Lusha let loose a scream and released a huge wave of energy that sent the three fighters airborne, neither of them getting up. Breathing hard, the witch stormed up to the seemingly dead prince and cut a deep gash into his arm. She lifted the limp extremity and caught the stream of blood in another small vial. It filled quickly and she turned her attention to the princess. She reached the girl and clamped a hand around her throat and lifted her up.

  She looked into the princess’ fearful eyes.

  “So beautiful. Dëä’ütiixüg.” She purred. “Such a waste.”

  The princess gasped and kicked at the air, feeling the life drain out of her once again. The witch moved to gut the girl when suddenly, she let out a scream of pain and dropped the princess. Five throwing knives had cut through the air and buried themselves in her arm. Crouching like a feral cat she hissed at her attacker. Atreyis gasped for air and looked to her savior. It was Cora! In a blaze of glory the priestess leapt from her golden mare, clad in silvery armor and her blue robes fluttering in the wind, and her eyes glowing gold. She brandished more throwing knives. There was a hint of fear in the witch’s eyes as Cora let loose the blades. She dove out of the way, pulling out the knives as she stood, blood flowing freely.

  “So the Goddess sends her little bitch, diigë dög, to do her dirty work. I should feel so honored.” She spat some blood on the ground.

  Cora replaced the knives in her belt and drew her sword. “I am only here to protect. Róléss nth Rílsémm áld nth l’ríélhm! The
Goddess entrusted me with their protection and I intend to honor her command, Wímé hénól!”

  She twirled the sword in her hand. The priestess had no desire for violence, but had no choice.

  The bloodied woman picked up one of her swords with her uninjured arm.

  “A little girl such as yourself shall prove too easy a task.” Lusha grinned evilly. “But one I shall take great delight in! Mör diië!”

  The witch flew at Cora who deftly dealt with her. The thundering blows roused the fallen fighters. Ehren slowly stood, his head was pounding. Blood dripped from his brow and arm as he limped over towards Taryn. She was sitting and holding the back of her head. She looked at her bloody hand and her head began swimming and she nearly passed out. Ehren caught her before she could.

  “Taryn! Are you alright?” he said desperately over the din of the fighting.

  He helped her stand up.

  “I’m fine, I’m fine! Where’s Atreyis?” she said groggily.

  The princess was standing, facing the duel. She was breathing hard and held a dagger in her hand, her eyes looked evil.

  “Is-is that Cora?” squeaked Taryn.

  “By the Goddess!” said Ehren breathlessly.

  Cora fought gracefully. She used a combination of swordsmanship taught to her by Taryn and her own magical abilities to hold off the witch. Atreyis waited for her chance. She started walking towards the fight when suddenly, a dozen Aznurro soldiers burst through the trees. They had chased a small faction of Khenná soldiers that had deserted the battle. They came to a grinding halt when they saw the priestess fighting and beaten and bloody prince and princess. Lusha shoved Cora out of the way and pointed her blade at them and narrowed her eyes. She was about to speak when Ehren yelled.

  “Attack her!” he commanded the soldiers. He pointed to Lusha.

  With a yell the soldiers stampeded after the witch. She ran a short distance before whirling around. She dropped her sword and reached into her belt. Pulling out another small vial again she held it up in the air. Cora froze. The same rotting visage that the princess had seen, revealed itself. The priestess’ eyes stopped glowing and she dropped her sword.


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