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Pregnant by My Stepbrother

Page 6

by Cassandra Dee

  My friend nods with encouragement. “That’s super wonderful Lina. I’m so happy for you.”

  I laugh melodiously while taking another sip of my Coke. “I know, right? How are you, by the way? We’ve been talking entirely about me this whole time.”

  Rachel is a curvy girl like me, and she has long, dark hair, as well as the kind of loud, unselfconscious laugh that makes you want to giggle along with her. She’s the kind of person who you can trust with anything, even your deepest, darkest secrets. Now, I’m so glad we’ve reconnected. She sighs.

  “I’ve been single as a Pringle for a good two years now,” she laments. “The only loving I’ve gotten has been from the occasional stranger or my right hand.”

  I laugh at her lament. “It’ll happen for you too, Rach. You just have to give it time.”

  “Oh, yeah, coming from the girl who’s started to plan her wedding already!”

  I chortle.

  “Hey! I only showed you my Pinterest out of trust and love. I didn’t think you were going to throw it back in my face. Besides, didn’t you love that heart-shaped pergola? I’d love to get married beneath something so romantic,” I sigh.

  Rachel throws me a rueful look.

  “Girl, you are so head over heels, it’s incredible.”

  I just laugh.

  “Well, Tim is hot,” I say, “and yes, I am head over heels,” I add primly with a smile, polishing off the last of my slice. My buddy just rolls her eyes.

  “Okay, tell me more,” she says. “What’s Tim done this time?”

  I laugh happily and scroll through my pictures on my phone until I find a good one of him. I took a picture of him at the botanic gardens right when a bright blue butterfly landed on top of his head. The effect is a bit comical, but still, my boyfriend is H-O-T.

  “See? Isn’t he gorgeous?”

  Rach looks and laughs.

  “He is, and I’m so jealous, girlfriend. But tell me this: how is the sex? Sometimes the best-looking guys are the worst in bed.”

  I shake my head.

  “Not Tim,” I say. “He’s amazing. Not only that, but he’s got a thing for me calling him “Daddy,” and with a body like his, I’m more than happy to oblige.”

  We dissolve into giggles.

  “Daddy? You make me want to join a strip club so I can look for my soulmate because that’s where you met him right?”

  I nod happily.

  “Yep, and who knew?” I joke. “I think the Krazy Kat is hiring, by the way. If you’re serious, that is.”

  Rach just rolls her eyes.

  “Please Lina. Look at me. I’m huge! Who wants to see me in a lingerie clomping around the stage like an elephant?”

  But I grow serious then.

  “You’re gorgeous, Rach, and honestly? I’m a big girl too, and trust me, I made plenty dancing. Lots of guys want something to hold onto,” I say saucily.

  She nods. “I’ll definitely give it a think.”

  My mouth drops open.

  “No way.”

  She dissolves into giggles.

  “You’re right, it’s just that I’m still in school, and it’s taking forever,” she moans. “I want this pain to end. I need money, not more tuition bills!”

  “But you’ll be done with your degree in May though, right?” I ask.

  She nods.

  “And not a moment too soon! Get ready, Prescott, for your new physical therapist! You can call me Dr. Feelgood.”

  I burst into giggles.

  “Stop it,” I plead. “Seriously, or I’ll never stop laughing.” I wipe a tear from my eye and lean back on my bed. “But more than that, Rach, Tim is just the sweetest, most caring guy. He anticipates my needs and is always so supportive. I can’t believe that I’ve landed him.”

  She nods. “That’s what I want to see in a man: someone who takes care of his woman no matter what. If you’ve found a guy like that, you’d be crazy to let him walk away.”

  “I know, right?” Then, I help myself to another slice of pizza and chase it down with a long sip of soda. “But can I tell you a secret, Rach?”

  She laughs.

  “Of course, sweetie. You can trust me, Lina. I still haven’t told anyone that you were the one who put gum in Sandra’s hair in the fifth grade.”

  “Good!” I laugh. “You take that secret with you to the grave!”

  My buddy giggles too.

  “I know right? I hear Sandra still has that crazy carroty-orange red hair, and that she passed it on to her kids too! But what’s on your mind, girlfriend?”

  I bite my lip.

  “Well, I haven’t been completely honest with Tim.”

  My friend looks at me questioningly.

  “But about what? What is there even to lie about?”

  I blush.

  “It’s not really a lie. It’s just that I haven’t told him the whole truth. You see, he doesn’t realize it, but we’re actually stepsiblings. Well, former stepsiblings, that is.”

  My friend’s jaw drops to the ground.

  “You’re brother and sister?” she stammers.

  I wince.

  “Sort of. Well, used to be at least. My mom was married to his dad a long time ago, but it was a nothing marriage. I don’t think the union even lasted two years.”

  Rachel’s eyes widen.

  “But then how come Tim doesn’t know you? Two years is a long time, girlfriend!”

  I sigh.

  “Well, I think it’s because I was in elementary school, whereas Tim was already in high school. Do you remember how back then, I lived for a year in that mansion over in the Prescott Hills Estates?”

  Rach squints her eyes.

  “Sort of. Not really.”

  I nod.

  “Well, it’s because my mom was married to Tim’s dad for that year, so we moved into their house. But after they got divorced, we left for Texas.”

  Rach looks thoughtful.

  “So Tim doesn’t remember that part of his life.”

  I shake my head.

  “No, he does, he just doesn’t remember me. Or at least, he hasn’t put two and two together. He probably just remembers some idiotic, knock-kneed girl with braces and glasses. He doesn’t realize that that girl is me.”

  Rach shoots me a long look.

  “Dayum. Well, are you going to tell him? I mean, this is pretty big, right? You used to be related.”

  I swallow heavily.

  “I keep meaning to, but then we get distracted by … well, you can guess.”

  Rach shoots me an arch look.


  “Exactly,” I nod. “I swear, I want to tell him, but then we’ll start kissing, and then …” I shrug helplessly.

  Rach merely frowns again.

  “Yeah, but hasn’t he asked any questions about your family? Or about where you grew up?”

  I nod.

  “And you’ve been lying to him?”

  I protest. “It’s not really a lie! I just haven’t told him everything about me. Like he knows that I moved to Texas, and that I used to live in Prescott, but I haven’t gotten into any details. I know I have to tell him some day, but being with him has been so wonderful, and I don’t want to ruin it because what if he says the stepsibling business is too weird and perverted? What if he refuses to have sex with me after he finds out?”

  Rachel huffs out a long sigh. She swirls her wine a bit, and then puts it down and fixes me with a look. “I know you love this man, and I know you don’t want things to end, but you can’t keep living like this. You have to tell him, even if it is weird and perverted. To be honest, Lina, it’s crazy you’ve been dating this long while living a lie.”

  I protest again.

  “It’s not a lie! Not really. I just—” I stop. A sudden rush of nausea sends me scrambling off the bed and bolting to the bathroom. I make it to the toilet just in time, and everything I’ve eaten in the last few hours rushes into the porcelain bowl. Rachel darts in behind me and
holds my hair out of my face.

  “Are you okay?” she asks after I’ve finished. “Is it the pizza? The pepperoni? Sometimes, that stuff can be lethal.”

  I rinse out my mouth in the sink before answering. “It can’t be because you ate more of the pizza than I did, and you’re fine.”

  She nods, frowning.

  “But then what could it be? Did you eat something bad earlier?”

  I shake my head miserably while wiping my mouth with a towel.

  “No,” I say in a low voice. “Rach, I think I might be pregnant.”

  Her jaw drops and her eyes bug out with shock. I merely nod again and then walk back to the bedroom before taking a long sip from my water bottle. “I shouldn’t even have had that wine tonight, given that I suspected.”

  “Are you sure?” Rach asks. “It could be food poisoning.”

  I nod miserably. “I’m pretty sure. My mood’s been crazy lately, and I haven’t felt like my usual self. My breasts are tender, and honestly, I’ve suspected for a couple weeks now, but I guess this clinches it.”

  Rach frowns.

  “But you used protection, right?”

  I nod.

  “Yes, but there were a few times when the moment was just too heated. You know how it goes,” I blush. “He’s there, you’re there, and you want it so bad but it would take so long to find a condom …”

  Rachel takes my hand in hers and gives me her most serious expression. “Lina, I’m telling you this as your friend and as someone who doesn’t want to see you hurt. You have to tell Tim the truth about your relationship, now more than ever. With a baby on the way, you don’t have a choice anymore.”

  I run a hand through my hair.

  “I know,” I say in a small voice. Then I wrap my arms around myself and turn away from my friend, collecting my thoughts. I feel strangely calm, given the circumstances, and wonder if I’m having an out of body experience. Shouldn’t I be crying? Shouldn’t I be out of my mind with anxiety or stress? Instead, I feel like I’m in control, and even a bit happy, to be honest. I have no idea how Tim will react, but suddenly, a smile breaks out on my face. I want this child and being a mother will be a blessing.

  Rachel touches my shoulder, startling me out of my trance.

  “You’re going to be okay no matter what path you choose, Lina. But you should tell him sooner rather than later. Don’t sabotage your relationship with the father of you child, Lina.”

  I nod. “We have a date tomorrow, and I’ll tell him then. I promise.”

  “Okay, good.” She pulls me into her arms for a long hug. “It’s going to be okay, Lina. No matter what, you’re going to get through this.”

  “Thanks, Rach.” My voice cracks at the end, and tears suddenly flood down my cheeks. I know my friend thinks it’s because I’m terrified, but the truth is that it isn’t terror. The truth is that I want this child, and I’m just emotional knowing that I’m going to have a baby with the man of my dreams. The problem is: what does Tim want? Soon, I’m going to find out.



  * * *

  The doorbell rings as I’m setting up the couch, and I’m already smiling when Lina lets herself in using the key I gave her. She’s wearing a gorgeous pink dress that hugs her curves in just the right way, and there’s a lily peeking out from behind one ear. Her large, brown eyes shine up at me, and she’s carrying a few groceries, which I take from her.

  “You don’t have to ring the doorbell if you have a key,” I chuckle, closing the door behind her. “You can just come in.”

  She giggles.

  “No, no! It’d be rude to just barge in without any warning.”

  “In case I’m in my underwear?” I joke.

  Her eyes go devious.

  “Especially if you’re in your underwear, handsome. You know how much I like it when you stride around wearing nothing but boxers.”

  The glimmer in her eyes gets me hot, and I pull her close for a long, searching kiss. Her mouth is sweet against mine, and my hands are already cupping those big breasts when she pulls away.

  “First things first though, big guy. Dinner. I know that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”

  I growl.

  “Or through his pants in my case.”

  She merely giggles and sashays into the kitchen, already beginning to pull out pots and pans. I love how she’s made my place her own, and the curvy girl looks absolutely right, pulling on an apron. In fact, I can imagine waking up to Lina every morning. That would be a wonderful way to start the day.

  “You said you had an announcement,” I rumble, following her as she moves into the kitchen. “What is it?”

  “I’ll tell you after dinner,” she coos. “But for now, can you get that dish for me?” she asks, pointing to a pan on the top shelf. She looks delicious with one arm stretched over her head, her big boobies straining, and again, I’m tempted to push her down on the kitchen island right here and start making love. But then she shoots me a knowing glance, and I cave.

  “Alright, I can wait,” I say, retrieving the pan for her. “But what are we having for dessert?”

  She giggles and winks. “Your favorite, of course. Cheesecake.”

  “Mmm, sounds great,” I growl into her ear while coming up behind the curvy girl and slipping my arms around her waist. Her curves are luscious, and she playfully swats at me.

  “None of that, Mr. Carlton. You just sit yourself down in the living room while I get everything ready.”

  “Alright, alright.” I press a kiss to her temple before I head over to the fridge. “Want a beer while you cook, honey?”

  “No, but thanks. Maybe later.”

  I don’t have to, but I walk past her on the way to the living room and run my hands suggestively over her hips one more time. She giggles and swats at me again, but I manage to avoid her attack. Then, I stroll into the living room and fall into my armchair before turning on ESPN for highlights of the football game I missed last night. The beer is cold, and I sink into the armchair, utterly boneless. Man, this is the life.

  I can’t remember the last time I felt so happy, to be honest. It feels right to have Lina here, and I love that she’s cooking for us. Of course, I’m not so bad in front of the stove myself, but the curvy girl likes to whip up a special meal on occasion. Suddenly, there’s a squeal and I sit up.

  “Tim,” Lina calls, “where do you keep the band-aids?”

  “Hold on.” I fetch the first-aid kit from the bathroom and practically run into the kitchen. I find Lina wincing as she holds her finger under a cool stream of running water. It looks like she’s got a small cut, nothing more.

  “What happened?” I ask. As a matter of habit, I disinfect my hands with hand sanitizer and pull on a pair of rubber gloves. “Let me see, sweetheart. It’s not bad, is it?”

  She turns off the water and sighs a bit, showing me. “I was throwing away the plastic lid of the graham cracker crust and somehow, it sliced me as I was stuffing it into the trash. Pretty stupid, huh?”

  I shake my head as blood wells on her pointer finger. “It could have happened to anyone, sweetheart. You’re not stupid at all.”

  “Am I going to need stitches?” she frowns.

  I dab at it gently with a cotton ball and examine it. “Nope. Even though there’s a lot blood, the cut’s not deep.” I grin at her. “You won’t need anything more than a band-aid.” Then, I stick on a band-aid and kiss the back of her hand.

  “My hero,” she sighs, throwing her arms around my neck. “I’m almost done here, so do you want to set the table?”

  “Sounds like a plan, beautiful.” I kiss her forehead, and then get to work. Who knew that Tim Carlton could be so domestic? But it feels right, and with a grin, I lay out the dishes in preparation for our meal.

  After finishing dinner, we settle into my couch with full stomachs, and I let Lina talk me into putting on The Sound of Music. It’s an amusing movie with Julie Andrews and seven child
ren running around a hilltop while belting out songs at the top of their lungs. But I’m more entranced by my woman. Lina knows almost all of the words and would be content to mouth along to every line the characters say if I didn’t pull her into my lap during one especially dorky scene.

  “Oh,” she giggles. “Is it time for this part of the night?”

  I squeeze her soft ass. “You know it is,” I growl in her ear. “I knew you wanted to watch this movie, so guess what I have prepared?”

  Her cheeks blush.

  “What we talked about at the botanic garden right?”

  I pull her in for a long kiss, both of us panting when I break away.

  “That’s right, sweetheart. I have a huge new box of condoms in the drawer there, just like we discussed. King size,” I add, waggling my brows.

  “Oh my god, you’re so bad!” she giggles. But evidently, Lina’s done with The Sound of Music too because she plucks the flower from her hair and then runs it teasingly between her breasts. “Are you ready, Tim?” she asks coyly. “Because I know I am.”

  With that, it’s on. Soon, I’ve got the plush girl nude and willing, laid out on the couch. She’s so beautiful, her creamy curves heaving and panting as I lick between her legs.

  “You have the tastiest twat, sweetheart,” I groan. “I can’t get enough of this sweet honey.”

  She arches her back, moaning deliriously while plucking at her nipples.

  “Then kiss it again,” she begs. “Suck my clit, Tim. Please.”

  I’m only too happy to oblige, but then inspiration strikes. I take the flower which was in her hair and gently lick over the stem with my tongue. Sure enough, it’s clean and the cylinder is smooth, and a good diameter too.

  “Do you want to …?”

  But Lina knows what I’m asking, and lifts her knees, showing me that gleaming hole.

  “Yes, put it in, Daddy. Show Petal how you like to do it nasty.”

  I grin, my cock jerking so hard that a bit of pre-come spurts onto the couch.

  “My pleasure, sweetheart.”

  Then slowly, I begin inserting the flower stem into her swollen cunt. She cries out at the penetration, and it looks so obscene, but also incredibly good.


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