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Chrysalis Corporation

Page 34

by T. A. Venedicktov

  “I have already checked in for the day and given my explanation for being absent. In approximately two hours, I will be seen as plugging in to the capsule for the rest of the day. If you wish, I can remain with you.” Requiem turned around to sit on the edge of the pod.

  “You figured out how to do that already?” Damion was shocked at the expediency with which Requiem had figured out how to arrange the system.

  “I programmed and activated it when I was jacked in earlier. It will not stand up to intense inquiry, but it will hold under surface scans.” Requiem ran his scarred fingers almost lovingly over the white metal of his pod.

  “Then come over here and help me fall asleep. These fresh sheets need to be softened by some activity.” Damion wanted Requiem away from that evil machine and closer to him. He was hoping more human contact would help him remember—would help him become less machine.

  Requiem gave the capsule one last caress, then moved and sat by Damion. “I do not know how I can help you fall asleep. What do you wish me to do?” His head tilted to the side.

  “You’re being far too innocent. It makes me want to dirty you up more,” Damion said with a chuckle before tugging Requiem closer and pressing their lips together for a deep kiss.

  Requiem quickly gripped Damion’s shoulders in shock as Damion pulled him close. Damion felt Requiem’s lips on his own and let his tongue caress inside Requiem’s mouth, tasting him. Requiem let out a long sigh, relaxing slightly after the grab, but he was in an awkward position with his torso twisted sideways toward Damion. After a few moments, Requiem climbed into Damion’s lap, kneeling on either side of his thighs without breaking the hold on his mouth.

  Damion moved his palms to slowly rub up and down Requiem’s pale sides, up his prominent spine, and over the bumps of his ports. The skin was soft and now marked from Damion’s teeth and hands. It almost felt like things had never changed, as if the last few horrible months had never happened and that Requiem still remembered what they had shared.

  Requiem framed Damion’s face with his long fingers. His chest and stomach strained toward Damion as they kissed, his fingertips lightly pressing against Damion’s jaw.

  Damion moaned happily as he trailed his right hand down Requiem’s back, his finger dipping between the firm globes of flesh to caress over the sensitive hidden entrance of Requiem’s body. Requiem sucked in a deep breath that Damion hoped was one of anticipation. He shivered and pulled away from Damion’s lips, licking his own that now looked swollen and slightly raw.

  “I still… do not understand these feelings,” Requiem murmured, looking into Damion’s eyes.

  “Me neither at certain moments, but it feels good, so they can’t be too scary.” Damion made slow circles around the slightly inflamed clenched opening with his fingers, mildly amazed at how quickly Requiem had tightened up again. “We only live once anyway.”

  “Perhaps. But there are studies that have shown that there is a possibility of life after death,” Requiem replied in shuddering breaths, his eyes fluttering open and closed as he raised himself up on his knees a little to give Damion better access.

  “Think if we died, we could be reborn as poor farmers on Mercury?” Damion grinned warmly.

  “Anything is possible.” Requiem replied with his normal mantra, running his fingers through Damion’s thick hair.

  Damion just snickered as he kissed Requiem’s neck and slipped a finger into the dry, tender hole.

  “Can you reach the lube?” Damion asked before biting the bruise he had placed on Requiem’s neck earlier, making the mark on the pale skin darker so that it would last even longer.

  Requiem stifled a short cry and gave a shaky answer. “I do think I can manage if you release me.”

  “You want me to release you?” Damion let out a low chuckle that was almost sinister in sound.

  Requiem tilted his head away to look at him out of the corner of his eye. “It would be required if you wish me to retrieve what you requested.”

  “I want to fuck you again, so do you think it’s needed?” Damion abandoned his pursuit of the long stretch of neck and bent his head to lightly bite a soft, pink nipple.

  Requiem attempted to reply but choked on the words, his tones turning into a soft, almost inaudible moan as he moved his hands to Damion’s shoulders. His movements caused him to rub even closer to Damion’s erect penis. “If you require it, I will retrieve it. It is up to you how you wish to enter me. I am merely stating that I cannot reach it unless you loosen your grip on me.”

  Damion eased his hold on Requiem’s hips but continued his assault on the soft skin without a word, only willing to concede to releasing one hold.

  Requiem sighed, looking reluctant to pull away from their hot, wet pleasure, but Damion had asked him to do something and he needed to do it. Leaning around Damion, he could barely reach the tube Damion had requested. He fumbled it for a moment with the tips of his fingers before gripping it and sitting back up straight, holding it out to him.

  “Have you ever prepared yourself before?” Damion asked, not taking the tube. His breath caused Requiem’s skin to pebble with goose bumps wherever Damion exhaled.

  Requiem blinked, looking down at the lube and then back up at Damion. “Prepared… myself?”

  “Put your fingers inside?” Damion knew Requiem probably hadn’t, but it excited him more to ask the question and hear his innocent answers.

  “Inside…. You mean like you have? No, I have not. There was no need to,” Requiem said perplexedly. “Until you did it, I had never had fingers inside my body before.”

  “I want you to try it.” Damion took his hands away from caressing the smooth skin and the slick interior walls of Requiem’s body, leaning back on them instead, with a large grin on his face, so that he could watch.

  Requiem looked at him for a moment, his expression unreadable. Finally, he looked down at the tube, flipped open the cap, and squeezed some gel onto his right fingers as he had seen Damion do. “You will guide me? I have not done this before.”

  “I want you to push your fingers inside, then stretch yourself by twisting your fingers just a little bit.” Damion licked his lips unconsciously, watching his lover in a hungry, predatory way.

  “As you wish.” Requiem put the tube to the side on the bed and placed his left hand on Damion’s hip to balance himself as he rose farther up on his knees, still straddling Damion’s thighs. Making sure his middle finger was well lubed, Requiem twisted his upper body to reach his hole and slowly slid the finger inside his hot, tight canal.

  “How does it feel?” Damion asked, his gaze switching from Requiem’s face to his hand, watching Requiem’s finger slowly disappear inside what he knew to be a clenching starburst of tight muscles.

  “Intriguing,” Requiem mumbled in response as he pushed the digit farther in. He rocked his hips as he appeared to be exploring the sensations. He slipped a second finger inside himself, arching as he pushed the fingers as far as he could reach. Requiem gasped as he brushed some sensitive spot inside him, scrabbling with his free hand to grab Damion’s wrist so that he didn’t fall.

  “Found that spot, hm?” Damion chuckled as he wrapped his hand around Requiem’s semihard shaft and began to stroke.

  Damion gripped Requiem’s slender erection, sliding up and down, and Requiem let out a small, involuntary whimper. After a few moments of this, he pushed a third finger inside himself. He seemed not to notice anything beyond the good feelings building within him, not even when he began to ride his own fingers.

  “Ready for me?” Damion asked. He had grown achingly hard just from watching the sexy man in his lap please himself. He was going to explode from the erotic sight if he didn’t sheath himself in Requiem’s body soon.

  “If you wish.” Requiem’s voice sounded breathy.

  He removed his fingers, but Damion determined only to let that emptiness be temporary. He could feel Requiem’s heart pounding.

  “Where would you like me?” Requie
m gasped.

  “Right where you are above me, just move down.” Damion let go of Requiem’s cock to grasp his own at the base and hold it steady. “I want to watch you ride me.”

  Requiem braced himself with his fingertips on Damion’s hard stomach, raising himself up and positioning himself over Damion’s cock until Damion lifted it to bump his waiting entrance. Requiem slowly lowered himself onto Damion, sighing as he was filled once again. It must have still burned him a bit, but Damion knew it would be replaced by good feelings, like his own.

  “Feels so damn good….” Damion moaned, his eyes partially closing as his head tilted back in bliss.

  Requiem slid down him, ever so slowly, taking him in millimeter by millimeter. He didn’t stop until Damion was deep inside him. Pale hands slid to brace himself against Damion’s chest as Requiem panted quietly, his glazed eyes on Damion’s pleasure-filled face. “What do you wish me to do now?”

  “For the love of the Goddess, move!” Damion lifted his hips to thrust upward into his lover’s clenching body.

  Gasping at the movement, Requiem obeyed, using his knees and thigh muscles to ride Damion’s length. A quiet moan escaped his lips as he moved, slowly at first, and then with increasing speed, his body tightening around Damion.

  “Yes, yes, just like that but a little faster.” Damion tried to match Requiem’s movements, but it was difficult since he wasn’t sure what to expect from him.

  Requiem, as always, silently complied with Damion’s order. His hair already stuck to his face with sweat. Damion changed his angle slightly until his cock slid repeatedly where Requiem wanted it, and Requiem cried out. He slapped a hand over his mouth to stifle it, losing his rhythm a little bit since he had lost half his balance.

  “Don’t do that. I want to hear you.” Damion thrust his hips up harder.

  But Requiem kept his hand where it was, despite Damion’s orders. His next scream was stifled the same way as Damion slammed up into him, causing Requiem’s head to tip back in pleasure, eyes squeezed tight.

  “Put your hand down! It’s an order!” Damion growled through clenched teeth, frustrated by Requiem’s lack of vocal reaction.

  It went down immediately, but Requiem looked at him with widened eyes, his pace faltering. Damion had never spoken to him that way before, ever. He had never truly given Requiem an order or even asked him to do anything in that tone before.

  Damion couldn’t help the overwhelming glee that filled him from watching Requiem obey him so quickly. He reached out to squeeze the already bruised hips, helping his lover find the proper rhythm once again, while he kept his own hips moving.

  Requiem’s hands clenched into fists. He trembled with the effort to keep them down and away from his mouth as he followed Damion’s movements, matching them with speed and urgency.

  “Fuck. You feel so good.” Damion groaned as he looked down between them where the sloppy, wet sounds were originating. He was hard enough to hurt, and seeing his cock pushing into Requiem’s tight body was making it difficult to not come too soon.

  Requiem didn’t speak then, only panted. He let out a small cry as Damion shifted and hit that spot inside of him again and then continued to do so repeatedly. Requiem whimpered every once in a while when Damion went really deep.

  “I’m going to come inside you again.” Damion didn’t know why he had to tell Requiem. It made no difference, but he wanted to say the words, needing to tell Requiem that he was claiming what was his again.

  Requiem only groaned in reply, shuddering at Damion’s words. “As you wish,” he finally said, his voice rough. “I do not think I am going to be able to contain it much longer.” His fingers gripped Damion’s wrists with nearly bruising force.

  Damion focused on his orgasm, since there wasn’t much else to focus on when his head felt like it was going to explode, his vision blurred and his entire body nearly convulsed in pleasure.

  When Damion started to fill Requiem with hot spurts, it finally tipped Requiem over the edge. He let out another quiet scream, his nails digging into Damion’s wrists as his knuckles turned white from their grip. His release spilled over Damion’s chest and stomach. Gasping, Requiem let go and fell forward onto Damion, planting his hands flat on the bed on either side of Damion, his head bowed as he panted, trembling.

  “Fuck, that was good.” Damion weakly moved his arms around Requiem and hugged him close, not minding the sticky mess he was pressing between their bodies.

  One small tug was all it took for Requiem’s shaky arms to give out on him, and he collapsed against Damion. Requiem’s whole body shook in the aftermath. He moved his hand up so that he could run his fingers through Damion’s hair, nodding in silent agreement.

  “Now we can take a proper nap.” Damion smiled lazily in blessed satisfaction.

  “That would be agreeable,” Requiem mumbled with a yawn. “If you wish, perhaps I could take a shower at some point in the foreseeable future?” Damion could see his passion sliding out of Requiem and onto the newly replaced sheets. The fluids from earlier had long ago dried on Requiem’s skin in crusty patches.

  “We both should take one before duty, yes.” Damion smiled. “Good sex is messy.”

  Requiem let out another long yawn. He slid onto his side but kept Damion’s hold around him, cuddled up widthways across the bed.

  Damion grinned as he watched him. “Comfortable?”

  “Affirmative,” Requiem replied, managing to find a clean spot on Damion’s chest to lay his head.

  “We’ll get cold here soon and then itchy, and then we can shower and I suppose get a few more minutes of sleep. But until then I’m taking a nap.” Damion chuckled, hugging Requiem and feeling sated for the first time in months.

  “We could take a shower now and then have uninterrupted sleep until we have to get ready for patrol,” Requiem suggested. His eyes had already closed, though, but he must also be itchy.

  “Will I have to hold you up?” Damion asked, not really minding.

  “I believe I will be able to hold my own weight. It will not be necessary.”

  “Right. Fine. A warm shower, then a few hours of sleep.” Damion moved upward slowly, not wanting to jostle his lover too much.

  Requiem sat up, sliding to the edge of the bed and then standing. Or at least he attempted to stand. He ended up falling back down to the bed when his legs wouldn’t cooperate. He frowned slightly at his weak limbs, tilting his head a little. “It seems that I have some unforeseen difficulties.”

  Damion laughed at him, “Yeah, well, it’s to be expected, and I did warn you. Doesn’t matter.” He walked over and helped Requiem off the bed, then across the room to the bathroom and into the shower stall. Damion didn’t want him to fall and hurt himself and end up sent to the labs so quickly.

  “Yes, you did. I apologize for not taking those warnings seriously.” Requiem clung to Damion’s arm to keep himself standing.

  “It’s fine. Having you need me is kind of nice.” Damion smiled warmly at him.

  Requiem looked up. “I always need you. How is now any different?”

  Damion felt a warm spot in his stomach burn itself up to his chest. “Really?” The single word was rusty and almost a squeak.

  “You do not believe me? I informed you that I could not lie to you, and I have reminded you of that frequently.” Requiem tilted his head back so that the hot water ran through his hair.

  “It’s nothing. I believe you.” Damion was silent for a few minutes, focusing on washing himself and Requiem, as well as investigating the growing emotions inside him.

  “Ah—” Requiem said after a minute or two. His eyes were closed. “—but you can still lie to me. It is acceptable. You are not required to tell me the truth.”

  “I want to tell you, and I want… I want you to be free of the Creators, of the Corporation.” Damion sighed as the spray bounced off his body.

  Requiem turned Damion around, returning the favor by washing his back. “If you want to tell me, th
en do so. It is not so difficult to tell the truth. But if you do not, then do not.” He was silent for a moment, washing Damion’s skin gently with the washcloth. “Damion, I will never be completely free. I am property of the Chrysalis Corporation. Only when I am at your side can I act like I truly am.”

  “You will be free one day,” Damion said with a conviction he wholeheartedly felt.

  Pausing in his washing, Requiem stood still before beginning his task again. “Anything is possible.”

  Damion laughed softly. “Right, and you keep saying I’m the best.”

  “You are, and you will reclaim that title once your performance goes back to acceptable levels.” Requiem reached around Damion to put the cloth away and turned Damion around again so that the chemical wash could rinse the soap off him.

  Damion quickly rinsed off, then pulled Requiem in for a deep kiss, letting his tongue slide lazily over Requiem’s, exploring his hot mouth. “Just give me a day.”

  Requiem fell against him. His eyes widened in astonishment for a moment but then closed. He melted into the warmth of the kisses. “I will give you ten,” he finally stated. “Even though you will not require them.”

  “You’re at least sounding a bit more normal. A bit.” Damion reached for a towel. “You done?”

  “Affirmative.” Requiem casually wrapped his arm around Damion’s waist. “Before I told you I chose you, and for a little time after that point, this was not normal,” he said after a few moments.

  “True, our lives have changed a lot.” Damion was happy to rub the towel over Requiem’s skin, appreciating the marks he had left all over Requiem’s neck and chest.

  Requiem winced slightly as Damion rubbed over his hips. He looked into the mirror across from him and Damion saw him abruptly halt in his walk when he saw the numerous love marks that peppered his skin. The most prominent were on his neck and hips.

  “I would even say drastically,” Requiem said drily.


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