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Training Maisy

Page 3

by Samantha Morgan

  “Hey, Carter. This is Maisy, your new client,” Alicia said, pointing at Maisy who at the time was only seeing a picture of herself, gasping for breath on the treadmill, while her hot, sexy, personal trainer looked on. Another picture took root in her head as she saw Carter standing beside her, staring at her big, fat behind and shaking his head in disapproval. Suddenly, Maisy felt so body-conscious she got the sudden urge to leave the place right there and then, too embarrassed to think of even working with someone as hot as him. Without a word to either of them, Maisy turned on her heel and walked quickly out of the gym. As she walked out the door, she saw her neighbor, Chloe, walk in and quickly returned the wave she was given in greeting. Then, not in the mood for any chit-chat, she swiftly made her way home. Every step she took brought on a wave of shame so deep she nearly started crying on the road. But she managed to get into the house before the first tear fell. Then, falling onto the couch, she let go and cried silent tears, cursing her weight and cursing Eric for making her so conscious of it.

  Chapter 5

  Carter watched speculatively as the young woman he had just recently met daydreaming right in the middle of a crowded room ran out of the gym as if something was chasing her. From the look she gave him right before she bolted, he could surmise that he had something to do with it. But what could it be? he wondered, shrugging at the questioning and equally surprised look from Alicia. It was obvious she was here to join the gym, and looking down at the form she had left on the desk, he knew she was here to work on her weight. Carter felt a faint twinge of disappointment cross his face. He had found her interesting upon their earlier meeting in the middle of the room. Shaking his head as he wondered why he was so bothered by her leaving, Carter asked Alicia what class he had next. Still, throughout the day, he couldn’t quite shake the picture of those big, soulful blue eyes looking at him.

  Maisy woke up a little later in the afternoon and realized she was hungry. Walking to the kitchen, she remembered she had planned on going shopping today. She changed into a jeans and T-shirt and decided to use the opportunity to do a little sightseeing. A little while later, she came back to the house carrying three shopping bags, her little sightseeing mission turning into a buying trip that had her wishing she had taken her car with her. She had seen small shops carrying different items, unlike Chicago where most of the things were bought at the mall. The people of Ashborne were also friendly, since she was greeted as a newcomer in every store she visited. She made herself a sandwich and poured a glass of orange juice, then walked back into the living room. Then she watched reruns of a popular sitcom as she ate, the laughter and antics of the couple onscreen making her laugh and providing a much-needed respite from the incident of that morning.

  The doorbell rang, and Maisy opened the door to find Chloe. “Hey, was cooking dinner, and I think I made a little too much,” Chloe said, handing the container to Maisy, who accepted it with an appreciative smile.

  “Really? Thanks.”

  “Okay, that was kind of a lie. I cooked that much because I wanted to bring you some. A welcome to the neighborhood thing, I guess,” Chloe said, laughing and not looking at all sorry.

  “Well, the gesture is appreciated. Come on in and have a glass of wine, or juice,” Maisy said, not sure if Chloe drank or would want to drink at that time.

  “Orange juice is fine.” Chloe followed her into the living room as Maisy went into the kitchen to get her the drink.

  “Nice paintings,” Chloe said, admiring the paintings on the wall as she accepted the juice from Maisy and took a sip.

  “Thanks. I decided not to make any major changes to the décor of the house, but just add a few pieces here and there.”

  “Good choice. Have you decided on the changes you’re making yet?” Chloe asked as they sat.

  “Just a few pieces here and there for the living room, then maybe I’ll change the rug, too. I want something with a lot more cushion than this one, also a brighter color maybe,” Maisy said, surprised at how easy she found it talking to Chloe like this. Most of it stemmed from how easygoing and likeable Chloe was. She was also a good listener, actually taking interest in what Maisy was saying.

  “Well, you could check out Sophie’s shop over on the next street. Shit, I’m so used to calling it Sophie’s, I’ve forgotten the name. Maybe we could go down there together when you want, and to the mall, too, to pick up the rug.”

  Maisy was really touched by how friendly Chloe was, and she realized she was already making a good friend in Ashborne.

  “Well, if it won’t be a bother, I’d really like that.”

  “It’s no bother,” Chloe replied with a smile on her face that made Maisy realize she really was happy to help.

  “Wow, thanks then.”

  “You’re welcome. Saw you leaving the gym today,” Chloe said, ending her statement on a questioning note that sought to ask Maisy what was up with that. At first, Maisy was suspicious that Chloe was trying to tease her about the fact that someone as big as her was visiting the gym. Immediately, she cursed her paranoid mind, reminding herself that Chloe had been nothing but good to her since she arrived in town, and it would be terribly wrong of her to repay her kindness with a baseless suspicion. Giving her a goofy smile, Maisy said, “I’m thinking of joining the gym, lose a little weight.”

  “Well, Carter’s place is the best if you’re real serious about it. I joined almost a year ago now, and the place is amazing, although I go mostly for the fun of it. Well, that, and so I can have a good excuse when I pick up my daily batch of muffins from Laura’s bakery. If you’re serious about the weight loss thing, just don’t try her muffins, ever. The stuff’s addictive.” Maisy and Chloe both laughed at that statement.

  “Well, so where were you staying before you decided to make the move down here?” Chloe asked.

  “Chicago,” Maisy said. She thought about it, then went ahead and told Chloe a little about herself and her stay in Chicago. But apart from telling her that she just recently got out of a relationship, she didn’t tell Chloe anything about Eric. They talked for a long time, with Chloe regaling Maisy with tales about the town. At the end of her visit, Chloe had made plans with Maisy for the both to visit Sophie’s place and the mall during the weekend.

  “Okay, goodnight then,” Chloe said at the door. “You can reheat the casserole before eating it. And since we’re such good friends now, I guess it’s safe to tell you that I might have gone a little heavy on the sauce,” she said, laughing out loud, and Maisy couldn’t help but join in.

  “That’s okay; it’s the thought that counts, I guess.”

  “Well, let’s hope so,” she said as she sauntered back to her house.

  That night, as Maisy was preparing for bed, she heard her phone ring from the bedside table where she had placed it. When she checked the display, it was Brittany calling, and she quickly answered the phone.

  “Hey, girl, how was work today?” Maisy asked her as she got into bed.

  “Over, thank God. I’ve got a new intern, and the guy is dumber than a load of bricks.”

  “Well, that’ll teach you to hire an intern based on looks and not what he can actually do,” Maisy said with laughter in her voice, aware of her friend’s penchant.

  “Why would you just assume I picked Aidan for his looks?” Brittany feigned hurt.

  “Okay, sorry. Now let me ask and not assume. Is Aidan hot?”

  “Smoking,” Brittany said, and burst into laughter immediately. “Okay, I guess I did pick him partially based on his looks. Well, guess I laid my bed then. So, you, how was today?”

  “Okay. Did a little rearranging, went sightseeing, and had a friend over,” Maisy said, not wanting to tell Brittany about going to the gym.

  “You already made a friend? Now I’m really proud of you; I was scared you wouldn’t be able to get out of your comfort zone.”

  “Well, it was more like she made me her friend than me actually doing anything. Her name is Chloe, and she’s kinda
like you in a way, I guess.”

  “Well, that’s good. Went to Jeff’s today,” Brittany said, talking about the restaurant that Maisy used to work in. She had quit her job almost immediately after her breakup with Eric.

  “Jeff told me they’ve got a new chef working there already,” Maisy said.

  “Yeah, and he’s good. I mean, not as good as you, of course, but he’s really good.”

  “Well, I’m happy about that. I really feel bad about the way I left Jeff hanging when I quit,” Maisy said, her voice dropping low.

  “Hey, you were going through a lot at that time, and you know how much concentration your work needs.”

  “Yeah, but remember, fresh out of college, it was Jeff who gave me a chance.”

  “Yeah, I know. But remember, he also advised you to take a break when it all went to shit. Trust me, he’s okay as long as you’re okay. Actually, I think he had a crush on you,” Brittany said, and Maisy laughed out loud at the ridiculous notion.

  “Jeff? A crush on me? He has a girlfriend he’s happily in love with, and who, by the way, is way hotter than me.”

  “No, she isn’t, and don’t start talking about your weight again. Or else I’m coming right over and knocking you upside the head. Remember he asked you out once that time and you told him no,” Brittany reminded Maisy. When she first started working in Jeff’s restaurant as an assistant chef, he had jokingly asked her to go out with him. At least she had thought it was a joke at the time.

  “Come on, Brittany, he wasn’t serious about it.”

  “He kinda was, just saying. Anyway, don’t worry about Jeff; as long as you’re fine, he’s okay.”

  “Okay then,” Maisy conceded, “but I’ll call him tomorrow, you know, just to say hi.”

  “If you want to. Anyway, guess you had a lovely first day in your new place—”

  “I went to a gym today,” Maisy blurted out, unable to hold it in anymore.

  “You what? Hey, that’s great. So, did you meet any cute guys?” Brittany asked, the wink she gave over the phone perfectly imagined by Maisy.

  “Yeah, my personal trainer. Or supposed to be personal trainer, I guess. I ran out as soon as I found out.”

  “What? Why?”

  “I panicked. I mean, if you saw the guy, you would understand. He’s hot! As in I was imagining naughty things hot. No way I want him to see me all sweaty and breathless, or see all my extra parts jiggling in his face,” Maisy said half-jokingly, but there was still a small thread of shame Brittany was able to pick up on.

  “So, what if he sees you breathless. You would be breathless if you were having sex, right? At least you should be if he’s doing it right.”

  “Brittany,” Maisy chided her friend, “exactly how did we start talking about sex here?”

  “Well, why else would you not want him to see you sweaty and messy? Which by the way, is the best kind of sex there is.”

  “I don’t know.”

  In a serious tone this time, Brittany asked, “Maisy, remember why you left Chicago? It was so you would be able to heal from the damage that asshole did to you. If you’re still scared of things like this, you’re letting Eric win, and I’m not just talking about the gym. I’m talking about everything. You haven’t had a decent meal since the breakup, or cooked one for that matter. You now wear all these baggy clothes that are way too big for you, and all this has got to stop. I want you to take risks, want you to live your life the way you used to before Eric. It’s the only reason why, even though I know I’m going to miss you like crazy, I let you move.”

  For the first few seconds after that declaration, Maisy was silent, thinking about what Brittany had just said. It was the first time she was actually considering what her move meant to Brittany, and she realized how much her friend was sacrificing to see her get over her nasty breakup.

  “I have been allowing what Eric did to me dictate my life, haven’t I?”

  “Well, kind of.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No need to be; just promise you’re going to start living life,” Brittany said.

  “I promise,” Maisy said, and this time she meant it. “Guess I have to go back to the gym tomorrow,” Maisy added, a hint of dread in her voice at the embarrassing scenario she was sure was waiting for her there.

  “All right then, don’t forget to take pictures, lots of pictures, and send them to me. It’s been a while since I went to the gym . . . I kinda miss ogling all those six-packs and muscles.”

  “I’m sure you do,” Maisy said, laughing. They remained on the phone for about fifteen minutes before hanging up. Her last thought before she finally dozed off was how she imagined Carter would look when he saw her in the gym the next day. She’d just tell him she forgot to feed her cat, and that was why she ran out. Then, of course, she’d have to go and buy a cat so that when he came over to verify the story, she could have proof she’s not a crazy person. Of course, she’d graciously accept his apology for disbelieving her and then tell him to drop down and give her twenty. She was imagining his muscles bunching and clenching as he did push-up after push-up. By the time Maisy came back to herself, she already had his shirt off and was kissing him. Cheeks flaming in embarrassment, she realized she now had two reasons why she really didn’t want to go to the gym the next day. It seemed she had a huge crush on her trainer.

  Chapter 6

  The next morning, Maisy woke, and her first thought was to roll over and continue sleeping. But she knew this was just an attempt to keep herself from going to the gym, so she forced herself to sit up.

  Maybe I should just get a cat or dog that would wake me every morning and keep disturbing me to feed him. She thought about all the cost that would entail and decided against it. Trudging to the bathroom, she brushed her teeth and then walked into the kitchen to prepare a cup of coffee. She leaned on the kitchen counter while the java brewed. In the meantime, she just soaked in the new kitchen. She knew she was ready to start cooking again, had been ready for a while, but was just waiting to want to actually step into the kitchen and prepare something from scratch.

  From the time of the breakup, the only thing she had done in the kitchen was boil water or heat something in the oven. The few times she actually felt like eating involved her calling in for a takeout, only to stop eating midway when memories of Eric calling her fat and ugly invaded her mind. But today, standing in the kitchen, she suddenly felt like cooking something from scratch, missing the whole routine of washing and slicing and measuring that used to be her one pride and joy. Seeing that the coffee was done, she poured herself a mug and walked back into the living room. She loved her coffee black, no sugar or cream, a fact that constantly baffled Brittany because Maisy had a sweet tooth. She spent a few minutes surfing through the TV channels long enough to recognize she was just putting off going to the gym again.

  Maisy stood and went into her bedroom to change into the tracksuit she had worn the yesterday. Underneath it, she wore a push-up bra and a tank top and comfortable stretchy yoga pants below. Walking outside, she checked to see if there were any signs Chloe was awake yet but saw no sign of her new friend being up and about. So, she set off to the gym, hoping it was still too early for it to be as crowded as it was yesterday.

  Getting to the door, she realized her prayers had been answered as the gym wasn’t as crowded as it had been the day before. Actually, there was only one person in the gym, working on a set of weights and unaware of his surroundings, or at least he didn’t give any signs that he had noticed her enter. He just kept pushing up and down an impressive stack of weights, his shoulder muscles bunching and relaxing and making some parts of Maisy clench and relax. It didn’t help that he wasn’t wearing a shirt, and Maisy froze in her steps, the purse she was clutching in her hand held loosely as she stared at the perfect embodiment of the male specimen in front of her. The weights kept going up and down without any apparent effort, and apart from the soft sheen of sweat that covered his upper torso, Maisy wou
ld have found it hard to believe he was doing anything at all. She could hardly believe one person could be so fit, all those hard lines, all that muscle. He was like a cold scoop of chocolate marshmallow ice cream on a hot summer day, and for the first time in months, Maisy was panting for a bite. A big bite with her teeth and tongue and . . .

  “You like what you see?” a voice said, breaking into Maisy’s reverie, but not quite enough to bring her back to earth because she just nodded her head in answer to the question, a totally flirty and unashamed smile making her lips curve.

  “Well, let me know when you’re done ogling me,” the voice continued, this time loud enough that Maisy blinked once, then twice as she realized the gorgeous hunk of meat she had been staring at was now sitting up and looking at her, one of his brows raised questioningly. Immediately, Maisy blushed so deeply she was sure the subject of her recent fantasy could see the physical proof of her embarrassment spread across her face. Her first thought was to hightail it out of there and find the deepest, darkest corner of the world to burrow into, but remembered she’d already played that card the day before. Doing it again would probably be more embarrassing, so she had no choice but to face him this time. Planting her feet firmly enough on the floor, nothing she could do about her knees that quivered a little, she looked him square in the face.

  “Umm, sorry about that,” she said in a surprisingly steady voice that was a sharp contrast to the pounding in her chest. “Hi, I’m Maisy. I was here yesterday. Don’t know if you remember me?”

  “Yes, I do,” he said, standing up from the inclined bench and approaching her. Still shirtless, still dripping with sweat, and still gorgeous as hell.

  “You registered here and then ran out like something was chasing you.” He stopped right in front of her and folded his arms. Looking straight ahead, Maisy was staring at his Adam’s apple as it bobbed up and down as he talked, a fascinating sight for sure. But her eyes dipped a little bit lower involuntarily, so she was instead staring at the two hard masses that were his chest. His naked chest. Swallowing audibly, she swung her head back up to investigate his face, her cheeks flaming even hotter.


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