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The Zarion - Saving Mankind

Page 14

by J E Grace

  The monitor flashed with rays of bright light, and then everything blackened. So much for monitoring, we were operating on faith now. This definitely would do the job of convincing everyone to follow me was more of a challenge than I expected. How would I convince these people to leave the safety of the shelter, abandoning every rational thought they possessed, and follow me into what by all common sense, meant only danger for them? When the time came, that is what my mission would be. It was their only chance for survival.

  William raised his hands motioning for the crowd of people to come to attention. His loud voice broke my intense concentration.

  “People, I need everyone’s attention now. Please quiet down. Davis needs to explain what we need to do next. You need to keep an open mind. After all, whoever thought we would be facing attack by alien beings, but here we are. What he has to tell you may seem unreasonable under the circumstances, but due to what I’ve seen firsthand, he’s telling the truth. My brother trusted him with his life, and so do I. Davis.”

  I stood before the people, scanning all the faces that now looked frightened, and confused. A hush of silence filled the room, and I swallowed hard, praying for the Zarion to give me the words I needed to convince them.

  “William’s brother and I were friends, as well as, close co-workers. Over the course of my assignment at Interplay, I intercepted unauthorized communications between the Fallen and Interplay.

  I glanced around and saw some of the crowd whisperings to each other, and fidgeting nervously, in their seats. I took a deep breath and continued.

  “A few months ago, I was visited by a Zarion elder who informed me of the role I was to play in all this. I was a little more than shocked and disturbed by his message.”

  I could see the disbelief on their faces. I slowly continued.

  “What came next was a little hard to follow at first. It seems that the Zarion and the Fallen have been battling since the beginning of time. The Zarion used Earth as a seeding base. I’m their first Zarion/Human, and my role was chosen for me before my birth.”

  A gasp came from the crowd. I knew that I would definitely need William’s help if they were going to be willing to follow me at all. I paced in front of them and continued talking.

  “You can imagine the issues I faced knowing my identity all my life was really a lie. I know with all my heart that this is my destiny. Sometime before the end as we know it comes, and I’m in the dark on this one, we will all have to take a leap of faith, go outdoors and wait to be beamed aboard the Zarion ships.”

  I had barely uttered this last statement, when the room that once was so quiet you could hear a pin drop, suddenly erupted with loud shouts of, “He’s a lunatic, he will get us all killed.”

  Another very nervous woman clutched her two children tightly and screamed, “I’m not taking my children out of here. We’ll all die.”

  William stood next to me and waved the crowd to be silent. There were more loud shouts and angry looks throughout the room. The noise finally quieted down, and William began to speak, “Listen, I know this is hard to swallow, and it’s not something that can be proven. I do believe Davis. He’s been in our corner all along, and a strong ally. I don’t know how we could have made it this far without him.”

  A man stood and shouted at William, “What Davis is asking us to do is suicide. If this shelter is our only protection against the Fallen, why would we leave it and go outside where we are all in danger?”

  William continued trying to comfort the crowd who was by now very much out of control.

  “Listen, please. Due to the devastation of our planet already, we can’t possibly think that this shelter, could possibly keep us safe forever. We have no weapons to defeat them. Davis is offering us all a chance to live. To what life we are going, I can’t tell you, only that we will survive. Isn’t it worth the risk? After all, people what is the alternative?”

  The crowd began milling about the room. Discussions among them broke out in every corner. Finally, Jeanette, stood facing the group and began to speak. She drew strength from the depths of her soul and spoke in a voice so loudly; it even amazed her.

  “I know I’m new here, but feel that I have something you need to hear. There are parts of my memory that I no longer am able to recall. It’s been erased, or so I’m told. I don’t remember knowing Davis, but for some reason, I do trust him. William is right. What choice do we have? We stay here and most likely we will all die. I don’t know about you, but I’m not ready to accept that end. I want to live. Therefore, I suggest you put aside your fear of the unknown and do what he says.”

  The crowd grew amazingly quiet and listened to Jeanette. The group became calmer.

  The man who spoke before stood up and began to talk, “Listen, everyone. What she says makes sense. What choice do we have? The unknown is scary, but knowing if we stay here, we will most likely die, is more frightening to me. Let’s give Davis a chance. William’s our leader, and he trusts him.”

  William waved for the man to sit and began speaking again.

  “We don’t know how long we have before the evacuation of the ships will take place. Davis, I’m sure will get some kind of a signal from the Zarion when the time is right. When that happens, I want each of you to exit outside slowly. Each person will stay with their family and walk quickly to just under the ships. I can’t force you to go, but we don’t want to leave anyone behind either.”

  A woman’s voice rang out from the back of the room.

  “So, are you saying we can stay if we choose to?”

  “That is your decision to make, but I want to remind you, that you are only waiting to die if you stay.”

  William and I spent what seemed like hours trying to convince each of the people of STRC to make preparations for evacuation. The crowd had scattered throughout the shelter, each discussing their options in private conversations. Families with children were torn about whether to go or not. They wanted to believe us that where we were headed, was better than what awaited us here, but how could they be sure.

  With each passing minute, the building rocked with each impact, and things within the facility began to tumble. First to take a direct hit, was the storage room, where our food supplies were stored. We quickly salvaged what we could, and moved it to another place. I kept thinking, what’s the use, we’re leaving anyway.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  About a half hour had passed since the last blast had hit. Inside the facility, the occupants were scurrying about, trying to make that one final, critical decision on whether to follow me and venture outside into the unknown. I couldn’t blame them for not blindly buying into what I was telling them. It did seem a little crazy, even to me.

  I was on my way to see how Jeanette was holding up when a strange feeling came over me. I tried to shake it, but it kept getting stronger, and stronger. Something inside of me knew it was time.

  I quickly yelled to William, who was engaged in a heated conversation just out of earshot. As his eyes met mine, I motioned him over.

  “William, you need to get everyone together now. It’s time. We have to hurry!”

  He spun around and yelled in a loud voice, “Quiet, people. Listen up.”

  A hush came over the entire crowd, and they stood motionless, waiting for the announcement.

  William continued in a calm voice, “It’s time. Those of you that have made the decision to come with us, please follow us now to the exit door.”

  Voices broke out again within the group. Some were yelling to their loved ones who had chosen not to stay. The team moved along the hallway to the front entrance door.

  William swung the bar out of the way and pushed the door open. I led the way to the building and the storage yard. The group walked briskly, waiting for instructions from me.

  “Okay, everyone stand still where you are. Prepare to be beamed up,” I said nervously, wondering what was going through the minds of the rest of the group. I knew this was the moment I was dest
ined for, and I had something in common with the rest of the crowd, I had no idea what was waiting for us.

  The Zarion ships hovered overhead while we waited. Jeanette clung tightly to my arm, and I could see that she was frightened.

  “It’s going to be okay. I promise.”

  “I don’t know if I can do this. I want to, but I’m shaking inside,” Jeanette said. She shielded her eyes from the bright glow of the rays, that had now enveloped us.

  “It’s a little late for that now. Just hold on to me.”

  All around me members of the group were being lifted into the air, floating within the beams of lights, created by the ships that hovered above.

  Jeanette wrapped her arms around my neck and held on. She closed her eyes for only a moment, but when she opened them again, we were a few feet underneath the entrance to the spacecraft.

  “I can remember now. I never got to tell you."

  “Tell me what?”

  “I never got to tell you, that I love you.”

  “I love you too. I always have.”

  We floated upwards our arms entwined, embraced in a long kiss while entering the Zarion ship. Once we were inside, I was looking at what seemed more like a gigantic ballroom. Huge windows spanned the circular room providing a first-class view of our galaxy outside. From across the room, I heard a familiar voice.

  “What’s next?” asked William as he approached.

  “I’m not sure yet. I guess we wait.”

  “Well, what do you say we get a look at what we left behind,” said William as he walked towards the tall windows of the craft.

  “Okay. Are you up for this, Jeanette?”

  “As long as you’re beside me, I’m up for whatever comes next,” said Jeanette giving me a quick smile.

  The rest of the group members that had been beamed up into the ship were all gathered around the windows, and I could hear some of them gasp.

  We made our way over to the windows just in time to watch several of the Fallen ships go spiraling out of control. They had taken a direct hit. The entire cosmos was filled with billowing smoke, and when it began to clear, the earth appeared entombed as a ball of exploding elements. Once again, it had become a hot, boiling mass of primordial soup.

  Several of the group let out loud cries of anguish as they realized that their loved ones had died. Many people shook from side to side, sobbing violently, as the grief overtook them.

  I prayed silently, that whatever waited for us shortly, would somehow clear the memory of all grief from their hearts.

  “Davis. I’m glad you came for me and led these people to safety. You are a true hero,” said Jeanette.

  “I’m not the hero. The Zarion are the ones you need to thank. They are the reason you are safe.”

  “Davis is right, Jeanette. We all have to thank them when we land. Whatever we have waiting for us, has to be better than what we left behind,” said William

  Outside the atmosphere began to change. It was a new dimension, bathed in pure brightness, unknown to any human before. Within what seemed like a matter of seconds, all memories of the past were magically erased from the minds of everyone on board in the same instant. They became filled with energy, and joy so intense, that it emitted rays of light in all directions within the ship.

  The Zarion leader spoke telepathically to me. Our journey was not over but was just beginning. We had remained faithful to the cause, and our destiny. I hadn’t failed the Earth. Earth had failed its test. Greed, jealousy, lust, and hatred had caused its destruction. The saved occupants of our group were now part of the Chosen. We were to take our rightful place at the “Tribunal” at the council of the Almighty Creator.

  The spaceships all touched down in unison. The view before us was one of euphoria. What we were looking at was beyond comprehension for any mortal being.

  In the twinkling of an eye, we had all been changed. Now we had no earthly bodies, only new spiritual ones. We were at a higher level of consciousness, with only thoughts of love, and immense peace. All the questions we ever wondered about the universe were no longer a concern.

  Jeanette and I were separated from the rest of the group and taken to a beautiful building, with doors that sparkled of gold. This housed the Creator.

  Our Zarion guide led us through the doors and into a large room. In the center of the room was a long table with high backed chairs. The walls were a blue, brighter, and purer than any skies I had ever seen on Earth. The floors were of some kind of brilliant looking marble substance and polished to a glossy sheen. The ceiling above contained an image of the entire universe, and there were galaxies and planets that I never knew existed while I was on Earth.

  Jeanette squeezed my hand, as we were led to a couple of seats at the center of the table. We waited with anticipation, knowing that we were going to meet the creator face to face finally. We were, however, a little fearful out of respect, and knowing what the Almighty was capable of. He was loving, but also able to dispense discipline when needed. He had dealt with those who disrespected and disobeyed, with a firm hand. He was the one and only.

  A loud voice resonating with sweetness echoed throughout the space, “Well done, my children.”

  We turned to see the Almighty Spirit which others had wondered about throughout the centuries. Many civilizations had come and gone, but he remained loyal forever, hoping that someday mankind would see the error of their ways, and avoid annihilation.

  The Almighty seemed to float across the room without touching the floor. Brightness emitted from him in all directions, filling the entire room with peaceful warmth. He was a spirit, not unlike us. After all, we were made in his image. A league of Angels trailed along behind him and stood while he took his rightful seat before us. At his right side was our Savior, the one who had died for our sins.

  Jeanette and I immediately fell to our knees. This was our Creator, our Father of the Universe, the one we owed our entire existence to. We waited for him to direct us.

  “Please, take your seats. Do not be afraid.”

  “Because of your respect and caring for your fellow man you will go back. You and Jeanette are the new hope for future generations of mankind. The Holy Spirit will direct your path and your faith in the Savior will give you the strength to endure. You will be a great spiritual warrior. I am with you always!”

  I listened to the words of the Almighty and was deeply thankful for all he had done for me, and I knew that if he believed I could be a great warrior, then I would complete whatever trials came my way and emerged victoriously. I would have the Holy Spirit as my guide, Angels to clear my path, and the armor of the Almighty to protect me. With Jeanette by my side, we would lead many to the Savior. Hopefully, mankind would get it right this time, but if not, we would be there to help pick up the pieces.

  Chapter Forty

  In another realm, Lucius walked along the hallway into his cold, dark chamber. It seemed, in an instant, all was lost, but he would not let this be the end.

  Rage grew within in him, making his translucent green skin glow, sending electrical bolts that bounced off the walls and ceilings. The humans would suffer. He would gather more troops, and they would not be able to survive.

  He would not let this temporary setback keep him from his ultimate goal. The Almighty would rebuild Earth once again, and Lucius would spend the time until then building his army.

  The humans were a vain, greedy, people who could be coerced easily into joining his cause. He had been seducing them with every type of enticement imaginable for centuries, and they would continue to fall for his lies.

  Let the humans call on their God to protect them. There would always be those that would buy into his deceptions. Humans were a weak race, and in the end, they would give in to temptation.

  Lucius would instill fear, which would cause them to forget their faith when they were faced with terror. He would use it to his advantage. He was a master at using whatever means were available to create doubt and insecurity
within the hearts of man.

  Yes, he loved a battle, and his new army would be ready and waiting.

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  About the Author

  J.E. Grace was born in California where she managed a campground for quite a few years. In the late 60’s, she lived on a 4,000-acre horse ranch situated along the coastline of Northern California, which is being used for background in a novel she will be writing.

  She has a background in Retail Management, which she worked in for over ten years and enjoyed very much. After relocating to Missouri, however, she decided to pursue her lifelong dream of working in Real Estate. She continued as a Real Estate Agent until she retired in 2012 to pursue her true passions; writing and art. Her work is showcased on Fine Art America, Zazzle and Society 6. She is a traditional oil/pastel painter, as well as, a digital artist.

  She moved to the Midwest in 2000 and enjoyed all the excellent outdoor activities Missouri has to offer.

  She has enjoyed writing from an early age and continued to educate herself in the craft. She currently writes in the science fiction, mystery/romance, and Christian fiction genres.



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