The Collected Poems of Robert Creeley
Page 34
Slats in, 340
Sleeping birds, lead me, 563
Slight you lift, 432
Slope of it, 414
Small birds fly up, 127
Small glass, 345
Small horses on windowsill, 134
Small Time, 367
Smaller, no recall, 224
Snake Fish Bird, 405
Snow lifts it, 223
Snowman, 316
So careful, 227
So Much, 381
So much of my childhood seems, 620
So There, 23
Some, 397
Some Echo, 221
“Some sunny, 341
“Something, 173
Somewhere Allen Ginsberg is, 599
Somewhere in all the time that’s passed, 535
Song, 191
Song, 291
Sonnets, 411
Sound, 255
Sounds, crank, 140
Sounds like ball, 84
Soup, 13
Space, 342
Sparks Street Echo, 332
Sparrows, 127
Specific, intensive clarity, 299
Speech, 104
Speed is what’s needed, 538
Split broken un-, 384
Spring in San Feliu, 125
Spring Light, 386
Squat round stone tower, 258
Stairway to Heaven, 293
Stand up, heart, and take it, 199
Star, 426
Statement keep talking, 424
Steady, the evening fades, 222
Step through the mirror, 216
Still Dangers, 219
Still morning, 71
Still Too Young, 213
Stone, 212
Straight, 314
Stripped trees in the wet wind, 373
Stuck in her stone hut, 263
Styles of drinking, the cool, 83
Such familiar space, 434
Such Flowers, 222
Such flowers can bloom, 222
Such small dimension, 305
Such space it comes again to be, 531
Suddenly here, 65
Sufi Sam Christian, 49
“Suggestion / recognition . . . ,” 156
Summer, 217
Summer Nights, 283
Summer ’38, 425
Sun on the edge of leaves, 625
Sun out window’s, 47
Sunrise always first, 426
Sun’s, 340
Supper, 270
Supper, 582
Suppose it all turns into, again, 273
Sure I fell in love, 27
Sweet sister Mary’s gone, 248
Sweltering, close, 54
Swim, 135
. . . Swoop of hawk, 155
Table Top, 345
Taegu, 73
Talk, 72
Talk, 172
Talking, 45
Talking, 612
Talking Ginsbergian, 72
Tall, 84
Teacher, 344
Tell Story, 231
Tell story, 231
Texas Reverse, 341
Thanks, 142
Thanks for, 198
Thanksgiving’s Done, 246
That curious arrowed sound up, 461
“That’s the way, 5
The, 64
The American Dream, 536
The Ball, 626
The big, 344
The Cart, 339
The chair’s still there, 353
The Children, 163
The Chinese, Koreans, 89
The clouds passing over, the, 370
The Company, 291
The Company, 303
The cranky low decked freighter with orange stickup, 610
The Cup, 402
The Doctor, 275
The Dogs of Auckland, 502
The Door, 280
The Drunks of Helsinki, 375
The ducks are gone, 384
The Edge, 190
The Edge, 344
The emptiness up the field where, 598
The expandable enveloping that flesh, 463
The Faces, 219
The faces with anticipated youth, 219
The Fact, 180
The forthright, good-natured faith, 241
The ground seems almost stolid, 221
The Heart, 590
The House, 97
The inertia unexpected of, 401
The Kids, 339
The Last Mile, 176
The last waltz, 217
The light now meets, 202
The little bed, 491
“The Long Road . . . ,” 522
The long road of it all, 522
The Mirror, 490
The mommy, 89
The Movie Run Backward, 209
The Old Days, 418
The old ones say, “The peach keeps its fuzz until it dies.” It seemed for, 512
The other who I’d be, 492
The peculiar fuck it, 393
The pinwheel’s pink, 342
The Place, 155
The Place, 437
The Puzzle, 629
The Red Flower, 628
The return of things, 453
The rippled, shelved, 299
The Road, 434
The Rock, 246
The room next to, 293
The Rose, 530
The same inexhaustible sea with impenetrable, 610
The scale’s wrong. Kid’s, 301
The Seasons, 323
The Skull, 531
The sky’s like a pewter, 268
The Sound, 198
The sounds, 607
The Star, 531
The stars stay up there where they first were, 360
The Street, 463
The Swan, 530
The Table, 114
The Tally, 286
The Terribly Strange Bed, 292
The Tools, 529
The tree stands clear in the weather, 410
The trees are kept, 365
The upper part is snow, 268
The View, 192
The Visit, 203
The wall is at, 524
The waves keep at it, 632
The Way, 535
The Willys, 301
The window, 307
The window had, 306
The Winner, 63
The woman who, 263
The words will one day come, 209
The Wordsworths, 441
The Wordsworths afoot, 441
The World, 295
The world is, 307
The world so sweet its, 295
Then, 29
Then, 81
Then, 306
Then to old Uncle Emil, 262
There, 73
There, 203
There, 278
There, 399
There, 425
There, 524
There (1), 574
There (2), 574
There are continuities in memory, but, 190
There are no words I know, 180
There are words voluptuous, 106
There is a shadow, 391
There is no, 47
There Is Water, 205
There is water, 205
There’s a big, 339
There’s a way out, 355
Theresa’s Friends, 143
These retroactive small, 189
They paid my way here, 128
They were going up in, 314
Things going quiet, 34
Things to Do in Tokyo, 60
Think of a grand metaphor, 180
Think of the, 425
Think of the good times, 125
Think of the size of it, 245
Think that it’s all one?, 295
Thinking, 369
Thinking, 493
Thinking, 575
[Thinking of L.Z., “That one could, etc.”], 64
Thinking of Wallace Stevens, 428
Thinking of Walter Benjamin, 110
Thinking of Y
eats, 135
Thinking out, 137
This bluish light behind the block of, 384
This Day, 175
This day after, 175
This distance, 577
This face was detachable, 394
This here, 341
This House, 434
This intensive going in, 358
This is an empty landscape, 103
This Room, 449
This sudden, 443
This way to end, 527
This World, 96
Those are hills out there, 317
Thought feels the edges, 575
Thought out of self, 347
Three, 164
Three, 222
Three, 265
Three, 314
Three, 433
Three, 519
Three, 575
Time, 53
Time, 194
Time, 421
Time, 433
Time’s Fixed, 451
Time’s fixed, 451
Time’s more than, 270
To be backed, 211
To move in such a fashion through nine countries (Fiji was my first, 91
To My, 634
To My/Little: Pen’s Valentine, 634
To Say It, 220
“To think . . . ,” 606
To think oneself again, 606
Toffee, 421
Tokyo, 78
Tokyo, Japan, 60
Tonight possibly they’ll, 198
Too Late, 242
Topical questions, 112
Touchstone, 173
Train Going By, 139
Translation, 394
Tree, 296
Tree limbs’, 340
Trees haze in the fog coming in, 392
True or False, 447
Twenty-five, 537
Two, 128
Two, 208
Two, 251
Two, 305
Two, 409
Two, 484
Two, 557
Two candles, 342
Two Kids, 214
Two kids, small, 214
Two weeks from now, 114
Unlet things, 400
Up a hill and down again, 633
Up from reflective, 342
Up Here, 53
Up over the edge of, 283
Up the edge of the window out to, 329
“Urgent” what the message says, 438
USA, 352
Vacation’s End, 284
Valentine, 272
Valentine, 455
Valentine for You, 634
Verde, 356
Versions, 204
Vertical skull time, 370
Villa Celimontana, 462
Virtues, 340
Vision, 245
Voice, 381
Waiting, 218
Waiting, 264
Waiting, 300
Waiting, 309
Waiting for a Bus “En Frente de la Iglesia,” 110
Waiting for the object, 264
Waiting to see if, 43
Wake up, 60
Waldoboro Eve, 392
Walk, 461
Walk out now as if, 461
Walking, 138
Walking, the way it used to be, 632
Walking on, 445
Walking street back here, 44
Wall, 251
Wall, 351
Wanting to tell, 294
War, 611
War & Peace, 51
Warm, 9
Was it thunk suck, 323
Watching, 462
Watching incredible kids, 72
Water, 348
Water all around me, 231
Water’s a shimmer, 296
“We cannot give you any support, 440
Weather’s a funny, 174
We’d set off into the woods, 614
Weigh, 344
Weird, flat seeming, 69
Welcome to this bienfait, 367
Well if ever, 574
Wellington, 16
Wellington, New Zealand, 5
Were there answers where they were, 515
Were you counting the days, 218
West Acton Summer, 423
What, 350
What, 380
What, younger, felt, 95
What became of your novel with the lunatic, 352
What do you think, 318
What do you wear?, 570
What had one thought the, 380
What has been long pondered, 583
What is it pure, 396
“What is Williams’ (Raymond’s) tome . . . ,” 495
What kind of crows, 372
What one might say, 375
What one thinks to hold, 628
What pomposity, 118
What to say, 110
What twisting thought, 528
What was to talk to, 273
What would a baby be, 193
What would it be, 350
What you don’t, 344
What you got, 446
What you think you, 327
What’d you throw it on the floor for?, 137
Whatever, 371
Whatever was else or less, 436
Whatever’s, 371
What’s after or before, 597
What’s gone, 141
What’s gone is gone, 349
What’s heart to say, 550
What’s in the body you’ve forgotten, 291
What’s still here settles, 360
What’s the truth, 447
What’s to be said, 176
Wheels, 345
“When April with his showers sweet, 281
When he was a kid sick, 381
When I consider, 12
“When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer . . . ,” 552
When I think, 605
When I think of where I’ve come from, 605
When I was a kid, 139
“When It Comes . . . ,” 523
When it comes, 523
When it goes, 315
When my mother, 132
“When That Aprille . . . ,” 281
When the light leaves, 120
When the world has become a pestilence, 334
Whenas To for, 422
Where, 307
Where, 426
Where have we drifted, 548
“Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang . . . ,” 555
Where to go, 302
Wherefrom, whereto, 634
Wherever they’ve, 452
Whether in the world below or above, 211
Which Is to Say, 81
Which one are you, 626
Which the way echoed, 405
Which Way, 626
Which way did they go?, 359
White Fence/White Fence, 409
White light blocked, 398
Who had thought, 402
Who said you didn’t want, 496
Why did that man, 58
Why didn’t I call to the, 462
Why does it cry so much, 399
Why isn’t it funny when you die, 337
Why not make them, 57
Why so curiously happy, 367
Why was grandma, 270
Why would she come to him, 204
“Wild Nights, Wild Nights,” 552
Will you be dust, 18
Wind lifts lightly, 208
Wind Lifts, 208
Window, 30
Window, 268
Window, 305
Window, 306
Window, 342
Window Seat, 342
Window’s tree trunk’s predominant face, 499
Wings, 317
Winter, 223
Winter, 422
Winter Morning, 268
Winter Night, 383
Wish, 632
Wishes, 215
With all I know, 203
Within pitiless, 242
Wittgenstein’s insistence to Russell’s, 459
Women, 68
Won’t It Be Fine?,
Words, 424
Words again, rehearsal, 157
Work, Christian, work!, 242
World’s becoming shrunk to, 461
Worry, 227
Would it be better, 351
Would you live your life spectrum, 404
Write in air, 68
Wyatt’s May, 282
X, 365
Xmas, 306
Yah, 27
Yeah, 341
Yesterdays, 595
Yonder, 339
You, 200
You, 332
You all, 341
You Bet, 339
You can push as hard as you want, 351
You could do everything, 81
You couldn’t get it, 42
You didn’t think you, 10
You get to see all kinds of life, 11
You have all the time been, 394
You have not simply, 397
You have to reach, 424
You tree, 296
You tried to answer the questions attractively, 242
You were leaving, going, 332
“You Were Never Lovelier . . . ,” 416
You will remember little of yourself, 200
You’ll love me, 75
Your, 420
“Your, 344
Your face, 312
Your personal world echoes, 348
You’re getting fat, 80
You’re looking at a chopper, 121
You’re there, 467