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Sleeper (The Waking Sleep Book 1)

Page 18

by Lucy Adler

  “Dash! Dasha! Wake up!”

  Daria’s eyes opened to the sight of upside down trees, the ground above her, the sky below. Her back was arched as she lay across Jake’s knees, his arm under her shoulders, her head back as far as it could fall. Max was holding her feet and Aury held her hand, which was limp at her side.

  “She’s awake!” Julia said, now coming into Daria’s field of vision. She looked down at her and touched her forehead. “She’s very warm.”

  “Here,” Corey said, setting a water bottle down beside her on the ground. “When she’s ready for it.”

  Daria slowly sat up. Max gathered a few of the packs into a pile for her to lean against. Her senses felt like they were rebooting as her surroundings were now right side up. Sounds, words, everything started clicking in her mind again, and she identified the water bottle beside her. She grabbed it and took a long drink, wiping the drops from her chin as she finished.

  “What happened?” Aury asked. “You shouted, then it sounded like you were choking.”

  “I saw it again,” she said, looking directly at Jake. “Brix. I saw her. With Dr. Reston. And it was worse this time.”

  “Again?” Julia asked, looking back and forth between them.

  Daria waited for Jake to explain.

  “She kinda had a... vision, just before we left.”

  “What?!” she replied. “And you didn’t tell us?”

  “No one’s ever had a vision that soon. I wasn’t sure if it was real or just her own worries playing out in her mind.”

  “What was the vision?”

  “I saw a friend,” Daria answered, “and she looked like she was in trouble. Dr. Reston, from the Institute, was with her.”

  Julia’s eyes widened as she looked back at Jake again.

  “So what were you going to do about it?” she asked. She was getting frustrated.

  “I messaged Aaron and told him to check it out.”

  “But you know that any visions relating to sleepers in Progress are our responsibility right now.”

  “That’s the thing,” Jake said, feeling a little desperate. “This friend of ours isn’t a sleeper. Not even a little bit.”

  “Then why did Daria see her?”

  “I have no idea. That’s why I sent Aaron to check it out. I didn’t think we should all risk going into the city together for something so unusual. Not without more information.”

  “Look, man,” Corey said, “you know I always want to keep moving. The farther from Progress, the better. But this sounds serious. Mostly because it’s so unusual. And if it were anyone else, I might be tempted to brush it off. But we know she’s got a special gift, even if no one, including her, really understands it yet.”

  “I agree,” Max added. “I’m not sure we should ignore it.”

  Jake shook his head. He was feeling overwhelmed.

  “Ok, ok,” he said calmly. “Can I just have a chat with Dash for a few minutes?”

  Everyone nodded, except Julia.

  “Only if you promise to keep us in the loop this time,” she said with a sharp look.

  “I will. I promise.”

  She eventually got up and joined the others a stone’s throw away, leaving Jake and Daria alone.

  “I’m not making this up, Jake.”

  “I didn’t think you were.”

  “So... we have to help her. Corey and Max seem to think it’s the right thing to do.”

  “I know. But the most important thing on this mission is you. Like I told you back at the cabin, you’re only scratching the surface, Dash. And you’re going to do more with your gift than you can imagine - more than I could tell you even if I wanted to! But going back there... it’s too risky. I have to protect you and that place isn’t safe for you right now. Not until you understand your powers more - until you understand yourself more.”

  “But if I’m ‘powerful’ enough to have these visions, doesn’t that mean I’m powerful enough to do something about it? Didn’t you say that the gift senses our potential, even before we know it ourselves?”

  He lowered his brow and she raised hers.

  “See, I was listening,” she smiled.

  “I’m glad. I really am. But still, I just don’t think it’s smart. What if something happens? What if they take you again?”

  “Then you’ll rescue me,” she said, giving him the first modestly alluring look that she had ever had the guts to attempt.

  “No no no,” he said, waving his hand, “it might not be that simple!”

  “Look, Jake,” she continued, her face turning anxious now. “I’m scared. Super scared. I know you say that I’m unique, or rare, or whatever word you want to use. But I’m terrified. I barely understand what’s going on. Every time I try to experience these supposed ‘powers’, I get slammed by some dark.... whatever it is! I don’t even know what’s attacking me! And to top it all off, I’m even more tired now than ever!”

  She paced a few steps right, then left.

  “But somehow, and I can’t explain how, I know Brix is in trouble. It’s like the first thing I’ve been sure about for a while now.” She paused for a second, then continued, “And apart from you, she’s the only person that cares about me down there. The only person that accepted me no matter what.”

  “And I appreciate that, but...” Jake replied, staring back at her. He didn’t finish the thought. Her soft blue eyes suddenly took on a new depth. He wasn’t sure if he just never noticed it before or if they really were beginning to change. They were like crystal clear pools, drawing you further in through shade after shade of blue, until it was something... indescribable.

  He closed his eyes and sighed.



  “Ok. We’ll help her.”

  “Thank you!” she said with a smile as she reached out and hugged his neck.


  They gathered the group together and Jake filled them in. He already knew they were going to support the decision.

  “Well, let’s get going,” Corey replied without hesitating. “We can’t waste any time. It’s gonna be a long walk back to the nearest connection with the Road Network, then a long drive from there. We don’t have too much food left either, so we’ll need to collect more before we leave the city.”

  “If any of you guys feel uncomfortable --”

  Julia cut him off with a, “Pfft!”

  “Don’t say it, china,” Max added. “If it all goes Pete Tong down there, you’ll need the help.”

  “Agreed,” Aury said. Then she leaned over and whispered to Daria, who was sitting beside her.

  “China plate, mate. Pete Tong, wrong.”

  “Thanks!” she whispered back.


  Month: 3 | Day: 11 | Year: 60


  Miss Croft watched as Daria brushed her hair. She watched as she pulled it back into a pony tail, then twisted it once and secured it loosely with an elastic band. She also watched as Daria scratched her head and frowned for a second. Then she quickly popped her morning pill, grabbed her tablet, and headed out of her room for the day.

  Angela waited about a minute, then she spoke into the microphone that was in front of her on the desk, just below the wall of screens that monitored the facility.

  “She’s out.”

  “Gotcha,” a voice came back at her.

  Thirty seconds later, Jake Two entered Daria’s room. Miss Croft watched as he quickly replaced the pill bottle on the desk with one that looked identical. He slipped the old bottle into his pocket, then exited the room.


  “Good,” Angela replied. “Hand it off to Dr. Reston when you can. Thanks, Eric.”

  “Love you.”


  Miss Croft switched off the microphone then stood up and adjusted her dress. It was white but not quite as plain as the grey school uniforms. It was sleeveless, with pleats along the top of the skirt. In fact, it might a
ctually have been flattering on her - if she were only less concerned with commanding the elusive respect she craved from the doctor. As a result, she topped off the dress with a terribly drab lab coat, and never did anything more with her long blonde hair than tie it up in the tightest bun she could manage.

  She emerged from the little room, looked both ways down the hall, then walked casually to her morning session with Daria.

  “Psst, hey, Angie!” she heard behind her. It was Eric, calling to her as loudly as he could whisper.

  She looked back and saw him poking his head out of another room.

  “Come here!”

  She rolled her eyes but then went to meet him, slipping through the doorway without being seen, and shutting the door behind her.

  “What’s --”

  She tried to interrogate him, maybe even reprimand him, but he cut her off with a kiss. Angela relaxed into it and wrapped her arms around him. It only lasted a few seconds, since they both really did have somewhere to be. But it was enough.

  “Thought you might need that,” he said.

  “I think you were right,” she replied with a half smile.

  “Now get to your class, Miss Croft!”

  She rolled her eyes again, only softer and with just a hint of embarrassment this time. Then they both exited the room and went in their separate directions.


  “Are you sure you can handle this?”

  “Of course I can, Charles. You know that.”

  “You were getting emotional in there today.”

  “Just making sure she understands how serious this all is.”

  Dr. Reston looked at her out of the corner of his eye. His face and tone were skeptical at best. He put his hands into the pockets of his white coat and took a deep breath as he turned away from her to watch the team of scientists working below them.

  The room they were standing in was an observation deck, surrounded by glass and overlooking a laboratory. There were three tables running parallel across the centre of the room, with refrigerators lining one of the walls and a host of other equipment filling the remaining space. Tubes, vials, petrie dishes... burners with long flames, buckets of dry ice... microscopes with stacks of slides... The tables were clearly active workspaces as a team of five scientists analysed, catalogued, and discussed their research, all under the watchful eye of Dr. Reston.

  “How’s it coming?” she asked him.

  “As well as we could expect after only five days.”

  “So the data is helpful so far?”


  “And the samples?”

  “Even more so.”

  “I saw her scratching at it today. Do you think she suspects something?”

  “No. And the itching will subside. Besides, we’ll have enough in the next few days, then we shouldn’t need to draw any more from her.”

  Angela stepped forward towards the glass, to watch the team more closely.

  “We should have the first compound ready in about two weeks,” he said. “If all goes well, she’ll be released shortly after that. But we’ll keep her close, of course.”

  “Of course.”

  Then the doctor turned and faced her, folding his hands behind his back.

  “And how have you been feeling, Angela?”

  “Fine, why?” she asked, a little nervously.

  “Your dose is still keeping you... level?”


  “Because we haven’t adjusted it for well over a year now.”

  “No, I’m great. Couldn’t be better. Honestly.” She was telling the truth but she tried to smile to make sure he believed her.

  “Good, good,” he replied with a smile of his own. Then he set his hand on her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I’m proud of you, Angela. You know that, don’t you?”

  She nodded.

  “I know it hasn’t been easy for you, since your sister left. But you made the right choice.”

  “The only choice,” she replied coldly.

  Dr. Reston smiled wider now, showing his front teeth and looking genuinely pleased for the first time since the start of their conversation.


  Month: 3 | Day: 26 | Year: 60

  “You know I’m not enjoying it, right? I mean, I know you know. You’re better at all of this than me. But, I guess I just feel guilty.”

  “Don’t. It’s just a job.”

  Angela ran the back of her fingers over Eric’s cheek and then under his chin.

  “Cause I don’t feel anything, you know.”

  She laughed. “I know! Really, don’t feel guilty.”

  “So, how much longer?”

  “Not long. Maybe less than a week now.”

  “Then what?”

  “Then she’ll go back to normal life. But she’ll be enrolled in our ‘elite’ training program. Basically just a way to keep tabs on her, and collect more data and samples in the future.”

  “Yeah, about that,” Eric said with a frown, “how does she not feel it? I mean, if someone was poking around my head, I’m pretty sure I’d notice!”

  “Honestly, I don’t really understand the tech myself. It’s not exactly mainstream. But somehow it keeps her still and numb, just long enough for them to get what they need with the needle and get out.”

  “Wouldn’t she feel the spot later, though?”

  “There’s some itching but the spot itself is so fine, and at the base of the head, I think you just don’t notice it. It definitely makes it easier that her hair is so long!”

  “Speaking of that,” Eric said, leaning closer to her and reaching behind her head. He felt around for the various pins that secured Angela’s bun. He slowly pulled two of them out of place and her hair started to loosen.

  She wanted to slap his hand away. The common room wasn’t the place for this. But at the same time, she knew no one was around. That’s why they met there at that time of the day.

  He pulled another and another out until the weight of her hair began helping with the process. Eventually, a light blonde stream cascaded down the side of her head and over her left shoulder.

  “Isn’t that better?” he asked.

  She gave him another silly eye roll and a smile. Then they stole a quick kiss.

  Angela cleared her throat and asked him for the hairpins. Then she stood up and buttoned her lab coat.

  “Well, Jake, I think you have somewhere to be,” she said, checking the clock on the wall. “You need to be watching her as she finishes running today.”

  “Yes I do,” he replied happily, jumping up next to her and taking her hand one last time.

  “Have fun,” she said, giving him a quick peck on the check.

  “You know I won’t!”


  Angela looked at herself in the mirror. She pulled out the hairpins she had replaced earlier that afternoon. Her hair fell down her back this time. She reached up and pulled it forward, running her fingers through it.

  She got ready for her 45 minutes, putting on the standard pajamas, just like Daria wore. Angela’s room wasn’t much bigger, actually. She had an apartment in the city, but during intensive studies like this one, she stayed close, basically living at the Institute. In fact, it had seemed that most of her work was becoming ‘intense’ enough to justify more and more nights at the facility. The personal touches around her room helped it feel a little more like home.

  A decorative vase sat on the corner of her desk, a gift from Dr. Reston on her promotion six months ago. Next to the standard poster of the Guidelines, there was a digital poster as well - an image of the Progress skyline, along with the motto “ex nihilo nihil fit” written above it in gold letters. She stared at it for a minute, then switched it off for the night.

  As she laid down on the bed, she reached under it and pulled out a small box. She set it on the nightstand beside her and tipped the lid open. Then she pulled out
the first object on top of the little pile inside.

  It was a photograph. They weren’t common in Progress, at least not printed photographs. There were just a few novelty shops in the city that would make an old-fashioned picture for you, and it was considered wastefully extravagant enough to be reserved only for very special occasions amongst family.

  Angela looked at the picture for a while that night, cutting into the first three or four minutes of her 45, before she eventually slipped it back into the box and shut the lid.

  Then she rolled over, closed her eyes, and drifted off to sleep.


  Month: 4 | Day: 3-4 | Year: 60


  They had been an hour or more into their journey when Daria had her most recent vision. Since it was an hour in the opposite direction of the city, Corey decided it was best to head back to the cabin for the night rather than retrace their steps and walk the three hours down to the Road Network all in one day. With heavy packs, and the guys carrying an extra bag each, they had to think more conservatively.

  “Do any of you ever miss it?” Daria asked. “Sendrax, I mean. I know it basically shuts down who you - who we - really are. But do you ever miss the feeling?”

  No one answered right away and she wasn’t sure if they were thinking about the question or if she had asked something she shouldn’t have. Eventually, Max replied.

  “Sure, sometimes.”

  “Yeah, a little,” Aury added.

  It was quiet again for a while before Julia eventually replied.

  “I suppose. I mean, who wouldn’t want more energy, right?”

  Corey was next.

  “You know, I never even left the city limits until I was extracted about five years ago. Never even imagined walking on these hills or exploring these forests. It’s ironic but I only got the desire to explore and have adventures after I gave up the thing that was supposed to make me more active!”

  They walked on a little further before Jake flipped the question around on her.


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