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Renegade Valkyrie (Valhalla's Curse Book 1)

Page 15

by Stacy Claflin

  “What about our friends?” I ask. “Roska and Fox, my djinn friend.”

  Marguerite turns toward me and gives a little nod. “Svana is helping them.”

  “Who’s she?” Titan asks.

  “My sister-in-law and one of my most trusted friends. She’ll take excellent care of them.” The queen sniffs the air. “Smells like they’ve already headed for the guest rooms.”

  Titan arches a brow at me.

  I shrug. Vampires sense of smell is as heightened as their hearing—nearly all of their senses are.

  We follow Marguerite through enough twists and turns of hallways to make a person dizzy. Every hallway in the castle is like a maze. Even the dungeon, apparently.

  Eventually, we come to a large mahogany desk. A bored-looking vampire sits behind it in front of a row of keys. He rises and bows as soon as he sees the queen.

  She thanks him, hands him a key, then leads us up a winding staircase until we finally reach natural light.

  I breathe in the fresh air and wait for my eyes to adjust.

  Titan and I are both covered in dirt and grime, though I look worse with torn and bloody clothes.

  Marguerite leads us through more hallways than I can count. I notice we don’t go through any of the main parts of the castle—no open corridors or sitting rooms. It’s probably for the best given how horrible I must look.

  At last, she stops in front of a row of doors and makes eye contact with both of us. “One room or two?”

  Titan and I glance at each other. The tension is so thick, the queen has to be able to feel it.

  She smiles. “How about one? The servants can section it off if need be, and there’s also a large bathroom. The closet itself is bigger than the bedroom I grew up in. Plenty of options.”

  “Okay, sure.” Titan’s voice cracks a little.

  It’s adorable and makes my heart warm.

  Marguerite opens the door for us, which strikes me as a little odd given that she’s a queen. But she’s always been down-to-earth when I’ve met her.

  Inside, well-dressed vampires bustle around the room. As soon as one sees her, she bows and the rest follow.

  She turns to us. “If you need anything, just tell one of the servants. They’ll get word to me right away. Otherwise, I’ll see you in about an hour in one of the banquet halls.”

  One of the servants runs over and opens the door.

  “Thank you.” I give a small bow.

  Titan does the same. “Yes. Thank you, your highness.”

  “It’s the least I could do.” She walks through the door, and the servant holding it bows as she passes.

  Titan turns to me. “This place is unbelievable.”

  “I could get used to it.”

  He shrugs. “I prefer our little dump. It’s cozy.”

  I’m about to agree when three female servants whisk me into the walk-in closet. The queen was right—it’s bigger than the average bedroom. Half of it is lined with dresses and other feminine clothes, the other half with masculine items, and the middle has a massive couch with tables on either side.

  One of the servants races over to the dresses and quickly glances through them before pulling out two. One is an emerald color and the other evergreen, like the trees outside surrounding the castle. “Either of these will really bring out your eyes.”

  I’m not much of a dress person, so I pick the one that looks least uncomfortable, though I won’t likely enjoy wearing either one, as elegant and stiff as they both appear.

  I barely finish my sentence when the three servants begin pulling off my clothes and start to put on the sleeveless dress I picked out.

  “No, no,” says one. “This won’t do. She’s caked in blood and filth. Time for a shower.”

  Before I can object, they pull me out into the main room. I’m only in my underwear and bra.

  Luckily, the other servants are busy with Titan and his back is to me as I traipse through the enormous bedroom. His hair is wet and there’s a towel hanging on a chair. How did he already get a shower?

  The bathroom is almost as big as the closet. One servant starts the shower while another hangs up my dress. The third turns to me. “Would you like help in there?”

  “The shower? No. I’ve got that.”

  She nods. “Let us know when you’re done.”

  They pile out and I take a deep breath and relish the solitude. I check out my wounds in the mirror, but there isn’t anything to see besides dried blood. They’re so completely healed that if I didn’t know there had been gashes, I wouldn’t have believed it.

  Once in the shower, I just stand still for the longest time letting the hot water run down me. It’s so soothing, and I can never get it that temperature at home. I’m going to enjoy this while I can.

  Knock, knock!

  “Are you ready for our help, Miss Soleil?”

  “Not yet!” I grab some shampoo and lather up, nearly melting at the delicious smell.

  Yes, I could definitely get used to this. It reminds me of my days dating Egyptian princes and pharaohs. But at the same time, I’m eager to get home and crawl into my own lumpy bed.

  Once out of the shower, I grab what ends up being the softest towel I’ve felt in a long time. Not wanting help getting dressed, I find the new undergarments and put those on, then the gown. It really does bring out my eyes. I can’t help but stare at myself in the mirror. Even with soaking unbrushed hair, I look almost like a new person.

  Knock, knock!

  “I’m ready.”

  The door opens, and the three servants race back in and get to work on my hair and makeup.

  Once done, one of them stands up straight and looks me over.

  I try to peek around her at the mirror but can’t see my reflection.

  She claps her hands, and I turn to her. “Time for jewelry. Hurry, hurry! The king and queen will already be waiting.”

  Another servant drags me out into the bedroom, where Titan is standing in front of a full-length mirror, decked out in a tuxedo.

  He turns, and our gazes lock. My heart skips a beat. I always knew he was hot as hades, but I had no idea just how gorgeous he was. This takes it to a whole new level.

  “Hurry.” One of the servants glares at me.

  I follow but glance back at Titan, who is staring at me with the same amazement in his eyes.


  Titan plays with a lapel and clears his throat. “You look phenomenal. Just wow.”

  I love the way he can’t take his eyes off me. My heart races and I tug on the heavy Alexandrite necklace the servants insisted I wear. “And you’re—”

  “Focus.” One of the servants glowers at us. “You can talk all you want later. We need to explain what will be expected during the banquet.”

  Titan makes a funny face behind her back, and I stifle a laugh.

  We follow her through a maze of hallways as she goes over the rules of conduct. Along the way, we pass vampires who eye us but keep any disdain to themselves. I try to pay attention to the servant’s yammering but can’t focus. Not with Titan looking like he does just on the other side of her.

  After what feels like forever, we finally reach the banquet hall. The food aromas make my mouth water and my stomach growl. Two long tables filled with piles of food take up the front portion of the room, and the rest is a dance floor. Most of the seats are already filled with elegantly-dressed guests.

  All the walls and furniture are lined with gold and jewels. Chandeliers hang from the walls and appear to be made from real diamonds. Famous pieces of artwork thought to have long ago been destroyed decorate the walls.

  Titan turns to me, his eyes wide. I nod, feeling overwhelmed myself. It has been so long since I’ve been anywhere so nice.

  The servant walks ahead of us, leading us to empty seats near Marguerite and Alrekur. Roska and Fox are already sitting on one side of them, dressed to the nines.

  Titan takes my hand and slides his fingers through mine. It�
��s a simple gesture, but it sets my heart fluttering.

  The servant bows, introduces us to the king and queen, then seats us. I sit next to Marguerite and Titan sits on the other side of me. He continues holding my hand as we greet the king and queen.

  “Eat.” Alrekur spreads his hands toward the food. “Have as much as you want. All of this is in honor of our special guests—you.”

  We dig in, and Roska does most of the talking as she’s much closer to the king than any of the rest of us. Once Titan fills his plate, he rests his hand on my knee.

  I can barely focus, much less eat, because of his touch.

  “Is the food to your liking?” Marguerite asks.

  Titan chuckles then removes his hand.

  I pick up some chicken on my fork and smile at the queen. “It’s delicious, thank you.”

  “Sorry,” Titan whispers.

  “They can hear you,” I whisper back.

  Marguerite and Alrekur exchange a smile and a knowing glance.

  My face heats up, and I shovel food into my mouth—as much as I can without appearing uncivilized.

  Once we’ve all had our fill, the king and queen apologize for how their guards treated us. Then Alrekur looks into each of our eyes. “Now tell us what you came for. How can we help?”

  My mind reels. It feels like we left Gessilyn’s guest house ages ago. I try to remember why we even came.

  Roska smiles sweetly. “We’re dealing with an ancient witch who is determined to kill Soleil.”

  Marguerite’s eyes widen.

  My stomach tightens. I could’ve gone a lifetime without being reminded about Eveline and her vendetta against me.

  “What can we help with?” Alrekur asks.

  Roska holds her finger and thumb a half-inch apart. “We just need one little thing.”

  “Yes?” The king leans forward.

  Roska glances at me and then back at him. “A drop of your blood, your majesty.”

  My breath hitches. Alrekur has been known to fly into a deadly rage for far less.

  Titan’s hand squeezes my knee, both surprising and relaxing me.

  The king doesn’t respond. In fact, his expression doesn’t reveal anything.

  Will he be willing to part with one drop of blood to help draw out the witch who is trying to kill me?

  My heart thunders, and surely every vampire in the room can hear it. In fact, several turn my way from the other table.

  Roska clears her throat. “If you have any stored somewhere, that will work. We only need one drop.”

  He turns to her and doesn’t say anything for a moment. “Will a fresh drop be more effective?”

  She nods. “Yes, your highness.”

  Alrekur sits up taller, his expression still not showing his thoughts. “Well, if that’s what you need, I shall give it to you. Several drops, in fact. I know how these things go.”

  Relief washes through me, so much that I nearly fall limp.

  Titan puts an arm around me. “Thank you, sir.”

  I struggle to find my voice. “Yes, thank you. I can’t possibly thank you enough.”

  He frowns. “After what my guards did to you, it’s the least I can do. It’s time to dance. I’ll collect those drops in a few hours.”

  Fox clears his throat. “I don’t mean to be rude, King Alrekur, but the sooner we can use your blood the better it will be. Soleil isn’t the only one on the line.”

  The king nods. “One thing to understand… after a few hours of dancing with my wife, my blood will be of an even higher quality. It will be more potent and work faster.”

  Fox glances at Roska, who nods. He turns back to Alrekur. “I understand. Thank you.”

  “My pleasure. Now let’s celebrate friends—old and new!” He rises and takes his wife’s hand, then leads her to the dance floor.

  They move like professionals, bringing shame to humanity’s best dancers. After their first dance is done, others pile onto the dance floor.

  Fox mumbles something about wasting valuable time.

  Roska puts a hand on his shoulder. “It’ll be worth it, trust me. Marguerite sets his heart on fire, even after all these years. He’s right about the quality of his blood.”

  “Besides,” I add. “Calla’s been there so long, a couple more hours isn’t going to make that big of a difference.”

  He just nods. “Go dance. I’m in no mood. I’m going to ask about having some dessert.”

  Roska squeezes his arm. “I understand. If you change your mind, I’ll dance with you. These events are always so much fun. Time will fly, I promise.”

  Titan rises and holds out his hand. I take it, then we walk to the dance floor, hand in hand. My stomach tingles with excitement. What better way to keep my mind off Eveline and her promise to kill me?

  We dance, song after song. I’m kind of disappointed at the lack of slow songs. I want to be in his arms and stare into his eyes close up.

  After what feels like a few dozen songs, a slow melody finally plays. Titan’s eyes sparkle as he steps closer. Maybe he’s been waiting for this too.

  He pulls me close and rests his hands at the small of my back, and I put my hands on his shoulders. He smells of a rugged, masculine cologne and we’re so close our mouths could bump if we aren’t careful.

  “This hardly seems real.” He pulls me even closer. Our lips barely miss colliding. “I mean, we’re on a mission to kill an ancient witch, yet here we are, celebrating like royalty.”

  “It’s like an intermission. Catching our breath and refueling between attacks.”

  “In that case…” His voice trails off, then he presses his mouth on mine.

  I close my eyes. It feels like we’re floating away from everyone else.

  The music fades, then almost as soon as the kiss began, it’s over. I open my eyes to see Titan gazing at me with eyes full of desire.

  A hand rests on my shoulder. I turn to see Alrekur.

  “Time to give you my blood. Follow me.”

  Titan puts his arm around me, then we head out into the hallway with the king and queen. Roska and Fox join us.

  More mazes of hallways until we reach a small sitting room. Alrekur motions for us to sit on a couch in front of a roaring fireplace.

  Titan keeps his arm around me, and I turn to watch the king.

  A servant holds out a small clear vial. Marguerite takes it and holds it toward her husband.

  His eyes turn a deep shade of red, then he bites his wrist. Her eyes turn red at the sight but she keeps her composure as she holds out the vial to his wound.

  Alrekur nods to her, his eyes growing even redder. Hers continue to darken and she squeezes his wrist until a drop of blood falls into the container. Then a few more fall. Their eyes manage to grow even deeper red.

  It feels like an intimate moment, like I should turn away, but I can’t bring myself to.

  She heals his wound with her tongue and they stare at each other with more intensity. I finally manage to pull away.

  Roska leans over Titan and whispers, “When vampires drink each other’s blood, it’s the most amorous way they connect.”

  That explains a lot.

  Marguerite strolls over and hands me the vial, but her attention is on Alrekur. “This should be plenty. Please excuse us. We’re needed elsewhere.”

  I hold back a smile. “I understand. Thank you so much for this and for your hospitality.”

  “Think nothing of it. Stop by again. Perhaps let us know ahead of time.”

  “Will do.” I rub my side. “Thanks again.”

  She nods, then disappears with Alrekur.

  Roska turns to us. “We should head back. I texted Gessilyn and gave her a heads up that we were held up here.”

  Titan squeezes my hand. “Please tell me you have a rune nearby. I don’t want to run into any more guards.”

  Roska gives him a sympathetic glance. “I doubt they’ll be attacking guests any time soon, but yes we have a rune not far from here.”
  We follow her down a few hallways before ducking into a bedroom. She races over to a full-length mirror and speaks quietly.

  A little rune lights up near the top. The rest of us gather around her as she continues speaking and the rune glows brighter.

  “Close your eyes.”

  I do, and a dizzying feeling sweeps over me.

  “You can open them.”

  Now we’re back in the guest house where we started.

  “Is that you, Roska?” Gessilyn calls from another room.

  “We have the blood!” Roska glances at me.

  I hold it up, then we race back to the room Gessilyn had been in before.

  She lifts a brow. “How much did you get?”

  “Four drops.” I raise the vial again.

  Gessilyn studies it. “Let’s do this.”


  Everyone is staring at me expectantly. If I teleport all of us to Calla’s little world, it’s going to drain me to the point that I’m useless.

  “Are you having second thoughts?” Gessilyn asks.

  I take a deep breath. “Even if I drink essence from all of you, teleporting this many people could put me out of commission—especially with as much as I’ve been doing lately.”

  The high witch scrunches her brows, looking deep in thought. “What if you drink our essences both before and after?”

  “Maybe, but I’m really at the edge of my limits already. I might not be able to do anything else afterward, no matter how much essence I drink.”

  Killian steps forward. “We can’t have that. What if you teleport one of us witches, then we create a rune and come back for the others, bringing them through the rune?”

  Relief washes through me. I don’t know why that thought never crossed my mind. “That would be perfect.”

  “There are mirrors there, right?” Gessilyn asks.

  I nod. “I saw a couple.”

  “Okay. Take Roska. She’ll come back for the rest of us.”

  My insides twitch at the thought of another teleport. “I’ll need to drink some essence even for this.”

  Gessilyn marches over. “Take mine. It should be the most powerful.”

  “Thanks.” I close my eyes and open my mouth. Her essence slides into my mouth and down my throat. Strength runs through me. She was right—her essence is powerful unlike any other. Must be due to her being the high witch.


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