
Home > Romance > Relentless > Page 12
Relentless Page 12

by Sybil Bartel

  Heat curled low in my belly, but I settled into his embrace. “Okay.”

  He kissed my shoulder, then my temple. “Good night, Fallon.”

  “Good night, Thomas.”

  “Damn, it’s sexy when you say my name.”

  I smiled with sheer joy. “Go to sleep.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He chuckled, but then I felt his huge body settle behind me.

  Two minutes later, his breathing evened out.

  For the first time in years, I felt safe. So safe that I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  THE ALARM ON MY WATCH went off, vibrating against my wrist.

  Startled awake, I glanced at the naked woman next to me, then I quickly turned my alarm off so I didn’t wake her.

  Not just her.

  Fallon Amherst.


  Every second of taking her last night and early this morning came back, and I smiled like a kid on Christmas. But then the guilt hit. Swearing to myself I’d tell her after dinner tonight who I was, I stole a moment to just stare at her. Curled on her side, her hands under her face, she looked so damn beautiful.

  I wanted to touch her soft skin and hear her sexy voice, but I didn’t wake her.

  Carefully rolling away, I got up, but then I just stood there and stared.

  Fallon Amherst. Naked.


  She was better than any fantasy my twelve-year-old self could’ve dreamed up, and yet she was real. Vulnerable, honest, she hadn’t played any bullshit games.

  She was perfection.

  Taking one last look at her, I closed the bedroom door behind me and walked into the living area. Foregoing a shower so I could smell her on me, I picked up my clothes and got dressed. Then I grabbed a pen and small pad of paper with the hotel’s logo and wrote her a note.

  You’re stunning when you sleep. Thank you for the best night (morning) ever. Let’s outdo ourselves tonight. Wear a dress I can take off you. I’ll pick you up at eight. Text me your address. Or call. As often as you want. I love your sexy voice. Already missing you, Thomas.

  I added my phone number, then I picked her dress up and hung it over the couch, placing the note on top.

  Grabbing my keys and cell, I headed out.

  My head in a Fallon Amherst fantasy cloud, I ignored the smile from the same brunette behind the front desk and walked to my truck. Nothing could touch me, not even Tyler’s hazing last night. I drove to work and pulled into the underground parking.

  Still early, I was the first one to hit the lobby, so I turned on the computers and unlocked the front door. I was checking the night log to see if there’d been any more incidents with Estevez’s men, but wasn’t finding any when Tyler came through the stairwell door.

  Slapping his hand on the front desk, he grinned. “T-shirt? Jeans? Must’ve been some night.”

  “None of your business.” I didn’t kiss and tell, unlike half the former Marines who worked for Luna. “How’d Summer do last night?”

  Tyler smirked. “If flipping between temper tantrums and ruthless come-ons is par for the course with her, then she did great.”

  I shook my head. “She’s an addict.”

  Tyler’s playboy smile dropped. “No shit. I’d say she’s in the right place now to get help, but I give it twenty-four hours, tops, before she checks herself out.”

  I glanced up at him. “She can do that?”

  “If she’s not there by a court mandate, she can do whatever she wants. She’s eighteen.”

  Shit. “She needs to stay there.”

  Tyler shrugged. “Can’t change people.” He tipped his chin at my non-work attire. “Go change before Luna gets in. I’ll watch the front desk.”

  “Thanks.” I made it two strides toward the elevator.

  “So who was she?” Tyler asked.

  “Who was who?” I knew who.

  “The woman last night.” Tyler wiggled his eyebrows and grinned. “Someone special?”

  I fought a smile thinking about her, but I still ignored Tyler’s prying. “I’ll be back in fifteen. I’m gonna grab a shower upstairs.”

  “Is it true?” he asked abruptly.

  My back stiffened, and I hit the call button for the elevator. “Is what true?” Did L&A have access to the security cameras at the hotel?

  “That you were a cleaner for the cartel?”

  I frowned and wished the elevator would hurry the fuck up. Tyler was the company joker. He hazed everyone, but he was good-natured about it. I trusted him. He’d taught me some defensive driving tactics and had been patient as fuck with me at the indoor range. But I didn’t talk about my past. Any of it.

  Avoiding eye contact, I shrugged noncommittally.

  Tyler rubbed his chin. “Skills like that don’t usually go away.”

  Where the fuck was the elevator? I hit the call button again.

  “They have a way of sneaking back up on you.”

  I flat-out ignored him. I was done making bodies disappear. That shit part of my life was over and buried, and I’d sealed the damn door on it.

  The elevator doors opened. “Back in a few.”

  “Copy that.” Tyler sat down behind the reception desk and pulled his phone out.

  I went upstairs to the corporate apartment I’d been staying at for the past month. It’d been convenient while the main house on my property was being renovated, but I made a decision to move my shit out after work tonight before I picked Fallon up. I’d move in to the small apartment over the stables on my property. It’d be more than adequate, and since there was no way in hell I’d ever bring Fallon back to a corporate apartment at L&A, I was killing two birds with one stone.

  I made a mental note to order some furniture and have it delivered to the apartment. Then I took a shower and changed into a black Luna and Associates logo polo shirt and black cargos before heading back downstairs.

  Grabbing a water and a protein bar from the break room, I took the stairs to the lobby.

  Tyler stood up. “Luna called, he’ll be here in a few. He had me check the feeds from last night. I heard we had two rogue players from Estevez’s crew still hanging around last night, but I didn’t see anything around our building or the club. I think we’re good, but I’ll check with Ty today and see where he’s at on this. With Estevez and his right-hand man gone, I can’t imagine any of his men having the connections or the capital to pick up where he left off.”

  “For Summer and Fallon’s sake, I hope you’re right.” As soon as I said it, I realized my slip.

  “Summer and Fallon, huh?” Tyler grinned. “Something you want to tell me?”

  Shit. “Yeah, get to work.”

  Tyler laughed. “I like you, kid.” He slapped my shoulder.

  “Not a kid,” I clipped, hating that fucking nickname.

  “Oh, that’s right. Talerco gave you a better nickname.” Grinning, he headed to the stairwell. “Later, Tripod.”

  Shaking my head, I sat down behind the reception desk and pulled up the feeds from last night. For three minutes, I shamelessly watched Fallon. I was pissed as hell Ronan hadn’t let her in, but at the same time, I was sure last night never would’ve happened between me and her if he had.

  Fucking fate.

  I closed out the feeds and pulled up the scheduling for next week. I was rubbing a hand over my face when the door to the stairwell opened and Luna walked in.

  Glancing at his watch, he strode to the reception desk. “You’re in early.”

  I gave him a wry smile. “Trying to prove myself after screwing up with Summer Amherst.”

  Luna smirked. “Not gonna lie, amigo. She’s a pain in the ass. Always has been.” He clapped me on the shoulder. “But you did good letting me know what was up and bringing her in. Hopefully she’ll dry out at rehab.”

  The front door of the lobby burst open.

  I looked up, and my heart fucking stopped.

  Aiming for Luna, her glare set to nuclear, the gray silk dress from last night
hugging her luscious body, Fallon stalked in on her high heels.

  “Where is she?” Fallon demanded of Luna. “Where is my daughter?”

  Luna’s hand went to the 9mm he kept in a holster at his waist. “Your daughter is safe, Mrs. Amherst.”

  Putting her matching purse under her arm, she fisted her hand. “I didn’t ask if she was safe, Mr. Luna. I asked—” Her gaze caught mine, and she went dead white. Sucking in a sharp breath, her nostrils flared, but then she quickly looked back at Luna and her voice shook. Hard. “I asked where she is.”

  Luna didn’t budge. “And I told you she’s safe.”




  No goddamn air in my lungs, fucked five ways from Sunday, I stood.

  How the fuck did I not see this coming?


  Fallon didn’t even glance in my direction.

  Instead, in a move that would get most men a barrel to their forehead, she leaned toward Luna and set her tone to lethal. “I said, where is my daughter?”

  Luna didn’t even flinch. “Do you know what your daughter has been up to the past few months?”

  Her jaw ticked. “Do you know what your men have been up to the past few months?” she countered.

  I was fucked.


  “Every one,” Luna clipped. “Because I keep track of my employees. But make no mistake, Mrs. Amherst, we’re not talking about the same thing.”

  Flustered, angry, she leaned back, but she squared her shoulders and made an impressive vision with her sky-high heels and mane of blonde hair. “I can assure you, Mr. Luna, that you do not know everything your employees do.” She spit out the word employees like it was shit. “If you don’t tell me where my daughter is, I will press charges for kidnapping.”

  “Go right ahead.” Luna called her bluff. “Julio Estevez was her kidnapper. And since he had his hooks in her before she turned legal, you can also add unlawful imprisonment, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and probably statutory rape. In fact, while you’re at it, throw in human trafficking, drug smuggling, assault and battery, and murder. But after you file charges against him, make sure you hire a qualified security firm for personal protection.” Luna paused for effect, then lowered his voice. “Because you’ll be looking over your shoulder the rest of your life.”

  Fuck my life, I didn’t know whether to deck Luna for the way he was talking to her or get on my knees and beg her to forgive me for lying.

  Fallon’s fists turned white. “This isn’t a joking matter.”

  “Who’s joking?” Luna deadpanned.

  “Leo told me this morning she was shot,” Fallon accused.

  She’d talked to that prick? After the kind of sex we had last night, she called her fucking ex?

  “Yes, she was. And she’s lucky to be alive.”

  “Where is she?” Fallon demanded again.

  Luna didn’t budge. “I’m not telling you.”

  Losing her shit, Fallon’s voice pitched. “I am her mother!”

  Ruthless, Luna threw down. “Are you really?”

  What the fuck? Summer wasn’t her daughter? I looked between them.

  “Don’t you dare,” Fallon warned Luna, enunciating each word.

  Luna was unfazed. “Friendly advice, Mrs. Amherst?”

  Pressing her lips together, Fallon tried for patience. “Make no mistake, Mr. Luna, just because you were in the employ of my ex-husband, that does not make us friends.”

  Luna sighed. “Go home, Fallon. Lock your doors and take the damn day off. Tomorrow, go through your daughter’s apartment. Confiscate any prescription pain medications or illegal drugs. Then go about your life. One day you’ll thank me for not being in a position where you could be subjected to a sex trafficker’s special brand of torture tactics in order to ascertain the location of your daughter’s whereabouts.” Luna tipped his chin at me. “If you decide you want a security detail until this blows over, tell Mr. Knight. He’ll put you on the schedule. I’m sure Mr. Amherst will pay for it.” Luna walked to the elevators and hit the call button. The door immediately opened, and he stepped inside and turned.

  “This isn’t over,” Fallon spat at Luna.

  “Is it ever?” Luna asked rhetorically. “Have a good day, Mrs. Amherst.” The elevator doors slid shut.

  Fallon’s shoulders slumped, and her hand went to her chest. She sucked in a sharp breath, then another.

  Jesus fucking Christ. I reached across the reception desk for her. “Fallon—”

  Stepping back, she held a hand up.

  I came around the desk. “Please, let me explain.”

  Shaking her head, not looking at me, she turned toward the door, but she stumbled.

  I caught her arm. “Hey, hey, come and sit.” Her intoxicating scent hit me in the chest, and my hand went to the small of her back.

  “No!” she hissed, jerking away from my touch as her footing wavered.

  Every protective instinct I had kicked into high gear. “I’m not asking. Come and sit. You need to take a breath.”

  Clutching her chest with one hand and her purse with the other, she twisted out of my grasp and spat venom at me. “You have no idea what I need.” Steeling herself, finding her footing, she sucked in a breath, dropped her hand from her chest, and walked toward the front glass doors.

  Rooted, fucked, I stared.

  Proud shoulders, perfect ass, long legs, graceful like the model she used to be, she pushed the lobby door open.

  What the hell was I doing?

  “Fallon.” I jogged after her.

  “No! Don’t you dare follow me.” Briefly holding a hand out behind her, she slipped out the door. “Leave me alone.”

  The lobby door shut, and I fucking panicked.

  Then I pulled out my cell and dialed.

  Luna picked up on the first ring. “That was fast.”

  “She almost fainted in the lobby. I’m going after her.”

  “Cristo,” Luna muttered. “Where is she now?”

  “Aiming for her Mercedes. I have to go.” I hung up.


  Almost to her car, she spun. Fury in her eyes, her nostrils flared. “You do not get to speak to me. Ever again!” She spun back around in the high heels I’d taken off her last night.

  “Why?” I demanded. “Because I work here, or because you’re pissed off that I knew who you were? Is that so fucking important, Fallon, that you’re walking away from me?”

  Anger radiating off her, she turned and her finger aimed at my chest. “I am not walking away from you because there is nothing between us. Nothing,” she bit out. “You hear me? Because I don’t associate with liars.”

  “Name one thing I lied about?” One goddamn thing.

  “You knew who I was. You knew I was looking for Summer.” In her mounting fury, she leaned dangerously closer to me. “You knew where Summer was the whole time.”

  One move and I could have my hands and mouth on her. One move and I could silence her anger with my body. One move and I could end this bullshit between us right now. But I didn’t know if touching her would make her remember every damn second of what we had last night or if it’d make me lose her forever.

  So I didn’t reach for her.

  My fists at my sides, I attacked her accusations. “First of all, I didn’t lie about any of that. You didn’t ask. But if you had, I would’ve told you everything in my power to tell. Second of all, what difference would any of that have made between us?” I challenged.

  She looked at me like I was fucking insane. “All the difference.”

  “I’m calling bullshit.” Moving closer to her, I dropped my voice so the whole damn team at L&A didn’t hear me on the fucking security feeds. “Last night was about you and me. You know damn well it was. I checked in with you, over and over.” I’d fucking checked. “You were right there with me. Right fucking there. No one else was in that damn hotel roo
m.” My voice dropped to a lethal quiet. “I was the one inside you. I was the one making you feel good. You didn’t give a shit where I worked last night or what I knew about your past. Last night wasn’t about a damn thing except two people who wanted to be together.” Let her fucking argue that fact. “You know it, and I know it.”

  The lobby door opened, and Luna stepped out. His glare locked on me, he crossed his arms in warning.

  I didn’t give one single goddamn fuck. I was neck deep in damage control with Fallon, and no way in hell was she walking away from me like this.

  “And now it’s about two people who will never be together again.” Hate dripped off her fucking words, and I latched on to it.

  Mad enough to spit, out of my fucking depth, I lit into her. “Keep that shit up, sweetheart. Throw that anger at me.” I closed more of the distance between us so she could fucking smell my cologne like I was smelling her perfume right now. “Because you know what the opposite of love is?” I didn’t want for an answer. “I’ll clue you in, darlin’—it sure as hell isn’t hate.”

  “Make no mistake, Mr. Knight, I despise you.”

  “Perfect,” I practically growled. She could hate-fuck me all she wanted. “Because I’m mad as hell at you right now too. And I can assure you, if I didn’t give a fuck about you, you wouldn’t be getting one goddamn second of my attention.” I held her stormy-eyed gaze and gave it right back. Then I threw down the only play I had left. “You’d be getting indifference. Because that, sweetheart, is the opposite of giving a shit.”

  Like the proverbial flip of a switch, I watched her shut down.

  Her expression turned blank, her shoulders relaxed, her fisted hands released, and she lowered her voice. Cold, dead, her tone turned apathetic as hell. “You will never speak to me again, Mr. Knight.” She turned toward her Mercedes with all of the grace her past afforded and got behind the wheel.

  Shell-shocked for two whole seconds, I stood rooted.

  Then shit kicked at my chest and I was moving. My mouth, my legs, my arms—I strode after her and grabbed for her car door. “Fallon.”

  Luna was on me quicker than my own damn adrenaline. “Stand down,” he ordered, clamping a warning hand on my shoulder.

  Slamming her door shut, she cranked the engine and threw her car in gear. The low-pitched screech of tires bit through the humidity as she turned the wheel and floored it.


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