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Quests Volume Two

Page 25

by Barbara G. Tarn

  "I guess you will have to make up your mind about your future soon, Keshav. But for now we will let you rest after your long journey," Lord Hitendra said, rising from the table. "We'll see you tomorrow at the court. I'm sure that King Rohit Rahul will have questions for our revered non-Human guest too."

  "I can answer your questions too, if only you asked them," Silverleaf replied with a smile. "But since you didn't, let's postpone everything to tomorrow. I don't like repeating myself much."

  "That's what I thought." Lord Hitendra bowed his head. "I wish you all a good night."

  Keshav retired to his parents' apartment with his traveling companions. Again Babita was given his sisters' room, while he shared with Luca, Rohan and Silverleaf. He was exhausted from the crowded meeting and hoped the formalities would soon be over, so he could go back to his studies, with no more talk about marriage.


  Rohan was excited to finally meet Rahul of Amrendra. He was also curious to find out who he was still with. He had heard of the conspiracy that had killed his first male lover seven years earlier and had been wondering how Rahul had coped. Abhilash had dumped him, but he wasn't dead. He couldn't imagine what it would be like to see your loved one die in your arms.

  The twin kings of Amrendra were thirty-five and looked exactly the same. They also dressed the same, and nobody would be able to tell them apart when their wives weren't present if it weren't for Rahul's malformed hand. And the fact that Rahul mostly sat quietly next to his twin, who was the speaking voice of the court.

  Rohan was impressed by the quiet nobility of the shadow king and almost couldn't believe that he'd been raised like a jester and had learned court matters only thirteen years earlier, when he'd found out his true origins. But during the court ball in his honor, Rohan saw how nimble the king still was, and the best dancer of the whole room.

  Keshav's cousin was a beautiful woman with dark hair and eyes and Rahul seemed to genuinely like her. He was very sweet with her, especially now that she was heavy with child and sat most of the time. Rohan didn't dare ask him about his male lover, but by the end of the celebrations he thought he found out who it was.

  The twin kings' family seemed to comprise their cousin Prince Ajay and his wife, plus Lord Arjun and his wife. Ajay was a close relative, therefore Lord Arjun must be King Rahul's lover. Lord Hitendra's words seemed to confirm this, but if they were lovers, they didn't show it in public, ever.

  King Rohit had married Princess Laxmi of Lakeshi, so Rohan asked her what she thought of her brother-in-law.

  "Oh, he's very discreet, unlike my brother. Even when Kartik was alive, Rahul never touched him in public. It's very refreshing after growing up with someone like Vivek," Queen Laxmi told him. "Are you still unmarried because you like men?"

  "Uh, yes, I guess..." He averted his eyes and glanced at Luca who seemed mesmerized by King Rahul's dance steps. "But Keshav mentioned there are others like me at the other courts and I decided to have a look for myself."

  "You can go to my brother's palace, and bring that handsome northerner with you. But I don't think you'll stay. Even Suresh went back to Arquon after giving the throne to his brother..."

  "I will, your majesty, thank you for your advice."


  Keshav observed carefully the painting of the two half-bloods. They weren't very much alike, in spite of being cousins. Raykim's hair was painted a bright cobalt blue, with his bat-like wings a shade darker. He had brown skin and yellow irises and looked very young. The magic user looked completely Human, with northern clothes that must have looked strange in the eyes of the Amrendrans of so many years ago.

  Keshav sighed. He'd gone around the world to find such a marvel at his back door, so to speak. He should have asked his mother and uncle earlier about the visitors. He had heard about them in Lakeshi, but they had no tangible proof there, even though apparently Raykim had enjoyed the company of then Prince Vijay – Queen Laxmi's father.

  The Amrendran court painter who had done such a realistic portrait was long dead. Chitrangda had told him that there were no other traces of the cousins' passage besides that painting. Raykim could learn a new language in a few days, but he didn't read or write and Keneith had been quite introverted and if he had taken notes, he had taken them with him.

  Keshav imagined the magic user traveling with a pack of sheets like Aagney. His own notes had become quite numerous and burdensome to travel with. So he might as well settle, like Babita had suggested.

  He turned his back on the painting and slowly walked back down the stately corridor. The guards stationed in front of the royal apartments watched him pass with mild curiosity. He stopped in the palace library, inhaling the familiar smell of parchment, dust, ink and candle-wax.

  The Genn necklace in his pocket felt heavy. He went to one of the library windows and checked it again. He should give it to someone, but couldn't make up his mind between his female relatives. It was also a memento of his quest and the fact that he had succeeded and found the Genn, therefore he didn't think he could give it away. It was a gift from Silverleaf and such exquisite work...

  Rohan and Luca had left for Lakeshi with Silverleaf. Babita was setting up shop next to his sister, who had married a merchant and now lived close to the ocean waterfront. They had a big warehouse and had rented a quarter of it to Babita, who didn't need much room yet. She had moved into the attic over the warehouse and had started gathering wares for her shop.

  Keshav decided to pay her a visit. He had avoided her after his family had made it clear that they wouldn't have minded if he married her, and now he felt guilty about it. She was still in town, so they didn't really need to say good-bye like they had with Rohan, Luca and Silverleaf, but still...

  He exited the palace and went down the hill towards the sea. The air smelled of roses and wet leaves, since it had rained all night. Soon the wind from the sea brought the salty smell of algae and waves and he reached the suburb where his sister lived.

  He passed her house and the part of the warehouse that belonged to her husband and headed for the little side door that was now the entrance to Babita's shop. He still remembered her shop in Godwalkar, with its selection of maps but also potions, trap components and adventuring supplies all stashed on shelves and tables.

  The shop being in a warehouse, it had no windows. It was cramped, with a cool color scheme and as sparsely decorated as Babita's previous shop. Oil lamps hung from the ceiling to give light to the small room and a wooden staircase led to the attic. There was obviously no room for back-stock, but the shelves were still mostly empty.

  Babita sat at the counter, busy writing, but she looked up when he entered. She brightened and rose, coming forward to greet him.

  "Well, look what the ocean winds brought in today! How are you, Keshav?"

  "I'm fine. I went to the palace to look at that painting."

  "Oh? Was it as you expected it?"

  "The Amrendran court had a very talented painter at the time. The portrait is very realistic. How are you doing here?"

  "I'm fine. Still stocking up. I will sell maps and books. I was also thinking of offering services, but I'd need an associate for that."

  "What kind of services?"

  "Scribe. Writing or reading for people who can't read for a small fee. Or copyist, for whoever wants to have more than one copy of anything."

  She stared at him intently. He'd been thinking about Raykim being illiterate and knew there were many in his condition. It was certainly better than teaching.

  "And how much do you think you could ask for those services?" he asked.

  "It depends on how good the scribe/copyist is," she answered with a smile. "You know, in Godwalkar there were places where students could have their papers written for a fee."

  "That's cheating! I would never do that!"

  She chuckled. "I had no doubts about that. But you can do everything else, if you want."

  "And why would you take me as an associate?" />
  "Because I think you'd fit in perfectly fine. And because then I'd be able to see you every day without trying to find lame excuses to visit you." She stepped closer, serious now. "I love you, Keshav."

  "Thank you," he answered as his heart started beating faster. "I'm afraid I'm not very good with that stuff, though."

  "That's why I love you," she replied with a smile. "We can work it out, surely, can't we?"

  He hesitated. He'd lose his freedom. And his chastity. But he'd be doing work he didn't mind. He'd have time to keep studying if he felt so inclined.

  The necklace in his pocket seemed to possess a life of its own. He took it out without thinking and stared at it for a moment. He looked at her, then clasped the Genn jewel around her neck.

  "I thought you'd give it to your cousin," she said.

  "She doesn't need it," he replied. "You do, for when we go to the palace."

  "Why should I go to the palace with you? Unless you're saying you return my feelings and are willing to give me a chance..."

  He took her arms and pulled her closer.

  "Babita, I'm really bad at this, but I think you know it. And your idea is wonderful. I'll happily be your associate for now and then we'll see where this takes us, all right?"

  She nodded, amused. "I'll give you one year," she warned playfully. "And I started counting when I first saw you in Godwalkar."

  "That's unfair, you're cheating me of three months!"

  She chuckled. "What are you afraid of?"

  She took his head in her hands and pulled him down to kiss him. Keshav stiffened, as usual, but then slowly relaxed. By the end of the long kiss, he was breathless. The wicked woman had him wrapped around her finger!


  About the Author

  Barbara G.Tarn had an intense life in the Middle Ages that stuck to her through the centuries. She prefers swords to guns, long gowns to mini-skirts, and even though she buried the warrior woman, she deplores the death of knights in shining chainmail. She likes to think her condo apartment is a medieval castle, unfortunately lacking a dungeon to throw noisy neighbors and naughty colleagues in. Also known as the Lady with the Unicorns, these days she prefers to add a touch of fantasy to all her stories, past and present – when she’s not wandering on her fantasy world of Silvery Earth or in her science fantasy Star Minds Universe. She dabbles into historical fantasy with her Vampires Through the Centuries series and has started post-apocalyptic/steampunk series called Future Earth Chronicles. She’s a writer, sometimes artist, mostly a world-creator and story-teller. Two of her stories received an Honorable Mention at the Writers of the Future contest and one was published in Pulphouse Magazine #5 (March 2019). She writes, draws, ignores her day job and blogs at:

  For more info on the series or other titles go to Unicorn Productions.

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  Did you love Quests Volume Two: The Paths of Fire and Earth? Then you should read Quests Volume One: The Paths of Water and Air by Barbara G.Tarn!

  The Path of Water

  Hinrik survives the battle outside the walls of Moriana, battered and hurt. He drags himself to the River Ondan to put an end to his misery.

  But it's just the beginning of a new life of discoveries about himself and the world, a quest for his true calling in life. He is a half-blood and must learn what it means with the help of Bellinda the healer and Keneith the magic user.

  The warrior, the healer and the magic user are all outsiders or outcasts looking for a place to call home in a hostile world, away from the aggressively expanding Varian and Blackmore Kingdoms.

  A story of the northern kingdoms of Silvery Earth with magic and pain, loss and rebirth.

  The Path of Air

  Sayla is the best archer of her hometown, thanks also to her keen eyesight that allows her to see the Sila flying over, too distant for normal Human eyes. When her maimed Sila mother hints to the fact that she was actually born with wings, she leaves her hometown to go looking for other winged beings and get in touch with her Sila blood.

  A journey of self-discovery for Sayla and her best friend Keenan who is also madly in love with her and ready to do everything to give her back her wings. Eagles, hawks and other birds of prey help them along the way, until they discover the hidden past of Sayla's parents.

  The north-east of Varia seen through the eyes of two young people leaving home for the first time.

  Read more at Barbara G.Tarn’s site.

  Also by Barbara G.Tarn

  Future Earth Chronicles

  Brainwaves (Future Earth Chronicles Book 1)

  Wanderlust (Future Earth Chronicles Book 2)

  Across Continents (Future Earth Chronicles Book 3)

  Himalayas (Future Earth Chronicles Book 4)

  Airships (Future Earth Chronicles Book 5)

  Silvery Earth

  Books of the Immortals - Air

  Books of the Immortals - Earth

  Books of the Immortals - Ether

  Books of the Immortals - Fire

  Books of the Immortals - Water

  Chronicles of the Varian Empire - Volume 1

  Chronicles of the Varian Empire - Volume 2

  Chronicles of the Varian Empire - Volume 3

  Male Lovers of Silvery Earth

  Amazon Spring

  Amazon Summer

  Books of the Immortals

  The Hooded Man

  Kilig & Hakeem

  Saif & Kilig

  Kilig the Sword

  The Young King



  Amazon Fall

  The Path of Water (Quests Book 1)

  The Path of Fire (Quests Book 2)

  Tales of the Northern Kingdoms volume 1

  Tales of the Northern Kingdoms volume 2

  Male Lovers of Silvery Earth Volume 2

  Fairy Tales Revisited on Silvery Earth

  Tales of the Queendom of Maadre

  More Tales of the Southern Kingdoms (One Volume Edition)

  Tales of the Southern Kingdoms (One Volume Edition)

  The Path of Air (Quests Book 3)

  Quests Volume One: The Paths of Water and Air

  The Path of Earth (Quests Book 4)

  Quests Volume Two: The Paths of Fire and Earth

  Talwar and Khanda - Assassins in Love

  Saif's Story

  Honorable Assassins

  Axelle, Wanderer (Silvery Earth Heroines)

  The Complete Chronicles of the Varian Empire Box Set

  Assassins Guild of Silvery Earth Box Set

  Fall of the Southern Kingdoms

  Angelica, Scholar (Silvery Earth Heroines)

  Two Stories of the Varian Empire

  Male Lovers of Silvery Earth Volume 3

  The Sun Sword (Legends of the Moren Empire Volume 1)

  Quests Box Set

  Star Minds Italiano

  Angelo Tecnologico (Star Minds #1)

  Mercanti di Schiavi (Star Minds #3)

  Star Minds - la trilogia

  Stella Cadente

  Legame Mentale (Star Minds #2)

  Star Minds Frammenti - Donne

  Star Minds Frammenti

  Star Minds Universe

  Star Minds - The Trilogy

  Star Minds Snippets

  Star Minds Next Generation

  Star Minds Next Generation Diaries

  Star Minds Chasing Stardom

  Star Minds Interregnum

  Star Minds Third Generation Snippets

  Star Minds Starter

  Adventurer (Star Minds Lone Wolves)

  Pilot (Star Minds Lone Wolves)

  Hacker (Star Minds Lone Wolves)

  Thief (Star Minds Lone Wolves)

ry (Star Minds Lone Wolves)

  Freelance (Star Minds Lone Wolves)

  Star Minds Lone Wolves Shorts

  Star Minds Lone Wolves Team - Missions 1-5

  Star Minds Lone Wolves Team - Missions 6-10

  Star Minds Lone Wolves Team - Missions 11-15

  Star Minds Lone Wolves Team - Missions 16-20

  Star Minds Lone Wolves Team - Missions 21-25

  Star Minds Lone Wolves Team - Missions 26-29

  Rogue (Star Minds Lone Wolves)

  Terra d'Argento in italiano

  Amori Maschili a Terra d'Argento

  L'eredità di Saif

  Smeraldo e Kyrio

  Il giovane re

  Saif e Kilig

  Vampires Through the Centuries

  Charioteer of Buddha


  Kaylyn the Sister-in-Darkness

  Kristine the Youngest

  Norman Blood

  Rajveer the Vampire

  Shashank the Fledgling

  Vampires Through the Centuries Novellas


  Johnny & Marian

  Six Months and Other Love Stories

  Best of Friends

  Ciaran & Harith

  Happiness is...

  Choices, Changes and Other Stories

  Pat & Babs

  Body Switches

  Yash and Ryo Lost in the Milky Way

  Today People

  Soul Thieves

  The Fern and The Cross


  Joint Operations

  Relationships (5 Short Stories of Love and Friendship)

  Mumbai Dreams

  Watch for more at Barbara G.Tarn’s site.




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