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Page 7

by Harley Wylde

  “What?” Jackal’s eyebrows slammed down into a hard line and his jaw clenched. “What the hell does that mean?”

  “The night we met I was furious and acting out. My mom had given me an ultimatum. I either went back to college or I did what she said. Which happened to be marry some balding guy who was like thirty or forty years older than me. He wanted an heir so my dear, sweet mother was going to auction off my virginity and my womb.”

  “That’s what the outburst was about that night?” he asked. “Is that why you ran off with me? To get back at your mom?”

  “No. I went to the clubhouse that night to demand that Tank do something to help me, but meeting you… that was just a bonus of being there. I’d never been tempted to ride off with someone before, but one look in your eyes and I was hooked.”

  He winked. “Yeah, I’m sure it was my eyes that hooked you.”

  “Shut up,” I muttered, my cheeks burning. “All right. So I checked out the rest of you.”

  “That’s okay. I couldn’t take my eyes off you. The second you walked through the door, storming in like you owned the place, then putting that Prospect in his place? I was a goner. I was used to women using their bodies to get a leg up in the club. I’d never seen anyone like you, acting like the queen over her domain and demanding shit from guys three times your size.”

  “I knew Tank and the Reapers wouldn’t hurt me. If anyone there had grabbed me with the intention of harming me, Tank would have ripped their heads off. He likes to be all gruff and blustery, but deep down, I know he loves me.”

  “You don’t look anything alike,” Jackal said.

  “We have the same dad. Different moms. Our dad tended to get around. He was a Nomad for another club. I guess the biker gene is in our blood. Tank is one, and I seem to gravitate toward them.”

  Jackal narrowed his eyes. “Speaking of that. What exactly is your relationship with Savior? He seems to be a little too familiar with you.”

  “Down, Cujo. Savior is like a brother to me. All the Reapers are, except Torch. He’s more like a dad to me. Don’t ever tell him I said that, though, since his wife is about two seconds older than me.”

  “How old are you?” Jackal asked. “I mean, I know I’m probably robbing the cradle, as they say, but you were legal the three days we spent together, right?”

  “You don’t remember Tank announcing to everyone I was nineteen? Relax, Eric. I’m twenty-two as of six months ago.”

  “Still robbing the cradle,” he muttered.

  “How old are you?” I asked. I’d pegged him at being around my brother’s age that first night we’d met, and I wondered how close I was in getting it right.

  “I’m thirty-eight. For another month,” he said. “Too damn old to be claiming a twenty-two-year-old.”

  “Really? So there’s something wrong with the relationship between Isabella and Torch?” I asked. “Or between Bull and Darian?”

  He held up his hands. “No. They all seem to be perfect for each other.”

  “My age wasn’t an issue when Allegra was conceived,” I pointed out.

  He smiled a little. “No, it wasn’t. I guess I just felt like you’d get tired of being with someone so much older. I’ll be fifty and you’ll still be young and ready to take over the world.”

  “Eric, I have a toddler. I can barely function most days, much less plot world domination.”

  He chuckled and leaned back in his chair. “I was serious, Josie. I think we should get married. If for no other reason than for Allegra. I want her to have my name.”

  I chewed on my lower lip for a moment, thinking things over. He seemed sincere, and I didn’t want to push him away, not after he seemed to be making a genuine effort where his daughter was concerned. Maybe for me too, even though he’d claimed it was for Allegra. But marriage? I hadn’t been serious when I’d brought it up. Just having him sit here and not take off was huge enough. I never really expected a ring out of this. After having Allegra and the way men avoided me, I’d figured I’d be single until she was out of high school. Maybe forever.

  “I’ll make a deal with you,” I said.


  “Stay here long enough for Allegra to regain her strength, get to know the both of us, and if you still want to get married we’ll talk about it again. But you’re going to have to figure out a place to stay. I don’t see my brother offering up a spot in his house.”

  He snorted. “No, probably not. He gave me a black eye first time I came back here. All things considered, I’m surprised he didn’t do far more. His brothers held him back, but Tank is a big bastard. If he’d really wanted to break free and beat the shit out of me, I’m sure he’d have managed it.”

  “No doubt. You’d knocked up his baby sister and ran off, never to be heard from again. Well, until recently. He wanted to go after you when I found out I was pregnant, but I wouldn’t let him.”

  “Why?” he asked.

  “You didn’t want kids, and I didn’t want you to feel trapped.”

  Jackal ran a hand down his face. “I’m so fucking sorry, Josie. If I hadn’t stressed the fact I didn’t want kids when we were together, then maybe you’d have reached out. Sometimes I can be an asshole.”

  “Just sometimes?” I teased. “Come on, Jackal. You have that alpha biker thing going on. Trust me, you’re an asshole most of the time.”

  “Yeah, maybe.” He smiled at me. “But I promise I won’t be an asshole with you. Not anymore. If you’ll give me a chance, I’ll prove that things can work between us.”

  “Two weeks. After they release Allegra, you’re to remain here two weeks and show that you can be the man we need. After that, I’ll check with her doctor and see when she can move, if you’ve proven yourself. And I’ll prove myself too. I didn’t exactly act all that grown up and responsible when I kept your daughter from you, even if I did think I was protecting her. Neither of us is perfect.”

  He lifted my hand and kissed it. “Maybe not, but perhaps we’re perfect together.”

  I felt hope for the first time since finding out I was pregnant with Allegra. I just hoped that fate didn’t fuck me over. That fickle bitch had a way of screwing with my life.

  Chapter Six


  One Week Later

  I’d done everything Josie asked of me. With some help from the Reapers. After a long conversation with the officers of the Dixie Reapers, I’d convinced them I really did want a chance with Josie and my daughter. They’d let me stay in a furnished duplex inside the compound so I’d be close enough to spend time with my family. It hadn’t been easy. Allegra had stayed in the hospital for two days, until they were convinced her fever was gone for good and she was on the road to recovery. Since then, I’d done my best to show Josie that I wanted to be a good dad for Allegra, but I seemed to always fuck shit up. Didn’t help that I knew jack about kids.

  The toy in my hand was the first I’d given my daughter, and I worried she wouldn’t like it. I’d spent enough time with her to know she loved her dolls and books, but I’d thought maybe she’d like something a little different. I’d found some plastic blocks that were a lot bigger than Legos and thought she might enjoy putting them together. Now that I stood in front of Tank’s house, I was second-guessing myself. I’d played with blocks, cars, and trains as a kid, but I didn’t have a clue if a little girl would be into those things.

  The door opened and Josie leaned a hip against the doorframe. “Are you going to stand there all morning or come inside?”

  I went up the steps, brushed a kiss on her cheek, then stepped into the house. We hadn’t been intimate since that one night I’d found her crying in the bathroom at the hospital, but I’d caught the heated looks she threw my way. I’d decided to arrange for an adults-only night, and I hoped she wouldn’t think I’d overstepped. Tank had offered to watch Allegra, but I’d sworn him to secrecy. Something told me it had been a long while since anyone had surprised Josie, and I wanted to be the first.<
br />
  “A present for Allegra?” Josie asked, nodding to the gift bag in my hand.

  “Yeah. I wasn’t sure how well she did with wrapping paper, and my skills at that kind of thing are pretty shitty. Gift bag seemed easier for both of us.”

  “She likes presents.” Josie smiled and tugged me into the living room, where Allegra had already made herself comfortable on the floor and her favorite cartoon was playing on the TV. She was sitting on a blanket with unicorns on it, a few toys scattered around her.

  I hunkered down next to her and touched the wisps of hair around her face, smiling at the little angel. She blinked at me, then stuck her thumb in her mouth. Josie had said it was something she did when she was nervous or upset. I didn’t like that I made my daughter feel either of those things, but I knew it would take time for her to get to know me. I was trying, but some days it didn’t feel like enough.

  “Morning, baby girl. Daddy brought you something,” I said. Handing her the bag, I watched as she pulled the package of blocks out, but she seemed confused.

  I took the bag from her and unzipped it, then pulled out some of the brightly colored blocks. I put a few together and showed her how it was done. Allegra’s eyes lit up and she grabbed the blocks and started making stacks of them. When she’d put them all together, I showed her how to take them apart and she started all over again.

  “I think she likes them,” Josie said.

  “So, I had a question for you,” I said. “And you can say no, but I’d really like for you to say yes.”

  “You’re being cryptic, Jackal. Just spit it out.”

  “Eric,” I reminded her. I was Jackal to everyone else, but to her I wanted to be Eric. Jackal was the name the club sluts had screamed, and Josie was different from them.

  “Fine, Eric. Just tell me whatever it is.”

  “I’ve arranged for Tank to watch Allegra tonight.” I cleared my throat. “All night.”

  Her eyebrows did that slow climb that was honestly a little frightening. I’d seen her do that right before losing her shit a time or two since I’d come back, and I hoped I wasn’t about to have something launched at my head.

  “All night?” she asked.

  “I thought we could go to dinner, maybe catch a late movie…” I shoved my hands into my pockets. “Maybe you could stay over.”

  She rose from the couch and moved closer, the sway of her hips mesmerizing me. Josie reached out and trailed a finger down my chest, not stopping until she reached my belt buckle, and fuck if my cock didn’t stand at attention.

  “Are you saying you want in my pants?” she asked softly.

  “Will you throw me out if I say yes?”

  She glanced at our daughter, who wasn’t paying us the least bit of attention, then Josie turned us so my back was facing our kid. There was a playful look in her eyes as she unfastened my belt, then unzipped my pants. My heart nearly stuttered and came to a halt as she plunged her hand into my underwear and gripped my cock, giving it a firm stroke. I braced my hand on the wall behind Josie and leaned into her touch.

  “Christ, woman. Is now really the time for this?” I asked, my voice deeper than usual as that soft hand worked my cock.

  “I think you need a little relief before tonight.” She smirked at me, then looked over my shoulder. Allegra must have still been ignoring us because her gaze latched onto mine again as she stroked me harder and faster.

  “You’re going to make me come in my pants,” I warned. “Then I’ll have to go home and change.”

  She looked at Allegra once more before pulling me around the corner, just out of sight. She tugged my pants down, then dropped to her knees. The second her lips wrapped around me, my legs turned to jelly. She sucked, licked, and teased. It didn’t take but a minute before I was coming, filling her mouth with my cum. Any other time, I’d have been embarrassed, but my woman just had that effect on me. I’d gotten off every night by my own hand while picturing her on her knees just like this. It was like a wet dream come true.

  Josie swallowed it all, then licked her lips and gave me a sassy look. As she got to her feet, I pinned her to the wall and growled.

  “Woman, if our daughter weren’t right around the corner, I’d fuck you so damn hard you wouldn’t be able to walk for a week.”

  “Later.” She winked, then disappeared back into the living room with Allegra.

  I breathed hard for a moment, then zipped up and joined them. Allegra seemed oblivious, thank God. Not that she would have had a clue what was happening at such a young age, but I didn’t want to scar her for life either. Josie had already claimed one corner of the couch, but I knew if I sat next to her, I’d never keep my hands to myself. I eased down onto the opposite end, and she winked at me. Damn woman. She knew she was turning me inside out, and I had a feeling she was enjoying every second of it.

  I spent the morning with my girls, went out to grab some lunch for us, and stayed until Tank walked in the door. He might have agreed to give me a night with Josie, but I knew he was still pissed at me for taking off. Both times. Couldn’t blame him. If I had a sister, I’d probably feel the same if some douchebag ran out on her. I’d had my reasons, but looking back, they’d sucked. My first priority should have been my daughter, the moment I’d found out about her. Instead, I’d been a chickenshit.

  I gave Tank a nod, then headed out to my bike. A glance back at the house made me smile as my little girl had her nose pressed to the window. She gave me a wave and I returned it before getting on my Harley and heading to my temporary home. As I drove through the compound, I had to admit that the Reapers had the right idea, keeping everyone behind the gate. There was around-the-clock protection for them and their families. The Devils had a decent amount of land but nothing like this.

  I walked through the door of the duplex, and shut it before pulling out my phone. I wasn’t an officer with my club, but I hoped that our Pres would listen to me. Now that I had a family to think about, I wanted to see some changes in my club. Josie would be the only old lady, and Allegra the only kid. Scratch was the only other brother with a kid, and his was an adult, near Josie’s age.

  The phone rang a few times before Cinder picked up.

  “Any trouble?” he asked.

  “No. Are we expecting any?”

  “Not at the moment. Is this a social call?” Cinder asked.

  “I’m calling because I think the Reapers have the right idea. On some things anyway. Their compound is fucking huge, and they all live inside the gates, which means their women and children have twenty-four-hour protection. I know the bad shit we’ve been dealing with is finally over, but if more comes to our door, Josie and Allegra could be targeted.”

  “And you want me to what? There’s no way we’re fitting a bunch of houses inside our gates like the Reapers have. Or are you suggesting that we move the club? Because we’ve had this clubhouse for over fifty years, ever since the Devils moved to this town.”

  “I don’t know,” I admitted. “I just don’t like the idea of Josie and Allegra being in danger. I just bought that house before I came here. I mean, I haven’t signed the papers yet, but the previous owners let me move in and pay rent until everything goes through. I’ve already asked the Prospects to make some changes to the house.”

  “When you get back, we’ll throw some ideas around and put it to the club. Maybe we could put up some sort of apartment building inside the compound that could be used as a safe house when trouble comes knocking.”

  “Thanks for listening, Cinder. I’m just worried about Josie and Allegra. I’m still trying to convince Josie to move back with me, and she’s seriously thinking about it. She said she wanted time to get to know me better, and I appreciate you giving me the time away from the club,” I said.

  “Honestly, I’m hoping this goes well for you. You’re not the only one who would like to have an old lady. Let’s just say that you’re my guinea pig. If it works out for you with Josie and your kid, then maybe there’s hope for
the others,” Cinder said. “It’s time for things to change around here.”

  I couldn’t have agreed more, but I was happy to hear my Pres say that. We talked a few more minutes, and then I hung up. Tossing my keys and phone onto the bar that separated the kitchen from the living room, I sprawled on the couch and stared at the ceiling. I’d been with more women than I could count since the age of sixteen, but only one had ever made me feel nervous. Josie. She was the only one I’d ever wanted to keep, had ever thought about for longer than a night. She mattered when all the faceless women from my past were a blur. And because she mattered, I was worried I was going to fuck this up. Royally.

  I had a feeling that tonight was extremely important. I’d been in town long enough now that she had to have some idea as to whether or not she wanted to leave with me. Allegra had a doctor’s appointment scheduled in five days to see how she was doing. It was my hope that he would give her the all clear to move, and Josie would start packing to go back to Florida with me. I had a really big obstacle in front of me, though. Not only my habit of running on her, but she had family here. Not just her brother by blood, but all the Reapers treated her like a sister or daughter. And they all doted on Allegra. Taking her from here wouldn’t be easy, but I was a Devil and I needed to go home.

  The minutes ticked by, slowly at first, then faster. When it was creeping up on time to pick up Josie, I took a long, hot shower, then dug through the small amount of shit I’d packed, but it was all the same. Black or gray tees, jeans, and my boots and cut. Not that I really owned anything nicer back home. I was a pretty basic guy when it came to my clothes, and since I’d never done the dating thing, not since high school, I hadn’t had a need for nicer shirts. Fuck. I should have used my time to go shopping.

  The clock mocked me, showing I only had enough time to oil and comb my beard, put some shit in my hair, and head out. I felt like a fucking girl, worrying over my appearance, but this was my first official date with Josie, and I wanted everything to be perfect. I wanted to win her over and prove that she wouldn’t be making a mistake by moving back with me. It was a lot of pressure to put on one night, but I knew my time was running out.


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