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Her Highlander’s Promise (Highlanders 0f Cadney Book 4)

Page 16

by Fiona Faris

  “Aithe, I want you to enter me, I want you inside of me again,” the way she cried out, it was almost a plea, and Aithe could not refuse. He moved his hand from her and Alice quickly turned her body. She climbed on top of him, straddling, as Aithe placed himself between her legs. He had planned on entering her slowly, but Alice moved over him and pushed him inside of her quickly. She let out a loud moan as he moved into her, and Aithe felt himself almost climax.

  “Oh Alice, I never want tae be away from ye,” Aithe cried out.

  “Oh, Aithe!” Alice continued repeating Aithe’s name like a prayer. She cried out over and over as he moved inside of her. Alice splashed water every way without a care in the world.

  She leaned forward with her breasts facing Aithe. He moved one arm to pull her in, taking one nipple in his mouth. He flicked the pink stub with his tongue and circled it as Alice moved up and down on him.

  He felt any moment he might climax.

  “Aithe, I feel as though I might break for you,” Alice cried out. She pinched her free nipple with one hand and with the other she held on to the bathtub, pulling herself toward him over and over again. She quickened her pace and moved her hips into him.

  “Yes, Alice!” Aithe cried as he grabbed onto her buttocks and pulled her in. As the two took in short and quick breaths, they climbed to their climax.

  “Yes, Yes!” Alice cried out just as Aithe felt himself erupt inside of her. He pulled her close and sucked on her nipple just as she clenched around him, and both exploded in a passionate and powerful orgasm.

  The two laid together for a moment, enjoying the feel of the other's skin. Aithe ran his hand across Alice’s back, stroking her gently before reaching to pick up the soap.

  “Well, that's one-way tae get clean," he added with a wink. Alice playfully smacked him and laughed.

  “My goodness,” She shook her head and looked away as she covered her mouth.

  “Is that a bit of a blush, I see?” Aithe teased Alice, and she turned away from him with a wide smile. “I see what I dae tae ye, lassie.”

  As he said those words, Alice turned to him, “And I see what I do to you.” She leaned in and gave him a soft and sensual kiss on the lips.

  “I suppose we should get cleaned up fully, however. It will be a few more days before we can bathe again, and the journey will be difficult.”

  Aithe began to soap his arms and underneath them. He took the bubbles and added some to his beard as Alice continued rinsing her body and began to wash her hair. Aithe had never seen her hair wet or down, and he thought she was as captivating as a siren. The way it splayed out in the water shook him to the core.

  “Alice, ye are absolutely beautiful.” Aithe said in a soft whisper.

  “And you are truly handsome.” Alice added with a giggle. She looked around the expansive bathing room and smiled. Aithe wished desperately he could sweep her away to a beautiful place where she could lay back in a bath as big as this, and let her body unwind. One day, he told himself, one day he would give her all she deserved.

  Chapter Twenty

  Alice and Aithe made their way back to the bedroom, where they awaited their hot meal. Alice could not believe the kindness of the innkeeper.

  “He really trusts you?” She asked Aithe as they both wrapped themselves in linens and waited for their washed clothes to dry.

  “Tis a Scottish trait, we see after our own kind when we can. The innkeeper is a swell lad, but many in Scottland would dae th’ same, lassie. Ye’ll see it more when we get tae Cadney.”

  Alice wondered about moving to Cadney. Would it be all she hoped it would be? As grand as it was to be with Aithe in the bathing room only moments ago, she also knew that it would not be like that when they got to Cadney. Their marriage was not one based on true love, but responsibility and a mutual understanding. She knew enough of the world now to see that it was all she could hope for, especially given how much her uncle insisted on treating her as property. But Alice still wondered if it was all worth it. She could not deny that the longer she spent by Aithe’s side, the more her feelings grew for him. How would she manage to see him leave so often, knowing he was off on adventures while she stayed at home in Cadney? She did not want to be away from him for so long, but Aithe was a free man with an adventurous spirit.

  Would his family be as open to accepting her as he claimed? Alice knew his mother had not heard from Aithe in years, and likely thought him dead. She expected, if she were a mother, she would be rightfully angry with her son, especially if he brought home a wife. Thinking about herself as a mother made Alice feel suddenly burdened. She had always liked the idea of having a family of her own, a child to pass on all the knowledge of the world. But now, would she ever bear a child? Would Aithe give her a child and then leave on his adventures? She actually quite enjoyed the image of a small little son, one who had Aithe’s wild and unruly hair, with Alice’s quiet and keen eyes. But she did not know if he would ever agree to such a thing. And if he did agree to it, she wasn’t quite sure she wanted to raise the child alone because Aithe wished to be elsewhere.

  The closer they got to Cadney, the more real the future became. Only weeks ago, Alice believed Aithe dead. She thought her future was all planned out and grieved it to the depths of her soul. But now that things had returned to the plan the two had wildly set in motion one year ago, she was beginning to see it was not thoroughly thought through. Still, Alice trusted Aithe and believed him when he said he would do all he could to make her happy. Perhaps that was all she needed to focus on, her happiness and the fact that it was actually a possibility, more so than ever before.

  There was a knock at the door, and Aithe rose with one of the smaller quilts draped around his bottom half. Alice stifled a laugh, he looked as if he wore a loincloth woven from thick wool. At the door was a kitchen staff member with a tray of food for the two of them. Aithe carried it in, balancing it precariously in one hand. Alice felt her mouth water as the delicious smells wafted into the room, for they had not eaten well in quite some time. Aithe was a skilled hunter and fisherman, able to gather food for her at a moment’s notice, but it was not enough for the two of them especially given how much energy they were burning as they traveled, and how quiet they needed to remain at all times for fear of being caught by a tracker.

  The tray held plates covered by small bowls to keep the food warm. Aithe unveiled the meals, and Alice felt her stomach grumble in response.

  “That all looks absolutely delicious,” she smiled.

  “Aye, lassie, that it does.” He moved the table closer to the bed so they could both eat comfortably.

  “Will you tell me more about your family, who I’ll be seeing often, Aithe?” Alice asked as she reached over towards one of the bread rolls on the tray.

  “Well, me mother and me aunt are who ye will likely see the most.” Aithe said as he reached down to take a bit of the beef mixed with gravy on his plate. Alice looked at the meat and also picked up a small bite. It melted on her tongue in a sea of salt and spice.

  “Do you think they will approve of me?” Alice asked in a whisper over the sound of Aithe sliding the bread across the gravy on the plate.

  “Of course, lassie. They are vary lovin’ but vary strong women. They love who I love. They will care fer ye as if ye were their own daughter, especially when they learn of where ye have been.” Aithe reached over and placed a hand against Alice’s cheek. “They will understand havin’ also grown up with people like yer uncle.”

  Alice’s eyebrow rose, and she waited for Aithe to elaborate. “What do you mean, people like my uncle?”

  Aithe shook his head, realizing he had forgotten all that time to tell her a critical detail. “Well, me mum and aunt were both English. I cannae believe I have nay told ye. They understand what it means tae turn tae the Scottish way of livin’ fer peace or tae escape from the pressures.”

  Alice almost dropped the bread she had been holding. Aithe was partially English? She had not known.
As she stared at him, she was aware of how fully Scottish he looked, but surely his family had shared stories of being English, of being married off for the sake of growing the family name, perhaps Aithe’s own mother had nearly escaped a similar fate. It made Alice feel better knowing that they understood, that they would be accepting of the fact that she was not a Scottish woman but English.

  “They’re English? Why hadn’t you mentioned that before?” Alice felt thrilled to know someone would understand her own past.

  “Well, lassie, and when exactly did ye expect me tae mention it, when I was huntin’ rabbits fer us, or when I was stealin’ away the carriage tae keep ye from bein’ sent off tae Sussex.”

  Alice had to laugh. Aithe was right. They honestly had not had much time to get to know each other in the same way most couples have.

  “You’re right, we have not had a single moment to really spend time getting to know each other aside from discovering how the other sleeps.”

  “I want ye tae ken, ye dinnae need tae fash. Yer life will be yer own in Cadney. I guarantee ye that much. Me family will help ye adjust, but ye will nae need tae be living how ye lived with yer uncle.”

  Alice looked at her plate and simply responded with a “thank you.”

  While she appreciated what Aithe was saying, she wasn’t so sure she wanted her life to be entirely her own. She was enjoying being with Aithe. And more than that, she was beginning to think of him as her husband, as a man she woke next to and fell asleep next to. She did not know if she would call it love but knew she had feelings that were growing stronger by the day.

  The two continued eating in relative silence. Aithe smiled periodically at Alice, and she too smiled at him, each likely thinking about what happened in the bathing room.

  * * *

  After the meal was over, the two set the tray outside for the innkeeper to collect as he made his rounds, checking everyone was comfortable and happy. The two climbed into bed, and Aithe turned off the lights, lost in his own thoughts.

  He thought about what he had said to Alice not so long ago. He had promised that her life would be her own as soon as they made it to Cadney. He had promised to care for her as her brother would, to provide her with the freedom to do as she pleased, and only a year ago, he had also told her he wanted his own freedom and his own life. But as the words fell from his mouth at that moment, and he guaranteed her the freedom to live apart from him, he suddenly felt cold and hurt by the idea of it all. He craved freedom, he wanted to be a part of a noble cause, to explore and see new lands, but he also wanted desperately to be by Alice’s side. When she had asked him to join her in the bathing room, he could not refuse her. The first time they had made love, he was unsure of how to feel. He was attracted to her, but also wanted to make love to let her know what it was like to be with a man who cared, who wanted her to truly experience pleasure. They had barely known each other, but it was a kind and caring lovemaking. But the second time they made love, it was different. It was as if they made love in every sense of the word, each enthralled by the pleasure of the other. Aithe wanted to hear her cry out for him, to see her body arch for his touch, not just because it was his duty to consummate the marriage, but because she was a bonny lassie that his heart called out to.

  They slept next to each other, each of them bare-skinned while their clothes continued to dry after their wash, and it was taking every bit of strength he had in his body to not reach out and pull Alice in against him. But it wasn’t only that he wanted to repeat what they had done hours ago, he wanted to hold her against his skin. To have their flesh against each other, even if it did not lead to lovemaking.

  Aithe was tired of pretending he didn’t care about Alice in the way he did, that he didn’t feel an attraction to her, or that their marriage was entirely of convenience. However, he didn't know what to say, and he still believed he was not ready to give up his own freedom.

  So instead of reaching out for her, kissing her the way he wanted, he settled for laying his rough, calloused hand against the soft flesh of her hips. Alice started as his cold skin touched hers, but within a moment, she settled and inched her buttocks towards him. He put his hand on her thigh, moved it up to the hill of her hip and let it rest there. His fingertips gently lay on her hip bone, and he felt Alice let out a soft sigh of relaxation.

  He was comfortable being with her at that moment, as if they had never spent a night apart from each other. Aithe let himself bask in the fact that they were in a bed together for the first time in a year. As Alice’s breathing deepened, so too did Aithe’s, and he slipped into a sleep that was desperately needed and much appreciated.

  * * *

  The next morning, Aithe and Alice woke up as the sun streamed in through their window. Aithe turned to find Alice opening her eyes just as he had turned to check on her.

  “Mm, hello there,” she said, shutting one eye to block out the light.

  “Mornin’, lassie. Are ye ready tae continue on our journey todae?” Aithe was ready to return home to Cadney, and even more so now that he knew they were much closer than he thought. In only a few days, especially if they could get a horse, they would arrive there and get to finally relax for the first time in over a year.

  “Yes, I am more than ready.” Alice got up and stretched. She pulled the linen over her body and moved towards where the dress was draped to dry. She bunched the fabric and laid her face against it to test for wetness. Despite it being a damp night, they had wrung the dress enough that it was just dry enough to wear. Aithe watched as Alice moved about, humming as she got ready for their journey. He was happy to see her so carefree and had to admit that she looked beautiful as the sun hit her bare flesh.

  Aithe stood and slipped on his clothes, and the two headed down to the dining area of the inn, where the keeper had offered them a final hearty meal before they continued the rest of their journey.

  “The people of this land are Scots, and I dinnae think I can take from them, especially when I can see the villagers are livin’ simply. Tis best if we continue on foot. Are ye alrigh’ with that, lassie?”

  “Yes. They have been very kind to us here, and should our uncle wander this far, I would rather have a village on our side than against us. The former would buy us more time anyway.”

  The room was lively and filled with a variety of travelers along with people who looked as though they lived in the village. Aithe watched as Alice took in all the Scots, their language, their rough mannerisms, but the whole time she did so with a smile. She greeted others with a slight nod of her head, and he thought once again how beautiful she was, both inside and out. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her after their night together, the reunion he had longed for since they had found each other again.

  Alice reached for his hand and pulled him to a back table in a corner. They sat there, and Aithe motioned towards a worker that they were ready for their meal. Alice smiled and placed her hand on Aithe’s arm.

  “I’m going to go relieve myself quickly before the food arrives.” He gave a swift nod of acknowledgment and watched her rush off in a flurry.

  While Aithe waited for Alice to return, he found himself grinning broadly. He could not wait, only three more suns until they arrived. He wondered if his family would be upset at him for not writing, for letting them think him dead. He knew even if they were upset, they would forgive him, and look past it in an effort to embrace his new wife. They would take to her immediately without knowing anything about her.

  “Well, aren’t ye a rightfully handsome lad,” A woman sat on the table and faced Aithe. He was startled out of his thoughts and surprised by her forward nature.

  “Oh, well, hello,” he said, unsure of what else to say. Was this a woman who worked for the inn?” The lassie hiked up her skirt and crossed her leg, showing off quite a bit of her thigh in the process. Aithe averted his eyes not wanting to be mistaken for someone who was looking. She was young, clearly, but not so young he didn’t think her wed.

  “Tis alrigh’ lad, ye can have a look if ye like,” she whispered in Aithe’s ear as she leaned in, the tight corset of her dress exposing her cleavage.

  “Um, lassie, while I appreciate the kind greetin’, I am expectin’ tae share a meal with me wife any moment.”

  “Aw, wife, well, I dinnae need tae think about her if ye want tae have yer way with me outside.” She continued whispering, and Aithe was unsure what to do. She was likely a wench trying to make a living, but even if that was the case, he did not like how close she was.

  “Well, I cannot say this is completely surprising.” Aithe jumped back further as he heard Alice’s voice so near. He turned to look at her, grateful to have an excuse not to engage with the woman any longer.

  But instead of finding Alice a welcome distraction, he saw she was very cross. Her face was a vivid pink, and she crossed her arms over in front of her.


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