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The Nine Realms of the Uti I: Warrior Prince

Page 7

by Kaitlyn O’Connor

  Moving closer once Rama had settled on his belly, Lauren debated briefly and decided to climb up on the bed and perch over his buttocks as she had before. There really wasn’t a comfortable position to give him a massage. The bed was too high and too wide to make it an easy reach standing beside it. And, of course, her perch shifted her center of gravity and put a strain on every muscle in her body.

  But she dismissed that as she stared down at his back, examining the damage from his hunt. After a moment, she reached down and lightly stroked a darkening bruise.

  He shuddered and she sent a quick look at his face.

  His head was turned to the side, but she thought his eyes were closed.

  “Did you fall off your … uh … beast?” she asked when she failed to recall the name they call the animals they rode.

  He lifted slightly and turned to look at her face. There was a mixture of amusement and annoyance in his expression. “I am Rama—the most skilled warrior of Proushta. I would never fall off my kinji.”

  Lauren struggled to subdue a smile. “I meant were you knocked off?”

  “That neither.”

  She shook her head and leaned down to rub his back, careful to avoid the damaged areas she could see. He settled and slowly, as she worked her way up and down his broad back, she felt the tension ease from him. She slipped up to his waist after a few minutes. Brushing his long, blond hair out of the way, she worked the muscles along his neck and then used both hands to do skull compressions. A rumbling sound of appreciation emerged from deep in his chest so she kept doing it for a few minutes more and then worked her way back down his neck and massaged his shoulders and upper arms and then worked down his spine to his waist.

  Despite the discomfort to her, it was a pleasure to stroke his supple flesh, to feel the smoothness of his skin against her fingers and palms and she continued stroking him until her own body began to protest the strain.

  She thought he’d drifted off. She hesitated for a heartbeat and then leaned down and placed a light kiss on the back of his neck.

  His skin reacted instantly to the light touch, pebbling all across his shoulders and down his arms.

  She sat up immediately, staring down at him, holding her breath to see if she’d roused him.

  The wait was very short. The moment she sat back, he pushed his upper torso from the bed and twisted to meet her gaze. For a handful of heartbeats they simply stared at one another and then he reached for her and dragged her down on the bed, planting his chest on top of hers.

  She stared up at him wide eyed, but she had no more than a second to protest if that had been something she’d wanted to do.

  She didn’t. She hadn’t intended the kiss as an invitation. She’d thought he was asleep and had simply yielded to the temptation. But she was open to being convinced.

  And she was totally convinced the moment he drifted closer and covered her mouth with his own.

  The same thrill of excitement that had rushed through her the first time washed over her the moment she felt the heat and adhesion of his mouth. She parted her lips for him in invitation, welcomed the bold stroke of his tongue. The intoxicating elixir of his essence filled her at once, making her dizzy in a very pleasant way.

  She kissed him back, clutching at his shoulders, stroking her tongue along his and then sucking on it.

  A jolt went through him at that, but before she could worry significantly that she’d done something wrong, the entire tenor of his kiss changed from gentle persuasion and exploration to ravenous consumption.

  By the time he broke the kiss, it felt like her eyeballs were swimming in her head and her eyelids were clamped shut with lead weights.

  She managed to get them open when he hauled her upright, but it took her a few moments to realize he’d done so to undress her. She might not have gotten it so soon except the tugging on her clothing connected in her mind.

  She didn’t hesitate to help him.

  In point of fact, they were working counter to one another for a handful of moments.

  Fortunately, she wasn’t wearing anything complicated—well or much at all. By the time she’d managed to strip off her one piece costume, he’d relieved her of her panties and shoved her undershirt up to tangle it with the gown.

  She was still trying to get the tangled fabric off of her head when he placed a shaking hand on her hip and stroked it upward, following the curve of her hip, the dip of her waist, and coming to rest finally on the breast on that side, cupping it.

  She forgot about the ‘head wrap’ when he leaned down and covered the breast with his mouth, suckling the tight bud at the center, gasping in a sharp breath when an almost electric jolt traveled from her nipple to her womb and that organ clenched in response.

  “Rama,” she gasped mindlessly as he continued to finesse the sensitive bud until she was next door to passing out in sheer bliss—and over oxygenation.

  Then he moved to the other breast.

  He was breathing nearly as heavily as she was when he finally stopped torturing her nipple and lifted his head.

  She was ready—more than ready.

  She grabbed his shoulders and tried to wiggle down to mount the rod that was slapping her thigh just above the knee.

  He caught her face between his palms and leaned in for another kiss.

  A burst of static sent a jolt through both of them.

  “Oh my god! Not now!” Lauren gasped, peeling his hand lose and giving the com unit a double tap to disconnect.

  Before Rama could pull away, she grabbed him and hauled him back, distracting him by shoving her tongue into his mouth.

  She almost came when he sucked it, but it put both of them in mind of the connection they really wanted and Rama grasped his cock to show it the way.

  Lauren had completely forgotten there was a little biological inconsistency between them.

  He had two dicks.

  She had one womb.

  Uh oh.

  He made the discovery just about the time she ‘remembered’.

  He was a hard man to convince, however.

  He plugged one into the mouth of her sex and commenced the uphill battle of the spawning, struggling upstream while the walls of her sex clenched so tightly around his cock that it threatened to peel the skin off. Huffing for breath, he eased off after a few moments and tried pumping until the desire flooding her lower compartment coated his flesh sufficiently that there was virtually no traction when he drove again. Her womb spasmed—painfully. Her fingers contracted on his shoulders and she dug her nails into him.

  He eased off and spent several unfulfilling and frustrating—for both of them—moments trying to find a holder for penis number two. When she refused to allow him to shove it up her ass, he decided to proceed with the cavern he’d conquered and began a bump and grind that stroked the walls of her sex and teased her clit at the same time and drove her up the wall. She was panting so hard she didn’t know if she would cum first or pass out.

  She was hovering on the verge of it when Rama decided to ram his second cock in with the first.

  She came with mindless rapture, gasping and moaning as the waves of bliss rolled over and through her.

  She felt him tense, but she was too far gone to know if it was because she was shredding the flesh off of him or if he was about to come.

  Thankfully, it was the latter. He groaned, grunted as the first convulsions hit him, breaking rhythm for a heartbeat before he regained it and began thrusting hard and fast to expel his seed into her.

  She managed to regain some semblance of reality as he achieved culmination—enough to take pleasure in the giving of it.

  Exhausted and thoroughly sated, they drifted lazily in the aftermath and fairly quickly drifted away completely.

  They were awakened by an excited hammering on the king’s bedchamber door at first light. Both of them sat up instantly with a jerk of alarm.

  “What?” Rama bellowed.

  “Begging pardon, Sire. But the P
rincess Althea’s pennant has been spotted nearing the pass.” There was a moment of silence. “I … I thought you would want to know immediately.”

  Rama whipped a sharp glance at Lauren and then threw the covers back and got up. Stalking to the door buck naked, he jerked it open and gave the woman on the other side a deadly glare that made her fall back several steps. “You have informed me,” he growled in a low voice. “You will not be needed in the castle again. You may go back to the laundry.”

  Lauren had lain back down and jerked the covers over her head when she saw Rama was headed toward the door. She didn’t see who it was at the door, but she could guess from the voice she’d heard.

  She just hoped the woman hadn’t spotted her in Rama’s bed because it seemed likely that she would be vastly disappointed at her dismissal and she certainly wasn’t going to blame Rama for it!

  She was so focused on her dismay at the possibility—likelihood—that she could expect a more targeted and less subtle attack from Rama’s previous lover that she didn’t notice his footsteps after he slammed the door again were coming toward the bed not heading toward the bath.

  A jolt went through her when he snatched the covers off of her. She tensed as he dove at her, but he merely rolled her over and pinned her to the bed to study her. After a moment, his gaze moved from her face downward. He released his grip on her to examine her breasts with his hands.

  She struggled with the urge to try to cover them.

  She’d always felt that her breasts were nicely shaped—just not very big—and the bigger the better as far as men were concerned.

  Rama’s touch seemed far more reverent than critical, though, and some of the discomfort vanished. He stroked his hands downward to her waist, almost seemed to measure it, and then followed the curve of her hips, down her thighs. He’d gripped her knees and parted her thighs before she realized his intent.

  His eyes gleamed with amusement when she tried to clamp her legs back together. But, of course, it was no contest. And there was grim determination in the set of his jaw despite the humor in his eyes that said ‘I want to look and I will’.

  She abruptly yielded to the inevitable.

  Chapter Eight

  No one that wasn’t a medic had ever examined her genitals so blatantly. To say Lauren wasn’t especially comfortable with it would be an understatement.

  At the same time, though, she found it aroused her to watch his face and his hand as he lightly touched the delicate folds. There was unmistakable desire in his eyes when he met her gaze again.

  “This is a beautiful little thing, but … she is lonely, I think.”

  It took Lauren a moment to realize that he wasn’t suggesting her pussy was lonesome for his dick.

  She wasn’t made as the Uti women were and this was his subtle way of pointing that out. “It isn’t a flaw. It’s the way it’s supposed to be,” she said as evenly as she could, struggling with resentment.

  It was the auburn hair all over again.

  The gene for red hair had all but vanished from the race and the unlucky few who still had it—like her—were the next thing to being considered freaks.

  It had made for a miserable childhood and puberty.

  Of course the genital thing wasn’t the same at all. It was perfectly normal—for a human—except for the red pubic hair.

  Something flickered in his eyes. “Every Uti woman has two to match a Uti man.”

  She hesitated, but it wasn’t something they’d been told they must keep secret and it wasn’t the sort of secret that would remain that way long if they were going to interact with the natives. “But I am—not Uti. I am human.”

  He digested that over a prolonged silence. “So … it is true what I have heard? Your people are from the stars? That answers much,” he said, without waiting for a confirmation. “Why have your people come here?”

  That was disconcertingly direct. “We aren’t so very different from the people of Kali. We came to live—to build homes and have families.”

  He studied her for a long moment and grasped her hips and dragged her close, nudging the mouth of her sex with the head of one cock until he’d engaged their flesh. He pulled her closer then, rocking to work his way deeper. He watched her face as he entered her, fed her his building desire, took hers.

  He shifted on to his knees and dragged her across his lap to complete the connection, to delve as deeply as he could.

  Lauren knew she should protest—should have before it went so far. His intended was due to arrive at any moment. It didn’t matter that she hadn’t known. It didn’t matter that it was an arrangement, a stranger he was yet to meet, not a joining of two who felt love or desire.

  But it hadn’t happened yet, she told herself.

  She was ordered to collect semen.

  She wanted more of what he’d given her the night before—passion beyond anything she’d imagined possible.

  So she quieted her conscience when he pulled her fully against him and fitted his mouth to hers. And she felt beautiful as he made love to her mouth with his tongue as he lifted her until the head of his cock was barely inside her and then pushed down on her hips until he could go no deeper.


  But the heat built inside like a bonfire of dry tinder, rapidly became a conflagration that was hard to hold in check.

  She wanted to.

  In her subconscious, she acknowledged that she would never feel this way again because it would never happen again.

  She wanted it to last forever.

  But she couldn’t hold back. He shattered her soul when he brought her to her peak and then carried her over and held her tightly while the rapture shook her.

  He was studying her face when the convulsions finally ceased.

  As if he’d only waited to see her eyes, he carried her down to the mattress and began again, a faster rhythm this time. She closed her eyes to savor it, strumming his flesh with her hands to fill her senses with him.

  And, to her amazement, she felt her body gather itself for another leap.

  He sensed it.

  Pausing only a moment, he used her body’s moisture to push his second cock inside of her. She felt the burn of the pressure and then a fullness that left no part of her channel untouched, a delightful friction that pushed her beyond her limits.

  The second climax was far more powerful than the first and, as her body fisted tightly around his, he found his own shattering release.

  She was surprised when he disengaged their flesh and, instead of immediately abandoning her, gathered her close. For many moments, he stroked her appreciatively while she drifted lazily.

  Some sound from outside roused him a little later, however, and he rose and went into the bath.

  Lauren played dead.

  It wasn’t hard when she was barely conscious from one of the hardest climaxes she’d ever had in her life—directly after the first hard climax. All she really wanted to do was curl up and go back to sleep.

  She thought she did drift off.

  And then Rama slapped her on the ass, bringing her rudely awake.

  She bolted upright and looked at him drunkenly.

  “You will have to vacate the bed,” he said wryly. “If I am not mistaken, the princess has arrived.”

  It was guilt and fear that galvanized Lauren to attempt a leap from the bed when she was still drunk from sex and sleep. She tangled in the bedclothes and fell out.

  Rama managed a half catch that prevented her from major damage even though she still succeeded in banging an elbow and shin.

  “Are you hurt?” he asked gruffly.

  She knew he was struggling not to laugh and she really wanted to brain him, but he was the king. “Yes! I mean I’m fine. Not hurt,” she finished, rubbing her shin a little absently. “Should I get my things up and leave? I mean, I guess I should, but where am I to move them to?”

  He gave her a strange look.

  She gaped at him, trying to decide what was going throu
gh his mind, feeling her face redden. “Should I go home?” she asked a little hesitantly, her mind instantly filling with all the things left undone. “I’m sorry. I guess I should?”

  He was angry by that time. She could see that. She just wasn’t certain why.

  “I was promised a septum norting,” he said after a moment.

  “Oh. Right! How many days have I been here?”

  Rama’s anger flat-lined and then rose again. He caught her shoulders and gave her a little shake. “I woke you to break your fast,” he said almost gently. “You are not to go away. You will not leave my suite. Understood?”

  Lauren blinked at him. “I’m supposed hide here until she leaves?” she asked, trying to get clarification.

  He dragged in a deep breath and let it go slowly, as if he was struggling for patience, and then captured her face between his palms so that she was forced to look him eye to eye. “You will do exactly as you have been—spend your day rubbing and scraping at things all you like. You will dine with me at the high table and you will sleep in my bed.”

  Lauren was thankful he left at that moment because it came as a total, unpleasant, shock and surprise to discover he knew she’d been going around collecting samples for testing—particularly since it reminded her that she was supposed to collect the semen snaking down her leg.

  Afraid to move for fear she’d lose it, she stood where she was for several moments after the door closed and finally moved slowly and carefully to her bag and got a collection kit out.

  She didn’t know whether to be joyful or embarrassed that she managed to fill all four vials in the kit.

  She was both, she decided, but also excited. If it was true that they’d found traces of the disease in the hair, then this sample might be the one that they could use to develop a cure!

  She needed to send it right away, she decided.

  She couldn’t take a chance that the samples would deteriorate or something might happen to them.

  But she couldn’t go out on the ledge completely naked!

  And she didn’t really want to put her clothing on from the night before—well anything on—before she’d bathed. She was still sticky with semen!


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