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War For Earth: An Alien War Romance (Galactic Order Book 3)

Page 15

by Erin Raegan

  I had forgotten that.

  Kil walked in the room as he casually wiped blood from his hands onto his pants, shattering the illusion of safety Fihk had built. “The human lives, but he needs aid.”

  I thought everyone in the room would jump to accuse the Dahk of being liars after seeing Kil had tortured one of their own, but Burin surprised me.

  “Did you find her?” he asked, shocking just about everybody.

  “No, but I will,” Kil replied ominously.

  “I hope you do,” he said sadly.

  “Wait, what?” I asked, shocked.

  Burin smiled sadly. “It is only for him to know.”

  They knew him! I knew it! Kil had been here before!

  “You knew about aliens!” Nathan cried in surprise, beating me to it.

  “Not for long.” Burin shook his head. “I recognized him.”

  Kil grinned. “I did not allow you to see me for what I really was.”

  “Yeah, if I had known you were an alien, our last meeting would have gone a little differently.” Burin grinned back ruefully.

  Kil waved and Burin was released. He sighed and stood, wiggling his hands.

  “So when did you know?” I asked.

  “About a year ago we were made aware of him. Kil infiltrated one of our compounds, looking for something. It was just video we saw him on, but he met with me a few months ago—not looking like that. He hinted at having knowledge of alien life. After he left, we found out what he was. What he truly looked like. His kind had been here before. It was kept from the public.”

  “Why? We could have prepared ourselves better,” Nick grumbled.

  “We didn’t know enough, and the president wasn’t willing to open communication with his kind. Weapons and defenses were being developed, but we couldn’t have anticipated an invasion of this scale in so little time.” He looked at Kil. “I have to admit, we thought it was you invading at first.”

  “I did not have a reason then.” Kil grinned.

  “And now?” Burin asked hesitantly.

  “Will you help me find her?”

  “I will help you in any way that I can.”

  “Then no, for now.” Kil stalked from the room.

  “What is going on!” I cried. The anticipation was killing me! The other Kilbus opened his mouth. I lifted my hand “I know, I know, it’s only for him to know.”

  We all went back above ground. Burin packed his things with two soldiers who would travel with him. Howard was taken off to the medical facility, and Kil said he would be unable to interfere with the war for a while. I didn’t know what that meant, and I really didn’t want to.

  I looked back at Linda, Star, Nick, and Nate as I walked up to Fihk, who was talking with Tohn and Kil. I hated asking him for anything, but we were desperate. Star in particular. Fihk saw me coming and stiffened.

  “Hey, boss.” I crossed my arms. “I have a request.”

  “What is it?”

  “You’re leaving us here, right?” I knew he was. It was the safest place for us at the moment, now that Tohn had tracked down the other Dahk in the area to guard the compound. Over a dozen of them were patrolling the area.

  He searched my face. “Yes.”

  “We want to take a trip first.” I felt like an idiot saying it, but it was important.

  “A trip? Where?” Fihk crossed his arms to mirror mine.

  I licked my lips. “To a store.”

  “A store? What is a store?”

  “Uh, they sell goods, like food, clothes…” I blinked at him. Did the Dahk not have stores?

  “Ah, yes, why? Do they not have supplies here?” He looked around.

  “The basics, but they’re pretty low. And Star needs something they don’t have.” Poor girl was on her period.

  You’d think a doomsday compound would have tampons, but apparently they were out. The female soldiers had resorted to ripping up old clothes and bedding. But there just wasn’t enough to go around. They were out of everything. I wanted to meet the idiot who’d stocked this place. I thought they were supposed to have enough supplies to last years? They always did in the movies.

  “It is dangerous. Tell me what you need, and I will send it from Dahk One.” Fihk looked back when Kil laughed. I knew he was reading my mind. It itched.

  “You can’t. You don’t have it, I don’t think.” Maybe female Dahk had periods too? Come to think of it, I had never met one. “Just take us. We’ll be fast.”

  “Spend the eve with me,” he blurted.

  I blinked at him. “What?”

  “Spend the eve with me, and I will escort you to collect your supplies.” He lifted his chin and stared me down.

  I gaped at him. “Are you seriously soliciting me for sex right now?”

  Kil guffawed.

  “Sseeks? A mating? I do not understand.”

  “She thinks you wish to trade her for a coupling, my friend. You offend her.” Kil slapped Fihk on the shoulder and walked off, laughing.

  Fihk stiffened and shifted. The guy was hard! Unbelievable! I turned to storm away, and he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

  “I-I would not turn your attentions away, sweets,” he murmured, “but no, I do not barter for a mating.”

  “Then what?”

  “Your time. I wish to know you better,” he said earnestly.

  I sighed and looked over my shoulder at the big guy. This was dangerous. Olynth would be pissed. I bit my lip.

  Fihk shifted again and lifted my chin with a claw. “I do not like causing you distress. I will take you. No favor in return.”

  I searched his face, noting the honest vulnerability he showed me. “You will?”

  He nodded and thumbed my lip. I watched him turn and take several steps away from me before I ran after him. I clutched his arm.

  “Fihk?” I licked my lips nervously and looked at his chest. “I don’t want to hurt him.”

  He lifted my chin again.

  “I-I don’t know what to make of all this, how to handle it. I just know it hurts him when I’m near you,” I fumbled, frustrated.

  Fihk blinked at me and looked back at Olynth. He sighed.

  “I know it hurts you when I’m near him,” I added sadly.

  His hands cradled my face. “You know what he is to you?”

  I nodded and looked in his eyes.

  “I do not know why he denies himself your beauty. And I cannot deny my instincts rage at the idea of you with him, but the ancestors have chosen you for us both, and I know there is no other for either of us but you. I will accept this in time, as will he.”

  I blinked away tears. I had no idea he could be so sweet. My beauty? Was he for real?

  He nuzzled my neck, and I let him. “I will give you your space to process our mating, sweets. But I will feel your embrace again. I am consumed by the memory of your skin. The feel of you.” He growled and nipped at my neck. “I will have you, but for now, go to him. He will take you to your store. When I return, I will ask you for your time, only your time. But I will hope for your touch.” He backed away and swept his thumbs across my cheeks. “Will you grant me this request?”

  “Yeah, boss. I’ll hang out with you,” I whispered, ignoring my hot ears.

  Fihk’s brows scrunched.

  Kil shoved his face between ours. “Hang out, kick back, shoot the shit, date.” He wiggled his brows.

  “I think he gets it, fudge-face.” I scowled.

  “Fudge-face, I have not heard this one.” Kil glared at me as though it was my fault he didn’t know all human slang.

  “She made it up,” Nate piped from behind us, and I sighed. “She doesn’t like to curse. Thinks I’m going to repeat her, but I already know them all.”

  “You do not curse?” Kil gaped at me. “But human curses are so delightful, my favorite is motherf―”

  I slapped my hand across his mouth.

  Nate laughed, and I heard Star’s giggle echo across from where the others were standing. Bunc
h of eavesdroppers.

  “Remove yourself,” Fihk growled, still holding my face.

  Kil backed away with his hands raised, grinning.

  When we were alone again, I squirmed.

  “We will hang ouht when I return.” Fihk whispered a kiss over both of my eyes then my nose. He eyed my lips but didn’t go for them.

  “When are you coming back?” I asked like a stupid, love-sick girl.

  Fihk grinned arrogantly. “You will miss me.”

  “No, I won’t,” I grumbled.

  “I shall miss you, sweets.” He kissed my neck and turned away.

  I stood there watching him a moment until Linda wrapped an arm around my waist.

  “He has a nice fanny.” She giggled.

  I smacked her and walked away, laughing. I hadn’t gotten to see it naked that day. I found myself anticipating the chance to. God, I was a mess.

  Olynth glared at me the whole way over to him and pulverized all the little butterflies Fihk gave me.

  It was time to confront him. I hadn’t asked for alien husbands—emphasize on the s. If I had a choice, I honestly didn’t know that I would choose them. They were hot, sure, but aliens. I mean, it was weird, right?

  But I didn’t have a choice. It had been taken from me, and I needed to stop running from my problems and face them. And so did the big guy.

  I was his Pythe, I knew it.

  I just didn’t know why he didn’t attack me like Fihk did when he found out.

  I wanted answers, but first, I had to get him to admit to it.

  Chapter 17


  Olynth didn’t want to take us. He was adamant that it was too dangerous. I ended up having to compromise. Nick and I would go, but Nathan would stay at the compound with Linda and Star. I did not want to leave him.

  Like, it sickened me to do it. But I couldn’t endanger him for a bunch of tampons, snacks, and underwear. There weren’t any spare clothes in the compound for us, and they were low on food, and we were a lot of mouths to feed. We needed this run.

  Kil had disappeared after Fihk left, but he left his two guards behind. The other Kilbus finally gave us his name, Oren, but the Xixin was still silent. Nate called him Mufasa―I’ll let you guess why.

  “You stay here with Linda, Star, and Tohn,” I told Nathan, giving him my most serious face.

  He looked back at Star and blushed.

  “You like her,” I sang teasingly, and he scowled at me. “She’s too old for you, kid.”

  “I don’t,” he gritted through his teeth.

  I raised my brow skeptically. He had his eyes on her constantly.

  “You like Fihk?” he asked with his own grin.

  Mine fell.

  “He likes you,” he sang.

  “I don’t know, he’s bossy,” I grumbled.

  “So are you.” He pointed out.

  “Exactly.” I grinned again.

  “Olynth likes you too.” Nathan looked over my shoulder at the big guy watching us.

  I sighed. “I’m not so sure he does.”

  “He does,” Nate said firmly. “He just doesn’t know what to do about it.”

  I laughed. Why was he so interested in who liked me? “They’re aliens, Nate.”

  “They’re cool.” He flushed and looked away. “It would be cool if you liked them back, ya know, if you did.”

  I looked at his darkened cheeks. “Would it?”

  He was too young to realize what that meant. It wasn’t so simple as a crush. Or holding hands to the water fountain like he did with his “girlfriends.” It was far more complicated at my age.

  “Do you like both of them?” he asked, fidgeting.

  I hid my grin. He was so uncomfortable talking about this with me, but it was clearly important to him, or he wouldn’t be toughening it out.

  “You called Tandy a hussy when she had all those boyfriends.” He looked at me curiously.

  It was my turn to fidget.

  Tandy had lived a few doors down from me, and she’d had a lot of boyfriends. If you could call them that. We would see them sneaking out of her apartment in the mornings. I was never sure if they knew about each other.

  “I was wrong to call her that,” I lied. Tandy was a hussy. She was also a bitch. She had been getting down on her knees for my landlord for free rent. Not that I would tell Nate that. “Olynth is complicated, but Fihk―” I sighed. How was I supposed to explain this to him?

  “You’re his mate.” Nate grinned. “You guys are, like, married now.”

  “Something like that,” I grumbled. “But I don’t know what’s going on with Olynth.”

  “He wants to marry you too.” Nate scowled at me. “He liked you first.”

  Yeah, I thought so too. “I don’t think he wants to marry me, kiddo.”

  “He does,” he insisted. “Fihk stole you from him.”

  I raised my brows. “He didn’t steal me.”

  “He did. Olynth saw you first, and Fihk took you from him!” He growled and looked back at Star.

  She was gazing at Oren with a shy smile. I looked back at Nate. He caught my eye and flushed.

  “Love sucks, doesn’t it?” I smiled softly at him. He was still so young, Star was the only one around to take his attention right now. If we survived this, hopefully he would find someone more his age to fixate on.

  He blinked away the moisture in his eyes that he was trying to hide from me. “Just…” He looked at his feet and kicked the dirt. “If you marry them both, I won’t think you’re a hussy.”

  “So sweet,” I crooned. I pulled him to me, yanked off his hat, and scrubbed his hair. “If I ‘marry’ Olynth too, you’ll be the first to know.”

  “Good.” He pulled away and fixed his hat. “He has to ask my permission first. Fihk didn’t.” Nathan scowled at the Dahk ship hovering in the air. Fihk was about to take off.

  “I love you, booger.” I kissed his cheek.

  He gagged and backed away. “Go! I’ll be fine!” He waved and turned away.

  “Stay with them!” I shouted.

  “I will!” he shouted back.


  “I promise!” He looked back at me in exasperation.

  I walked a few feet away to Nick. He was watching Oren and Star with a pissed-off expression.

  I hid a grin. “Ready?”

  “Yeah,” he grumbled.

  We walked over to Olynth and Gunnor. We would be going out with them and a few other Dahk. A few soldiers had lined up to come with us. They wanted to take advantage of the trip and look for more supplies. Particularly stun guns. Linda had told them how effective they were on the Vitat.

  Two trucks were parked outside the gate, and everyone filed into the back of them. I went to accept the hand of a soldier for a boost up, but hands grasped my hips. I looked back at Olynth as he gave the man a glare and rumbled low in his chest. I rolled my eyes but let him lift me into the truck.

  He and Gunnor climbed in and sat on either side of me on the long bench. I caught Nick’s amused eyes across from me and stifled a snicker. The Dahk were hunched over to avoid hitting their heads on the canvas roof of the truck, and their wings were so bulky, they leaned all the way forward, almost falling off the bench.

  I looked out of the back of the truck to see Linda, Star, and Nate waving. I tensed. Tohn was right next to them and swore he wouldn’t leave them, but I still struggled with my trust issues. The Dahk were different from us, so much so I was able to get past what had happened with Fihk and stop blaming them for it. They hadn’t made one purposeful wrong move against us. I honestly believed they wanted to protect us, but I didn’t know Tohn that well. Oren seemed like an all right guy, but I didn’t like that lion guy, the Xixin. He was cold and scary.

  Most of the soldiers were wary of our group. Some even downright hostile. But Oren just had to glare at them and they ran the other way.

  “Tohn will make sure he is safe,” Olynth murmured. I looked at him, and he
searched my eyes. “I know you still struggle with our intentions.”

  “No, I know you guys want to help us.” I did. I didn’t want to feel like this. Logically, I knew I could trust them. But it had been just Nathan and me for so long. “It’s just hard to leave him.”

  Especially given the circumstances.

  “Your Nahythahn is clever and quick on his feet. He is a young warrior.” He tilted his head. “You have raised him well.”

  I looked away. “Thanks.”

  We rode on the small dirt road in silence. With a tight chest, I watched the compound disappear. I felt better with him back there. I knew he would be safer. I couldn’t hover over him his whole life, but I felt if I was always with him, I could keep him safe. No one would do a better job than me. I loved him.

  My chest hurt the whole ride. Nate had my last can of spray and Star had her bow. Linda had Star’s spare gun. They weren’t left without a way to defend themselves. I kept telling myself that as we drove into the nearest town.

  Several Dahk flew ahead of us to scout the area. So at least we knew we weren’t heading into unseen territory.

  By the time we rolled into town, I had to cover my nose with my shirt, as did the other humans. I smelled something dead and baking in the sun. I knew what it was but forced myself not to think about it. The town was small and completely abandoned. Bodies—what was left of them—littered the ground.

  “The aliens camped here,” one of the soldiers muttered as he stopped next to me. “Then they found the compound.”

  Nick shook his head sadly.

  “John.” The soldier held out his hand to me.

  I shook it and introduced myself with Nick.

  “That’s Walt.” John nodded toward his friend, who glared at us with hate-filled eyes.

  I nodded to him and kept my hands down, ready to lift the gun from my waistband. I had a handful of extra bullets in my pocket. It was all the soldiers could spare.


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