Book Read Free

On Location

Page 13

by Jen Calonita

  "Leave them alone. They're in love," I say dreamily. Na dine purses her lips.

  "I know you, Kaitlin," Nadine chides. "You just like them because Mina is dating a real guy" Liz chuckles. "You never read the tabloids unless your mom makes you and then sud denly you're asking me to pick up Celebrity Insider and asking if there's anything about Mina inside!"

  I blush. Okay, maybe I am a little into seeing what hap pens to another couple in the same situation as my own, but I'm too embarrassed to admit it. "I don't know what you're talking about." I take a sip of my virgin raspberry margarita. Liz and Nadine are so busy laughing that we don't notice Carol Ingram walk over.

  "Hello, Kaitlin," Carol says warmly. I don't know how I didn't notice Carol was here. Carol sticks out among the sea of partygoers in their Marc Jacobs and Stella McCart ney in her stuffy business attire: gray slacks and a fitted short-sleeved black cashmere sweater. In high heels, she's taller than most of the men here too. "I wanted to come by and congratulate you," she says.

  "Thank you," I reply cautiously.

  "Girls, would you mind if Kaitlin and I chatted alone for a minute?" she says to Nadine and Liz. They both excuse themselves, but Liz looks back at me worriedly.

  "I didn't find out till the last minute that you were being honored." Carol taps her gin and tonic lightly with her short, clear-glossed nails. "I thought Laney was going to keep me in the loop about your publicity." She smiles.

  "I'm sorry," I apologize. "The award had nothing to do with the movie so Laney probably forgot to mention it."

  Carol stares down at me. "Kaitlin, everything you do dur ing filming has to do with the Hutch movie." Her voice is light, but definitely firm. "I wanted to remind you about that." Oh no.

  "Your fight with Sky at the premiere of Antarctica, shun ning Sky and Drew on set in front of reporters, these are all things that reflect poorly not only on your reputation, but the film's as well."

  I'm not sure how to reply. I can't exactly argue with one of the most powerful women in Hollywood, but Carol should know what's really going on. "I hope you don't believe all those things, Carol," I begin gingerly. "I would never do any thing to hurt the film. You know how it is with the tabloids. They're so eager to break a story that they'll run with any tip they get, even if it's from a completely unreliable source." I laugh, hoping she'll join in. She doesn't.

  "I know I work differently than a lot of people around here, but I believe it's my innovativeness that produces the positive results." I nod nervously. "From what I can tell, every one else is getting along fine," Carol continues. "Drew is more than willing to be part of the aggressive publicity plan I've outlined. I fear you are the problem."

  I look around for Laney to rescue me, but she's nowhere in sight.

  "You're a bankable star, Kaitlin. I'd like to see you do more films with Wagman." Carol smiles at Scarlett Johansson as she walks by. "But the way things are going, I think you may run into problems with us. People talk, you know."

  Is she threatening me? "Carol, I assure you," I reply firmly as I wave at Scarlett, "the last thing I want is to blow my movie career when it's just getting off the ground."

  "Help me make my first publicity project go well here and all will be forgotten."

  "I'll do anything," I reply, regretting the words as soon as they escape from my lips. I feel like I've been tricked.

  "Good." Carol takes a small sip of her gin and tonic and grins. "Then I won't hear of any problems with you hosting the Teen Titan Awards?"

  "Definitely not," I assure her.

  "Great, I'll let Drew's people know we're on." Carol pulls her BlackBerry out of her Louis Vuitton bag to e-mail them immediately. "I think the two of you appearing together will give us great press."

  "I'm sorry. You mean host together, right?" I can feel a pulse in my forehead as I wait for her answer.

  "No, I mean go together," she says, emphasizing the word "go.""There's no need for dates. You'll be too busy to enter tain them anyway. That's what I told Drew when he asked me about bringing Sky"

  Drew wants to bring Sky? He just won't quit trying to make me jealous. "But I already asked my boyfriend," I protest helplessly.

  Carol's thin lips tighten. "I guess you'll have to decide what's more important then, your date or your career, won't you?" That definitely sounds like a threat, even if it was said in a tone of pure sugar.

  "There you are." Austin puts a hand on my bare back be fore he sees I'm talking to someone. "Am I interrupting anything?"

  Carol smiles sweetly. "No, I was just leaving." She locks eyes with mine. "Enjoy the rest of your night, Kaitlin."

  "Who was that?" Austin asks as Carol stops a few feet away to greet Mina Burrows.

  "That was Carol Ingram," I say hoarsely. "The marketing director at Wagman I was telling you about." I take a sip of my icy drink, but I can't taste it at all.

  "What did she want?" His forehead wrinkles

  I should probably tell Austin everything that evil woman just said. I know I need to stop hiding the truth. Maybe he could help me find a way out of this mess, but the last thing I want to do now is ruin our evening. "She wanted to con gratulate me," I say instead.

  "Oh." He grabs both my hands and instantly I feel safe again--for the moment. "Can you get away for a bit?" He grins. "I want to explore the hotel. Matty says there's a mir ror on the lower level where you can see Marilyn Monroe's ghost! Want to check it out?"

  "Sure." I take his hand and let him lead the way. As we walk towards the lobby I have a strange feeling I'm being watched, and not by Marilyn's spirit. I look over my shoul der and see right away who is staring at me--Carol. When I catch her eye she smiles. I quickly look away and pick up my pace.



  Teen Titan Rehearsal: Tues. 10 AM

  Black Eyed Peas party w/Drew: Tues. 8 PM

  Beth and Ali's set visit: Wed! :)

  Stunt practice w/Sky and Bruce: Wed. 6 PM

  Interview on set w/ CosmoGirl: Wed. 8 PM

  *Schedule mtg. with Laney &Fever 2 discuss shoot.

  FIFTeen: Kaitlin's Got the Fever

  Is Gilles Berlot trying to make me cry? Because only some one who wants my black lash lengthening Fever mascara to run would tell me I could be shooting on a sandy beach in Ibiza, Spain, right now.

  "If only you were finished filming that blow-'em-up cin ema," Gilles clarifies in a thick French accent. "But you're not done till next week and then they say you're hosting a little movie show so you can't go then either." He peeks out from behind the camera setup in front of the striped chaise I'm poised on. Gilles is only a few inches taller than I am so I could easily stride over, grab his sweater vest, stare him straight in the eye, and ask the mustached photographer why he would tell me something so heartbreaking seconds before I'm supposed to smile for the camera. But instead I smile sweetly at the revered lens man shooting Fever's fall ads and say meekly, "This place is just as nice."

  "You've always been a terrible liar, Kaitlin," he laughs. "I'd rather be in Spain too."

  I'd rather be anywhere other than L.A. right now, but when Fever realized I didn't have time to travel, their loca tion scout picked the two-bedroom penthouse at Chateau Marmont for our shoot. The suite is the largest one at the Chateau (or as Nadine described it, "this place is triple the size of my apartment!") and boasts a kitchen, living room with working fireplace, a formal dining area, and panoramic views of Hollywood. All I want to do is curl up in their su per plush California king bed and sleep. My body is so beaten from the last two weeks of filming action scenes that I barely have enough strength to scowl at Drew or Sky, let alone finish out my final week on set with Hutch the Horrible.

  But that's not the real reason I'm dying to pull my Rachel Rodgers wig out of retirement and jet out of town. I haven't come clean to Austin about not being able to take him to the Teen Titan Awards. Things are finally blissful between us and I haven't wanted to ruin it. I'm so torn. Do I cancel our dat
e or do I stand up to Carol?

  Clouding my vision are Mom and Laney. They're in total disagreement about how I should handle things. Mom prac tically wanted to call Austin herself and tell him to hand over his new Armani suit (the designer asked to dress him when they heard he was my date). "You're not bringing him," she warned. "Carol can destroy any chances you have for working at Wagman again!"

  Laney surprisingly sided with me. Sort of. "The nerve of that woman telling my client how to run her career!" she barked. "That's my job!"

  "Does that mean you think I should still bring Austin to the awards?" I asked hopefully, ignoring Moms sudden coughing attack.

  "Now is not the time to cross Carol," Laney said reluc tantly. "Seth and your mom have been looking at scripts from Wagman for you to consider for next summer and we don't want any complications." Before I could protest, she added, "Don't think I'm going to let Carol get away with making you unhappy. I've got some discreet calls in to see what I can do. Maybe you'll be able to re-invite Austin at the last minute."

  Laney doesn't know Austin like I do. He's going to HATE that plan. I know he'll say I'm giving in to Laney and Mom, which I guess I kind of am. Still, at least there's a chance they'll change Carol's mind. That's the hope I'm clinging to anyway.

  "Kaitlin, you're supposed to look happy, my dear! SMILE!" Gilles shouts.

  Laney gives me a stern look similar to the one Mom is al ways shooting me. I quickly smile and Gilles clicks away, the flash popping more times than I can count. Next I pout my lips and run a hand through my windblown hair. The whole time I'm bouncing to the beat of the mix CD Gilles made to pump me up. Even though I'm slightly distracted by my lat est debacle, I actually enjoy being in front of the camera. I find it relaxing, and Gilles is so much more complimentary than Hutch is. My ego is loving the attention.

  "EXCELLENT, KAITLIN," Gilles coos. Lined up behind Gilles and his camera assistant are the Fever reps, their PR woman, and Laney. They nod their heads in agreement. "Now can you play it like you look exhausted?" Gilles asks.

  I pull my bare legs onto the lounge chair and wrap the silk multicolored print wrap tightly around my bright pink bikini. I lean my head back onto the chair, throw my right arm over the top of my head, careful not to smudge the Fever Glow with You foundation, and pucker my scarlet lips. I close my eyes and listen to the flash pop over and over. When it stops, I lower my arm, lay it across my chest, and turn my head to the side. The breeze blows my curly hair over my face and covers one eye. "Love it!" Gilles exclaims. "Don't move. Philippe, get me my other camera. I want to zoom in for a close-up." I hear footsteps and Gilles breathing over me. "Don't move a muscle," he whispers. The camera clicks softly. "Now open your eyes slowly." The camera lens is inches from my nose. "Nice. Give me more of that." Gilles backs up to get a full shot of my face and I go through a range of emotions again--surprise, boredom, delight. Gilles makes shoots so fun that I know whatever he captures here will look amazing in print.

  HOLLYWOOD SECRET NUMBER FIFTEEN: Celebrities are never as beautiful in person as they are in photographs. The truth is, we're airbrushed to perfection in almost every advertise ment or photo spread you've ever seen. (Not counting pa parazzi shots. Why do you think we always look so haggard in those? No touch-ups!) Magazines usually won't admit it, but almost all of them do digital retouching so that stars, and their photos, will look as amazing as possible. The photo editors I've worked with always tell me not to worry about pimple breakouts for this very reason. They remove zits, ill-placed freckles, unwanted facial hair, and even slim down body parts when needed. I've never done a nude shoot before (Can you believe I've been asked to? I'm 16!), but my friend Gina tells me Fashionistas took at least an inch off her butt and slimmed down her arms in her naked shots. I saw the photos and believe me, even Gina is not that tiny.

  "Perfect, Kaitlin darling," Gilles enthuses when he's stopped snapping. "Très magnifique!"

  Laney walks over to the two of us clapping. "Gilles, that was superb. Do you think we can break for lunch before Kaitlin changes for the next shot?"

  "I could go for a little nourishment myself," Gilles agrees. "Our next setup will be in the living room, Kaitlin, so why don't you wear one of the ball gowns you've picked out?"

  Laney puts her arm around me and walks me to the bed room, where I've set up camp. Nadine and Liz are sitting on the satin bedspread, heads touching, so deep in conversa tion that they don't see us enter. Laney clears her throat and Liz guiltily grabs the notepad they were reading and hides it behind her back.

  "Okay, spill," I order. "It's been two weeks and you guys still haven't told me what you're up to."

  Nadine and Liz exchange glances.

  "It's better if you don't know," Laney says.

  I've heard that phrase a hundred times now. "You're in on this too?" I demand curiously.

  Laney rolls her eyes. "Don't give me that look. We're not doing anything illegal." Laney's phone rings and the three of them jump. "It's me," Laney answers, turning her back. "What did you find out?" she whispers. "Uh huh. Uh huh. Shut up! GOOD. We're coming now."

  "Who was that?" I ask accusingly.

  Laney ignores me. "Liz, come with me. Nadine, stay with Kaitlin. Make sure Gilles doesn't try to get her to wear that yellow dress. It's horrid." She grabs Liz and heads to the door.

  "Laney!" I beg as she turns the doorknob. "Was that phone call about Carol? Has anything changed with the Teen Titan situation?"

  Laney turns around. "I'm sorry," Laney says as she opens the door and ushers Liz out. "No."

  "This is ridiculous," I complain to Nadine once they're gone. "Why don't I get to decide who I go with?"

  "I have to side with Laney," Nadine surprises me by say ing. She's examining her fingernails, which look freshly manicured and painted with Liz's favorite pale pink polish. I've never known Nadine to get a manicure before--she believes in good old nail clippers. "Your career is too impor tant to mess up over one silly date. There are plenty of other parties to bring him to. Why is this one so important?"

  "Because I promised him," I say guiltily. I feel like I'm keeping Austin in the dark about so much and for once, I want to be completely honest about something and keep my word. I walk over to the rack of clothing that has been called in for today's six-hour shoot and angrily start flipping through the outfits. Nadine follows me.

  "You've known for weeks that you can't take him and you've said nothing. You're just making things harder on yourself."

  I grab a strapless lilac gown off the rack and hold it up for Nadine's approval. She gives me a thumbs-up and helps me with the zipper. I'm silent as I change out of my bathing suit and slip into the figure-hugging dress. "I don't want to dis appoint Austin again." I answer finally. "I've done that too much already."

  Before Nadine can answer, there's a soft rap on the door. "Come in," Nadine commands.

  "Are you decent?" Austin pokes his head through the door.

  "Yes," I laugh.

  "Too bad," he jokes, slipping inside.

  It's time to come clean. Nadine is right, I can't put this off any longer. I walk over and plant a hard kiss on his soft lips, wondering if this might be the last time I get to do that.

  "Are you hungry? They ordered me a ton of food." I point to the rolling bar stocked with half a dozen sandwiches, a bowl of fresh strawberries, dark chocolate chip cookies (my favorite kind), sodas, and an assortment of teas (my only re quest to the Fever location scout).

  Austin grabs a cookie from the tray and sits down on the bed. "How are you doing, Nadine?" Austin looks amazing, asusual. He takes off his royal blue nylon lacrosse jacket that says COACH on the back. He's wearing a white polo shirt that highlights his tan, and khaki shorts.

  "Good." Nadine makes herself busy cleaning up my lunch. "And you?"

  "Awesome." Austin grins. "The kiddies are loving lacrosse camp. Things couldn't be better." He smiles. "Thanks for helping me with the Armani appointments, by the way"

  "No problem,"
Nadine replies, looking sternly at me. "I'll leave you two alone and knock when they need you, Kaitlin."

  I slump down on the green and red striped chaise across from Austin and grip the two arms tightly. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Please don't hate me when you hear what I have to tell you.

  "Hey, what's wrong?" Austin strokes my tightly clenched knuckles. "Is being a model tougher than you thought?"

  "I've had better days." I smile weakly.

  "Do you want to talk about it?"

  I take a deep breath. "I guess you could say I messed up. Again. You see, I never thought to ask, but now they're giv ing me a hard time and I don't know what to do."

  "Slow down," Austin laughs, squeezing my hands. "What are you talking about?"

  "Carol told me I can't bring you as my date to the Teen Ti tan Awards," I blurt out.

  "What do you mean? She's can't tell you who to bring. She's not your mother," he chuckles, then looks at me with those blue eyes and frowns. "Why aren't you laughing?"

  "Because this isn't funny," I croak. "I've been lying to you. About so much." I'm too scared to look him in the face, so I focus on his loosely tied sneakers. "The real reason Drew and I are doing all these appearances together is because Carol thinks the tabloids will assume we're dating and write about us all the time, which means they're writing about the movie too, which means we're getting lots of publicity," I ramble. "What's making all this harder is how much I don't like Drew. We dated longer than I said we did, Austin, and he dumped me and talked about me to the press. He used me and I've never really gotten over that until I found you." I pause. "Anyway, I could handle the press stuff, but now she's threatening to destroy my career if I don't do exactly what she wants. And what she wants now is for me to go with Drew to the Teen Titan Awards and not bring another date. That's what she was talking to me about at the Hollywood Girl awards."

  Austin lets go of my hands and runs his hand through his light blond hair. "So that's why Drew has been such a jerk to wards me. He wants you back, doesn't he?" Austin asks. "And this explains what Hayley was talking about when she said all of the magazines her friends read say you're sneaking around behind my back with Drew Thomas."


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