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Stone (Spartans MC (Carolina) Book 2)

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by Tiffany Casper


  tiffany casper



  BOOK 2


  To those who have lost a child. To those who don’t know when the day will ever stop seeming to be grey.

  I pray one day it’ll get easier,

  For us it still seems like a nightmare.

  In Loving Memory,

  My Sunshine,

  16 was too soon.

  Love your second Mama


  Text Copyright 2019

  Tiffany Casper

  All Rights Reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living, or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


  I Will Trust In You – Lauren Daigle

  Black Tears – Florida Georgia Line

  Turn The Page – Metallica

  Stand By Me – John Lennon

  Magic Carpet Ride - Steppenwolf

  You Save Me – Kenny Chesney

  It’s Your Love – Tim McGraw Ft. Faith Hill

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10



  On and on he sang, as she laid her little hand in his much larger one. She then squeezed as hard as her little body would allow her and then closed her eyes. Her little chest was steadily rising. He knew these were the last few moments he would have with her.

  “Dragonfly, dragonfly please fly by me.

  Lay me on your back and fly me away.

  Dragonfly, dragonfly your wings so long,

  Carry me into the great unknown.”

  Then the monitor was no longer beeping. Instead, a steady tone sounded and he felt even more alone than he ever has felt before.

  The coldness and the harshness of this world; such, as his little angel who has just now been taken from him and she has done no wrong. Her only misfortune is having cancer. Yet, the harshness being that rapist and pedophiles roam this earth freely. It shouldn’t have been her time to go. You’re not supposed to pick out a casket for your child. You’re not supposed to give their small height to know which casket would be best. How are you supposed to fill out their obituary under accomplishments when they are only five years old? That they tried to fight cancer and lost?

  Feeling a hand on his shoulder it was Garrison his Prez. standing at his back as well as the rest of his MC when the nurses cut the machine’s off.

  What had turned his stomach was Alexandra’s mother hearing that she wouldn’t make it another three hours that had undoubtedly changed the course of his life forever. She had said that she met a man and she was joining him out in California. Bye was all she had said. His poor daughter had never known the love a mom should have for her child.

  Sixteen years ago today he laid his baby girl down for the last time. Now he stood at her grave and placed a single white rose atop her head stone. His little Alexandra had dragonflies on her headstone.

  Feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket he checked it and saw it was Garrison. Normally everyone left him alone on this day and he knew they wouldn’t have called him if it hadn’t of been important.

  “Yo?” He said.

  “Sorry man but we need your help.” Garrison had said he could even feel the remorse in his voice at having to call him.

  “On the way.” He said, and then he put his phone back in his pocket and leaned down and kissed her headstone.

  Getting to the clubhouse he entered into Church, closing the door seeing that they had been waiting for him. Heading to the end of the table he took his seat to the left of his President.

  Banging the gavel Garrison began,

  “Alright men, we have had our ears to the ground ever since we got wind of a sex trafficking ring in our town. I still don’t get how the fuckers have been operating under our noses this whole fucking time but I aim to find out. Now let’s mount up and kick some ass.”

  “Fuckers.” Came from Mac they’re Enforcer, as well as a few of the other guys.

  “There’s no way they have been grabbing women from the area or else we would’ve known about it. I think they have been getting them out of state. We got to many allies.” Came Stryker the clubs Road Captain and his most trusted friend along with Garrison.

  “Right, that’s what I think.” He said with his fist clenching and unclenching. A lot of eyes looked at him, because he rarely spoke in Church or anywhere else unless it was important to him.

  No sense in taking a woman unwillingly especially since the world was full of women who would let men climb between their legs if you stroked them the right way. Hell he knew, too many offers have been thrown his way only to be turned down. Since his ex-girlfriend him dirty with Alexandra he wanted nothing to do with any of them. Lost in thought he missed the last words.

  With the sound of the gavel being banged on the table everyone exited the room and headed for their bikes.

  Chapter 1


  In her wounded state she had a vivid flash back from a six months ago, now what made her think of this was about to be upon her.

  She had wanted to scream at the top of her lungs that what he saw was not her boyfriend or even a loving relationship or even a basic friendship. No what he saw was a scared, weak, unconfident piece of human flesh. All morals and honor and any form of a code of conduct had left the building, quite literally.

  Yet she desperately wished she could’ve sat down in that chair that statue, god looking of a man had pulled out for her however, she knew better. She had seen first-hand what a man like Stephen was capable of. If she would’ve so much as smiled at him or even acknowledged him she would receive at least thirty minutes with Core as punishment and not to mention he would’ve gifted her to the rest of men for a few days. No limits, no bounds.

  Still she had taken in everything about that man. He was everything she knew she would never have. There was no escaping. In the past six months her thoughts went back to that man whenever she was at work. Of him she would think of to make the situation a wee bit easier.

  It wasn’t until she was heading over there to get the extra chair next to him when her eyes locked on the most crystal clear green eyes she had ever seen in her life. They looked like they held anger, rage, fear, resentment, and lust all rolled up into one. Yet there was a sense of pride in them at the moment. She saw that he had dark black hair that was thin on the sides and longer on top. He had strong cheek muscles and a black goatee. The only imperfection she saw on his gorgeous face was a deep scar that ran on his left cheek from his chin to his cheekbone. Damn if it didn't make him look scary but sexy as hell. She saw a tip of what she thought was a tattoo around his neck. He had on a leather kutte with a few patches on them and one she had noticed was Vice President and the other patch was a one percent patch. Beneath his leather kutte was a snug black tee. He had a sleeve on his right arm and something underneath his left forearm but she couldn’t make it out. She wondered if the sleeve was a connected to the tattoo around his ne
ck. She could make out the cuts in his eight pack, wash boards abs, yes please she thought. He had his elbows on his knees wearing blue jeans and black boots. Why, you ask was she thinking about that man in that way when she has been rapped for the past six years by men? Something about the man told had caught her every attention, he seemed like he didn’t give a fuck about anyone or anything but a look in his eyes told her different.

  Now, waking up to the sounds of gun fire, people yelling, and everyone scrambling for cover didn’t register in her wounded state of mind. That hey, maybe you should keep still and instead she rose her head up. Wrong move girlfriend, as she soon had found out.

  It was then that someone wrapped their hand in her hair and jerked upward. Off the cold concrete grey floor she came and her scalp was on fire. She even tried to wriggle free and fight the hand; only, it just seemed to make it worse. She wasn’t being grabbed for retribution; no she was grabbed to be a human shield to some dickhead.

  “Motherfucker, you a bitch ass hiding behind a woman like that.”

  It wasn’t the man’s face that said that nor was it how he was dressed and most importantly it wasn’t because of the kutte he was wearing. Nope it was because of that deep timbre in his voice that reminded her of a stone statue like a gargoyle and oh did he look it too. He had greying hair, a deep tan, full lips and a strong nose. He was beautiful to her. You would think after all she has been through the thought of any man would turn her stomach. However this man did not. All of the other men she could see running this way and that way had her screaming on the inside in fear.

  “Get the fuck over it. I’m getting out of here.” Nasty breath said in her ear, it was Core, Stephen’s right hand man and the worse man in his employ.

  When she had looked around she didn’t see Stephen anywhere. He probably escaped the bastard, nor did she see Lisa. Lisa was their boss over the women.

  He still had his hand wrapped in her hair as he was pulling her backwards. A sudden thought occurred to her and she looked down after feeling a soft breeze upon her nipples. Looking down she saw she was naked, completely and undeniably stark naked in her birthday suit.

  Hell might as well try and help the man standing in front of her with his gun drawn; this is going to hurt like a bitch. She inhaled a deep breath and relaxed her whole body. Her dead weight making it easy for the man’s arm to drop and to the ground she went. Pain shot all through her scalp further. That was what the man needed though, she saw his weapon jerk back and the bang went off and suddenly there was no more pain in her scalp.

  However, he must have shot the man in the head because she felt some splatter hit her body. A cold and wet substance.

  Looking behind her the man’s head was now gone. Well then she thought. Placing her hands on the ground she then tried to stand up but felt like Jell-O. The beating she had received for forgetting to grab Core a napkin was the reason for the bruises. She then felt herself wobbling on her knees and falling backwards. She didn’t hit the floor like she was expecting. She was brought into strong arms and then a blanket was thrown on her body. Something then pierced her neck and she felt the lights in the dimly lit building become darker and darker and darker. The last thought she remembered having had been that she was finally warm.


  He couldn’t believe it, the woman that he had offered the chair for was one in the same. Now seeing what had been going on he now understood why she had turned him down.

  She had been the first woman in sixteen years that had made his head turn. He was thirty eight years old. She had looked beyond her years and now he understood why, poor girl.

  When he had seen her six months ago the whole world had stopped. She had on a red one shoulder number dress with a long sleeve on her right arm. Her light brown hair was long and flowy and she had on sex kitten heels and the right amount of red lipstick. Her green eyes, my god he had thought, they fucking sparkled. Yeah he got hard just looking at her. It wasn’t just her looks, it was her eyes. She had the kind of eyes that could cut you like a knife.

  Now seeing her stark form naked with several bruises and cuts hit him like a sack of bricks. No fear Doll, I’m here he thought. Damn even slightly bruised she was beautiful.

  With the girl in his arms he walked her to the van and laid her down with some of the other girls. It was going to be hell for all of them.

  “Did you find him?” He asked Garrison. Him being the punk ass Stephen.

  “Fucker must have escaped before we came in or else we would have gotten him. We came in from all sides. Can’t live with myself after finding out this has been going on under our noses this whole fucking time.” His Prez face was red with anger.

  “We will get him.” He was sure of that. He was the stupid fuck that beat on women and god knows what else.

  After they had all of the girls put into the van they set the place a flame, burning any and all bodies of the men they mounted up and headed to the clubhouse.

  They had a building put up for the girls. Thirty three cots they had delivered that night. There they would feel safe and get accustomed to being out of that hell hole. None of them knew what the girls had gone through, just rumors.

  Once they made it back they all helped move the girls from the van and into the building. However the moment he saw Stryker reach for the girl he shoved him away, grabbing her himself. He carefully placed his arms around her bruised body and carried her inside himself. Laying her on a bed he then turned to Stryker.

  “Look I need you to do me a solid, keep watch over her when I can’t be.” He looked at Stryker, Stryker knew him well enough to know that there was something about this girl that had him raptured.

  “Yeah man, whatever you need.” He answered him with all seriousness

  Lily and Paisley had gone out and gotten all of the girls the basics, a bag, a t-shirt, a long sleeved shirt, a pair of sweats. Also even a pair of shorts, pajamas, sports bra, underwear, and sock and even little things of toiletries.

  It took about a week for most of the girls to find their families, only a few of them still had no contact yet. Isabelle was one of them.

  He looked in on her whenever he could. If he wasn’t doing shit for the club and working at the shop he was with Isabelle. He also noticed anytime the other men came near her she flinched and hid inside her self, though not with him.

  The girls that were left decided that they missed the lifestyle for whatever the reason and joined a brothel. Only one of them had left and committed suicide. There had been thirty three girls in total.

  During the afternoons Stone and Isabelle hung out in the courtyard. He told her things she needed to know such as working and things about what she could do now that she was free and on her own. She spoke about her fears while she had been in the house, the things she wasn’t able to do like get her G.E.D, do her own makeup, style her own hair, choose her own clothes when she was allowed to wear them. That was one day a week and on Sundays as long as she behaved the rest of the prior week.

  She was there for five days living in the warehouse by herself at the end of the week. The last girl had left yesterday and her body was found at a near hotel in the shower, she had hung herself.

  That Saturday however she was given an envelope and a ride to a women’s shelter since Stone was leaving on a run and he didn’t offer for her to stay like he wished he could have.

  Chapter 2


  A week later with her head down to keep the chill away in the thick hoodie she scored for five bucks she walked the six blocks or so down to the women’s shelter. After Stephen had taken her she didn’t even know how she could get back home and with having no one that she knew she figured this was her best bet to stay alive and not freeze. Not to mention Geek hadn’t been able to find her parents for her.

  She wished she could have stayed with Stone however he wasn’t her hero and she wanted to be on her own. Only living in a women’s shelter wasn’t her idea of being on her own or even being
safe for that matter.

  She didn’t like when the man handed her five hundred dollars a week ago however, because of him she now had a hoodie, a decent pair of tennis shoes and a pair of jeans. Plus she now had a cheap phone so she could call for help if she needed it and to hopefully find a job. It wasn’t like she had graduated high school or anything. She would have to figure out how to get her G.E.D. she had applied to the local diner a couple days ago and she was still waiting on that call.

  Here she was seven days before her twenty first birthday homeless and jobless but at least she was free.

  She was almost to the shelter when her phone rang. Grabbing it she didn’t recognize the number and as far as she knew she hadn’t given it to anyone.

  “Hello?” She asked.

  “Isabelle?” She pulled the phone away from her ear and checked the number again, she didn’t recognize it.

  “Who is this?” Oh this was bad. Please don’t let it be one if his goons. Oh please, just as she was saying that she looked around her expecting to see the white vans he always would prefer to use, however she didn’t see one.

  “Look you may not remember me but my name is Stryker. Look long story short. Stone asked me to keep watch over you. Anyway I think he needs your help”

  “Why what’s wrong?” She asked and then turned away from the shelter to head to the nearest store to try and get a ride. She hoped Emily and her little boy Gannon would be okay. Because for Stone she would be there come hell or high water, especially after he had been the one to save her.

  “Well, you’re the first person outside of the Prez and me that he has really spoken to in sixteen years. I just don’t know what to do. He keeps challenging people into the ring with him and he’s actually hurt a few of the other members. It’s like he’s not even in the right frame of mind.”

  “Yeah I’ll come but is there a way someone could come and get me?”


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