Stone (Spartans MC (Carolina) Book 2)

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Stone (Spartans MC (Carolina) Book 2) Page 3

by Tiffany Casper

  Once she had her bag she threw it over her shoulder and made her way out to the courtyard and jumped into his truck. No way could she carry the bag on the back of his bike. The bag was bigger than her.

  His house was amazing. It was light in color, almost like a light grey in color even with white shutters and with a wrought iron railing. The roof was made out of shiny metal tin; oh she couldn’t wait for it to rain so she could hear the rain beating on the roof.

  The living room, kitchen, and hallway were all beige in color with dark chocolate furniture. There was even a fireplace! The bricks were white in color with a dark chocolate mantle to tie it all in. If she hadn’t known any better she would have sworn a woman lived here with how clean and well put together everything was.

  Following him down a hallway near the fireplace they passed two doors on the right and then one last door on the left. The bed was the bed of dreams. It was a four poster dark chocolate framed California king. The darn thing looked like a cloud! He just had a dresser and a floor length mirror with two bedside tables that made up the room. There were two doors, one of them was a walk in closet that was fit for a queen and then other door led to the bathroom.

  The countertop was marble in color and matched the kitchen island. Two sinks, a walk shower and a claw foot bath tub. He had dark grey mats and towels to match.

  “Are you sure there isn’t a woman that lives here?” She asked, looking at him and when she saw his look became lost in time she stored that for later.

  Not wanting to repeat what had happened a few days ago she walked up and hugged him. He had told her he didn’t mind her touch that night in this room at the clubhouse. It was everyone else’s that he had a problem with.

  Unpacking her things and putting them away she went ahead and explored while he was getting something started for dinner. She had learned to cook while with Stephen, it was either the girls and she learn and do it to his satisfaction or else they would be handed to his men as entertainment for the night with no bounds. It wasn’t an empty threat either. She had learned that her first night there at fourteen. She had told him no when he asked her to make him a sandwich and to cut it in half. Well she cut it in half but diagonal. Not what he wanted

  Getting her mind off of those dangerous and sickening thoughts she took in the picture’s on the mantle. A few of them were of the guys in the club and a couple of them were of Stone and a small little girl with a beanie on her head in every single picture. All five of them to be exact and looking closer she could see the girl was smiling but it didn’t reach her eyes.

  Not sensing Stone behind her, she jumped when he said,

  “That’s Alexandra.”

  Turning her head she saw him go sit down on the couch with his elbows on his knees.

  She set down beside him silently waiting. It took a few minutes and then he began.

  “Alexandra was born on December 16th she was born six weeks early and she came roaring into the world at six pounds and one ounce. She was a lively little girl. At age three she started to get real sick. Some days were great but others she would wake up with her stomach in pain and throwing up so bad her little body grew so frail. The doctors couldn’t figure it out. They had ran every test. Then we got a second opinion at St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. At the age of just three years old she was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called Neuroblastoma, it’s when tumors form in her brain. It’s why the stomach pains never made sense but they were because the tumors put pressure on her spine which in turn caused pain in her back that had radiated to her stomach. She had been given a year at the most to live. Oh we tried chemotherapy, miracle drugs and everything you can imagine, even surgery. However on the day before her fourth birthday the doctors told us she only had hours left. I sat there the entire time, my ex Lisa decided to leave when we were told that to move to California with some man. I couldn’t give a flying fuck. Sixteen years ago I laid my baby down.”

  Sitting on the couch in the living room when he began telling her the story. She felt stricken with grief for the poor little girl. She had no clue how he must have been feeling, having to sit there and watch his little daughter being taken away.

  It wasn’t long into Stone’s story about his daughter that had Isabelle hyperventilating. The moment he said his ex’s name did she stop breathing. Please no, oh please no. Don’t be the same person. Her name was Lisa.

  It just so happened that the Woman ahead of all the girls was named Lisa. It was her that bribed her with ice cream after her softball game at fourteen years old. It was her that slipped the white cloth of chloroform under her nose.

  She only relaxed when he told her she had moved clear across the country to California.


  Wanting, no needing to take his mind off of the situation he offered her his hand. He had no fucking clue what was going on between them because two weeks ago he wanted no woman permanently in his life and now in just thirteen days he needed her by his side.

  “Will you do something with me? Please?” He asked.

  She looked at him in confusion as he grabbed his phone and put on a song. Seeing her smile he about melted at his knees.

  She placed her hand in his she followed behind him to the kitchen floor now their dance floor. He spun her around and brought their joined hands up, placing his other on the small of her back. She put her free hand on his right shoulder and they danced. Slow and steady they danced with their eyes fixated on one another. Her smile was blinding and the light in her eyes spoke volumes to him. He knew it was too soon, way, way, way too soon but he couldn’t help the feelings he was having. For the first time in his life he was in love and what was so unbelievable about it all was that he wasn’t upset by it in the least.

  Bending his head down he patiently waited for her to meet him half way. When he saw her head rising and her eyes closing he said fuck it and met her. Their lips collided in a sweet embrace; it didn’t take long for him to coax her mouth open with his tongue. Round and round their lips danced. Pulling away and then kissing once more he spun her to the beat of the music.

  When the song had ended she had yawned into his shoulder and so he picked her up and carried her to bed

  Climbing in beside her he placed his hand on the side of her face and kissed her deeply.

  He wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep shit under control because fuck it all he fucking wanted her. He also hoped she wouldn’t feel as though she used to and she would want him back in return.

  Chapter 5


  Once they got up and got dressed they headed to the doctors to pick up the results from the test.

  As soon as they left the doctor’s office with the results in hand they went by the school and she filled out the forms for her G.E.D courses.

  They then headed home. Even though it had only been two days it still felt weird being here sometimes instead of the clubhouse or even the warehouse but it was also nice to not have so many people around and to be able to lock the bathroom door.

  Getting off the bike they headed inside and walked into the living room from the garage. They both stood at the island. She handed him her results. She watched as he slipped his thick finger under the envelope flap and opened it.

  She watched intently as he scanned the paper with his eyes. Only then after he reached what she assumed was the bottom of the page then did he hand her his envelope. She did the same and when she saw he was negative for all STD’s and HIV did she inhale a shallow breath.

  Without giving her a moment’s notice his mouth was on hers. Tearing her lips apart and shoving her tongue in her delectable mouth.

  Their hands explored and roamed one another, tearing off clothes as they went.

  He grabbed a wrapper from his wallet, tore it open and she watched as he sheathed his long thick member inside the condom.

  There was no need for foreplay, no need to heat one another up. The waves of intensity over the past couple weeks were enough.
  He grabbed ahold of her waist, spun her around.

  “Place your hands on the counter. Bend over for me Doll.” She did as he had asked.

  For the very first time she got to choose who climbed between her legs and she was glad that it had been him. So really he was the one to pop her cherry.

  She felt him pierce her entrance and then in one fluid motion he was in her, Deep in her. Her pussy squeezed his cock with each and every time he retreated then drove back in.

  “That’s it Doll. Squeeze baby, squeeze.”

  “Right there Stone. Oh my…” She could feel it coming on.

  “Take it all Doll.” Oh she was taking it all and then some.

  “I’m… I’m coming!” She screamed. The waves of desire coursing through her while she felt down to the fiber of her being, tensing all over. Feeling that last wave suddenly exploding and crashing all around her as she came long and hard.

  Not long after she came did he come as well. Unknowingly to them they had a spy peeking in through the window.

  The next day she turned the big twenty one. How Stone knew it was her birthday she didn’t know, just like how Stryker had her phone number when he had called. He was in an MC she guessed.

  She was woken that morning to pancakes, bacon, and cinnamon rolls.

  She walked into the kitchen in his t-shirt, wrapped her arms around his back.

  “Thank you for making breakfast. What’s the occasion?”

  “Today your birthday, right?”

  “How you know that?” He then gave her a are you serious look.

  “Eat up.” He said as he placed a plate with two pancakes, three strips of bacon and a cinnamon roll with a cup of orange juice.

  “Thank you Stone that was so good.” She said as she rubbed her full belly.

  “Glad you liked it. Get dressed, got shit to do.”

  First they went to the DMV she took the driver’s test to get her license. She was super nervous and aced it like a champ. Somehow she remembered a lot when she had taken drivers education at fourteen before she had been taken.

  Her first week of freedom from Stephen she had told Stone that she wished she had been able to go to a park and have ice cream. Something her parents never let her do.

  And what did Stone do after they got back home, had her dress warmly and then they mounted up on the bike. He took her to the nearest park for Ice Cream. The entire ride she was smiling. This was already the best day of her life.

  So many choices she couldn’t choose one.

  “What’ll you have?” The man asked.

  “I think I want a triple scoop of the orange sherbet.” She said smiling. It was chilly outside and the ice cream was going to make her even colder but she didn’t care. Not one single bit.

  “Make it two.” He said behind her. She loved when people got a look at him and faltered. He may look like a big scary biker but deep down he was one of a kind.

  They walked the trails taking in all of the changing leaves with the colors of reds and yellows, it was so beautiful.

  “Stone, I can’t believe this. You remembered.”

  “Yeah. I’m not completely made of Stone huh?” He smirked when she laughed.

  “Can I ask you something?” She asked taking another lick from her ice cream cone. What she failed to see was Stone watching her from the corner of his eye as she did so.


  “Is Stone your real name? I mean I know you all call Malcolm. Mac and a few others but I was curious.”

  “Bradley.” He said.

  “Nice, I can see that but Stone fits you completely.”

  “How did you get the name Stone?”

  After they ate ice cream they mounted back on the bike and headed to the clubhouse to grill steaks for her birthday.

  Hand in hand they walked into the clubhouse with Happy Birthday yelled out.

  Smiling she told them all “Thank you”. No longer was she afraid of anyone in this club. Grabbing ahold of the beer Stone handed her after he twisted the top off of it. Seeing he had his up for a toast she assumed she brought her beer up and they clinked.

  “Cheers Babe.”

  “Cheers Stone.”

  Turns out they had gotten there just in time for the steaks to be done as well as the veggies and the potatoes.

  Sitting at a table she waited on Stone to come back with their plates.

  “Happy Birthday!” Paisley screamed when she walked up to the table.

  “Thank you!” She said as she took a swig of her beer.

  “So how has the birthday been?” She asked as she pulled up a chair with her own beer in hand.

  “Great, he cooked breakfast and then we took a walk in the park and ate ice cream. Oh and he took me to get my license!”

  “Whoa he did well it sounds like. Way to go Stone. I knew there was more to that man than that rocky exterior.

  “Yeah he did do well.”

  “What did I do well?” Looking up they saw Stone and Mac approaching them. They busted out laughing. Wanting to pick with him she said,

  “Oh wouldn’t you like to know?” She smirked, stealing his signature move.

  He handed her the plate and then did something no one was ready for. He kissed her on her forehead. Not caring a damn that all eyes had been on them.

  “Thank you Stone.” She said after he handed her the plate.

  She expected to need a knife but the fork did the job and well in fact. The veggies were tender and the potato. Oh my goodness, with butter and salt, yum!

  Once they were finished a fire had been lit in the fire pit outside. Hand in hand they walked out to the backyard and after Stone sat in a chair he pulled Isabelle down and she sat between his legs and grabbed the blanket Stryker handed her. Giving him her thanks she leaned back as Stone placed his arm across her chest. What she hadn’t planned on was falling asleep.

  Placing her hand in his she followed behind him to the make shift dance floor. He spun her around and brought their joined hands up, placing his other on the small of her back. She put her free hand on his right shoulder and they danced. Slow and steady they danced with their eyes fixated on one another. Her smile was blinding and the light in her eyes spoke volumes. She knew it was too soon, way, way, way too soon but she couldn’t help the feelings she was having. For the first time in her life she was in love.

  Chapter 6


  Over the next few months she had even gotten lucky and had started working at the local diner as a server, she wasn’t allowed to work the cash register. Not until she got her G.E.D but that was okay. During the day she went to classes and at night she worked six nights a week.

  Thankfully the classes were not as difficult as she had thought. The three month courses went by super-fast and then it was time to take the test.

  In the past three months she had grown into herself. She was thankful every day that Stone held up his end of the bargain and let her be free. Not once did he complain about the dinner she made or even about the amounts of food she burn.

  The spaghetti noodles she scorched, the chicken she under cooked, the hamburgers she charred, however with him at her back she learned how to make a lot of things. Now she made awesome Alfredo, garlic chicken and even killer mac n cheese. On the regular Stone actually asked for her to make triple fudge brownies homemade and not from the box. She even took them to his work and gave some to the other guys.

  Now she also drove his truck everywhere, she had her chap stick, tampons, charger and even some extra makeup for the just in case days.

  She also carried pepper spray. She didn’t carry a gun yet but that was in the future. Right now she was getting her life back and doing it the way she wanted.

  He also didn’t complain about all the different shampoos, conditioners, body washes she went through before she found the ones she liked. He didn’t even complain about the endless hours of music she listened to, to learn all of the newer songs. He didn’t even complain when sh
e got interested in a team then switched to another team in the NFL, only to end up cheering on his team the Dallas Cowboys. Oops.

  She had even gotten one of Stone’s brothers Geek to try again to find her parents for her and their contact information. Since they were unlisted it still took him about two weeks of solidly working to locate them. Not knowing whether it would be better to contact them or wait she chose to wait until after she her test.

  After her test that Friday they all waited in the library to receive the scores. Texting Stone while she waited.

  Isabelle – Do you think they will think differently of me?

  Stone – No.

  Isabelle – I hope not.

  Stone – Babe, they’re gonna be there for you.

  Isabelle – I hope so Stone. I really do.

  Stone – They will. If not they’ll deal with me.

  “Isabelle Davidson?” She put her phone away and went to the front desk receiving her paper.

  Grabbing it she turned and headed outside. Not unfolding it at all. Climbing into Stone’s truck she still didn’t open it. Knowing he was at the shop she headed there.

  Parking she jumped down and went in search of him and found him telling a woman to,

  “Lady, I done told you once, stop fucking putting your hands on me.” He growled out. To the rescue she said. Watch out bitch.

  “Hi honey, I hope ribs are okay for dinner?” She walked up to him as she said that and wrapped her hand around the back of his head and pulled him down for a scorching kiss. Smiling at him she turned.

  “Hi! I’m Isabelle; want to tell me why you were putting your hands on my man?” She said, sounding bubbly too which was far from how she was really feeling...

  “He’s mine bitch.” Oh really? Okay……

  “Well apparently he was mine last week when I gave him a blow job right over there near that lift. Then that very night he ate me out until I saw stars. Then yesterday morning I woke up in his arms and rode him like a hurricane. Then last night, oh my gosh last night after we grilled steaks we went skinny dipping in the hot tub. Now please, do tell me. If he has been in my bed every night and every morning for the past year then how is he yours?” Placing her hand on her hip.


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