Stone (Spartans MC (Carolina) Book 2)

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Stone (Spartans MC (Carolina) Book 2) Page 4

by Tiffany Casper

  “Oh and by the way before you call me a bitch again you’d better make a hair an appointment with the dentist. Because you’ll be missing a few teeth.”

  “Buh bye” She said as the girl flipped her fake ass wig hair and turned and walked away.

  “Puh-lease, skank.” She said as she turned around to face Stone.

  Looking down she saw he was hard, well then she thought to herself.

  “Really?” Was all he could say. Whoops.

  Handing him the folded paper she said,

  “Will you please read this for me? I’m too nervous.” She bit her bottom lip.

  For some reason he leaned down and kissed her forehead.

  “Yeah babe.” Wiping his hands on his rag he grabbed it and opening it.

  “You passed math with a 97, and you passed English with a 95. Congratulations babe!” He said with a smile. A fucking smile!

  “Yeesss!” She squealed, fist bumping the air in the process.

  Later that night after they had the ribs and they had some wild monkey sex they were sitting on the couch when Stone asked her a question.


  “Something I been meaning to ask you, can you tell me how you went without having a baby these past six years?” Something deep, deep, deep inside him had begun wondering what it would be like to have another child. Would he or she look like Isabelle, would he or she be a take names later ass kicking now kind of person?

  Seeing her coming out of her shell more and more had been a site to behold. No longer was she afraid of speaking her mind in fear of repercussions like she had been these past six years.

  Instead of answering right off she had then pointed to a scarred place in her upper arm in between her shoulder and her elbow, you know in that muscle fatty part? It was also then that he realized why her doctor appointment had taken a little while longer then his. That had also had him thinking she did have a sexually transmitted disease. Thinking I was about to accuse her of something she immediately began her explanation.

  “I had it taken out at the doctor’s office, please do not ever think I did it to try and trap you. No way would I do that to someone, not when I know how it feels to be trapped with no means of escape.”

  Then she explained another reason for why she had it removed.

  “See I didn’t want the thing in the first place. The head woman had been taunting us all with the device. It was on the black market, it was sort of like Nexplanon the implant but on steroids. It prevented pregnancy not by only blocking the release of eggs from releasing but by blocking them entirely. It’s been proven that it kills the eggs immediately and that kind of damage prevents eggs from growing and making some of the woman that had then implant infertile. Maybe one day in the future I wouldn’t mind a child, I don’t know but I would like the opportunity to at least know or not if it were even possible. After all six years is a long time for the implant to be in your body.” Her eyes took on a faraway look as if she was remembering a bad memory.

  “Couldn’t you have at least asked for something else?”

  “No, there was no telling them no. I had made that mistake the first night I was there.”

  He pulled her into his lap and waited. She had told him bits and pieces over the past few months. He wished that the fucker hadn’t of gotten away. He wanted to return to his body, bring his ass back to life and cut him from limb to limb. He would find the motherfucker one day, that one day was going to be great.

  “The first day I told him no, that I wasn’t going to strip down for him. I had only been fourteen. He had smiled at me and said ‘that’s alright’ he had then placed his hand on the small of my back, signaled to a man beside him then we continued upstairs to a room with a blue door.” She sighed.

  “When we entered I was thrown into the arms of three men, those three men beat me to almost unconsciousness, and then a bucket of cold water was thrown on me. I lost count after the tenth man violated my body. I had been a virgin before that night.”

  “I never said no after that night. One girl had told them no after I had been there for three years. They found out somehow she had gotten pregnant. They told her to take a couple morning after pills. She refused. Her body was carted out while she had been fighting and screaming. We could hear her screaming and crying in pain. None of us dared to intervene though. It about killed a lot of us girls to just stand there. An hour or so after that she was finally brought back in, they made her walk. They had taken a knife to her stomach and tore up her belly, tore out the fetus and all of her reproductive organs. She died two hours later.”

  “Shit, I had no idea.” He really didn’t. He thought he had been through some shit but the stuff didn’t even compare to her life. Her short life so far at almost twenty one had been crap.

  He didn’t know a lot about happiness and making someone else happy but for her he was bound and determined to try.

  Chapter 7


  Today was the day. She was so nervous when she rolled out of bed. Going through the closet, she went through ten different outfits. She had wanted to look her best. The dress she had settled on was a navy blue strapless dress with little white birds on it. She paired that with her white vans.

  She even braided her hair and put on minimal makeup. Stone had left already for his shift at the shop.

  Seeing she had two hours before their plane was supposed to land she grabbed her sign and walked out to his truck, climbed in and drove the forty five minutes to the airport.

  Standing in the arrivals at the airport waiting on her parents to get off the plane had her hands sweating; the back of her neck had goosebumps. These were her parents so why was she so nervous? They brought her into this world, raise her. Looking at her watch it the plane was supposed to land in thirty minutes.

  She watched families greeting families. She watched a man in uniform catching a little boy running through baggage claim to his waiting arms. The love they both shared was evident.

  Glancing to the escalator for them hoping the picture Geek had found was current enough. Checking her watch she kept a steady look. Fifteen minutes ago they landed so any time now. She was bouncing on her feet to keep her jitters down.

  Stone – Have you met them yet?

  Isabelle – Not yet. There plane landed fifteen minutes ago so they should be coming down soon.

  Stone – Alright. U got ur sign?

  Isabelle – Yep!

  She did. She even got a bright pink neon sign that said Mr. & Mrs. Davidson with different little marks and such.

  Smiling at those looking at her hoping they were her parents even though they didn’t look like the couple in the photographs; however they continued to walk past her.

  Looking at her watch she saw the time and it was now thirty minutes from when the plane had landed. Maybe they stopped to eat or maybe they had to use the restroom she thought. She hoped any way.

  Still looking at the escalators and then looking at the carousel that carried the luggage for that flight number she saw two suitcases were left on there. Perfect!

  Then a younger couple picked them up.

  Pulling out her phone an hour later and still no parents,

  Isabelle – I don’t think they were on the plane.

  Stone – Turn around.

  Looking at her screen funny she turned at her waist and there was Stone at her back. She dropped the sign and buried her face in his chest and cried. Cried that she had hoped like crazy they would be on the plane; wanting to see her, still loving her as well.

  “Doll, I had Geek call them when it had been thirty minutes after the plane landed. They said they had no intention of using the tickets. I’m so sorry Doll.” He had whispered in her hair. What he didn’t tell her was that that was not all they had said. They basically said that they considered her damaged. Even though if they had been watching her and not on their phones the entire fucking time then maybe she wouldn’t have been taken. Stupid cock sucking mother fucking bastards
. Her parents were dead to him when the word damaged came from their mouths. Hell even in the foster program he had grown up in he never felt such hatred from his foster parents. Sure they never showed affection or the like but they would never say their child was damaged no matter what.

  She cried even harder. For ten minutes Stone stood there with his arms around her glaring at anyone who looked at her with even an ounce of pity. Finally after she had her composure back in order she stepped back from him and he let his arms hang at his sides.

  Bending down she grabbed the sign, tore it in half and threw it in the nearest garbage can.

  Walking beside Stone he walked her to his truck and helped her in. Surprising the hell out of her he leaned in and kissed her hard eliciting a moan bubble up from her throat. Then he winked at her, him, her Stone winked at her. She swooned.

  “Thank you Stone. I don’t deserve to have someone like you in my life, not after what I have had to do but I am so thankful.”

  “Doll, shut the fuck up.” He said with a smirk and closed her door.

  Backing the truck out she cranked up some tunes and headed home.

  Stone stayed behind her the entire time.

  That night there was only passion; sweet, sweet passion. The waves of pure ecstasy had been flowing through the both of them. On top she rode him and brought them both to climax. Then the next moment he would flip them over and drive hard into her waiting pussy.

  Sadly someone else was enjoying watching them both move as one. Taking puffs from their cigarette. Planning their next move. Revenge would be sweet, ever so sweet. They weren’t going to be happy for long. They hoped they enjoyed their time together for tomorrow it was coming to an end.

  Chapter 8


  That blow job that morning had been perfect. Nothing like he had ever felt before and that was for sure. Walking down the hall he heard her phone vibrating on the island. Grabbing it he turned it over and saw it was a blocked number,

  “Yeah?” He answered.

  Nothing he could even hear heavy breathing coming through the other end.

  “I can hear you breathing fucker. Who the fuck is this?”

  “Tell Isabelle I loved last night, I’ll see her again real soon.” The fucker said. Before he could say anything back the fucker on the end of the line ended the call.

  Squeezing the phone in his hand he crushed the screen then threw it against the wall. Pivoting on his foot while hearing the phone break into pieces clattering on the hardwood floor didn’t faze him.

  He made it down, grabbed the first thing of hers he saw, opened the bedroom window and began throwing her shit out. Once he had it all out of his bedroom he went into the shower. Pulled the door open, the smile on her face vanished as soon as she saw the hard set in his jaw.

  Wrapping his hand around her arm he dragged her from the shower not caring one single fucking bit that he was hurting her. Neither was he concerned with the sound of her body hitting the walls and floor while he took her to the front door and threw her outside.

  “Fucking Whore. Should’ve known fucking better!” He slammed the door in her face.

  Turning his back he went to the bathroom, shut the shower off, threw on his kutte, his gun and went to the garage.

  Firing up his Harley he backed out without a backward glance at the whore and headed to the clubhouse. He needed to get fucking hammered.

  Three shots into his moonshine his phone rang,

  Again the same fucking blocked number pulled up on his phone this time.

  “The fuck you want?”

  “Well… well… well… I didn’t believe it when my man said you threw her outside with no clothes on but hearing your voice now I believe it.”

  “The fuck you care for. She ain’t nothing but a fucking whore.” He said. The skanky ass fucking bitch.

  “Tsk… tsk…” The sound of a shrill scream crackled through the phone. He pulled his phone from his ear, tapped the screen and turned the speaker on. His hand was shaking the entire time. The fuck has he just done.

  All of his brothers around him looked at his face that was now almost stark white.

  What the fuck had he just done he asked himself again? He felt sick down to his very core. He promised her he would protect her with his life, had he just broken that promise all because he felt she had done him wrong.

  He stopped breathing when he heard ‘you asshole’ and a sound resounded as if someone was smacking flesh.

  “Isabelle, you shouldn’t have left with him baby. That was the wrong thing for you to do.” Another shrill scream resounded through the speaker.

  Looking at Geek he saw him run to the table he had his laptop on and start typing away furiously. At that moment Stryker and some chick with red hair came into the main room from the hallway and seeing her throw her hand over her mouth when what came through the speaker next.

  “How does that knife feel baby? Does that feel good?” Clinched fists were being formed.

  “Well what the fuck are y’all waiting on? Mount up and go get her.” A harsh whisper resounded.

  All eyes looking at Lily.

  “Quit looking at me and get a fucking move on.” She whispered.

  “You heard the lady. Geek, you got em?” He whispered as well, not wanting to alert the bastard on the phone that all hell was about to break loose.


  Isabelle hadn’t understood what had happened in the span of thirty minutes. Once minute everything was wonderful like it had been and she just found out this morning she was pregnant. She was scared to tell him but she was also happy. Even if he didn’t want to be in the baby’s life, thanks to him she now had a way to support them and the baby would be loved and cared for. While she was rinsing off, the door was slammed open and the smile on her face dropped.

  She had seen that look one other time before and that was when he was in that ring when she brought him back.

  The look now on his handsome face tore her into shreds. Then his hand had clamped down hard on her arm.

  He jerked her from the shower forcefully. Her legs scraped the metal rails on the bottom of the shower.

  “Stone what in the world is wrong?” She asked while he kept a hold of her.

  In response he snarled at her with a look in his eyes that turned her blood cold. On and on he dragged her out the bedroom, down the hallway, through the living room and grabbed the front door furiously.

  He then yanked it as hard as he could and she even heard the hinges groaning in protest. Bringing her forward he threw her through the front door, said.

  “Fucking Whore. Should’ve known fucking better!” He spewed at her.

  Then he had slammed the door in her face.

  Standing there stark naked with conditioner in her hair with tears in her eyes she stared at the closed door. Then she looked to the garage to see him in all his glory on his bike leaving. He didn’t even give her a backwards glance. Trying to cover her body she looked to the left and saw her things were now lying on the ground. Wow…

  After she threw on some leggings and a t-shirt she bent to grab a bag intending to put her things in it, she was grabbed from behind and again suffered the smell of chloroform in her nose.

  With a bucket of cold water thrown on her face she was woken up and as she moved to get away from some of the remaining water she felt her wrists, and ankles had been tied down to something.

  “You thought you could get away from me?” She heard, Stephen.

  Then she was writhing in pain as a knife was shoved deep in her thigh. She felt the blade pulling pulled from her leg and she screamed in pain. Again and again he would stab or slice.

  She had intended to lift her head, only a sharp line was at her throat. It was Lisa, holding a blade to her throat. She couldn’t even scream as loud as she wanted to now for fear the blade would cut her as well.

  What she hadn’t known was that Stone was in a hiding spot watching them ram that knife threw her flesh and it had b
een one of the hardest things that he had ever had to endure. What still had him feeling like a volcano was about to explode from his body had been his ex. Alexandra’s mom standing there holding a knife to Isabelle’s throat if she moved even an inch, the blade would slice right through her dainty neck.

  “He’s always going to be mine Bitch. As soon as I found out one if my girls had taken up with him I just had to find out. And lookie here, now I have you and you’re about to join my brat of a daughter. In hell!”

  “I’d rather be in hell with her showing her love and support then spend another second here with you.” Isabelle spewed at Lisa.

  After that she saw someone enter the building. The haze from the pain hadn’t let her recognize her at first. It was Emily. She wondered what in the world she was doing here, she almost asked her until she saw Emily’s eyes on her like she was silently telling her to be quite.

  “Well, well, well I do declare I see a man I have heard much about. Thank you can show me those rumors were true?” She had taunted to Stephen.

  Apparently he fell for it because when she walked past him his head turned; he turned his body at the waist to follow her and his hand that hold been holding the knife turned as well.

  Boom, boom filled the air. Down Stephen went and so did Lisa, the knife slicing her ear in the process.

  The other three men were taken out quickly and there was Stone.

  “Babe, I’m so fucking sorry. More sorry then you will ever fucking realize.” He leaned down kissing her forehead and then he released the shackles from her wrists and hands after Stryker had handed him the key.

  She had to tell him before it was too late.

  Chapter 9


  Sitting on his bike outside of the building waiting on the others to get there had him thinking about the past few hours. He sped like a bat out of hell to get to her. Wanting to run inside guns a blazing he knew he would have gotten killed if he would’ve gone in there halfcocked. Neither one of them would have made it out of there alive. He hoped like hell they haven’t already hurt her, he knew that was simply not true. They had six hours on them; it shouldn’t have taken that long for his brain to be like ‘hey she isn’t like that’. He should’ve known better.


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