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Conception (The Wellingtons, #4)

Page 7

by Tessa Teevan

  “Nope!” she cries, cutting me off and shaking her finger at me. “You know how squeamish I get when it comes to these kinds of stories, so I don’t care. Not going to listen to you. What I am going to do is head back up and get out of this heat. I’m starting to get a bit of a headache, and if I don’t cool off and lie down before work, I’ll be a total grump behind the bar tonight. You want to stay here with that nonsense or come back with us?”

  I glance along the shore, noticing that no one else is around. The sun’s high in the sky, its rays beating down, but there’s a gentle little breeze coming off that lake that doesn’t make it too unbearable. I make a mental note to be liberal with the sunscreen because burning on my first full day here is not on the agenda.

  I push my sunglasses back up and roll over onto my stomach, getting comfortable on my towel. “I think I’ll stay here a bit. I have nothing else to do, so I might as well enjoy the sunshine while I can.”

  She glances to Joe and Sam. “Come on, boys. Let’s leave Amelia alone with her demented serial killer.” To me, she says, “Don’t stay out here too long, okay? You know you can always read in the nice air-conditioned house.”

  “I won’t, Mom. Don’t worry. I’ll alternate by taking dips in the lake if I start to feel too heated. And I have plenty of water. I’ll stay hydrated. Just one more chapter and I’ll come in. You know I need to build my base tan.”

  Sunny rolls her eyes, knowing it’s never just one more chapter. “All righty. See ya.”

  The three of them trudge off as I reopen my book. I’m so engrossed in the story, desperate to see how Detective Cochran and Dr. Roscoe plan on solving the gruesome crime spree that’s rampant across truck stops in the Midwest, that I nearly jump out of my skin when something wet hits the small of my back.

  Even though I have a very fond appreciate for all things horror, that doesn’t mean I don’t get the bejeezus scared out of me at the tiniest little thing. My book falls to the side as I yelp, completely forgetting myself when I roll over to see who’s interrupted my reading.

  I really forget myself when I see the object of my latest affection grinning down at me. I’m breathing heavy from the momentary fear—or the lust coursing through me. He’s watching me through dark sunglasses. I wish like hell I could see his eyes. As if he’s read my mind, he lifts his glasses to reveal delighted brown eyes that appear lighter, more mischievous, in the sunlight than they did last night.

  “Nice to see you, Amelia,” he says, my name considerably long and drawn out.

  The glimpse of amusement on his face heats my cheeks, but when his eyes trail down from my face to my chest and I realize why he’s amused, I nearly shriek. Then his lips curve into a devilish grin, and he allows the glasses to fall back down and cover his eyes.

  I was captivated by my book and then so utterly surprised at the cool sensation on my back that I completely forgot I’d unhooked my bikini top to minimize the tan lines. And, now, said bikini top is next to me on the towel, my breasts bared for all to see.

  Sitting up at breakneck speed, I cover my chest and glare at him. “Why the hell did you sneak up on me like that?”

  Knox throws a towel next to mine and sets down a boombox playing “I Wanna Be Your Lover” by Prince. How in the world I missed the music before this is beyond me.

  And apparently Knox. He points to the boombox. “Babe, I wasn’t exactly trying to be quiet. Must’ve been some story if you didn’t even hear me coming.”

  For some reason, I’m not so keen to share that what had my rapt attention is a novel called The Gloryhole Killer. So I push the book to the side with my free hand, all the while watching him through the lenses of my sunglasses. “I wouldn’t have taken you for a Prince fan.”

  Knox chuckles then holds his arms out wide as if on display. “Let’s just say I have a vast variety of tastes. You could say I’m a little bit country, little bit rock ‘n roll. Throw in a mix of R&B and I like to think I’m the whole package.”

  I snort at the reference. “Donny and Marie? My god, your taste. It’s a regular smorgasbord. Who’d have guessed?”

  “Don’t worry, babe. By the end of the summer, you’ll know all about my palate.”

  It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask if that’s a promise when something wet and slimy trickles down my spine and I remember what took me out of my book in the first place.

  “What the heck did you pour on my back?” I ask accusingly, holding one arm across my breasts and using the other to clip the two pieces behind my back.

  “Sunscreen,” he says nonchalantly. Then he raises his palms. “I’ve got two hands to rub it in if you’d like the assistance. I promise to be a good boy—and even clip your top back together since it seems like you’re having trouble.”

  The thought of his hands on me sends unexpected shivers down my spine. Shivers in a heat wave. Ridiculous.

  He must’ve seen the reaction, because I’m treated to a lopsided grin that turns into a full-blown smile when he yanks his sunglasses off, his eyes coming to my breasts with a delicious hunger I can’t help but notice. I’m two seconds away from accepting his offer. Until, of course, the universe decides to allow my straps to fall into place and clip together. Under his watchful eyes, I adjust my boobs so that the material is covering them—or, well, basically covering my nipples. Once settled, I lean back with my arms behind me, my palms down on my towel, hoping he can’t tell how flustered I am.

  Except, when I look up, I see I’m not the only one flustered. His eyes rake over my entire body, racing, as if he can’t get enough of me and isn’t sure where he wants to look next. Heat rises over every inch of me.

  It’s exactly as Sunny said. In this suit, he’d want to devour me. By the look on his face, I can tell she’s right.

  “Damn, babe. Never thought you’d top the way those shorts hugged your ass last night, but this?” he says, using his glasses to wave up and down my body. “It’s a sight I’ll never forget.”

  “Oh, really? Because you literally just saw my boobs, so if you think they look better covered, I’m not sure that’s a compliment.”

  His jaw ticks, and hot eyes meet mine. “You covered up is a gorgeous thing.” He pauses. “Only if it means I’m the one who gets to unwrap you later.”

  “You’re awfully sure of yourself.”

  Knox draws his lower lip between his teeth, his eyes performing one more pass of me from head to toe.

  I don’t melt under his scrutiny. I don’t. And if I do, even just a little bit, it’s like he said: the heat. It’s messing with my senses.

  I brush an errant piece of sand off my belly and then take a long swig of water, pushing my heart-shaped sunglasses up, even though I really want to push them down to the end of my nose and ogle the man standing before me. Something tells me he’s used to that, so I fight for indifference.

  And I fail by inadvertently sucking in my bottom lip while my eyes take in the sight of him.

  He’s impossibly more gorgeous in the bright sunlight than he was in the dimly lit bar. Not that I’m surprised.

  I knew from the way his white T-shirt fit snugly against his torso that he was built. But I had no idea just how much sculpted muscle was hiding beneath the fabric. I’m grateful for the darkness of my glasses as I take in the whole utterly masculine package on display before me. Thank the Lord for male bathing fashion.

  I memorize the hard planes and contours of his rock-hard chest, the tightness of his abdomen, and the muscles rippling down his arms. A narrow waist leads to lean hips with steely thighs corded with strength. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a male specimen quite so built like him that wasn’t too overdone the way some bodybuilders are. I have the urge to run my fingers over every inch of him.

  Another glob of goo hits my chests, breaking me from my spell. The cocky smirk on his face tells me Knox knows precisely what I’ve been doing behind my sunglasses, but he doesn’t call me on it.

  “I believe someone once said, ‘There’s
a shortage of perfect breasts in this world. It would be a pity to burn yours.’” A wicked grin spreads his full lips, and I momentarily wonder about those lips on said perfect breasts. Though I’ve never thought mine were perfect. “Not to mention, there’s a heat wave going on, babe, and I thought maybe you could use a little cooling off.”

  As if this man would ever have the power to do anything to me but make me even hotter than the scorching temperatures.

  “I believe that quote is, ‘It would be a pity to damage yours,’” I inform him, ignoring the butterflies flitting about in my belly.

  He gives a bow that I imagine would be very Westley-like. “Forgive me, Highness, for I was paraphrasing.”

  I lift up to study him, relishing the way the sun gives him an almost golden appearance. I’m dying to run my hands through his messy, dark hair. Bright eyes shine as he gives me a once over, and I’m not sure whether to thank Sunny or try to cover up with a towel. The way those eyes peruse my body has me leaning towards gratitude.

  “You’ve read Goldman?” I ask, growing ever more curious about this man.

  “Mom’s orders.”

  “Something tells me you don’t often follow orders from others.”

  He lets out an easy chuckle. “It’s true. I often don’t. However, if you met my mother, you’d know she’s impossible to disappoint.”

  “Well, if you know it well enough to quote, I’d have to guess you enjoyed it.”

  “I did. Trust me, not every fifteen-year-old boy wants to read a fairy tale, but once I started, I dug it. What’s not to like about pirates, sword fights, and aforementioned perfect breasts?” he asks, his gaze leaving my face and trailing down to where Sunny’s bikini top does little to hide mine.

  “And the mumbo-jumbo about true love?” I shouldn’t have asked, mainly because he isn’t here for anything more than a bit of summer fun, but the words slipped out before I could think better of them.


  Just as I open my mouth to protest, Knox holds a hand out to me. I place mine in his, and he hoists me to my feet. One arm swoops around my waist, hauling me into his bare chest. I don’t know if it’s the heat or him, but I’m suddenly ablaze with excitement.

  “And don’t go telling me I don’t know what the words means. Trust me,” he says. “I’m not a thwarted romantic. Just a cynic.”

  He’s teasing. I know it, but there’s something underlying in his tone that makes me wonder why such a young, handsome, obviously virile young man already considers himself a cynic. I study his eyes, trying to find something in them, but instead, I find myself lost in the dark depths.

  “What’s running through the pretty little head of yours?” he asks, his voice low and smooth, like a hot pool of honey too delectable to resist.

  If he only knew. I could play coy. Hard to catch. But why? Our time here is limited, so if I want to maximize it and make the most of my summer, why not jump in feet first, with eyes wide open?

  I rest my hand on the nape of his neck. “I’m thinking, Knox, that perhaps it’s time we put an end to this literary session and move on to more exciting ventures.”

  His eyes flash with desire. “Let me guess,” he ponders, rubbing his thumb along my lower lip. “You’re wondering about Goldman’s claim of five great kisses in history. You’re wondering if it was true. Did Buttercup and Westley top them all?”

  “According to Goldman, they did,” I whisper, my belly tightening the closer his lips come to mine.

  “And now you’re wondering: Will ours top them all, too?”

  My tongue darts out to wet my lips. Heat coils between my legs at this literary foreplay, something so foreign, so unexpected from a man like him. So arousing. “I’m wondering when you’re going to shut up and kiss me.”

  As hungry eyes gaze back at me, his arm encircles my waist, tightening just so, and his other hand cups my face. As Knox closes the distance between us, his whisper is barely audible. “As you wish.”

  I DIDN’T PLAN ON DEVOURING Amelia the first chance I got. I also didn’t plan on wasting my time getting to know her. So, when her hooded green eyes bore into mine, and that soft whisper of a request that I kiss her hits my ears, I can’t help myself.

  I pull her in closer, even though the stifling heat has us both already slick with sweat.

  I want her as close as possible, nothing between us except for her tiny bathing suit that hides practically nothing and my shorts that, if we were to separate, would most definitely be showing off how much I want her. Not that I give a fuck. We’re the only two here, alone in this little cove, and all I can think about is how I’m going to kiss her without trying to go too far.

  Her eyes flutter closed as I claim her mouth and nearly groan at the sweetness of these soft lips. Just as I assumed last night, they’re fucking perfect. Even more so when I trace my tongue along the curve of them, and they part immediately, allowing my entrance.

  Amelia’s not shy, either. She’s an active participant, finding my tongue with hers, stroking mine just as I imagined when I watched her with the straw. Her hand squeezes the back of my neck; the move sends a straight shot to my groin. And without hesitation, the hand on the small of her back drifts down to cup her ass. Then I haul her into me so she can feel just how fucking much she’s affecting me. When she moans into my mouth, I fight the desire to rock into her.

  Dry humping never sounded so fucking good, even in broad daylight. Might even be up for a little exhibitionism, too, if it means I get to keep my hands—and other body parts—on her.

  “Hey, lovebirds! Get a room!”

  Amelia freezes instantly, but I hold her tight, not letting her go. My tongue does one last searching sweep of her mouth before I reluctantly relinquish hers. With one final, long, drugging kiss, I retreat. I don’t look to see who’s interrupted us. I don’t give a damn. All I see before me is Amelia. And at the sight of her beautifully swollen lips, full and trembling, all I want is another taste.

  The way she’s eyeing mine? I think the feeling’s mutual.


  It’s barely a whisper, yet that one word gives me satisfaction I’m not sure I’ve ever known. It also makes me want to scoop her up, take her to bed, strip off that tiny bikini, and give her a whole other reason to utter the word over and over again.

  When Amelia’s gaze moves up to mine, I catch the sight of her green eyes sparkling in the sunlight. “That was…”

  I grin down at her. “I know.”

  A slow smirk parts her lips. “It’s scorching out here, isn’t it?”

  “Sure is.”

  “I…uh…” She pauses, letting out a deep sigh. “I’m wet.”

  My grin spreads across my face. “I know that, too, princess.”

  She rolls her eyes, even as her shoulders shake in laughter. Hands come to my chest as if she’s about to push me away. My hands capture her wrists, holding her in place. When our eyes lock, I rock against her—ever so slightly, as not to put on a show.

  “You wanna give me a minute before I embarrass myself in front of our audience?” I ask.

  The corners of Amelia’s eyes crinkle with her answering smile. “I’m a little disappointed that you think you can keep ahold of me like this and still deflate the situation.”

  “Babe, I don’t think holding you close is going to deflate anything. It’s just an excuse to hold you longer.”

  She surprises me when she lifts onto her tiptoes and captures my lips again. I’m about to dive in deep, but all too quickly, she drops back down to the sand and gives me a wink.

  “If we’ve only got the summer, Knox, you don’t need any excuses to hold me. Or kiss me, for that matter. As far as Goldman’s concerned, that kiss was pretty hot, but I think we can do better if we want to be in the top five.”

  This girl. I’m not really sure what to think of her.

  On one hand, she seems prim and proper, like the girls I grew up with at my prep school in Belle Meade. On the other han
d, I’ve seen her long-ass legs in Daisys then today’s outrageously sexy bathing suit, and she doesn’t shy away from me, not even a little. Then again, she blushed last night at mere innuendo. Whatever it is that makes her tick, I want to know it all. Do it all.

  I’m about to lower my head to try again, because at this point, I could spend the entire summer doing nothing but kissing Amelia and be totally okay with it, but she gives a slight shake of her head.

  “As much as I’d love to continue this right now,” she says, “I’m not one for an audience. And considering I know it’s probably Sunny who interrupted us, she’d be far too captive of said audience if given the chance.”

  I glance behind Amelia and see that she’s right. The girl from behind the bar is standing there with Joe, who’s trying to turn her towards the water and away from us, to no avail. He shakes his head, to which I nod my thanks. At least the guy tried. I gather Amelia in close, wrapping my arms around her shoulders then give her a quick kiss on the top of her head.

  If I can’t continue to kiss her out here, it’s an opportune time to get to know her a bit better. With my erection still prominently on display, I quickly sit on her towel then draw her between my legs. It’s pressed against her back, but I can’t help it. As much as I want to rove the expanse of her taut stomach or along the curves of her thighs, I take her hands into mine instead, playing with her fingers. She shivers when my lips come to her ear.

  “Okay, so now that I’ve tasted you, I want more than just a little nibble, but like you said, not in front of an audience. So how about we talk and get the basics out of the way while your friend pretends she’s not waiting for us to start screwin’ on the sand for her viewing pleasure.”

  She scrunches her nose and it’s so damn cute that it makes me want to kiss the hell out of her again. “Basics? What do you mean?”

  “Well, for starters, you were drinkin’ last night, so that means you’re at least nineteen, though you don’t seem like a girl straight outta high school.”

  She nods. “I turned twenty-one back in March,” she informs me.


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