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Conception (The Wellingtons, #4)

Page 13

by Tessa Teevan

  I wrinkle my nose. “I can’t imagine my lifelong dream being to become a wife and just take care of other people instead pursuing my own passions.”

  He shrugs. “Everyone wants something different in life. Everyone has their own purpose. If we didn’t, life would be a shit show.”

  “I know. But still. I’d rather find someone whose passions align with mine. That way we can pursue them together.”

  He entwines his long fingers around my own. “Pretty sure our passions align right now,” he murmurs, his eyebrows wagging.

  I’m not sure if I want to scoff or giggle. So I do both, and it sounds ridiculous. “Not those kinds of passions.”

  “So you know what happened with Gwen and me. What about this Robert fellow? What was the final straw?”

  “Oh, that.” I sigh. “I guess you could say it was kind of the same as your situation, only a bit in reverse. Robert wanted it all. Not that much unlike you, he’s been working at his father’s law firm since he was a clerk in undergrad school. His sights are set on partner, and since his dad’s name is number one on the sign out front, there’s not much doubt he’ll accomplish it.”


  Knox’s expression tells me understands where this is going, and I wonder if, in a few years when he reaches Robert’s age, if he’ll be kicking himself for not locking down a sure thing when he had the chance.

  “Also like you, while we were dating, Robert was laser focused on school, his internship, and passing the bar. I think that’s part of why we worked. He was close enough without being stifling. Even though we live in the same town, we still only saw each other once a week, and towards the end, those nights tended to be out schmoozing his dad’s clients or partners. I was the arm candy.”

  Knox scoffs.

  “I didn’t mind. Not at all. Dressing up, being wined and dined on someone else’s dime? It wasn’t a bad gig.”

  “So, what happened?”

  “He passed the bar. Turned twenty-five. Decided it was time to settle down. A hotshot lawyer’s gotta have a wife, a family at his back to show that he might be a dragon in the courtroom but he can still have values, morals, all that jazz. You know, a very Billy Flynn ‘All I Care About is Love’ kinda vibe.”

  “Billy Flynn?” he asks, his brow wrinkled.

  “Billy Flynn? Chicago?”

  He shakes his head.

  I lean mine back, my gaze on the ceiling before looking back to him. “Another thing you should know about me. I’m kind of obsessed with showtunes. Chicago’s a Broadway musical about a woman who murders her lover. Billy Flynn’s the hotshot lawyer who tries to get her off. He pretends he’s all squeaky clean, but he’ll really stoop to anything to get a win. You know what? Never mind.”

  Knox grins. “Why am I not surprised that the musical you’re citing is about a murderess?”

  “It has outstanding music!”

  “I’ll take your word for it.” He pauses then wrinkles his nose. “Wait. What does having a family have to do with women murdering husbands?”

  “Okay, so it wasn’t the best example,” I concede. “I just mean that, for some reason, the partners at his firm, his father included, believe that the façade of a family man will bring in more clients.”

  “Ah, I see. So, this Robert twerp…”

  “He was ready to take the next step. Marriage.” I shudder. “I’m twenty-one, not done with school, and I haven’t had a chance to travel to California, let alone Europe like I’d like.”

  “Guessing he wasn’t down for waiting?”

  “Nope. Last I heard, he was seeing someone, and it wouldn’t shock me if, like your Gwen, he’s hitched by the time I get home at the end of the summer. And like you, it wouldn’t bother me. The last thing I want is to just be the convenient piece in someone’s puzzle. Just because you fit doesn’t mean that’s where you’re supposed to be. Doesn’t mean the puzzle’s complete.”


  “Pardon me?”

  “Gwen told me something similar, and she was right, just like you are. Except I think she put it something like ‘just because I fit under your arm doesn’t mean that’s where I’m meant to be. I fit under JT’s, too, and he wants me there.’”

  “Oof.” I wince.

  His shoulders lift in a half shrug. “She wasn’t wrong. Neither are you.”

  “So you see? We’re clearly on the same page, and that’s why I was happy to agree to our summer terms. I don’t want anything more than a fling. I’m not thinking beyond this summer. I don’t want to, and neither do you. That’s why this is perfect. For both of us.”

  Knox knifes up from the bed and cups my cheek. Dark, penetrating eyes meet mine. His lips curl up into a devilish smile that contradicts the intensity in his gaze. “I meant what I said before. Don’t fall in love with me, Amelia. I don’t have time for it. Neither do you. Now, sex? I’ve got all the time in the world for that.”

  His tone is teasing, yet the words still send a burst of pain through my heart. Even after I explained what happened with Robert, something tells me that leaving Knox won’t be quite as easy. I want to squeeze my eyes shut, allow his words to seep into my bones, but if I do that, he’ll see the truth.

  That I’m not sure if I can obey.

  I remind myself that we have no future. That I don’t even want a future. That I have plans, dreams, and goals that don’t involve a man, especially one whose own future is already mapped out. I tell myself all of these things and only hope I’ll listen.

  I reach my hand between us, encircling his growing erection, and pump slowly. “You don’t have to worry about that. The only thing I want from you this summer is this.”

  The words have barely left my mouth when Knox flips me over and hovers above me.

  “I know our time is limited,” he says. “And it’s fucking selfish. I know it, but I’m going to do it anyway. I’m going to spend this summer ensuring you never forget me. And right now? It’s my fucking turn to mount.”

  I’m not going to argue with that.

  She’s opening up to me. I’m not sure why I want this or why I even care; yet I still crave getting to know everything about her. What makes her tick. How she became this gorgeous, passionate, sensual woman. What makes her sad or causes the faraway glances she has when she thinks no one is looking.

  What does she love? What does she crave? What are her plans for the future?

  They’re all things I don’t have a right to know. Not when I’ve set the terms. Not when she’s told me in no uncertain terms that she doesn’t want or see a future beyond now. Not when I’ve agreed and said I want the same, even if the more time I spend with her, the more I realize how different from Gwen she makes me feel.

  I tell myself it’s just the newness and intensity of our attraction. The sun, the heat, the sex. All of it’s enough to drive a man wild to the point he’ll make promises he won’t—can’t—keep. So I lock my emotions up, throw away the key, and vow not to find it for at least another five years.

  After I make good on my promise of taking her hard and fast and hopefully erasing any remembrance of her ex, we lie cuddled in bed. Though I’m thoroughly spent, I don’t want to go to sleep. Not yet.

  “That was…” she breathes out, cool air hitting my chest, where she’s resting her head. “Amazing.”

  Pride swells deep. “Plenty more where that came from.” It’s one promise I can keep. I hope she meant it when she said she could stay in this bed all summer. Now that I’ve had a taste, I want the whole damn buffet.


  First thing in the morning.

  Mid-day works, too. After all, Starland Vocal Band had it right. Everyone deserves an afternoon delight, and with Amelia? Pretty sure I’ll become addicted to it.

  “That’s one hell of a limited-time offer,” she says, and the sudden reminder that this won’t last much longer isn’t a welcome one, even after our heart-to-heart about exes who wanted more than we were willing to offer.
r />   I take her fingers in mine, locking our hands firmly together. “Hey, let’s make a deal. I don’t want to think about the end of the summer, or what happens afterwards, or anything. So let’s forget it. Let’s forget that time is limited and just make the most of what we have. It’ll be easier that way. Especially in case you get tired of me sooner than September.” I’m teasing, but it doesn’t seem to faze her.

  Amelia nods, but she doesn’t look at me. “Works for me.” She sits up and holds her palm out to me. “No talking about how little time we have. We’ll just enjoy it. Until you’re annoying.”

  Her grin makes me feel a little better, yet her words aren’t quite as enthusiastic as she’s portraying them. I place my hand in hers and we shake. It strangely feels like a business transaction and I don’t fucking like it.

  But what can I say? This was my deal, and for both our sakes, we’re better off if we stick to it.

  I ignore the warning bells that ring in the back of my mind.

  One hot summer and then I’ll walk away.

  Something burns hot in my gut and I know it’s probably going to be easier said than done.

  SUNSHINE STREAMS THROUGH THE WINDOW in my bedroom, its heat already making my skin warm. It doesn’t help that I’m pressed up against a naked Knox, whose own skin practically radiates against mine. I can hardly believe he’s finally here. It seems like ages ago when we met that day in the storm, and it boggles my mind how quickly he’s become an essential part of my day.

  Waking up to him? That’s just the icing on the cake.

  “Morning,” he says, my stomach getting all squishy at his husky tone.

  Note to self: sleepy Knox equals sexy Knox.

  “Morning,” I mumble against his bare chest.

  He brushes the hair out of my eyes, and I peek up at him. Sleepy-eyed Knox may be even sexier than sleepy-voiced Knox.

  “What was that?”

  My mouth still pressed against his skin, I repeat, “Morning.”

  “Babe, not sure if you’re still half asleep, but you’re speakin’ gibberish.”

  I lift up, leaning away from him, my hand covering my mouth. “I’m trying not to scare you away with morning breath.”

  In a flash, Knox has me flat on my back, with him straddling my waist, hovering so damn close. “Babe.”

  Like that one word should make it all okay.

  “Don’t babe me,” I say. “I know what my breath smells like in the morning.”

  He rolls his hips, his morning wood grazing my clit, which is deliciously sensitive from all the attention it received last night. “Babe,” he repeats, drawing it out all sexy and husky and annoying like. “You sucked my cock last night. Drained me dry if I recall. And, babe, I’ll be recallin’ it for a long damn time. Doesn’t make sense to care what your mouth tastes like after that.”

  My belly clenches, my thighs tremble, and hell if I’m not squirming beneath him. I have no idea who this guy is. He’s sweet; he’s brash. He’s attentive; he’s aloof. He’s charming; he’s one hell of a dirty talker.

  Who knew all those things could be rolled into one giant bundle of sexy?

  “Huh,” he grunts, stealing me from my thoughts.

  I glance up to see him grinning down at me. “What?” I ask, practically breathless.

  “You. I’m the one who was sucked off last night, yet you’re the one lying there all cute and dreamy-eyed.”

  “I’m not dreamy-eyed.”

  “Yeah, babe. You are. Though I don’t know why. Guess I better give you a reason to be.” Knox scoots back down, uses his big hands to push my thighs apart, and lowers his head. “Time I taste you.” He gives me a wink. “After that, I want my good morning kiss.”

  I’m pretty sure I’ll give him anything he wants after this.

  Knox wastes no time diving in—literally. There’s no preamble with fingers or soft, swooping kisses along the curve of my thighs as he toys with me. Not with this man. His mouth descends and captures my clit with a force I’m not expecting, causing me to cry out. Even though I can only see the top of his head, I feel the curve of his grin against me.

  And then he bites down, forcing my back to arch and leave the bed. What comes next is a symphony of his tongue, his fingers, and his lips, creating wicked pleasure that has me in a frenzy in a matter of moments.

  Knox isn’t making love to me with his mouth; he’s not even fucking me.

  He’s taking.

  He’s pillaging.

  He’s devouring me.

  Owning me.

  And I love every fucking second of it.

  I’m completely gone, and when he adds a third finger to my pussy, the fire between my legs intensifies, heat courses through my blood, and my limbs turn to jelly. I close my eyes, seeing stars in the darkness, and hold on as I await my impending crash of pleasure.

  The crest of my orgasm shoots pulsating sensations throughout my body in a toe-curling climax that has every nerve ending tingling with the sweetest satisfaction. As I’m basking in the pleasure, Knox catches me off guard when he lifts from the bed, grabs my ankles, places them on his shoulders, and slams his cock into my already throbbing pussy.

  Over and over again, he drives into me like a madman. All I can do is grip his forceful thighs and hold on while he takes what’s his.

  I’m his. Or, at least I want to be. For as long as I can be.

  “Babe, eyes.”

  His growl has my eyes fluttering open. My belly clenches at this, the second time he’s requested we come together while watching. Heated brown eyes, darkened with desire and concentration, bore into my own. I want to witness the power of his hips, the clench of his jaw, the delicious sinew of his arms, but I’m locked in his gaze and can’t look away.

  “Fuck, Melia,” he groans, increasing his pace, plunging in and withdrawing with impressive vigor, his intense eyes on me the entire time.

  My nails dig into the skin of his thighs, and he throws his head back, grunting at the sensation, driving into me even more wildly and frenzied.

  I love him this way. I want him this way. I love that I make him this way.

  With my inner walls, I clutch him tight, constricting around him, ready to milk him dry. One more hard thrust is all it takes to send him over the edge. Knox falls down on top of me, his damp skin sliding across mine, his cock pulsing and throbbing deep inside me as he shoots thick ropes of come into the condom.

  His chest heaves against mine, and it’s my turn to run my fingers along his spine. The thick, corded muscle of his back is an added bonus as I trace each hard line and plane, making a mental note to get a better look at them later on at the lake.

  “It’s barely eight in the morning and we’ve already worked up a sweat,” I tell him. “Sunny would be proud.”

  Knox lifts up to an elbow and grins down at me. “Something tells me Sunny’s going to be asking you a hundred questions at the lake later today.”

  “Sunny probably has a list compiled and is already tanning out there, just waiting to pounce as soon as we show up. Maybe we should just stay in bed all day. You know, avoid the inquisition,” I offer.

  “Babe, as nice as that sounds, I’m not keeping you from your friends. And it’s Clay’s last day in town, so I’ve got to do my brotherly duty.”

  My face must fall.

  Knox frowns. “What?”

  I exhale, trying not to pout. And probably failing. “Oh, nothing. Just… Does that mean I’ll be sleeping alone again tonight?”

  “Well, I don’t know about how much sleeping will be happenin’, but no, Amelia, you won’t be alone in this bed again. Not for the rest of the summer. Now, give me that kiss you promised.”

  I hook an arm around his neck, rising until our lips meet. I’m startled by the contrast of salty and sweet on his lips, but as he deepens the kiss and I get more, I can’t seem to get enough.

  When he pulls away, he’s smiling. “See? That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

  I purse my lips, po
ndering the thought. “I don’t know. It kind of seems like cheating.”

  His mouth twitches. “Cheating?”

  My lips quirk up into a half grin. “Yeah. I mean, I taste so damn good it masks my bad breath. Guess that just means you’ll have to wake me up that way every morning.”

  “Doesn’t sound like much of a hardship to me.”

  Nope, it sure doesn’t.

  Just like Knox predicted, Sunny, Joe, and Sam are waiting for us at the lake a couple of hours later. We took our time in the shower—though I don’t know why considering we walked out into one-hundred-degree weather—then made breakfast. Knox ran back to his place to grab clothes and essentials, whatever those were, before showing back up with his brother in tow.

  Clay took one glance at my messy hair, swollen lips, and the love bite I didn’t even know Knox left on my neck and gave me a thumbs-up.

  Not embarrassing at all.

  “Maria would love you,” he said.

  Whatever that meant.

  After Knox hit his brother on the back of the head, we packed up sandwiches, snacks, water, and beer and headed down towards the lake.

  Even from twenty yards away, I can see Sunny’s legs bouncing up and down, probably dying to run over here and get all the details. She eyes me knowingly then gives Knox the same scrutiny. He ignores her and gets to work lathering sunscreen all over my body, not being even the least bit inconspicuous when his hands dive into my bikini bottoms and I squeal, getting the attention of everyone around us.

  Sunny’s beaming from ear to ear; Joe’s smirking; Clay’s laughing; and Sam? Poor Sam is looking anywhere but in our direction.

  I’m trying not to blush, and I’m pretty sure I’m failing miserably. Ignoring the lot of them, I return the favor for Knox—yes, that also means dipping my fingers into the back of his bathing suit—though he doesn’t quite find it as amusing as I do. He grabs a couple of beers and chucks me a water, and then we settle in the sand next to the gang.

  Just as I’m taking The Gloryhole Killer out of my bag, Sunny swipes it out of my hands. “No, girl. No.”

  I raise my heart-shaped glasses to peer at her. “What, girl?” I echo.


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