Leather Paddles

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Leather Paddles Page 4

by Brina Brady

  “I’ll try to help you in every way I can. Nothing is wrong with you from my view.” Master Andrew winked.

  “Thank you. That means a lot to me, especially now, when I don’t feel like anything about me is right.”


  Master Andrew

  As soon as he returned home from having dinner with Jesse, Andrew made himself a drink and sat in the recliner. He pulled out his phone and tapped on Jake’s number.

  “How did it go?” Jake asked.

  “Good. Very good. I called you to give you heads-up on something I heard about Sam.”

  “What did you hear?”

  “Sam has been going to the club every night for two hours for a year without Jesse. He played with different subs while he was there. I’m sure Jesse doesn’t know about this, and I don’t think we should tell him. He’s broken enough,” Andrew said.

  “I don’t agree. Telling him the complete truth is the right way to handle this situation. He’s bound to hear it from someone else at another time, and if he knew we’d kept something from him, he’d be upset.”

  “He’s not ready to hear that right now. Trust me, he’s too broken.”

  “And you care about him, don’t you?” Jake asked.

  “Not only do I care about him, I want him to be my sub when he’s ready.”

  “Whoa! Am I still talking to Andrew, the playboy Dom? The only difficulty is that he’s not ready for you, but you know that, right?”

  “I know, but there’s nothing wrong with me building him up. I’m going to see him again. I hope you don’t have a problem with that.”

  “None. He seemed happy when he came in tonight. Charlie is in his room now, and I imagine you’re the topic of conversation. All I ask is that you don’t break his heart. He’s not a one-night stand or just another available sub to play with at the club now and then. Don’t give him mixed messages. Be honest.”

  “I’d never break his heart. So we’ll wait on telling him about Sam cheating on him?” Andrew didn’t want Jesse to hurt any further, but he wanted Jake to agree since Jesse was staying with him.

  “Let’s wait a couple of days and discuss it again. I’m really worried about him too. I don’t want to leave him home alone,” Jake admitted.

  “If you guys need to be alone or go out, just call me, and I’ll gladly take him.”

  “Oh, I see where this is going. I hope Sam doesn’t return for him. I know Jesse still wants that bastard, but that man isn’t a real Dom for Jesse or anyone else,” Jake said.

  “I’ve noticed that by looking at Jesse.”

  “It’s great seeing you taking a real interest in a sub. I hope Jesse doesn’t disappoint you. He’s not over Sam, and I wish I could make him see that Sam was wrong for him, but I can only say so much before he stops listening to me. I can see it in his eyes.”

  “You can’t push your will on him with the state he’s in. He has to grieve in his own time. I hope he lets me in. At least, he said he’d see me again. I feel like good things will come out of this.”

  “I hope so too. I hate seeing him so sad.”

  “I know. I’m going to make a few calls to see if I can connect with Sam. I’ll keep you posted.”

  “Thanks for calling.”

  Andrew made himself another drink and called Sam. Immediately, he heard the message that the number was disconnected. He went through all the other numbers, and the same message with Sam’s annoying voice played. The man had disconnected all his phone numbers. Why? Was he running away from someone? His phone rang when he flipped on the TV, so he muted it and answered.

  “Hey, I have Chen here. He said you told him he could work more hours,” Malik said.

  “Yes, I told him that, so keep him busy. He needs the work. Put him on, please.”

  “Hello, Sir,” Chen said.

  “Chen, how did it work out at Rosie’s Home?”

  “Perfect, Sir. She’s like a mother, and I met some other guys there too. Thank you so much.”

  “That’s what I wanted to hear. Malik will keep you busy. I’ll pay you on Friday. If you need something, tell Malik. He’ll handle it for me.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  Malik returned to the phone. “I got one question for you about Chen. Are you two together?”

  “Why? Did he say we are?” Andrew asked.

  “No, he didn’t say a word.”

  “The answer to your question is no,” Andrew said.


  “Have you talked to anyone else about Sam?” Andrew asked.

  “Tony said he saw him at Clint’s bar last night, and he wasn’t alone. He had a young guy with him, but Tony didn’t know him,” Malik said.

  “Wow. So he’s still around,” Andrew said.

  “Well, if you believe Tony, he is. I’m not sure about him. Sam didn’t show up tonight, and this sub, Damian, is still waiting for him in the mesh cage.”

  “I’m on my way. I want to talk to him.”

  As soon as he entered the club, he found Malik.

  “Damian is still in the mesh cage. He’s the one with the green stripe on the side of his leather shorts.”


  “Hey, Damian, I want to talk to you,” Andrew shouted over the music.

  Damian had an innocent-looking face with a small nose, defined cheekbones, and narrow lips. His brown eyes matched his medium-long, curly brown hair. The mascara on his eyelashes made them stand out. Andrew wondered why he looked so sad. He rushed to the opening to meet Andrew.

  “Follow me to my office.”

  “Did I do something wrong, Sir?” Damian asked.

  “No, I just want to discuss something with you in private.”

  Andrew pointed to the chair in front of his desk, then sat in his leather chair.

  “Do you know Master Sam?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “How long have you known him? Are you his sub?”

  “Oh, I know him from here for about a year, Sir. I’m not his sub, but he said he wanted to collar me this week.”

  “Really? When was the last time you talked to him?”

  “Last week, but he hasn’t called me since, so I don’t know where he went. He told me never to call him.”

  “Master Sam had no business playing with you or lying to you. He’s had a sub for the last four years. So basically, he was cheating on his sub.”

  “He never told me he had a sub at home.” Damian inhaled deeply.

  “I know. I’m looking for him, and if you hear from him, tell Malik.”

  “Yes, Sir. I feel like shit.”

  “You didn’t know. Go back to the mesh, and maybe another Dom will play with you.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  Andrew pulled the scrapbook from the bookshelf, placed it onto his desk, and browsed through it. Sure enough, there were a number of pictures of Sam and Jesse. Jesse was four years younger, looking very sweet.

  His phone vibrated with a message.

  Unknown: Stay away from Jesse.

  What is going on here?

  Andrew: Who the hell are you?

  Within a minute, his message was returned. Would Sam want to keep Jesse alone? He was spitting angry at Sam. That dirty bastard! He dumps Jesse. Then he thinks he still owns him. Enough of Sam’s bullshit. Now, Andrew wanted Jesse even more. The sooner, the better. He had to collar him, and soon. He hadn’t felt this strong about a new sub for in years. How did he magically fall for Jesse? He’d played with many subs at the club but had never felt what he did with Jesse. It made no sense. Maybe Jesse was the right one. Finally, after five years, he met a boy who stole his heart. He hadn’t even fucked him. Just one kiss.

  He called Jake.

  “You again?” Jake asked.

  “I got a crazy message from an unknown number. It said to stay away from Jesse.”

  “That damn Sam is up to something really dark. I don’t want to freak Jesse out.”

  “Would Sam hurt him?

  “I don’t know. He’s mean enough. Jesse will go to school with Charlie tomorrow. Charlie will drive him since they have similar schedules. Let’s see if he contacts Jesse. He won’t tell me, but he’ll tell Charlie.”

  “Let me know what Charlie has to say.”

  “I’ll keep you posted.”

  “Same here.” Andrew ended the call.



  Jesse sat down in the last seat of the row closest to the door, the same seat he chose for each lecture. He wanted to be able to leave quickly if he had to. Cybersecurity 401 was the last course Jesse required to graduate. Sitting so far from the front meant he could barely read the professor’s name written in red on the whiteboard. Squinting his eyes, Jesse copied down the university email address and office hours just in case he needed to ask him some questions.

  Professor Dalton swaggered into the auditorium from the opposite side to where Jesse sat and made his way to the front of the stage. He stood tall and broad-shouldered, with a mop of dark brown hair and heavy, solemn brows. His tight jeans fitted him perfectly and matched the denim shirt and tie he wore under a corduroy jacket with dark leather patches on the elbows. He placed his notes on the podium, scanning them for a moment before finally facing the students, pushing his square-framed glasses back on his nose.

  Jesse did a double take and sat straighter to get a better look at the professor. There was no doubt in Jesse’s mind that Professor Dalton was Master Andrew. He couldn’t stop staring at the handsome man who had kissed him last night. Professor Dalton scanned the room, a welcoming smile on his face.

  Jesse’s stomach hurt, and a strong wave of nausea overtook him. He should have eaten before he left for school, but he’d feared he would make Charlie late for his class since Master Jake told him to ride with Charlie. Discovering Professor Dalton was Master Andrew didn’t help the pangs in his stomach. In a way, he was glad he had been on time. He didn’t want Master Andrew to notice him. He probably didn’t even know he was here. Over a hundred students filled the auditorium, and he was hidden in the back.

  Most likely, he’d eventually figure out Jesse had enrolled in his class when he graded their papers. Why hadn’t Master Andrew mentioned he taught at the same university Jesse attended? Of course, Jesse hadn’t asked him about his new career, so maybe that was on him. He should have. He had to get rid of his fear of overstepping when he tried making friends. There was no reason for him to feel that way. Master Andrew had been so kind to him last night on the beach. More than kind.

  “I’m Professor Dalton,” Master Andrew said. “I was born and raised in San Francisco. I’m an ex-FBI agent. Here at Cal State, I teach security classes. I’ve also published several security textbooks. If you go to the university’s website, click on faculty, then my name, and you can read my full bio if you’re interested.”

  Professor Dalton scanned the room as if he was looking for someone. Jesse thought he would collapse if he spotted him in the back, but the professor’s roving eyes moved back to his notes. Thank God.

  His lecture on securing software was riveting, and Jesse took notes vigorously, not once lifting his head. As soon as the class ended, Jesse’s phone buzzed. He quickly picked it up and read the message.

  Master Andrew: Meet me in front of the library.

  Jesse: Yes, Sir.

  Jesse stuffed his blue spiral notebook into his backpack and walked to the library. He leaned against the front of the building and waited for Master Andrew. He must have seen him sitting in the back of the lecture after all. Within five minutes, Professor Dalton stood before him.

  “Hey, I thought about you last night when I went home,” Master Andrew said.

  “How come you didn’t mention that you were one of my professors? You knew I was going here, and you didn’t say you taught here.”

  “I don’t usually mention my day job unless someone specifically asks, and you didn’t. To be honest, I didn’t know you were one of my students until I read the roll last night. I was excited to see your name.”

  “I thought that since you owned the Leather Paddles that was your new job.”

  “I do both. Are you angry with me?”

  “No, but when I saw you in class, I was shocked and kind of excited that I’d be seeing you three times a week for class.”

  “Well, would you also be excited if you were to see me tonight?”

  “You want to see me tonight?”

  “That’s what I just said. I want you to hang out with me. I have to pick up supplies for an event at Leather Paddles.”

  “I’d love to.”

  “Good. I’ll pick you up at eight. Dress casually. After we’re done shopping, we’ll stop for a drink.”

  “I’ll be ready. What should I call you?” Jesse asked.

  “Andrew. Keep it simple.”

  “So, you don’t want me to call you Master Andrew?” Jesse asked, slightly disappointed.

  “Never at school, but you can call me Master Andrew when you become my sub,” he said.

  “Your sub?” Heat worked its way up his neck to his face.

  “Maybe there’s a message in that.” Professor Dalton winked.

  “Maybe so.” Jesse paused. “By the way, you gave an excellent lecture. I was writing down so many notes I couldn’t enjoy watching you.”

  “Thanks. You can look at me anytime you want. Just send me a text, and we can meet. I have to go now, but I’ll see you later.”

  Jesse took the elevator to the fourth floor where he worked, passing the reading room where a few of the regular students were studying. Occasionally, Jesse taught a short Introduction to Library Computer Skills in one of the side rooms. He walked through the science department to his desk. Part of Jesse’s job duties required him to work with students and professors who needed any assistance. He was also responsible for returning books to the proper shelves. The quietness in the library and being able to do his job without thinking too much centered him. He needed that calm when things weren’t going the way he wanted; less chance of him running for the hills or tearing his hair out.

  Jesse worked for two hours, then found Charlie in the Nugget Grill & Pub. His stomach had growled the entire time in the library. He picked up a cheeseburger platter with a Coke and walked over to Charlie, who sat at a table outside under a red umbrella. Jesse sat down across from him.

  “Hey, how are you doing?” Charlie asked.

  “Much better but starving.” Jesse picked up his cheeseburger and took a bite.

  “Why didn’t you eat this morning?” Charlie squeezed some ketchup on his fries and passed it to Jesse.

  “I got up too late.”

  Jesse squeezed ketchup onto one area on his plate; he liked to dip his fries. He looked up and said, “You’re never going to guess what happened to me today?”

  “Please don’t say you heard from your Italian mobster,” Charlie said, wiping his hands with a napkin.

  “No. Remember I went out with Master Andrew last night?”

  Charlie nodded as he devoured his cheeseburger.

  “He’s my professor. Professor Dalton. I don’t think he wants anyone to know he is also Master Andrew.”

  “Wow. Did he see you in class?” Charlie asked.

  “I don’t know if he saw me in class, but he knew I was in it, and when class was over, he sent me a text. We met in front of the library and he asked me out tonight.”

  “You plan to go, right?” Charlie stopped eating and focused on Jesse.

  “Yes, I’m going. I like how he makes me feel, but it’s too soon for me to like someone. It’s probably just rebounding, right?”

  “Do you want the truth?”

  Jesse nodded. It really didn’t matter if he wanted to hear what Charlie’s opinion was on the subject. He’d tell Jesse one way or another. He might as well hear him out now instead of having Charlie reminding him every other day.

  “I think that Master Sam left your relationship last ye
ar and not last week. You know he did. You might have still lived together, but he treated you like shit. Half the time, he came home late without any explanation. You said he even stopped fucking you, and that’s never a good thing. I just want you to find someone who cares about you. It killed me to see you go through the emotional abuse that bastard put you through. I think if Master Andrew is showing some interest, then you should go with it. Just enjoy him.”

  “Charlie, I do like Master Andrew, but I’m still hurting over Master Sam. I can’t get him out of my mind except when I’m fantasizing about Master Andrew. It’s like he’s my fix. That wouldn’t be fair to him.”

  “He knows your situation, and he’s willing to take his chances. Let him. Flirt with him and let him know you’re interested. You are, right?”

  “I don’t remember how to flirt. I’m so damn out of it. I haven’t been out in a long time because Master Sam refused to be seen in public with me. I’m so pathetic.”

  “No, you’re not. Trust who you are. Master Jake and I love you, and we are behind you. Master Jake told me Master Andrew is a good Dom who needs a sub. You’re a good sub who needs a Dom. So it’s perfect.”

  “What if Master Sam comes back?” Jesse’s stomach hurt at the thought.

  “You tell him to go fuck himself the way you should have when he began mistreating you.”


  Later that evening, Jesse sat in the kitchen with Master Jake while he waited for Master Andrew to pick him up. Charlie was in the backyard, reading for class.

  “I know it’s too soon for you to look for a new Dom, and there’s no need to rush on my account. I’m happy to have you staying with us, especially when I work my shift at the firehouse. Charlie enjoys your company, and it saves him from being home alone.”

  “Thank you, Sir. I feel comfortable here.”

  “I want to weigh in on something important, though.”

  Jesse laughed, having a good idea what Master Jake was about to say.

  “Andrew is one of the best Doms around, and not just because he’s the owner of Leather Paddles. I don’t know if he mentioned he lost his husband around five years ago or not. He treated his husband, who was also his sub, very well. Although no one is perfect, their relationship pretty much was. All I’m trying to say is that if he’s interested in you, he’d be a good Dom for you.”


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