LOVE CONTRACT (Rules of Love Book 1)

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LOVE CONTRACT (Rules of Love Book 1) Page 8

by Lindsey Hart

  “It might be crazy, but it’s true. I don’t know what to say to make you understand. It was like I always knew that coming here and finding you would be the right thing to do. It’s the only time I’ve ever felt like I didn’t have to run away from something.”

  “Chet, please!”

  “Here’s the thing, Nina.” He leaned in and took her hand before she could stop him. His touch was fire. Pure, absolute fire, burning her alive. “I know that you feel it too.”

  Again, the denial was on her tongue. He was so close. A word could send him back, could give her the space she needed to formulate a lie and buy herself some time. She’d promised Shane… she’d given her word.

  Her lips parted, but no sound came out. She swept her tongue over them, trying to moisten them, hoping it would unstick the words that lodged there.

  Chet’s eyes darkened. When he bent his head, impossibly, against all her better judgement, she turned hers up to meet the illicit kiss that never should have been.



  His lips burned a path over Nina’s. Her mouth was supple, lush, and tasted like heaven. She was sweet and so pure. Wild, molten heat burst inside of him. There were places, parts of his chest and his belly and certainly a hell of a lot lower, that he didn’t even know had nerves that came alive. He traced the pattern of her bottom lip with his tongue before he suckled it into his mouth.

  She whimpered, and her lips parted further. He pushed his tongue inside, lapping at her sweetness. Her tongue met his after a stunned second and they danced together, banking the fire that already felt like it would consume him.

  He cupped the rounded curve of her jawline before he tangled his hand in her hair. Lord, the strands were like silk. He’d ached to touch it since the first time he saw her in person. All of her was that soft. Her velvet jawline and cheek, her rose hued lips.

  Are all the parts of her that soft? He ached to find out.

  She broke away, panting. He knew she was going to tell him to stop. That it was too soon. Too inappropriate. That it was wrong for a thousand reasons.

  Instead, she hooked her hands under the hem of her shirt and lifted it over her head. He watched, no, gaped at her, as she unhooked her bra and let it slide away.

  Her breasts were glorious, perfect in every way. Small, but enough for a handful, they were little round globes with the tightest rose bud nipples. Heat coiled up inside of him, threatening to blow him wide open. He was alive, more aware than he’d ever been in his life.

  “So… are you going to stare at me, or are you going to take your clothes off?”

  “Here?” He was amazed at how low and gravelly his voice sounded.

  “I don’t know. Would you rather undress in the bedroom? Is this not proper enough for you?”

  Chet hesitated. “I just don’t know if you’d want me to bend you over this antique couch and risk getting… well…”

  “Oh. I see.” That blush was back, big time. There wasn’t anything he loved more than seeing that delicate pink hue on Nina’s cheeks. “Maybe the bedroom then.”

  “Maybe? There’s always the kitchen.”

  Her lips quirked upwards in the barest hint of a smile. “You better hurry up before I change my mind.”

  “The bedroom it is. Let’s go.”

  He jumped off the couch, scooped Nina up in his arms and headed the only direction there was. As he thought, the hallway contained a bathroom and a bedroom at the end. He pushed open the door, stalked into the room and set Nina down on her bed. He barely registered any of the antique furniture in there or the red quilt on the bed.

  All he saw was her. Just Nina. She was everything to him.

  His hands fell to her waist, where he undid the button of her jeans and worked them down her hips. She wasn’t wearing underwear. She must have planned to knock him dead right there. He stared down at the perfection of her, long, shapely legs, skin the perfect alabaster, her sex… sweet heaven.

  “I get waxed,” she whispered, suddenly nervous.

  “I see that.” Damn, he couldn’t even keep his voice from wavering. “I really do see that.”

  She slowly spread her legs, tantalizing him, teasing him, driving him right to the brink. “Do you want to taste me?”

  He groaned. It was too much. She was too much. She was entirely too beautiful. Too bold. Too- too much of everything. Utter perfection. He shut his eyes and fell to his knees at the edge of the bed. His hands hooked around her knees and he tugged her over to the edge.

  She sighed so hard her shoulders lifted off the bed before falling back. She shivered violently as he ran his hand up her thigh. The skin of her inner leg was every bit as soft as her cheek had been.

  The ache only grew. Harder. Furious. A living thing inside of him that chewed at his insides, that twisted him and wrung him out.

  He slowly caressed her sex. She was so warm and so wet. She was soaking. For him.

  His cock was so hard it was only the fact that he was kneeling that kept it from standing straight up.

  Nina wriggled forward, a not so subtle hint that she wanted him. Her body was wondrous. She was a nymph, a fairy, so tiny and lithe and shapely and womanly all at the same time.

  Chet splayed his fingers over her thigh, savoring the rich, warm velvet of her skin. He trailed his fingers up, stopping a few inches shy of her heat.

  “Dear lord, do you want me to beg you?” Nina hissed.

  “Would you?”

  “Aren’t I? Can’t you hear my silent pleas?”

  “I want to hear you say that you want me.”

  “Of course I want you! That should be more than obvious.”

  “Do you want my hand or my mouth?”

  “Can’t I have both?”

  He groaned. This was his own fault. It was entirely his own damn fault for trying to toy with her. Chet didn’t respond. Instead he lowered his head and put his mouth to her heated sex. He loved the taste of her. Sweet and musky, all gloriously woman.

  He wanted to be slow and measured, to take his time and explore her, but he lost himself in her. He lost himself in the undiluted need that gripped him and took hold. She rocked against him, little whimpers torn from her throat. He found her clit and the whimpers turned into sharp screams. As he plied her with his tongue, circling her clit gently, he reached up and explored her with his finger.

  She was soaked. His hand slid easily through her wetness, right to her entrance. The thought of feeling her tightness close around him nearly made him lose control right there. He’d never felt so near the edge, so off, so wild and filled with need that he couldn’t even process a single coherent thought.

  Because he couldn’t stop himself, he thrust a finger inside. He suckled the tight little bid of her clit at the same time and she went wild. The climax that took Nina ripped through her. She shook and trembled while her inner muscles clenched his finger tight. She mewled and writhed on the bed while her hips bucked wildly.

  Her hands came down and her fingers slid into his curls. She gripped his hair and pulled him to her as the waves faded. Slowly, her breathing returned to normal.

  “How was that?” Chet raised his head.

  “Satisfactory,” she panted.

  “Really?” He arched a brow. “I’ll have to try harder then.”



  Chet straightened and slowly began stripping off his clothing. He peeled his black t-shirt off, revealing a hard, streamlined chest. She liked that his shoulders seemed broader out of clothing. He didn’t have that massive build that some guys had, but she already knew that he’d feel like iron under her fingertips.

  He didn’t look at her as he slid his pants and boxers off. She froze when he stepped away from his clothing. He stood naked in front of her, as though daring her to get up and do something about it. He was fantastic. No, better than that. A little low, strangled noise escaped the back of her throat. His cock was so hard it stood up almost vertical, along the r
ock-hard muscles of his abs. Just looking at him made her ache. The ferocity of it startled her. She’d just had one of the most intense orgasms of her life and there she was, the intensity of her need as wild as if it had never happened at all.

  The dark ink stood out in hard contrast to Chet’s bronzed skin. It covered both his arms in swirling patterns, and extended along the upper part of his chest, over his pecs. He had tattoos on his legs as well, but the sun was fading behind the closed blinds in her room and the grey light made it difficult to see what they were. He turned slightly, and she could make out inky black swirls extending over most of his back. She wished she could get up and turn on the light and look at him like a glorious piece of living art.

  “So, Nina. Should I try harder then?”

  “What?” She squeaked, startled when she realized she was staring.

  “Should I try harder?”

  She swallowed hard past her closed up throat. Anticipation and a whole hell of a lot of other sensation welled up in her belly. Her sex throbbed. She wasn’t a shy person. She’d goaded him just for fun. The way he was staring at her though... he took her breath away with the intensity of his own need.

  “Yes,” she panted. “Yes, you should try harder.”

  “I… I wasn’t exactly expecting this. I didn’t bring anything-”

  “I promise that I have that covered. I’ve been on the pill for years. There won’t be any kind of scare or anything. I trust you, if you trust me.”

  Chet nodded. He moved so fast she almost didn’t see it coming. One second, he was standing at the edge of the bed, the next he was sprawled out over the length of her, pinning her back to the mattress. He captured her hands and extended them above her head, trapping them there.

  She gasped, the air leaving her lungs in a hard rush. Chet bent his head to her neck. His rained down hot kisses along her jawline, down her neck, over her shoulder and collarbone. He nipped her gently there, before he slid his head lower and licked her breast. His tongue was warm and fiery, his mouth like heaven. She arched under him, thrusting her hips upward, searching for him, trying to relieve the pounding ache that thundered inside.

  He ignored her, dipping his head further and claiming her already straining nipple. He suckled the tight bud into his warm, wet mouth and circled his tongue over it, teasing her mercilessly. She panted, little raspy breaths that grew more frenzied as Chet released her hands and found her other breast. He rolled his thumb and index finger over her nipple, pinching and applying just enough pressure to drive her insane.

  Nina’s head rolled on the pillow. She turned her face to the side, hoping to find some air, but her lungs burned just the same. Chet’s touch made it impossible to breathe.

  His hand moved away and slid down her stomach, between them, finding her soaking, heated sex and stroking her gently. She cried out in frustration as she tried to arch into his hand. He moved away until she settled, then stroked her until she arched again. He gave her everything, brought her so close and then maddeningly took his touch away, leaving her bereft and gasping.

  “Chet,” she whimpered.

  He raised his head and a slow smile spread over his lips. “What’s that?”

  “You know…”

  “What do I know?”

  “You know that- that- I need you.” She wanted that pleasure, that pleasure that was so sharp it hurt. She wanted him inside of her, filling her, banishing the horrible aching need.

  Chet frowned. “I seem to remember that I’m just adequate. Are you sure that I’m what you need?”

  “I’m sure,” she panted, startled at the huskiness of her voice.

  “Well then…” his hand curled under her hip and he flipped her over easily, as though she weighed nothing at all. She let out a strangled cry as she ended up on top. “Why don’t you show me just what you want?”

  He was giving her all the control and taking none for himself. Somehow, that was sexier than if he’d dominated her for hours and hours, taking her in every single way.

  She moved, straddling his hips, the crisp hair and bronzed iron of his thighs pressed into her own soft creamy skin. The throbbing between her legs and in her lower belly grew to a frantic pulsing. She was so wet she could feel beads of moisture trailing down her thighs.

  “Are you sure? I think this a cop out.”

  One dark brow arched as Chet raised his head. “A cop out? This is just the start. I thought I’d let you take the lead, but if you don’t want me to, I can move on to what I had planned next.”

  Her head swam dizzily. “What’s plan B?”

  “Plan B is the kitchen table. I was thinking the couch, but I’ve decided I want to see you naked, under that nice kitchen light, spread out on the table and wanting. Or maybe the kitchen cupboards. You can sit on them and I’ll part your legs and-”

  “Stop,” Nina choked. “I like this plan.”

  “Plan A has different levels,” Chet went on, the teasing light in his eyes growing brighter. “First, like this. Then I’ll take you from behind. Then maybe something more vanilla, on top. Then, after a short break, I’m hoping you have a shower that’s big enough for both of us.”

  Nina’s entire body was shaking. She’d never had anyone really bother to talk to her at all during this. Usually it was just quick, over and done with. She didn’t have time for dating. She didn’t exactly like to think of what she did as one-night stands. That’s essentially what it was, just something casual between herself and someone else who wanted the same thing. It didn’t really mean anything. Ever. It felt good. Usually.

  But this… this was something completely different. She didn’t really even know Chet, but she felt connected. She wanted him because she knew he wasn’t just going to be a once and done with her. It scared her, to realize that she wanted so much more. She wanted him there, in her bed, but in her life as well, and it scared the hell out of her.

  “Stop thinking whatever you’re thinking,” Chet said softly. “If you don’t do something soon, I’m going to have no choice but to flip you back onto your back, because in another few minutes, I’m not going to be able to control myself.”

  The tremors that ripped through her started up again, hard and quaking. Her hand shook as she reached between them and wrapped her hand around his shaft. He was so warm and hard and slick with the moisture of his arousal. He throbbed in her hand, the pounding echoed between her legs.

  She positioned herself over him and didn’t hesitate. She sunk down slowly, the madness of her want, the pounding of her heart, the rasp of her breath all that was left.

  He made a sound, half a growl, half a groan, as she took him inside. He was so large he filled her completely. Her body turned into a pillar of fire and she couldn’t control herself. She threw back her head and rocked hard, taking him deeper with every stroke. His hands flew to her waist and he guided her as she rode him.

  Each and every stroke brought her closer, closer to the peak she was climbing. The dizzying spiral became harder, sharper, as the heat built wildly inside. She ground down, grinding her hips, swaying and rocking. Each movement produced a series of hard groans that only set the fire in her blood raging.

  She moved with abandon, his cock throbbing inside of her, pulsing and moving. He fit her perfectly. She rocked and ground against him until the build of heat was almost more than she could bear.

  Nina bent forward, claiming Chet’s lips in a scalding kiss. She changed the intensity, captured his low, feral groans with her mouth, and rode him faster, deeper, grinding herself harder. His hands fell away from her hips and his fingers clenched the muscles of her ass. He rocked her, steered her toward oblivion. He moved roughly, sharply inside of her, faster and deeper with every single thrust.

  She broke the kiss and dropped her face to the side of his neck. She bit him there, just below his earlobe, before the breathy rasps of air turned to screams of pleasure. She clung to him, riding out the storm as the climax broke over her. She shattered apart, splintering into
a thousand pieces, the waves so much hotter and harder than the first time.

  Chet moaned low and deep in his throat. He rocked her hard against him, thrusting deeper one last time before he came in hot jets. He shuddered under her and she trembled above, their bodies quaking and throbbing in time, their breaths raspy and straining and wild.

  As she began to come down, to return to a semblance of sanity as the jagged edges of molten hot need faded, the only coherent thought that her foggy brain formed was that she and Chet were utter perfection together. Harmony. Rightness. Even if it didn’t make sense, she wanted him to be hers.



  He’d be a liar if he said he didn’t enjoy Nina’s warm weight pressed up against him. Her curves and her naked skin, the sweet perfection of her body. He wouldn’t even be able to utter the lie.

  He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, taking in the floral scent of her perfume or her shampoo, or hairspray or whatever she’d put in her hair. It smelled good. Real good. He brushed her hair aside and lowered his nose to her skin right under her earlobe. She was glorious. The crisp scent of sweat which was still cooling mingled with the erotic scent of woman. He’d never smelled anything so sweet in his life. His body hummed with the anticipation of having her again.

  She stirred, leaving behind whatever sleepy stupor had come over her. He was disappointed, no- that word didn’t even begin to cover what he felt, when she shifted away, breaking free of the arm he’d draped over her. She slid to the other side of the bed, taking the sheet with her. It left him with the comforter, though it wouldn’t have mattered if he was stark naked or not. She looked everywhere but at him.

  “What is it?” he asked softly. He already knew what she was going to say before she put the words out there.

  “Shane.” She uttered the name in a ragged, pinched voice.


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