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Blush, Book 3 the Crescent Lake Winery

Page 10

by Lucinda Race

  “Really?” He looked at Jack and then back to her.

  “Really. Now march.” She glanced at her watch to check the time and then smiled at Jack. “If you want to stay a little longer, I’ll tuck him in and we can enjoy the fire.”

  He set the stick on the table and leaned back in the chair. “That sounds great. Need any help?”

  She stood up. “No, thanks. I’ll be right back.” She followed Owen inside and hovered in the family room door. “Go put your pj’s on and brush your teeth and I’ll meet you in your room.”

  He raced down the hallway and called over his shoulder, “I’ll be right back.”

  Within minutes, Owen was tucked into bed with his cozy blanket and stuffed dog. She checked his nightlight was on and said, “I’ll be right outside if you need me.”

  He nodded. “Are we really going fishing tomorrow?”

  “We are, but you need to get to sleep now.”

  He closed his eyes. “I’m gonna dream of catching the big one.”

  She kissed the top of his head. “Good night, son.”

  With one final look, she closed his bedroom door and went back out to the backyard and Jack.

  He held out a hand and pulled her into his lap, then asked, “Is this okay?”

  She laid her head on his shoulder. “This is nice.” He wrapped his arms around her and held her close to his chest. “You’re really good with him.”

  Jack took her hand. “He’s a good kid and it’s easy to see why—you’re a great mom.”


  He toyed with a lock of her hair. “I like spending time with you, too. When do you think we can go out again to the movies or something? Alone.”

  She moved closer to kiss his lips. Her arms slid around his neck and she shifted in his lap. “You know Owen will want to go with us. He thinks dates should be for three, not two.”

  He pushed her hair back and cupped her face in his hands. “Movies Saturday night for the adults and then on Sunday, we can go play mini-golf after you close the tasting room.”

  “That sounds like fun.” She tilted her chin down and lifted her eyes. She murmured, “But before then, how about we spend a few minutes enjoying the peace and quiet?”

  Her lips brushed over his. The kiss deepened and her pulse quickened. It felt like heaven on earth to be in Jack’s arms. His lips began a slow trail behind her ear.


  She paused mid-sigh and pulled away. “Perfect timing.” She pecked Jack’s lips.

  “I can wait.” He helped her up from his lap and said, “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Jack watched Peyton go into the house, leaving him staring into the fire. His phone vibrated in his back pocket. He pulled it out and there was a text from Corine.

  Jack, please stop blowing me off. I really do want to talk to you.

  He could hear Peyton talking to Owen. Her voice was getting louder; she was coming back out. He put the phone back in his pocket. He’d deal with his ex-wife later, but it did make him wonder when he should tell Peyton about his very short-lived marriage.

  She poked her head out the door. “Do you want something to drink? Beer, wine, coffee?”

  “Is water an option?”

  She laughed softly. “Yes.”

  He pushed the idea aside. He didn’t want to spoil their evening. It had taken him almost three years to be able to spend time with Peyton away from the winery and not at a Price family picnic or CLW event. Bringing up Napa would ruin everything by talking about his failure, at least in this setting. It wasn’t something he was proud of, but he had to face facts. He got married because he was lonely and estranged from the family and a friend needed his help. If he talked to a therapist, he was sure they would confirm he’d rushed into that relationship because of an emptiness inside of him. It hadn’t been love. He was looking to take care of someone. But he knew all that, so no therapist was necessary.

  Peyton closed the door behind her and handed him a glass of water. “Sorry that took so long. He wanted his favorite blanket, and then he was ready to settle down.”

  “It’s fine. I understand; Liza’s boys are the same way.” He patted the space next to him. “Why don’t we sit and talk.”

  She sat close to him, and he slid an arm around the back of the chair, not quite touching her. He needed to tell her about Napa, but the words stuck in his throat.

  “I saw the loan officer at the bank and basically he said I have excellent credit and he gave me a range of how much I could spend on a home, and then the news I’ll need a twenty percent deposit to avoid paying mortgage insurance.”

  “How do you feel about that? Good or overwhelmed?”

  She studied the flames. “It’s exciting, but it’s going to take me a solid year of saving every dollar I can. I’m going to put all of my raise and any bonuses into the house fund, along with what I’ve already saved.”

  “I’m happy to go with you when you start looking, to check things out for structural issues.” The only place he thought she should live was his house, where there was plenty of room for Owen. He was even thinking of adding a bonus room above the garage which could be another bedroom or playroom, but that would push her way too hard and too fast. He smiled to himself, but it was the best solution.

  “I appreciate that.” She sipped her water. “Tell me why you didn’t come back to CLW much when you lived on the coast. Not even for holidays.”

  And there it was, an opening. “Do you want the long version or short?”

  “Whatever you want to tell me, but at first I thought you’d be gone a year, maybe two, and when that stretched into years, it didn’t make any sense. The Prices have always been a strong family unit.” She looked at him. “What kept you away so long?”

  “I guess to really make sense of things, it goes back to my junior year of college. I wanted to take classes in biology and science to learn more about growing grapes, digging into the science more along the lines of what Anna was doing. Dad was determined I would get a business degree and run sales for CLW. We had a lot of arguments about my future and he just wouldn’t listen to me. The closer I got to graduation, the more I knew I couldn’t work in an office or sell wine for the rest of my life. It wasn’t my passion, nor was I driven to be the best. Besides, Don had the salesman thing all wrapped up. He was doing great by comparison and it was good training for him to run the business at some point in the future.”

  “You never talked about this when we were dating. Well, I knew you and Sam had friction, but all parents do with their kids. It’s normal.”

  “I started to think I didn’t have choices until I was talking to Grandpa Jones, Mom’s father, and he told me that when Mom graduated college, all she wanted to do was grow flowers when his plan for her was to become a CPA.” With a snort, he said, “Can you imagine my mom going into an office every day wearing a suit and heels?”

  She laughed. “Your mom loves to grow flowers and vegetables. Her gardens are the envy of most people in town.”

  “That is exactly my point. Yes, she was involved in the winery business part-time, but she was able to follow her dream, which happened to blend perfectly with Dad’s. All I wanted was a chance to be who I wanted to be and he was too busy pushing me to be who he wanted. So I was left with no decent alternatives and I jumped at the first opportunity I came across.” He pulled her close to his side and kissed her hair. “In the process, I made a mess of us.”

  “You should have talked to me. I would have understood instead of finding out when your bags were packed.”

  He could hear the hurt that still lingered. “If I could change one thing from my past, it would be that brief conversation between us when I had one foot out the door. It was the biggest mistake of my life and I’m sorry.”

  She turned on the seat and searched his face as if looking to read his mind. “That’s in the past and I would like to leave it there. We don’t need to talk about Napa again.”

  Relief washed ov
er him even though there were still things she needed to know, but not tonight. Talking about Corine could wait.

  “My feelings for you haven’t changed, and I hope that we can keep dating and see what might develop.”

  She brushed her lips against his. “I’d like that.”


  After last night, Peyton was happier than she thought possible. When Jack told her he had strong feelings for her, she was on cloud nine.

  Studying her reflection in the mirror, she thought, I’m going to throw caution to the wind and let the relationship evolve. We aren’t the same two kids we had been all those years ago. Mistakes were made on both sides.

  She started to brush her hair but paused. The breakup had really been more on Jack than her. They had plans and she had believed him when he said they would travel through Europe the summer after she graduated from college. So many dreams up in smoke.

  Can I trust him this time? I’m not the naïve, lovestruck teenage girl I was back then, and I’m going into this with my eyes wide open. There’s no way he could hurt me.

  She finished brushing her hair into place, gave it a squirt of spray, and swished mascara over her lashes. Her train of thought turned to Lily, the new hire for the tasting room. Thank goodness they’d spend the day together, training. After a light lunch paired with various wines, she would show Lily how to present a tasting to a customer. Hopefully she would quickly catch the rhythm of the experience the winery was known for. Peyton was proud CLW had set a high standard for the tastings, which some of the other wineries emulated.

  As an afterthought, she added a touch of petal-pink lipstick and was ready to seize the day.

  * * *

  When she arrived at the winery, one of the CLW trucks was driving toward her. She waited next to her car and slid sunglasses over her eyes. She could tell by the bulk of the driver it was Jack. Her heart quickened and her breath caught when the truck lumbered to a stop. Small clouds of dust billowed up from the tires.

  With a wide smile, he jumped out. “Hey.” A subtle heat warmed his hazel eyes, the flecks of gold bright in the sunlight. “This is an unexpected treat.”

  His long legs made the distance between them evaporate. He slid an arm around her waist and pulled her close to his chest. Then he gave her a long, slow, simmering kind of kiss. Without a care if she got dirty, she stepped into him. Peyton had a fleeting thought about the kinds of things they might do behind closed doors, but then it was too soon for that, wasn’t it?

  “Hi.” His voice was deep and husky.

  “Hi, yourself.” She kissed him again, surprised at the intensity of longing within her. Her body remembered what it felt like to be with him.

  He searched her face. “Busy day?”

  “Yes, and you?”

  “The usual. I just came in to get a couple of five-gallon water coolers. We’re getting pretty parched out there; working in the vineyard is tiring.” He eased out of her arms. “Sorry; I’m all sweaty and you don’t need to work all day smelling like me.”

  She chuckled. “There are worse things.” She ran a hand over her chin-length hair to tuck an escaping lock behind her ear. “It’s important to stay hydrated.” She laid a hand on his chest. His heart beat under her fingers. “It’s Lily’s first day of training.”

  “That’s great.” He took her hand and they strolled around the side of the building to the tasting room door. He opened it for her. “I’m going to head back out. You know vines wait for no man or woman.” He pecked her lips. “I gotta run.” A wicked gleam sparked in his eye. He leaned into her and gave her another one of those knee-weakening kisses that she really liked and said, “I’ll call you later, okay?”

  Feeling tingly all over, she said, “Sure. I’m here until four.”

  He started toward the other building and turned around. “It’s going to be nice tonight—want to take Owen and go out for some twilight fishing?”

  “Sounds like fun. I’ll pack sandwiches but we can’t be out too late. School night.”

  She watched as his face transformed into a boyish grin. “You got it, and you’re good with sandwiches. I’ll be over around five.”

  “Wait. Why don’t we ask Don and Kate too? Owen was just asking about Ben the other day.”

  He walked backward and grinned. “I’ll talk to Don.”

  Before she could respond, he hurried to the maintenance garage without another glance.

  Don, Kate, and Ben were waiting on the dock as Jack, Peyton, and an ever-talkative Owen arrived. He was already in his bright-red life jacket with frog-green sneakers, carrying his fishing pole and a small Superman tackle box. Peyton admired Jack’s patience with him.

  The wood dock creaked as it rocked slightly under their feet, and water lapped at the thick wooden posts. The marina was quiet. It looked as if they were the only people to venture out tonight.

  “Jack, can I drive the boat tonight?” Without waiting for an answer, Owen grinned at the others. “Hi, Kate. Hey, Don.” He bent down to tickle under Ben’s chin. “Hi, Benny.” He gazed up at Kate. “Hey, he’s got the same color life jacket that I have.”

  Kate held on to his hand and tousled Owen’s hair with the other. “It’s like you boys are twins.”

  “Like brothers.” He flashed his mom an angelic look. “Right, Mom?”

  “That’s right, Owen. Brothers from different mothers.” Peyton smiled broadly and looked between Don and Kate. “Where are the twins?”

  “Sherry and Sam volunteered to stay at the house with them so Ben can have some time with us.”

  “That’s great, but I hope you’re ready for tonight. Owen usually doesn’t stop talking the entire time we’re on the boat.”

  Jack unlocked the gate and stepped aboard. Don handed the cooler up, and he stowed it away from the steps. He held out his hand. “Owen, hand me your fishing gear and then come aboard.”

  As Jack asked, Owen passed it over and then scurried up the steps, jumping with a thud on the boat deck. Jack turned to Peyton. “Come on, beautiful.”

  Peyton took his hand. His fingers clasped hers and he gave her a slight squeeze. The pressure sent a zing through her. She smiled at the happiness on his face. Taking the boat out tonight was going to be fun. Kicking back with good friends was just what they all needed from time to time.

  She easily stepped onto the boat and leaned over to double-check Owen’s life jacket.

  Kate stepped lightly up the stairs and turned to Ben. “Come on, kiddo.”

  Jack said, “We’ve got this.” Stepping in front of Kate, he helped Ben step onto the boat.

  Ben and Owen sat on a bench, clutching their fishing gear and talking about the fish they wanted to catch while Don untied the mooring lines. Jack crossed to the captain’s seat and turned the ignition switch. Without a stutter, the engine sprang to life with a deep rumble. Owen’s eyes lit up as Jack gestured for him to slide into the seat. “Are you ready to help get us out of the dock?”

  His head bobbed and his grin was wide. Peyton was sure it couldn’t get any bigger. Jack held the wheel with Owen, his large hands covering the small ones.

  Peyton settled onto a bench seat and enjoyed the breeze as it teased her hair. The sun kissed her skin, keeping her warm as the air wafted around her.

  Kate had Ben between her and Peyton. They fell into easy conversation as the Price boys and Owen were maneuvering leaving the marina.

  Glancing at the cooler, Peyton said, “I see you packed something for us to munch on.”

  Kate laughed. “I see you did too. Some habits are hard to break. When I lived at home, I was always the one—well, Mom and me—to pack the coolers.” Her smile widened.

  Don took Ben up to the co-captain seat, leaving the girls to talk. The engine and the wind muffled their voices, and Kate dropped her voice even lower for Peyton’s ears only. “So tell me, how are things with you and Jack? You seem to be spending more time together lately.”

  “We’ve talked and decided we want
to date and see where things go.”

  “That’s great news.” She leaned in closer to Peyton. “I see Owen thinks Jack walks on water.” She pointed to the pair sitting in the captain’s chair. “It’s plain to see the feeling goes both ways.”

  “It does, but what happens if this goes south and Owen gets hurt in the crossfire?” Peyton looked to Kate for reassurance. “I have heard some of the single moms at Owen’s school say they never let their kids meet the guys they date.”

  “In this situation and given your history with Jack, it would be kind of hard to not spend time together. The Price family is entwined pretty tight, and Owen has known Jack for years. Your dating him has been a slow—well, turtle-pace process. I don’t think it would implode so badly that you wouldn’t have any sort of a relationship. Besides, even if the romance withers on the vine, Jack and Owen can still be close.”

  Peyton’s gaze lingered on her two guys. “I guess you’re right. Jack would never let something interfere with his relationship with Owen.”

  Kate waved a hand to draw her attention. “You need to stop thinking what might happen if this ends and concentrate on all the good stuff coming your way now. He’s a terrific guy.”

  “I know he is.” Could Kate hear the tiniest sound of doubt in her voice?

  “Did I tell you the story about when Don and I broke it off?”

  Peyton shook her head. “I know Don’s version but not yours.”

  “It was right after I graduated from culinary school. It was the night before I was going for a job interview at a five-star restaurant in Boston. But Don expected me to pack up and move here and get a job at Sawyers as a chef. He even said not to worry about getting the job because he knew the owner.” She smacked the vinyl seat cushion. “I was so mad, I broke it off with him. I ended up blowing the interview and went back home to Loudon with my chin to my chest to try and mend my broken heart. Within a few months, Don left CLW, moved to my hometown, and took a job with my brother, all in an attempt to win me back.”


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