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Accidental Forever: Fake Romance Box Set

Page 39

by Hazel Parker

  Abby stood in the cold hallway with him, now both shirtless, and let him kiss down her neck from the jawline to her collarbone. His mouth was soft but deliberate, and he didn’t appear to be holding back. It became clear to her that the other times that they’d been together, they’d both been tentative lovers. Abby hadn’t even realized that she’d been doing it at the time, but when her subconscious knew that it was wrong, she’d never quite been able to shake the feelings of guilt from her mind, but now, she was allowed to kiss him without restraint. Devon stood once more and turned her around so that her front was pressed against the wall, both palms planted uselessly by her face as if she were being arrested. She realized that he’d done this because her skirt zipped in the back and he needed to be able to reach it to take it off, but damn if he wasn’t going to make use of the position. He pressed hot, wet kisses down the back of her neck, his breath making the little hairs on her arms stand straight up, and then trailed all the way down her shoulders, nipping at the skin just enough to tantalize but not enough to hurt. It was almost as though he were an overeager puppy who hadn’t yet learned to control itself, but she was finding that she, too, couldn’t find an ounce of self-control to exercise.

  The thoughts of romance and love and a nice, quiet, safe life in the suburbs disappeared the harder that he kissed her. Finally able to feel secure, she was able to think of nothing but Devon. Knowing that he’d let her want for nothing, she could finally focus on his body against hers. There was a reason that he’d been able to convince her that he’d make a good bodyguard for her—he was not just strong, but the bulky kind of strong, the kind where his arms each were the size of two of hers and his torso was rock hard against her more slender, softer one. She fit against him perfectly, and his hands traced her body’s curves like he was playing an instrument that he’d been practicing for years. He knew just where to touch her to make fireworks erupt against her skin. He traced patterns on her back with the tips of his fingers, so delicately that it made her shiver, and she could feel her whole body beginning to pulsate.

  The force of it all was beginning to make Abby feel a little breathless and a bit weak in the knees, but as if he could read her mind, Devon turned her around, placed a hand under each of her thighs, and hiked her up so that she was straddled against him, riding him from the front. He pressed her back up against the wall once more, holding her impossibly steadily in the air while she used the opportunity to kiss his neck, warm and damp. She could see smudges of her red tinted lip chap staining his dark tan skin, but she knew that he wouldn’t care. Before she could even think to suggest that they move to her bedroom, he was carrying her there, his fingertips digging into her thighs more with each step that he took. Part of her was wondering if he could feel the heat that she felt was pouring off her in waves, or if he was feeling the same warmth himself.

  This time, when he put her in her bed, it was aggressive. Falling onto her back with a thump, but that didn’t stop her from pulling Devon on top of her to continue making out. She needed him more than she needed air, and he seemed to be more than willing to fulfill that need.

  “I want you,” she breathed, not wanting him to waste any time with teasing, which he was good at doing. Right now, at this moment, she just wanted to be able to tear each other apart, no frills and no wait time.

  “You’re mine, now,” he replied. It was funny that the gentlest person that she’d ever met could be so possessive, so wild when she needed him to be. It only made her more convinced that he was perfect for her. He could satisfy that burning urge for risk-taking without having to make dangerous choices, and she could have him whenever she wanted.

  Devon kissed her breasts, giving each one the attention that it needed before he meandered down her stomach. The kisses varied in speed, making their way rapidly down and then retracing their steps back north slowly, agonizingly. The variation between the hungry, practically frenzied kisses and the feather-light, patient ones was enough to make her back arch against the mattress, a moan catching in her throat as she tried not to give it away so early. Since she knew he’d work for it, part of her wanted to make him do so, but he was too good effortlessly, and her hitched breathing gave her away. There were goosebumps all over her skin and not from the cold, but he pulled the sheets over them both anyway in a fruitless attempt to prevent her shivering. When his lips got to the lacy top of her panties, he played there for a long moment, not taking them off entirely but pushing them out of the way to press hot, deep, biting kisses to the sensitive spot between her thighs. From there, he finally used his thumb to hook her panties and pull them all the way down her legs, where she was able to kick them out from under the sheets and onto the floor. He kissed the insides of her thighs, stopping just short of where her panties would have covered.

  With full access to her body, Devon was able to work magic on her body. He moved her so that the arch of her back was supported by one of his arms. She thought that laying on his arm like she was might hurt him, but if it did, he didn’t show it. It appeared as though he was tilting her so he could get exactly the angle that he wanted, able now to control just how much pressure she felt from his tongue. He kissed her like that and refused to stop until she had her first orgasm of the night, which didn’t take long with the level of skill that he had demonstrated, and he wasn’t done yet.

  “Devon,” she breathed. Her skin was electric, and her stomach was fluttering, every nerve in her spine feeling as though it had been electrically charged. Part of her wanted a break, to have a moment to breathe, but she also knew that this was exactly where he wanted her: raw, helpless, exposed. She’d finished once, but she was still begging for more, and he was eager to give. He shushed her quietly and mounted her once more, coming up to eye level with her. With him back on top of her, Abby was able to give him some much-needed attention, kissing his neck and chest with a renewed energy and appreciation. She didn’t speak again—she didn’t think she’d have been able to, really, because he had decided to forego the kissing and focus on the rest of her.

  Just watching Abby squirm and listening to the satisfied, loud moans had been enough to get him ready, so he finally stopped making her wait for it and entered her.

  The actual sex was far and away the best that Abby had ever had. Devon was a gentle lover, patient and responsive. He took her cues even when she wasn’t intending to give them away, stopping actions that didn’t seem to elicit a reaction and repeating the ones that did. He felt big inside her, so big that she worried a bit that it might hurt, but he’d prepared her so thoroughly earlier that it was nothing but pleasure-pain and orgasmic amounts of pressure. His stamina outcompeted hers, because by the time he’d finished, she’d already had her second orgasm of the night and felt physically drained.

  Devon rolled off her and onto the other side of the bed, his eyes not leaving her face. She turned on her side to meet his gaze, enjoying the gentle, exhausted silence that followed everything they’d done. Neither of them seemed to possess the energy to speak for quite a while, so she just allowed her eyes to drift shut as he wrapped his arms around her and let her head rest on his chest, moving the sheet to cover all the way to her neck for warmth. Though he was a good space heater, both their bodies were damp from sweat, and the frost from the outside threatened to chill her. After a long time, so long that she thought he might have fallen asleep, he sighed, which woke her up enough that she opened her eyes.

  “Abby, you’re amazing,” he said. She laughed, propping herself up on one arm to look him in the eyes.

  “You’re pretty incredible yourself, Devon,” she replied, but something about the look on his face told her that he wasn’t just talking about the sex. That made her flush, though she wasn’t sure that he’d be able to see the redness of her cheeks in the dim light of the room.

  “I mean it,” Devon reiterated. “I’m crazy about you.” This time, she leaned in to plant just a chaste kiss on his cheek. It felt right, less passionate but just as meaningful. The
re were a million things that she wanted to say, most of them revolving around how deeply she cared for Devon and how much she wanted a future with him, but for some reason, none of them sounded right in her head. They weren’t feelings that she could put into words, not quite yet. Instead, she rested her head back down on his chest and closed her eyes. He wrapped his arms around her once more, now out of a protective instinct rather than to warm her, and she felt, for the first time in a long time, at home.

  Epilogue: One Year Later: Abby

  The box that she was carrying was much too heavy for her and Devon would scold her for that later, but Abby was too excited about their new apartment to care about her aching muscles.

  “Hey, Abby, where do you want the television?” Chandra asked, supporting one side of it as her new girlfriend, Rebecca, held the other.

  “Just set it anywhere,” Abby dismissed, dumping her own box onto the floor in the corner and rushing over to help them before they dropped something.

  “Don’t worry about order; we’re going to have to unpack and rearrange everything, anyway,” Devon pointed out. He was carrying two boxes stacked on top of one another, so tall that he couldn’t possibly see, but somehow his steps were still so sure and perfect that Abby couldn’t believe how much he was holding.

  “Careful, babe,” Abby warned. “There’s stuff on the floor everywhere. I don’t want you to trip and get hurt.” Devon laughed off her concern, as he always did.

  “You don’t need to worry about me,” he smiled. “Just make sure that you’re not over exerting yourself. Chandra and I can carry the heavy things.” Abby and Rebecca rolled their eyes as he brushed them off, but Abby did have to admit that she was tired. Even just packing had been a big job, not to mention loading the moving truck and now unloading it into their new place. Thankfully, they hadn’t gone far from either of their old apartments, because this was their second trip and Abby had a sinking feeling that they still weren’t completely done. She decided to give herself a break, shoving a few boxes onto the ground and sitting heavily on the couch, where she was joined a moment later by an equally exhausted Devon.

  “This is a lot of work,” he pointed out, and Chandra snorted from across the room.

  “You both have so much crap,” she accused. “I can’t understand why it’s taken you so long to move in together. I mean, you did it a year ago and loved it.” Abby shrugged, allowing her tired head to fall and rest on Devon’s shoulder.

  “I needed to live alone for a while before I jumped back into sharing an apartment with a guy I’m dating.” Devon had been very patient and understanding about that fact, but Chandra hadn’t been nearly so much so.

  “Devon was never just ‘some guy you were dating.’ You two are perfect for each other, and you’ve known it since you met.”

  Abby flashed him a mischievous smile. “She’s not wrong,” she admitted. “I knew I wanted to move in with you before you even moved back in with Chandra.”

  “Yeah, but it was good for you to experience living on your own,” he pointed out. “Now, when light bulbs need changing, or the cable goes out, you won’t need to call me in to fix it, because you’ve got all those life skills.” Abby punched him lightly on the arm for the taunt and giggled.

  “You’re still going to do the handiwork,” she declared. “I cook, remember? Fifty-fifty.” Devon kissed the top of her head lovingly and smiled.

  “Fifty-fifty,” he whispered into her hair. Their new apartment was spacious for a one bedroom, especially in the city, and she was glad to be out of that old complex. This one had a locking gate at the front, too, just to put her mind at ease, but Trevor hadn’t been released from jail, yet, and she felt a lot of comfort in knowing that when he got out, he’d have no idea where to look for her. She was gone, for all he would be able to figure out, and that was exactly the way she wanted it.

  “Ugh, why don’t you two just get married already?” Chandra teased, gesturing to their couch-cuddle. It was said as a joke this time, but Abby knew that she was serious about the intention. She brought it up constantly and had more than given her blessing.

  “We’re taking it slow,” Devon reminded her. For as hot and heavy as their passion had been from the very get-go, Abby considered the fact that Devon wanted to keep their relative snail’s pace of a relationship to be very romantic. He never asked her to do anything before she was comfortable with it, and it made her want him all the more.

  “Maybe she’s right,” Abby suggested. Devon raised one eyebrow at her, and she shrugged. “I mean, we don’t have to make any rash decisions, but maybe…I don’t know; maybe it’s time to start thinking about getting engaged.” Chandra positively squealed, taking her girlfriend’s hands and practically jumping up and down for joy despite how physically tired they all were.

  “Abby and Devon are getting married!” she exclaimed, ignoring the aforementioned couple’s lighthearted scolding and denial of the statement.

  “Hey, I just said maybe we should talk about it,” Abby defended, feeling a little embarrassed. She mouthed “sorry” to Devon, but he just rolled his eyes and laughed.

  “I’ve been ready for a long time, sweetheart. It’s up to you when you want me to ask the big question because you already know what my answer is going to be.” Abby couldn’t hold back her smile and leaned in to kiss him.

  “I love you,” she reminded him, and he kissed her back in agreement. Finally, she looked around her apartment and felt secure, all that fear and anxiety a thing of the past. For the first time in a long time, the place she was living didn’t feel like a hostage situation or a hiding spot to avoid her past. It felt like home, and it was because Devon was here with her. There was a whole life waiting for her in this place, and she couldn’t wait to discover it with him.

  Preview of Her First, Her Boss

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  “Her First, Her Boss”


  P.S. Checkout the Book Preview on Next Page

  Abby Walker nervously wet her lips with the tip of her tongue. Once again, she tried to remind herself that she had no reason to be nervous. She had a plan, she could put it into action, she could carry it out.

  She was settled now in the front row at one of the largest fashion houses in New York, waiting for their latest fashion show to start up. She looked stunning in her low cut, short black dress and six-inch Jimmy Choos. Abby loved fashion. She’d grown up with it, and the models that went through it, her entire life.

  Abby’s father, Ed Walker, had co-created the most successful modeling agency in New York City. While Abby was pretty enough to be in the industry herself, her father had gone out of his way to protect her. Ed Walker did not want her to see the ugliness that could come with both the modeling and underside of the business enterprise. That had not stopped Abby from ending up at parties, or corporate events. That was where she had met the man who was currently seated on the other side of the runway from her—Mitchell Fields.

  Mitchell Fields had been her father’s business partner her entire life. Mitchell was twice her age, but he was gorgeous. She’d developed a crush on him early and it had been with her ever since. Not that Mitchell had ever noticed. She’d always been nothing but Ed’s Little Girl to him. But today, Abby had a feeling that was going to change.

  Abby had not seen Mitchell in several years. She’d graduated high school and gone off to college, coming home only on the occasional holiday break and never for a full summer. Now that graduation was over, she had just returned to New York after finishing at Yale. Her degree was just as impressive as her looks. She was twenty-three now, and had grown up in all of the right ways. Abby’s long blonde hair, huge green eyes and killer figure had gotten her the attention of all of the Ivy League boys. Despite that, she was still a virgin. She was holding out for just the right man… and today she was going to have him.


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