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Smoke on the Wind

Page 29

by Sean Benjamin

  Yardley said softly, “Being dead, I don’t see how she would ever get there either.”

  Hawkins nodded. “Good thing. I’d hate to have to kill her twice.” He didn’t smile when he said it. A pause and he continued, “Enough about her. You will be out of here in five or six days. By then your paperwork will be returned to you along with your other possessions from Gawain. Your new job will be finalized by then too. You’ll get some paperwork on it with your stuff. Good luck in your future, Michelle.” He gave her ghost of a smile, turned, and walked out.

  Chapter 48

  Hawkins was going through his message traffic on his computer when Tactical came through the bridge hatch after a polite knock. She sat in front of his desk as he finished typing a response. He hit his send key and leaned back in his chair as he focused on her.

  She responded to the look. “The easy one first. We have a request from Petty Officer Janice Chou for transfer to the Royal Navy Badlands Squadron.” Tactical smiled now. “Since she is still assigned to Nemesis, she is sending it up the Flot 1 chain of command. Killian said Chou is a good one and approved the request, and now you got it.”

  Hawkins smiled also. “Smart move on Chou’s part. She knows we will want her there. I’ll approve it, and I’m sure I can get Admiral Wu to shove it through at headquarters. Tell Killian that Chou will ride in Nemesis back to the Badlands and then transfer over at Agra 2. Lisa Cassidy will remember Chou from their time together in Mackenzie so will be glad to get her.”

  Tactical nodded and continued. “The second topic is a success story. We got a job for Michelle Yankton. Want to know about it?”

  He shook his head. “No.”

  She could tell he was conflicted about the whole Yardley/Yankton affair. She said, “Flot 1 has taken close to three hundred slave ship captains into custody. We have killed the particularly heinous ones, but most of them we have turned over to legal authorities on the nearest planet, knowing the planet government will likely just let them go. They will never serve a day in jail. We settle for scaring the hell out of them, and we assume that will keep them out of the slavery business. Do you think Yardley will go back to slave running?”

  “No. I know it wasn’t even her idea to begin with, so she has no vested interest in it. I guess it is the just the cold-blooded corporation part of her operation. It’s the impersonal commitment they make to moving sold human beings in the most efficient way possible to maximize their profits. They do it like they are shipping fence posts or something. The people giving the orders aren’t even there so don’t even see what their damn operation looks like. They probably still think their souls are clean because they didn’t actually do any hands-on stuff. Hell, I know Yardley didn’t even make that much money out of it. The regional AC got it all but still…” He let his voice trail off and then said, “If we get a conviction on the AC regional officers, I’ll feel better about this.”

  Tactical shook her head. “Trial should have started. May already be over. That damn Albert Cunningham was to be the star prosecution witness. The regional people are going down for this, but the Cunninghams are going to slide. All Douglas Cunningham got was a censor from the Upper House. He is now taking a bow for the battles you won. A month from now, his little difficulty won’t even be remembered.” She paused and said, “You should cut Yardley a break. She was ready to sacrifice herself and her ship for Dragon. Riki and her crew probably wouldn’t be here except for Yardley. Redemption is possible, even for slavers.”

  Rafe looked at his sister as he considered her words. He smiled slightly. “You are absolutely right. Redemption is possible. What does or doesn’t happen with the AC has nothing to do with Yardley. Just because I’m not going to get Cunningham doesn’t mean I should take it out on her.” He paused in thought. “I think I know how I’m going to do this.”

  He stopped talking as he considered a new plan. Tactical waited. After a few seconds, she said, “Care to share?” He did share, and she nodded. “Good idea. Kit and her people will love it too. That will work quite nicely.”

  Hawkins agreed, “I’ll take that idea for action. I think I can get what I want on the surface. It will be a rush order but should be doable. What else you got?”

  “Last topic. We have a meeting on Zelenka in three days. There is to be a ceremony at the palace. The Queen wishes to personally convey her thanks for a job well done.”

  Hawkins leaned back in his chair, studied the overhead, and frowned. “No way to dodge this. We have to support our fellow commanders as they get recognized.”

  Tactical smiled. “And not to mention you getting recognized too.”

  Rafe gave a quick grimace. “Oh yeah, not to mention that.” He resumed studying the overhead. It was still there. He took a deep breath. “Let’s check with Barrett, Wilson, Dunwater, and Levant, and we can all go over together.” He smiled. “Safety in numbers.”

  Chapter 49

  The ceremony was the idea of Prime Minister Strickland. It had started out as an awards presentation, but the Queen had quickly let her feelings be known on that particular topic. Her glacial tone matched her cold words. “I believe it is appropriate we recognize them for their recent achievements, but we do not give medals or awards to our high commanders for victories. The Empire expects victories. If there had been some great personal bravery done by them, then we would award something appropriate, but I know of no such action.”

  Strickland didn’t let his idea go easily. “There was Brigadier Dunwater leading the underground assault at Rurik.”

  Alexis shook her head. “That is what Royal Marine officers do. If I were to reward that, Dunwater might well laugh at me, and I would deserve it.” She fixed the prime minister with a stare. “There will be plenty of time after we win the war to give out all the medals you want.”

  Strickland played one last card. “The Duke of Black Hallow will not be here then.”

  The Queen trumped it. “The Duke of Black Hallow could not care less.”

  Alexis believed what she had just said regarding medals, but she knew that was not the only reason she was denying the prime minister. Strickland and Defense Minister Cunningham had kept a low profile during this operation, and now both were strutting around like they had won the battles themselves. Alexis knew that was the way of things, but it bothered her nonetheless so was not inclined to indulge Strickland on this topic. She shook off this slight irritation and said, “Let’s keep this simple. We will do it on the parade ground in midmorning before the heat sets in and keep it short. I would like Admiral Wu to say a few words to the crowd and the media. He will know the tone to set. I will then come out of the palace and shake each commander’s hand. We will start with Hawkins, and he can then follow me as I thank the others. After that, we will throw our commanders to the media. I understand the press has been complaining about lack of access to our people, so this will be an opportunity for a feeding frenzy on their part.” She paused as she switched topics. “I do want one more thing. A promotion that has been well earned.”

  She explained what she wanted and Strickland nodded. He realized that he and Cunningham were being deliberately left out of the proceedings, but there wasn’t much he could do about it. He didn’t really care. There would be other days. He also knew one of the Queen’s primary reasons for this event was to ensure these commanders were imbedded in the public memory. The ceremony and renewed media exposure would guarantee that the public and reporters would remember these leaders. Any future military operation that did not include at least one of them would be questioned by the media and the people. Strickland could live with that. He wanted victories and didn’t much give a damn who achieved them.

  The ceremony was to take place on the parade ground in front of the Royal Palace. The stately rectangle of grass had the palace on one side, the Upper House directly across from that residence, the Lower House on the third side, and the prime minister’s large home and staff offices completing the encirclement. The four most impor
tant political institutions of the Aurora Empire surrounded this small patch of tranquility in the center of the bustling city. Government events often happen here, but when not in use, the rectangle was open to anyone who happened to stop by in search of a moment’s peace and quiet in the center of the thriving, busy city.

  Today was not a good day for a moment’s peace and quiet. A raised platform had been erected along the long side closest to the palace. Seating had been set up ten meters in front of the platform and was twelve rows deep. This was meant for the general public. Along each of the shorter sides of the rectangle, more comfortable seating had been arranged for members of the two Houses, military officials, and other important personages. Currently, all the seating was being assaulted by an incoming tide of people. Everyone wanted to witness the recognition ceremony and see the newly minted “military geniuses” in person. This included all the crews of Pirate Flotilla One. They formed one large group standing to one side of the general seating in front of the platform. Several pirates were recording the event for wounded comrades or those forming the skeleton crews left behind on each ship. Media was free to wander around to take images and conduct interviews as they desired, and they were taking full advantage of the opportunity. Many tried to interview Flot 1 pirates, but pirates shun publicity and could be quite direct in stating their reluctance. The media people quickly figured that out and moved on.

  The five men to be recognized sat in chairs lined up along the back of the platform. There was no one else on the platform. Admiral Wu walked out of the palace. He was resplendent in his dress uniform complete with his medals and his sword. He wore his officer cap at a jaunty angle and marched with a bit of a strut from the palace gates to the podium. This had all turned out very well for him. His Royal Navy had achieved victories in enemy space and at Wanderlust. The private navy of Minister Cunningham had been disbanded, and he had forced the two squadron commanders into retirement without even a ceremony to mark their passing. He now had three navy commanders and one marine commander who had his complete confidence. All in all, this was a great day for him. He would be an ally of Raferty Hawkins for life.

  As he climbed the stairs at the back of the stand, his arrival was announced to the large crowd. They stood respectfully and talking ceased. Wu stepped to the middle of the platform facing the crowd and came to attention. The National Anthem was played by a military band off to one side of the platform. At its completion, everyone sat down but the five men behind Wu remained standing.

  Admiral Wu moved to the speaker’s podium. He gave a five-minute speech. He talked about the sacrifice all the Empire had endured up to this moment. He talked of the dedication and commitment needed for the long road still ahead. He assured the crowd that the recent victories were the first in a long line of successes which would lead to the final defeat of the Orion Confederation. He was confident the people’s dedication and sacrifices would ensure a final victory.

  As he concluded his remarks, Queen Alexis I, monarch of the Aurora Empire, walked through the palace’s front gate. In a purposeful walk, she moved quickly to the back of the platform. As she ascended the short staircase, Admiral Wu announced her arrival. All the people rose and stood quietly as she turned to the task at hand.

  The five men were lined up by seniority. As overall commander, Hawkins was first with Barrett, Levant, Dunwater, and Wilson in that order to his left. Admiral Wu preceded the Queen so when she stopped in front of Hawkins, he stopped in front of Barrett. The two admirals exchanged a few soft words and a handshake as Alexis looked at Hawkins. She was silent for a moment and seemed to be considering her words. Rafe waited patiently but thought it odd she was not prepared with a variety of expressions of thanks. Finally, she extended her right hand. Raferty took it and they completed a handshake as Alexis simply said, “Please visit me this afternoon at two o’clock.”

  “Of course, Your Majesty,” Hawkins managed to hide his surprise as the Queen turned to her right and moved to Barrett. Rafe wondered at the timing of the invitation and the Queen’s slight preoccupation as she stood in front of him. Her words were hardly what he expected to hear due to the occasion, but he could adjust.

  Hawkins took a step forward and did an about-face so he was facing his former position. Alexis stopped in front of Barrett and congratulated him. Barrett thanked her and mentioned the fine people of Home Fleet. Alexis smiled at the deflection of congratulations by Barrett to all of the people under his command. She really liked the Home Fleet commander. She moved to Levant as Wu shifted to Dunwater and Raferty stopped in front of Barrett and shook hands. Hawkins smiled at Barrett. “Home Fleet is in the war now.” Barrett smiled back. “It’s about time we got serious about this damn Orion inconvenience.”

  Alexis moved to Dunwater. Hawkins shifted to Levant and Wu to Wilson. Rafe smiled at Levant as they shook hands. “Back to the Electra System?”

  “Oh, hell yes,” Levant replied immediately. “Unless I can find a command further away. I’m ready to get back to the frontier and as far from headquarters as possible. No warrior would willingly be at this place.”

  Raferty nodded. Those words matched his sentiments exactly. The shift came again, and Hawkins ended up in front of Brigadier Dunwater. “I hear the Royal Marines are being pulled off of all the ships and formed into battalions.”

  Dunwater nodded slightly. “They are finally using us as we were intended to be used. Hard hitting land campaigns with quick objectives. Spreading hate and discontent among our enemies. Thank you for that.”

  Rafe shook his head slightly. “I didn’t win the ground battle at Rurik.”

  “No, but you got us there. That was the most important thing.” Dunwater paused and then said, “We Royal Marines have been pushing for just such a raid since the war started, but nobody would listen to us. Now, after the battle, I’ve heard from many flag officers and officials telling me how they always wanted to do an operation just like that.” He paused again and added, “Lying bastards. Nobody would have done it except you.”

  “Glad to help, but you all did the work.”

  “It was a pleasure doing it with you, Your Grace.”

  Both men paused as they realized they were spending a long time together. They moved their eyes toward the Queen on Rafe’s right. The Queen stood quietly in front of Wilson. It was clear they were done speaking, but she hadn’t moved. Since nobody could move until she did, a silence fell over the proceedings. Seconds passed. Finally, Wilson leaned forward toward Queen Alexis and spoke in a low whisper. “Get moving, you bloody twit. You’re embarrassing me.”

  Alexis smiled. “That’s what I was waiting for.” She turned to her right and walked away. Before she got two steps, she spoke over her shoulder. “Anything to accommodate you… Admiral.” She moved off.

  “Oh, bloody hell,” said Wilson as Hawkins passed in front of him in trail of the Queen.

  As Hawkins passed by, he said, “I tried to stop it, but she was determined to make it happen.”

  Wilson addressed his back as he moved on. “You didn’t try to stop it at all, you damned liar.”

  Hawkins talked over his shoulder. “You’re right. I didn’t.” He laughed and the three flag officers next to Wilson joined in.

  “Screw all of you,” Wilson retorted.

  Admiral Wu lead the way to the rear stairs for the Queen’s departure as the crowd spontaneously broke into applause. Wu walked down the steps first as the noise subsided as the crowd watched the royal exit. The Queen followed Wu down the steps as the Admiral waited at the bottom to ensure her safe descent. Hawkins stopped at the top of the stairs. Wu glanced up at Raferty and gave him a nod and a smile. The pirate returned the gesture and smile. With the Queen beside him, the Admiral walked for the palace. Alexis did not look back or thank him for his part in the ceremony. Hawkins assumed there was something else on her mind throughout this evolution. She would always have a million tasks facing her. He wouldn’t want her job.

  A junior officer
announced to the crowd the ceremony was concluded as Hawkins turned back to the commanders and said, “We all are to remain available to the media for the next thirty minutes, and then we will reconvene in Admiral Wu’s office for Jack’s promotion.”

  Jack Wilson frowned but said nothing as his wife, Captain Giselle Reynaud, came out of the crowd and joined her husband on the stand. She was the one person Jack would never disappoint so he would be on his best behavior now. Also joining the group was Killian O’Hare. As Jack’s partner in crime during the recent mission, Hawkins had ensured she would be at the promotion. The company remained on stage as dozens of media types came on the platform for the impromptu question-and-answer session. The commanders dodged or gave rote answers to every question for thirty minutes exactly and then made their way to Wu’s palace office. While on the short walk, the group was joined by Blondie, dressed in her Royal Navy uniform.

  Once in Admiral Wu’s office, two ceremonies took place. First, Admiral Wu personally awarded the Royal Shield to Blondie. She blushed appropriately as it was pinned on her, and then she said a few appropriate words of thanks, and then it was Wilson’s turn.

  Wilson’s promotion ceremony went off without a hitch. Giselle and Wu each put a flag officer’s epaulette on Wilson’s shoulders as he stood at attention. He thanked the appropriate people, and handshakes were completed all around. Jack even managed a smile after O’Hare passed up the handshake to give him a kiss.

  The promotion ritual concluded. Hawkins noticed O’Hare departed with Barrett. He smiled. He, Blondie, and Tobias Gallagher were going back to Predator. The grandfather would tour the ship that his two grandchildren had called home for over three years.

  Chapter 50


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