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Smoke on the Wind

Page 32

by Sean Benjamin

  Rafe spoke quietly, “Again, please forgive me for this afternoon. I was crazy for a minute.”

  “Already done,” Alexis replied. She released his hand and moved her right hand to his left cheek. “Please forgive me. That was unconscionable on my part.”

  Rafe smiled and echoed her own words. “Already done.”

  They kissed, and he departed. He briefly thought of staying in the city as he had to be back in the morning for his fitting but decided he wanted the familiar surroundings of his ship, if even for a short time. Everything else was changing but Predator would be the same. He needed that familiarity and security right now. After returning to Predator in the ship’s shuttle, he visited the bridge before retiring for the night. He slept very well.

  Chapter 53

  The next morning Raferty returned to the same room to begin the preparation for his wedding to the Queen of the Aurora Empire. The room was filled with tailors, designers, assistants, and palace servants. The Queen was already in the middle of the mob, standing on a small dais while several people fussed around her. She held her arms this way and that way and people took measurements and held up examples of cloth and images of various dresses. Raferty waited to one side. A man whose demeanor marked him as in charge of some aspect of this operation came over and stood beside Rafe. He watched the semi-organized activity for a moment in silence and then turned to the pirate captain. “Sir, my name is Royston Oldfield. My firm has had the privilege of doing the last three royal weddings, and we look forward to serving you and Her Majesty for your special event.”

  Rafe offered his hand, and the tailor shook it very formally. “Raferty Hawkins. I am understandably nervous about the upcoming event. I place myself in your expert hands with complete confidence.”

  Oldfield gave a practiced smile. “Of course, sir. I am sure we will not disappoint.”

  Both men turned to watch the Queen and her fitting. Alexis was anything but relaxed. She shook her head repeatedly as many remarks from several people were thrown in her general direction. She was clearly turning down every suggestion being made to her, and her facial expressions showed her patience was wearing thin.

  Oldfield spoke softly. “Her Majesty is still selecting her color and style. Of course, we will match your attire to complement hers, so we have to wait to begin your preparations until we have a vision of the Queen’s selection.”

  Oldfield’s voice and tone were spot on, but Hawkins was practiced at dissecting such dialogue and the manner in which it was delivered. The tailor was surprised at the fuss the Queen was making. Rafe had to admit he was also surprised. Last night, Alexis made it seem like a simple affair in which she seemed to take scant interest. Her main goal was to get it over with. Now today she was finding each detail and suggestion lacking.

  “Has she been this way all morning?” Rafe asked

  Oldfield looked at Hawkins and said in a neutral tone, “Her Majesty wants every detail to be correct.”

  Hawkins smiled at him, “So the answer is yes.”

  Oldfield said nothing, but a shadow of a smile scampered across his features. Rafe assumed Alexis had started earlier than he so as to have her outfit picked out by the time he arrived, thus allowing the tailors to shift their attention to the groom while knowing what the Queen would be wearing so as to make the match. Well, that timeline was shot to hell, but Rafe didn’t mind. He stood quietly as Oldfield moved to assist those around the Queen. She was putting up stout resistance to everything. Cloth samples draped on her were discarded. She shook her head at style images presented to her. She frowned at the various colors put in front of her. Raferty could easily see the immediate future here.

  Rafe watched the non-progress for many minutes. Finally, he moved to a man who, by his dress and manner, was the head butler or chief valet, or whatever they called the guy who headed the household staff assigned to the Queen’s private quarters. The man turned to him and gave him his full attention. Rafe smiled and asked, “Tell me, please, is the midday meal prepared and nearby?”

  “Yes, sir,” the man answered in a quiet, caring voice. He glanced at an antique clock on a nearby table. “The Queen desires the meal to be served in twenty-one minutes. It has just been delivered into the next room. You and Her Majesty will be dining in here alone while the others will be dining in the next room.”

  The man had nodded to the small table next to the large windows as the dining spot for the bride and groom. Hawkins recognized it as the small dining table from last night and it had been moved so they could enjoy the view or, more likely, just to get it out of the way.

  Rafe turned back to the man. “But the meal could be served right now with no problem?”

  The man nodded once. “Yes, sir.” There was slight doubt in his voice. He could see where this was going. He knew who Rafe was and who he was about to become but, at the same time, the Queen did issue instructions. He didn’t want to be caught in the middle of conflicting orders.

  Rafe smiled at him. “Let me talk to the Queen and see if we can kick this meal off a little early if it is no trouble to you.”

  “Oh no, sir. No trouble at all,” the man replied, the relief in his voice just detectable. He was afraid Rafe was going to order the meal set out without consulting the Queen, and it would put him in a quandary.

  “Great,” Hawkins answered, then he added, “Could I ask your name, please.”

  The man replied, “Henry, sir.”

  “Thank you, Henry. Please thank the staff for having the meal ready early. Might be a big help here.”

  “Yes, sir,” Henry said as Rafe walked toward the Queen.

  He stopped next to the dais she was on and waited calmly as Alexis was disregarding yet another idea. When she was done, she glanced down and saw him.

  “I do apologize that this is taking so long. I’m not seeing anything that strikes me.” The note of exasperation in her voice was plain.

  Rafe shrugged slightly. “No problem. Nothing pressing on my calendar.” He paused and then switched subjects. “Why don’t we take a break for the midday meal?”

  Alexis looked at him and then moved her eyes to the same clock Henry had consulted. She opened her mouth, but Rafe beat her to it. “I have already talked to Henry. The meal is ready to go, and the break might do everyone some good.”

  She opened her mouth and, again, he beat her to it. “No. Seriously. Food.” He smiled at her, but she knew she had lost this one unless she wanted to really press the issue. She did not. She smiled back. “A fine idea.”

  She turned to Oldfield. “Let’s break for the midday meal. One hour should be sufficient.”

  Henry hurried out to begin the process as the many tailors and their assistants set down whatever was in their hands and began filing out to the next room. Soon Rafe and Alexis were alone and at the small table with a fine meal before them.

  Rafe ate several bites of food while watching Alexis pick at her plate. He set his fork down and regarded her frankly. “Are you going to tell me what is bothering you?”

  She looked up at him. “There is nothing to tell.”

  Hawkins shook his head. “There is something to tell. If, for no other reason, I’m sure you are a far better liar than you just demonstrated. You didn’t even come close to selling that.”

  She gave him a sad smile. He reached across the table with his left hand and covered her right hand. “Yesterday, you gave me the impression you didn’t much care about the ceremony and just wanted to get through it. Now you’re arguing over every detail like it is life and death. Why the sudden switch?”

  She stared out at the city and the Argent Sea beyond. As always it was a scene of great activity but peaceful at the same time. A long moment passed, and she looked back at Rafe. “Before it was all abstract. Hypothetical. Now it is actually happening. I guess I’m just really nervous.”

  Rafe wasn’t sure he believed that. Actually, he was sure. He was sure he didn’t believe that for a second. Nervousness was not a
trait of his future wife. He decided to go to the heart of the matter. “Not picking a wedding dress is not going to stop this avalanche. The only way to do that is to call off the wedding. Do you want to do that?”

  She had resumed view gazing and sharply turned her head to face him at that suggestion. “No, not at all. Do you?”

  He shook his head. “No, not in the least. You are the nervous one now. I’m calmly accepting my fate.”

  She smiled a better smile this time. “You going to the gallows?”

  “No. I’m marrying a smart, beautiful woman with one helluva day job.”

  She was holding her smile. “Sky once told me you said I was in a dead-end job.”

  “I wasn’t going to marry you then,” Hawkins replied and also realized this was the first time he had heard Skyler Mallory’s name without clinching inside. Progress.

  “So, you’re sucking up now,” she said, still smiling.

  “Yes, I am. Happy wife, happy life.” He liked her continuous smile.

  She looked at him closely as she considered his remark. “I will be your wife, won’t I?”

  “No way around it,” he replied.

  She continued, “I keep thinking of you as my consort and not looking at it the other way around.” She was silent for a moment and then looked into his eyes. “It will be good, won’t it?”

  He smiled his best smile. “It will be fantastic.” They both ate their food.

  After the meal, the many tailors and assistants returned to the room and task at hand. Rapid progress was made. Within two minutes of resuming, Alexis held up both arms. There was a long swatch of cloth hanging from each. “Raferty, I like both equally. Pick one.”

  He considered each for a moment and said, “I think the light blue one.”

  She smiled at him. “It is called Morning Seabreeze.”

  “If you insist.” He was sure the tailors would take umbrage over his disdain for the stupid names given to colors for marketing purposes, so he let it go.

  Alexis looked down at the cloth and back at him. “You’re right. Light blue.” They smiled at each other. When you’re the queen, you can say things like that, and nobody will argue with you.

  She quickly completed her selections and attention shifted to him. Alexis stood by him on the dais and helped pick his ensemble. They were done by mid-afternoon. The tailors departed, and the jewelers came in. The rings were presented to the Queen, and she approved them. Their ring fingers on their right hands were sized, and the jewelers departed.

  Alexis smiled at him. “We have time before the evening meal. May I give you a tour of the palace?”

  Raferty nodded. “That works.” Hand in hand they set off.

  Alexis took him around the entire palace. She told stories of the building and expansion of the structure over the years and about the many important events that had happened here, at the very heart of the Aurora Empire. Raferty noticed none of the information passed to him had anything to do with her. There were no stories of childhood shenanigans, nothing of family holidays, or remarks about her feelings for this or that. Here was a perfect chance to relay stories of her growing up and her immediate family, and Alexis seemed to be deliberately avoiding the opportunity. Hawkins thought briefly about asking such questions to make her commit to telling him about herself or commit to not telling him about herself. He sensed that making her choose now would be a bad move and, besides, there should be years of opportunities to get to learn such stories. Still, they were strangers, and it bothered him that she showed no interest in trying to change that situation.

  Chapter 54

  The rehearsal was held the next day in the Upper House. It quickly became apparent that whatever magic Raferty had worked at lunch the previous day had worn off. Alexis was demanding and found fault with all suggested solutions.

  Killian O’Hare, Tactical, and Baby Doll had come in with Rafe on Predator’s shuttle. They now sat in the back row of peer seats in the near-empty Upper House. The three women were watching as they were killing time prior to going to Haven Hill to spend the night with Tobias Gallagher. Baby Doll and Killian would be meeting him for the first time. The other pirate captains would take another ship’s shuttle and also spend the night at Haven Hill as Gallagher would host a dinner for his grandson.

  Rafe had been down front with Alexis but joined them now as he was not needed at the moment as the Queen was in a near argument with the high cardinal on the procedures.

  Baby Doll looked at Raferty as he sat down. “Don’t take this personally but your future wife is being a bitch today.”

  Hawkins wasn’t offended. He was long used to Baby Doll’s directness and, besides, she was right. If anything, Alexis was worse today than yesterday. She was not pleased by anything or anybody. She wanted to argue over the smallest detail, regardless how insufficient.

  He nodded wearily. “She suggested the marriage and, now that it’s happening, she seems to regret the whole thing. It is almost like she is trying to make this as hard as possible and piss me and everyone else off in the process.”

  Tactical frowned. “You should go along with whatever she wants, and after the wedding, get aboard Predator with a vague promise about coming back real soon, and we can all get the hell out of the Aurora Empire.”

  Baby Doll agreed. “And once we are out of range of Zelenka, send her a list of things we need that the Empire can provide so we can fight the Goths.”

  Killian sat with her right elbow on her chair’s arm and her chin in her open right palm. She was silent as she regarded the Queen from afar. Hawkins looked at her. She saw him out of the corner of her eye and shifted her eyes to him. He cocked his head as he waited for a comment. She knew he was expecting something but just shrugged and gave a slight smile.

  “Nothing?” he asked, somewhat amazed. Killian O’Hare had an opinion on everything, especially when things were going badly.

  She said, “I wouldn’t read too much into this. It will pass.”

  Everyone looked at her in surprise, but she just resumed her posture in her seat and put her eyes back on Alexis. The other three looked at each other and then back to the Queen as she argued endlessly with anyone in range of her voice. Raferty stood and said in a resigned tone. “Time to get back down there. Wish me luck.”

  “Luck won’t do you a damn bit of good,” replied Tactical.

  Rafe smiled at her. “You’re one of the people who pushed me for this.”

  “I know, but that doesn’t mean I thought you would enjoy it.” Tactical shrugged. “After this is over, you can always hide in the Badlands. You won’t be the first person to ever do that.”

  Hawkins gave a half smile and headed down the central stairs to the front. He rejoined the Queen as she was taking a break from her latest harangue of the wedding officials. She stood silently staring at the nearest wall. He moved toward her, and she turned toward the sound of him approaching. He smiled at her as he closed the distance, but she didn’t smile back.

  Instead, she took a deep breath and said, “I know I am being persnickety here, but I want this to go well.”

  Hawkins moved close to her and then leaned in closer. He smiled his best disarming smile. “I’m not sure I have ever heard anyone actually use the word ‘persnickety’ in a real sentence before. Is that some sort of royal thing?”

  Alexis briefly smiled. “I think I remember a tutor using it once or twice.” She looked around her. “I know it is not going well.” Now she looked at Hawkins. “I am sorry for that.”

  “No need. I know you only get married once. At least I hope it is only once.”

  She gave a quick flash of a smile again. He moved so they were nose-to-nose and spoke softly to her. “I have great confidence this will go well. Everyone will do their best, and you will be very happy with the results. Please let them do their jobs.”

  Without waiting for an answer from her or, more likely, a counter argument, he turned to the cardinal standing patiently several meters away.
“Cardinal, let’s do this rehearsal as a couple, and we can move this thing along.” He reached out and took her hand and walked to the man. The cardinal directed the participants to various spots, and the rehearsal began again. Raferty refused to release his bride’s hand as they were guided to different locations and various postures. She gradually took a firm grip on his hand, and he could sense her relaxing slightly. The rehearsal went step by step in great detail. Then the participants ran through it twice more. Between the two repeat procedures, Hawkins glanced up at the back rows and noticed everyone had departed. He felt vaguely abandoned.

  After the rehearsal, Hawkins walked Alexis back to the palace. They talked little. Hawkins sensed there was no way to discuss the tense situation without making it worse. Alexis maintained a friendly demeanor but with a formal tinge to it. Hawkins considered the idea she was setting the tone for their union. This was an arranged marriage, after all. Happily-ever-after was not the goal here.

  They parted at the palace when the Queen retired to her private rooms, and Rafe went to the shuttle pads. He took his shuttle out to Haven Hill to spend the night with his grandfather and his guests. The group had dinner together and drinks in the parlor. The evening was enjoyable as Tobias Gallagher had been doing this his whole life, and his staff was equal to the task. Everyone had a good time.

  Chapter 55

  After the morning meal, Tobias Gallagher and his guests returned to Krasny on two shuttles. Raferty sat in the copilot’s seat of the first craft with Tactical flying. He was surprisingly calm. He appreciated the importance of the occasion and the historical consequences. He also appreciated Queen Alexis’ sacrifice for this marriage. He and his cause would benefit from this marriage, and she would get a successor. He was surely getting the majority of the advantages here. Hawkins could live with that. He knew he was in an arranged marriage, but he would treat it and his wife with all the respect demanded by the situation.


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