Lucifer's Cage (After Dark Book 6)

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Lucifer's Cage (After Dark Book 6) Page 11

by Sarah Bailey

Chapter Fifteen

  Candace walked up the drive towards the huge mansion. She hated the dress that had been picked out for her. It was blue, skin tight with a long slit up the side, far too revealing and not something she’d ever pick out for herself. She couldn’t help thinking that Lucifer would’ve loved to have seen her in this. She shook herself mentally.

  Stop thinking about him. Just stop.

  She’d turned twenty-five today. It was meant to be a milestone, but it just meant her life was over as she knew it. She spent last night and the morning with her father. Neither of them mentioned their previous conversation.

  The afternoon was given over to preparing for the ball her mother was holding. Her blonde hair was braided. Her make up perfectly applied. And now it was time for her to face her duty.

  She was greeted by two guards at the door, who let her in with a nod. Walking through into the ornate ballroom, she felt a little awkward. Several prominent members of the fae milled around. It was quite a crowd, but her mother’s balls always attracted attention.

  There was a group of girls nearby, looking her up and down with disdain written all over their faces. She ignored them, taking a glass from a tray which a waiter was carrying around. She knocked it back in one.

  I hate fae wine, but I need something to get me through this evening.

  In the corner near the doors which led to the private household rooms, one of her mother’s handmaidens waved to get her attention. She dumped her empty glass and walked over.

  “It’s time,” Pervinca said.

  “Fine, lead the way,” Candace replied.

  She followed Pervinca through the doors and into a long corridor. The handmaiden brought her up the stairs at the end and into a large room. There were a fair few fae milling around. Raoul stuck out like a sore thumb. Arrogant dickhead. She hated him with a burning passion. His predatory grin when his gaze fell on her made her skin crawl.

  “Well, if it isn’t our special guest,” he said.

  “Hello, Raoul. Not out harassing poor unsuspecting girls this evening?”

  “And miss your debut. I think not.”

  She stuck her finger up at him and walked away, finding a sofa in the corner and throwing herself down on it. From here she could see the balcony where her mother would make her entrance. There were others in the room, but she didn’t much feel like acknowledging or making conversation with them. She hadn’t wanted to be here in the first place.

  There was the sound of a harp followed by a cello. The doors to the balcony opened and out stepped Queen Gwilliana. Her white blonde hair intricately braided, violet eyes piercing. Her mauve dress flowed around her in waves of fabric. A silver crown of thorns perched on her head. Her entourage, including Raoul, stepped out behind her. The ballroom went deadly silent.

  “My beloved subjects, it is an honour to see so many of you gathered this evening,” the queen said.

  Candace rolled her eyes. This speech was going to go on forever. Pervinca slipped into the room again, holding a beautifully intricate circlet of silver leaves woven together. She approached Candace.

  “May I?” she asked.

  Candace nodded, allowing the girl to place it on her head and rearrange her braids around it. The girl smiled, bowed her head and left when she was done. Candace tuned back into the queen’s speech.

  “This ball is to commemorate a very special day in our lives. Today is my daughter’s birthday.”

  A collective gasp ran through the assembly of fae below.

  That’s right, no one knows she has a daughter.

  Candace stood up, walking towards the doors where she’d face her people.

  “It is my pleasure to introduce to you all Princess Cadmi.”

  She strode out and stood next to her mother. Her eyes scanned the crowd. There were looks of shock, but also ones of admiration.

  Who’d have thought? I’ve spent half my life scorned by them and now they’re looking at me like I’m royalty. Well, I guess I am now. Officially at least.

  She noticed a very familiar figure standing close to the balcony. Shock ran through her. She bit down hard on the side of her cheek, unable to stop staring. Everything about this was wrong. So unbelievably fucking wrong.

  What is he doing here?


  Lucifer leant against a pillar close to the balcony listening to the fae queen drone on. His eyes snapped up to the doors when her name was mentioned.


  Candace walked out in a skin-tight blue dress. It made his blood pound in his ears.

  Fuck. I want her.

  Even if she hadn’t been wearing such a revealing outfit, he’d have wanted her all the same.

  The moment she saw him, she froze. Her violet eyes widening. He’d known she would be here, Mall had been keeping tabs on Candace, but to discover she was the fae queen’s daughter was unexpected.

  This is what she’s been keeping from me. My little witch is a princess of the fae.

  Now he could see them standing together, the resemblance was striking. Their eyes were the exact same shade, but Candace’s still maintained an innocence which had long since faded in the queen’s eyes. Gwilliana was centuries old.

  “It has been necessary to keep my daughter from you, but now, she joins us in her rightful place by my side. She is the chosen one.”

  Chosen one?

  He frowned. The fae were always cryptic with their words.

  “The prophecy will come to pass.”

  And here we go again. More prophetic bullshit.

  “She who is born under the two stars. She who belongs to two worlds. She who comes to you in darkness. She who comes to you in light. She will bring the dawn and cast out the night. She will restore you. She will be your sacrifice.”

  Just as I thought. Idiotic.

  Candace’s eyes were still on him. He wanted to know what she was thinking. It was clear she wasn’t happy he was here. Not when she’d kept all of this from him. If this was what she meant by her duty, then it wasn’t going to stand in the way of the two of them.

  “I am honoured to inform you I have chosen her mate. Princess Cadmi will marry Prince Theodus of the Farlane clan. We have long since wished to bind our families together and today marks the first steps towards our happy union.”

  A tall fae male with long chestnut brown hair and a small silver crown of ivy woven together stepped out from the room behind the balcony. He stood next to Candace and offered his arm. She placed her hand in the crook of his elbow.

  A tear slipped down her cheek, but she quickly dashed it away before anyone else noticed. But he’d seen it. Her eyes met his again. The turmoil in those violet depths made his chest ache and anger blaze in his veins. Lucifer wanted to leap up onto the balcony and pull her hand off the prince’s.

  Marriage? She is mine. She is not marrying anyone. Did she think I wouldn’t find out about this?

  The queen was still droning on, but everything else around him faded away. All their focus was on each other. Why had she kept this from him? She’d told him she was his and yet here she was engaged to be married. Was it merely for convenience, to bind their families together? There were too many questions. He would make her answer them all. She was not getting out of any of it. He was going to make sure she knew who she belonged to.

  The sound of people clapping around him brought him back into the room. He glanced at the queen who’d finally finished talking. She was staring at Candace. She followed her daughter’s line of sight to him. The queen’s eyes narrowed. He’d hidden who he really was from everyone bar Candace, but perhaps he should show himself to Gwilliana. Show her that her daughter belonged to him. The urge passed as soon as it came.

  No. It is clear she is forcing Candace into this. Causing trouble for her is not what I wish.

  Despite his anger at her lies and secrets, he would not antagonise the queen until he had answers.

  “Now, our young couple will open our ball with the first dance,” Gwilli
ana said with a flourish.

  Theodus led Candace down the stairs to the side of the balcony. The fae dispersed to the sides of the room, leaving them alone in the middle of the floor. She placed one hand in the prince’s and the other on his shoulder. The music tinkled through the room and they began to move.

  Lucifer clenched his fists. Her luscious curves in that dress drove him crazy.

  I want to tear it off her. Have her beneath me again. I need her heat and the way she looks at me with such affection. My little witch.

  He’d missed everything about the woman dancing with another man. She’d found a way to dig herself right into his immortal soul. They’d never be free of each other. That much was clear. Her gaze kept falling on him.

  He listened, drowning out the other sounds so he could hear their soft conversation with each other.

  “It has been a long time, Cadmi,” the prince said.

  “Yes, I suppose it has.”

  “Your mother tells me you do not wish to be involved in the wedding preparations.”

  “Looking at flowers and pretty dresses all day? I think not.”

  The prince smiled at her, light green eyes twinkling with amusement. Lucifer didn’t like the way the prince was looking at Candace.

  “No, you were never such a delicate soul unlike those of your mother’s court. Your dual nature I suppose.”

  “My witch blood you mean. Does it repulse you as it does the others?”

  “Did your mother not tell you? I put myself forward when she approached the other courts to find you a mate.”

  He could hardly blame this prince. Candace was beautiful with fire running in her veins. She was from two different worlds and to him, she was everything.

  “Why would you do that? Everyone hates me. Well, I suppose now they know who I really am that might change.”

  Candace looked away from him. Her eyes seeking out Lucifer again. The expression on her face almost made him take a step towards her. There was longing in her eyes.

  “Because you and I are not so different.”

  “I see.”

  Her gaze was still stuck on him and not the prince. He needed to be patient. Bide his time until he could demand answers from her. He would possess Candace again. Own every inch of her body as she trembled and clenched around him. It would be sweet, delicious torture. Worth each moment they spent joined with each other.

  When her dance with the prince came to an end, her hand was claimed by another prominent member of fae society. She danced with many until she was finally alone. She stood by the windows of the ballroom, staring out at the grounds with a faraway look in her eyes.

  No one seemed to be paying attention to her. He silently approached her. His hand curled around her lower back. He leant close to her ear.

  “Hello again,” he whispered.

  She shivered turning to him with wide eyes. Her perfect mouth fell open on a gasp. The next moment it snapped shut and her eyes blazed with anger.

  “What are you doing here?” she hissed.

  “I’m here to see you. Haven’t you missed me in your bed?”

  “You shouldn’t be here. Fuck. Do you have any idea how much shit I’ll be in if she finds out about you?”

  His fingers brushed over the skin above the scandalously low back of her dress. He felt her lean into his touch.

  She can’t help it, can she? She craves me as much as I do her. I will have her. I will have her again and she won’t be able to deny me. That prince be damned. She is mine and she knows it.

  “I am not leaving until you and I have a little talk. Don’t you think you owe me that much after you kept the truth of who you are from me?”

  Chapter Sixteen

  There was silence between them for several moments. She glanced around the room, but it seemed no one was looking their way. Her expression was resigned when she turned back to him.

  “Not here. We can’t talk here. I’m not supposed to leave. I’m the guest of honour.”

  “Then dance with me.”

  He didn’t allow her to object. He took her hand and tugged her out onto the floor where the next song was beginning. The heat of her body drove him crazy. He tugged her closer, his hand splayed across her back.

  “What are you doing?” she hissed.

  “Don’t make a scene,” he whispered.

  She put her hand on his shoulder. Her face was flushed. They started to move to the music, twirling around the other couples.

  “We’re too close.”

  Their bodies were pressed together, his fingers dangerously low. There were a few disapproving looks from the fae around them.

  “Stop. If she sees you with me like this, she’ll know.”

  “You forget, you are mine, Candace or should I call you Cadmi?”

  “Don’t do this now, please. I promise I’ll explain everything.”

  He leant closer, his breath fanning across her cheek.

  “You are mine.”

  She was silent, her violet eyes wide with fear and desire.

  She can never hide it from me.

  There were no further objections from her mouth. He could feel her arousal coursing through her veins. He knew she could feel his pressed up against her stomach. Every movement between them made the ache worse.

  When the music came to an end, she took his hand, pulling him away towards one of the doors. She glanced around before tugging him through it, down the hallway and into an empty room. Letting go of his hand when she closed the door, she turned to him. There was nothing but pure unadulterated lust in her expression. No words needed to be spoken.

  He slammed her up against the door, their mouths fused together in an electrifying and brutal kiss. Her hands were at his belt, tugging it open before she tugged down the zip of his trousers and freed him. He pulled up her dress, pushing aside her underwear. He stroked his fingers across her softness, feeling her arousal running down her legs. She groaned, tugging his hips towards her.

  Fuck, you’re always so wet for me. Only for me. I command your body, don’t I?

  He sunk into her in one swift movement. She wrapped both legs around his back, his hands under her behind, holding her up and pinning her to the door. One of her hands was around his neck, the other holding his face.

  He’d missed her touch with a force which threatened to break him. He would give her a piece of his mind later. Now all he wanted was to be inside her. To feel her heat consuming him with every stroke. That dress had been driving him crazy all night.

  “Yes, yes you do. I’ve missed you so much. Everything about you. I need you. Fuck, do I need you, Lucifer.”

  He pounded into her with all he was worth. She bit down on his bottom lip, whimpering. They both needed to be quiet least someone came along and heard them together.

  Tell me you're mine.

  She turned away from him, burying her face in his shoulder.

  “I’m yours,” she whispered.

  “Say it again.”

  “I’m yours, Lucifer.”

  He growled, thrusting harder. She bit down on his suit jacket.

  “Are you going to come all over me, Candace?”

  “Yes, yes, fuck. I’m so close.”

  He wanted to make her snap, to hear her scream, but now wasn’t the time. She rested her head back against the door, staring at him with unfocused eyes. He reached up, putting a hand over her mouth. Seconds later she was crying out, the sounds muffled as her body quaked and clenched around him.

  Fuck, I can never hold back when she comes. It’s too much. She’s too much.

  He grunted, feeling his own ending pulsating through him. All the tension of the past two weeks away from her eased.

  When he removed his hand from her mouth, her head dropped on his shoulder, her breath coming fast. Her fingers curled into the hair at the back of his neck, anchoring him to her.

  “I never wanted to leave. All I want is you,” she said, her voice quiet.

  Her words made his hea
rt ache. There had been no question about what she wanted. She’d made it very clear to him before she left. It didn’t change anything.

  “We need to talk.”

  “Not here. Fuck, I shouldn’t have even left the room.”

  She turned her head, looking up at him.

  “Mmm, was your need to have me overriding your sense of duty, perhaps?”

  “Oh, just… shut up.”

  She moved, pressing her mouth to his. Her longing poured out of her. He moved in her again. Her fingers dug into his head.

  “Stop. Not again. I need to get back.”

  His need to possess her utterly almost outweighed his common sense. He wanted to fuck her where he could make her scream. Hear her cries of pleasure whilst he ruined her. This was not the place for that. He pulled away, allowing her to drop back down to her feet. Her face was flushed, her breathing still a little laboured. She had that well and truly fucked look about her. It was for him alone. No one else was allowed to see her this way.

  He clicked his fingers. Her dress readjusted itself around her, her hair perfectly in place again. His suit was immaculate. No one would know they’d just snuck away for a moment of passionate, mind-bending sex. Candace was the only woman he wanted to fuck and fuck again until she was his completely.

  She’s mine to ruin. Only mine.

  “Just give me half an hour, okay? I’ll get away somehow and we can talk,” she said, looking down at herself.


  She brushed her fingers across his cheek lightly before she slipped from the room. His own fingers traced where hers had been. Her violet eyes had been full of affection.

  She told me she cares for me, but is it more than that? Does she feel as I do? Am I everything to her as she is to me? Do I own my little witch’s heart?

  Why did the thought of that make his pound so hard in his chest?


  Candace stood outside the room for a moment, catching her breath.

  Lucifer was here.


  How could he be here?

  And now he knew.

  Knew her secrets.

  She’d known she was going to have to marry to unite her distant cousin’s family to hers. It wasn’t so much she minded Theodus. She’d only met him a handful of times and didn’t know him very well.


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