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Echoes of Time (Echoes of Time Travel Series: Book One)

Page 11

by Rylee Swann

  He grunted as he banged his palms together hard enough to sting. He’d never longed for another living creature in his life. He didn’t like the feeling, didn’t like being locked up, didn’t—

  A knock at the door stopped him mid-thought and push-up. He shook his head and continued with his exercise. Another knock and the door opened. A slight rush of fresh air cooled Shawn’s sweat and he suppressed a shiver.

  He glanced toward the door, through the bars, and saw Alec making himself comfortable on a red and white webbed folding chair. A couple of shopping bags were on the floor beside him.

  Shawn completed two more push-ups in silence before standing. Keeping his gaze on Alec, he grabbed a blue towel from where he’d left it on the bed and wiped his sweat-streaked chest and the back of his neck. He’d be damned if he’d be the one to break the silence.

  Leaving the towel draped over his shoulders, he pulled the desk chair in front of the bars and sat facing the agent, biding his time.

  Alec nodded good-naturedly. “Impressive. You’re not winded at all.”

  So, he’d been watching.

  “Comes with the territory. Pays to keep in shape.” Shawn’s tone remained neutral, neither friendly nor adversarial.

  Alec motioned to the shopping bags. “I come bearing gifts.”

  Shawn only raised a brow.

  “Not good enough? Pissed at me for staying away this long?”

  With a shrug, Shawn said, “Premeditated.”

  A slow grin spread across Alec’s face. “Sometimes I forget who I’m dealing with. Anyway, if you’ll step back to the far side of the room, I can give these to you.”

  Shawn stood and did as Alec requested, his hands on each end of the towel. Alec raised a finger and made a twirling motion. The bars rolled back, sliding into the wall three or so inches, much like a pocket door would. He stood, picked up the packages, and placed them in the room. Shawn noted that Alec’s eyes never left him, no doubt making sure Shawn wasn’t preparing to lunge. As Alec retook his seat, he repeated the motion with his finger and the bars closed the gap.

  He pointed to the bags. “Go ahead. It’s a few changes of clothing. I think I got the sizes right but if not, I can exchange them.”

  Shawn stepped forward and sat back down. “Does this mean you’ll be letting me out of here?”

  Alec didn’t answer his question. “How long have you known Rayna?”

  “Ah, so we’ve come to the Q & A portion of the show.”

  “Can’t get anything past you, huh?” Alec scowled and made a “let’s move this along” motion with his hand. “Don’t make me work for the answers and this will be quick and painless.”

  Shawn ignored the packages and straightened his back. “How long have I been here?”

  “Six days.”

  “Nine days,” Shawn replied without hesitating.

  Alec laughed and sat forward. “I know how long you’ve been here.”

  “You misunderstand. Nine days is the answer to your question.”

  “Nine…” Alec blinked, fell silent, and blinked again. “You’ve only known Rayna for a total of nine days?”

  Shawn nodded, waiting for Alec to finish the math.

  “Which means you’ve only been physically with her for three days?”

  Shawn nodded again, noting Alec’s apparent shock.

  “Are you screwing with me?”

  Shawn pulled one end of the towel across his face, wiping away fresh sweat that had gathered from his workout. “No.”

  “Three days, and she convinced you to do this?” Alec waved his arms around at their surroundings.

  “She suggested this.”

  “So, there was no convincing, you’re saying?”


  “C’mon, Shawn, give me a little more, will you?”

  Pleased that he’d exasperated Alec, he settled back in his chair. “Rayna saved my life. A day later, I saved hers. When she suggested that I go straight and put my skills to good use, I listened.”

  “Saved your life how?”

  “She tended to my wound. I’d been shot.”

  Alec looked ready to bombard him with questions, but Shawn raised a hand to stop him. As succinctly as possible, he went over most of the events that transpired during the three days he and Rayna had spent together.

  When Shawn finished, Alec fell back against his chair and blew out a long breath. “Well, I’ll be damned.”

  Shawn stood and began a slow clap. “And, the winner of the Academy Award goes to Alec Connor.”

  Alec lifted his eyes, his shocked expression dissipating, replaced with cool narrow-eyed observance. “Why the honor?”

  “Come on, Alec. You just said a few minutes ago that you forget who you’re dealing with. This act of yours is unnecessary. Rayna already told you all of this.” He picked up the shopping bags and dumped the contents onto the floor. Quickly rummaging through the clothing, he picked up a white Lacoste polo shirt and raised a brow. “Did you go shopping for me or for you?” Pulling it on over his head, he retook his seat. “Ask your questions, Alec. There’s no need for games or manipulations. I know you want to see if I’ll answer the same as Rayna, so don’t give me the wide-eyed surprise act like you haven’t heard this before. Find out what you want to know and make your decision.”

  Alec nodded slowly, his arms resting on the arms of the chair, the fingers of his right hand tapping as he considered Shawn’s little speech. “Alright, you got me. Sometimes it’s tough to drop the training. So, on to the questions. Where were you born?”


  Alec laughed and crossed his legs. “I’d really like to know where you’re from, Shawn. The more I know about you, the easier it’ll be to make my decision.”

  “Irrelevant,” he repeated with enough force to let Alec know he wouldn’t budge.


  “Nothing about my life prior to when I began my so-called life of crime is relevant to this discussion or your decision about whether to hire me or not. I’m firm on this. If it’s a deal breaker…” He fell silent, shrugging.

  With a sigh, Alec forged on. “Brothers or sisters?”

  No doubt Rayna had told him about Kyle. He’d told her to hold nothing back other than the obvious bits about him not being human. “A brother. He’s not in the business, so he’s irrelevant too.”

  “Older or younger?”

  “Older by three years.”


  Shawn hid a frown, but he had to answer. Rayna knew his name, so there was no reason not to confirm it for Alec now. “Kyle. And that’s the end of that discussion.”

  Another chuckle from Alec before he acquiesced with a nod. “Anyway, this is the main thing I want to know. Do you really want this job?”

  Shawn answered without hesitation. “Yes.”


  Shawn opened his mouth to speak and realized he didn’t have an answer. Why did he want to change his ways? Go straight? Please Rayna? That thought stopped him cold. Was that the reason? To make Rayna happy? He had to admit he enjoyed her company. In a world where he felt alienated from everyone and everything, she made him feel wanted. She made him feel… He shrugged mentally. He didn’t like introspection, self-analysis. It made him uncomfortable.

  Alec recrossed his legs, bringing Shawn back to the present. “Shawn?”

  Without any further thought, Shawn said, “To please Rayna.”

  To hell with the potential consequences. There were other reasons, but this answer would have to suffice, and if it bit him in the ass later, he’d deal with it then.

  Alec offered an understanding smile. “She is a remarkable woman. Bright, intelligent...beautiful.”

  A pang twisted in Shawn’s gut. He didn’t understand the cause, but he wanted nothing more than to punch that smile off Alec’s face.

  “You better be treating her well.” He growled the words, his hands clenched into fists that he forced to remain reste
d on the arms of the chair.

  “Of course, there’s no reason to worry about that. She’s fine, really. I’ve been keeping her occupied.”

  Alec’s tone taunted him. He knew it was purposeful, but Alec had succeeded in getting a rise out of him.

  Shawn pictured his fist growing red with Alec’s blood. The crunch of bone and cartilage as Alec’s nose fractured. The satisfying grunts of pain.

  “Occupied? What the hell does that mean?” He tried to keep his voice steady, but it had lowered in anger, the question becoming an obvious threat.

  Alec’s demeanor shifted from sympathetic friend to taunting captor. “Well, well, well. It looks like little Rayna has cast quite a spell on the deadly and oh-so-dangerous Shawn Paros.” He leaned forward, speaking with quiet menace. “Do you think I’ve acted improperly? Are you accusing me of something? What do you want to do about it, Shawn? Tell me.”

  Shawn stood so abruptly that his chair flew backward and fell over. Stepping forward, he gripped one of the bars of his cage with a hand, curling his fingers around the iron in a tight fist. He wanted to wipe the smirk off Alec’s face, show him how deadly he could be.

  A voice of reason pinged at the back of his anger, and it took a long moment before he calmed. No less angry, but in control of himself.

  “Make your decision, Alec,” he said through clenched teeth. “Let me out and give me a target or put me in jail and see just how long you can keep me locked up.” He opened his fist, pointing his index finger at Alec. “And, when I’m out, I’ll come for you.”

  Alec slowly rose to his feet, a nasty grin lifting the corners of his mouth. “Gotta say, it sucks to be on the receiving end of a jealous Shawn Paros.” He laughed, but the sound was another taunt, and not at all filled with humor. “But, with you in there and me out here, your threats mean very little.”

  A jealous Shawn Paros?


  Ridiculous... Or was it?

  Shawn had to admit that he couldn’t identify what he’d been feeling lately; his brain and stomach had been tied in knots. A knife had twisted between his ribs at the thought of Alec and Rayna together.

  He didn’t like this. He needed to focus. There could be no distractions.

  But he was distracted. He wanted to see Rayna. Share her laughter, enjoy her smile...kiss her. He remembered the touch of her lips, how soft they were. Yielding yet demanding. She’d opened her mouth to him before he pulled away…

  He gave himself an internal shake and looked into Alec’s smug face. “Then let me out. Remove the bars that stand between us.”

  “And, why exactly should I do that?”

  “Let’s settle this, Alec, the way men like us do. All this talk, this posturing, it’s tiresome.”

  Alec stood and, unruffled, picked up his chair and folded it closed. “Ah, I see. You want to shut me up. With what? Your fists?”

  “Are you still talking?”

  Alec grinned, purposely exuding some of that boyish charm geared to disarm enemies in the field. The tactic didn’t work on Shawn, but it was annoying, nonetheless.

  “Okay.” Alec clapped his hands together. “We have a gym here with a boxing ring. That’s where we do this.”

  Shawn blinked, but otherwise kept his surprise hidden. “When?”

  “Oh, right now, my man. As soon as I tell you the rules.” Alec spoke like he was discussing the weather. “First, don’t try to escape. That would defeat the entire purpose and will get you killed. Orders are to shoot on sight if you’re found loose in the building. Second, this is a bare-knuckles street fight. No weapons, no broken bones, no death. Got it?”

  “You trust me not to kill you?”

  “Suppose I’ll have to.” He looked Shawn up and down and shrugged. “That is, as if you could in the first place.”

  A serene calm swept over Shawn. He’d slipped into fourth gear, what he acknowledged as work mode. It didn’t matter if work was petty theft, industrial espionage, assassination, or beating this bastard into oblivion. Work was work, but this...this he was going to enjoy.

  Still holding on to the bar with one hand, he leaned in close and spat out, “Let’s do this.”

  The gym was located in the basement and covered the entire length of the building. Clean and bright and loaded with free weights, Nautilus machines, aerobic equipment, and a springy padded floor, it was the wet dream of every teenager who’d fallen in love with Olivia Newton John’s song, “Let’s Get Physical.”

  Shawn wasn’t surprised to find the place empty of people. No doubt it had been cleared. As they moved closer to the boxing ring, Shawn breathed in the unmistakable scent of chlorine. It had to be a pool, and his ever-present longing to swim became an almost unbearable need. He’d fulfill the desire as soon as he made quick work of Alec. A swim would be his reward.

  “Take your boots off,” Alec said and kicked off his own.

  “I thought this was a street fight.” Shawn made no move to remove them.

  “It is, but they’re strict about proper footwear in here. Either sneakers or barefoot.” He didn’t wait for a reply and ducked under the ropes of the ring. “Let’s go, Paros. Show me what you got!”

  Shawn didn’t need to be told twice. Kicking off his boots, he too ducked under the ropes and moved toward the center of the ring. He took a crouched fighting stance, a thin-lipped smile on his face. Alec centered his weight on the balls of his feet, and they circled each other, feeling each other out, seeking the best line of attack. Looking for the best opening to pounce.

  Deciding not to wait, to be the aggressor, Shawn made the first move, coming straight at Alec, fists up. Alec stood his ground and swung at Shawn with a right hook. Shawn turned into it, changing a lethal punch into a glancing blow that left Alec open. Shawn moved quickly, light on his feet, and hit him with a flurry of left jabs and crushing right punches. Alec did well in blocking most of the attack, but several punches found their mark. A spray of blood appeared on Alec’s right cheek, and he backed off.

  “What’s the matter, Connor? Were you hoping for first blood?” Shawn stood to his full height and extended an arm, beckoning with his fingers. “Come and get me,” he sneered.

  What followed was a blur of fists, elbows, and kicks. Both he and Alec were soon bloodied, chests heaving. Alec lunged but Shawn caught his arm. Twisted. Brought him down. Alec landed on his back with a thud.

  Shawn moved in for the kill, stood over him, arm extended, hand and fingers taut. He gripped Alec’s hair with his other hand and pulled his head back to expose his throat. Rearing back, his hand zoomed to Alec’s jugular. He stopped a millimeter shy of touching his Adam’s apple.

  “You’re dead,” Shawn hissed, and released him.

  “Okay, okay.” Alec waved a hand at him and sprang back to his feet. “Lucky break. You can’t do it again.”

  “You want me to kill you again, rather than concede? You’re dead. I won.”

  Alec raised an arm and beckoned to him with his fingers.

  With that taunt, the fight continued.

  They crouched.



  Sweat and blood stained the canvas beneath their feet. Grunts and gasps echoed in the empty gym. And, still, they fought on.

  Shawn landed a hard-fisted blow to Alec’s solar plexus and he crumpled forward, gasping for breath. Shawn came in for the killing blow. Alec swept his feet out from under him. He landed hard on his side, jumping back up only to find Alec behind him, grappling him in a Half Nelson. Shawn twisted and relaxed his shoulders, hoping to slip out of Alec’s grip, but Alec was prepared for that.

  Alec put both hands on either side of Shawn’s head and started to twist. A classic move to break his neck, and Shawn knew Alec had the strength to do it.

  Speaking into Shawn’s ear, Alec said, “You’re dead.”

  Stunned that Alec had managed to get the drop on him, he only grunted in reply and shook him off as Alec backed away.

next few minutes were made up of a savage onslaught of attacks, kicks, punches, jabs, each wanting to be the one to break the tie. Get that second kill.

  Shawn hadn’t been beaten this badly since his time travel training days. He found the pounding painful but also inexplicably exhilarating. Alec landed a punch to his jaw that staggered him backwards. Instead of going on an aggressive counterattack, Shawn put a hand to his jaw and grinned. He raised a hand to ward Alec off, and started laughing.

  For a moment, Shawn questioned his own sanity, but he felt too good. High on adrenaline. He hadn’t been challenged like this in a long time. Everything before this moment had become too quick, too easy for him. He relished this.

  Heart pounding.

  Pulse hammering.

  Hadn’t felt this alive since...when? His first kill on Earth? Maybe. Finding his target through the crosshairs of his McMillan TAC-50 sniper rifle had given him an adrenaline rush that lasted for days. Like really good drugs. Nothing else compared. He was an outsider who’d had a bad upbringing. Not knowing even basic social conventions like making friends, he’d needed the high again and again.

  This slugfest with Alec was the same but also...different. Not life or death. Yet, it had thrilled him. Fighting an opponent almost equally matched to him. So, what was different? Alec wasn’t the enemy. He was someone who could be an ally, an asset. A friend? The more Shawn thought about this, the more he laughed. The pleasure came in waves and almost knocked him out when Alec began laughing too.

  This was all so new to Shawn. He’d never let go like this before. Never reacted without thinking three steps ahead.

  Endorphins raced through him, a natural high he barely knew existed until now.


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