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Echoes of Time (Echoes of Time Travel Series: Book One)

Page 20

by Rylee Swann

  Alec placed a gentle hand on her back, rubbing in a circular motion as she dry-heaved. When she came up for air, she wanted nothing more than to crawl underneath the seat and disappear. What a horrible ending to a wonderful night. She kept her face averted from Alec as he handed her a couple of tissues. Taking them, she wiped her mouth and the tears that had fallen when she’d emptied her stomach.

  She sat in sick, silent mortification for the rest of the ride home.

  The limo pulled up in front of Rayna’s apartment what felt like a century later. She peered up from where she’d been pretending to hide, chin to chest and arms hugging herself, and sighed at the monumental effort it would take to get out of the car and into her apartment. She wouldn’t be steady on her feet, and the thought of further embarrassing herself in front of Alec made her wince.

  “Give me your house keys,” Alec said.

  Without comment, Rayna handed him her tiny black bag.

  “Good, now, don’t move.” He got out of the limo and dashed around to Rayna’s side. Opening the door, he crouched down to face her. “Are you okay? Think you might throw up again?”

  Oh, god. She couldn’t look at him and shook her head, despite how dizzy that made her.

  “It’s okay. I’ll have you inside in a minute.” He reached into the limo and took Rayna in his arms. Before she even registered what was happening, he’d lifted her and carried her up to her apartment. She kept her eyes shut the whole time, hoping that no neighbors were out at this time of the morning to witness her humiliation. That the doorman had to see her like this was bad enough.

  Once inside, Alec carried her to the bedroom. After gently laying her down on flowery blue sheets, he then spent a moment fluffing up the pillows against the headboard. He smiled as he moved to the end of the bed to pull off her shoes. She met his eyes by accident, and a fresh onslaught of heat rose in her cheeks.

  “Why are you so together? You were drinking too.” Her head sank into the pillows, and nothing had ever been so comfortable. She could close her eyes right now and sleep for a thousand years.

  He chuckled as he yanked off her booties. “Not nearly as much as you, my dear.” He winked and placed her shoes on the floor at the foot of the bed. “I’ll be right back.”

  She grunted a response.

  He soon returned as promised, shoving a bottle of water into her hand. “Don’t fall asleep on me yet. Drink this first. You’ll thank me later.”

  Struggling back up into a sitting position, Rayna put the open bottle to her lips and drank as much as she could stomach. She reached out to put it on the night table, but Alec shook his head.

  “Drink more. It’ll help with your hangover tomorrow.”

  He sat on the side of the bed as Rayna grimaced through a few more gulps of water.

  “Please tell me that our friendship isn’t over,” she said, bringing the bottle down to rest on the night table. “If I lost that it would kill me.”

  Alec caught the bottle as it teetered on the edge and pushed it back. “Of course, we’re still friends. D’you think I’d let a little drunken mishap get in the way of that?”

  “But we...I…” She shook her head, unwilling to finish the thought.

  “That was on both of us, okay? And, I’m willing to forget a drunken kiss if you are.”

  “And we won’t tell Shawn.”

  “No, if that’s the way you want it, we won’t.”

  She settled back down onto the pillow.

  “Because he’d kick your ass if he found out and you’re afraid of him,” she half mumbled in a singsong voice.

  Alec laughed as he stood from the bed. “Sure.” He turned off the overhead light. “Rayna, I’m going to stay the night.”

  Rayna’s eyes widened and she jerked partially upright, her head spinning anew.

  “On the couch, so don’t go getting any ideas.” He moved silently to the door. “Just holler if you need anything.”

  Before she could reply, he was gone.

  She stared at the ceiling, blessed sleep or passing out not coming soon enough. Worry for Shawn swirled in her brain.

  Where was he?

  How was he?

  She pounded the mattress with impotent fists. She needed him now more than ever. To keep another thought at bay.

  The memory of Alec’s heated lips on hers.


  Rayna woke feeling better and more clear-headed than she’d expected.

  It helped that she’d slept for a good solid ten hours, but she made a mental note to thank Alec for making her drink water before falling asleep. Surely, that had helped too.

  Getting out of bed and tiptoeing to the living room, she found Alec asleep on the couch. He still wore his trousers, but he’d taken off his shirt. One arm was flung carelessly over his head, giving her an eyeful of his muscular chest and broad shoulders. Rayna found herself staring, but as soon as the memory of their kiss the night before hit her, she averted her eyes. With a sigh, she padded to the bathroom for a shower.

  She turned the hot water knob on all the way, letting the room fill with steam. Breathing in deeply as she stepped under the stream, she shut her eyes and let the hot water sluice away any lingering hints of a hangover.

  Feeling refreshed, she got out, wrapping herself in a big white towel, and returned to the bedroom to dress.

  A knock on the door made her yelp in surprise. “Yes?”

  “Are you okay in there?” Alec’s sleep-scratchy voice floated to her through the wood.

  “Oh, yes. I’m fine, thank you. Already had a shower and I’m dressing now.”

  “Good. Just wanted to be sure. Do you mind if I shower too?”

  “No, of course not. Be my guest. There are towels in the cupboard by the bathroom. I’ll get some coffee brewing in the meantime.”

  “Sounds great, thanks.” Alec’s footfalls receded as he moved away from her bedroom door.

  As she zipped up her jeans and ran a brush through her wet hair, she replayed the quick conversation in her head. Had there been any noticeable tension? Awkwardness or discomfort? Did the stupid kiss remain between them, even though they’d said they wouldn’t let it last night? Too many questions made a dull throbbing behind her eyes threaten to return. She hoped they could get back to the friendship they’d had.

  She headed barefoot down the hallway toward the kitchen, looking forward to a strong cup of coffee.

  Loud pounding on the apartment door caused her to jump. The water running in the bathroom told her it couldn’t be Alec having gotten locked out. And, of course, she didn’t expect any company.

  Detouring toward the door, she frowned, jumping again as the pounding continued.

  “Hey, Rayna. Let me in. C’mon!”

  She knew that voice.


  A grin broke out on her face, her heart beating like hummingbird wings against her ribcage. She raced to the door, threw it open, and leaped into the arms of the man standing on the other side. He took the onslaught without a backward step.

  “Whoa, now, darlin’. I’m afraid I’m not who you think I am.” Grabbing her forearms in his strong, callused hands, he pushed her gently back and stepped around her to enter the apartment.

  “What?” Dismay mixed with confusion strained her delicate hungover sensibilities. She peered at him.

  Shawn stood in front of her, an amused smile on his face. He lifted an arm and pointed to his hair—bright blond hair.

  Her mouth fell open. “Oh, you’re...Kyle.”

  He put on a wounded expression. “Well, damn, your disappointment hits me right here.”

  He pounded his chest with a flat palm. Before she could apologize, he winked.

  She closed the front door and locked it. She padded farther into the living room, her mind racing almost as fast as her heart, before turning back to face him. “I’m sorry. You’re the last person I expected.”

  He nodded, his eyes roaming her body from head to toe before returning to her face
. “So, this is the woman who grabbed my little brother’s heart. Got him to walk the straight and narrow.” He lifted his arms out to his sides and pretended to balance precariously on a tightrope as he took a few steps toward her. “I far.”

  “You’ve seen him? He’s alive?” She didn’t want to breathe for fear of missing the good news, even though she couldn’t help worrying.

  “Yeah, I saw him a couple of days ago. Would have been here sooner if I could have gotten a decent connecting flight. He sent me here to talk to you.” He turned his attention toward the bathroom, then shot her a suspicious look with narrowed eyes. “Who’s here?”

  So relieved about Shawn, she almost couldn’t gather her wits to answer. “Oh, that’s umm...Alec. Alec Conner. Did Shawn tell you about him?”

  “He’s taking a shower at your place?” His voice became a growl. “This is what you’re doing while my brother is risking his life for you!”

  Rayna flinched and took a step back. “No, no, it’s not like that at all. Please believe me.”

  The door to the bathroom creaked as Alec opened it. “Rayna, is everything okay out there?”

  Oh, thank goodness.

  She didn’t want to admit it, but Kyle frightened her. His demeanor had gone from lighthearted and happy-go-lucky to menacing in mere seconds. Anger radiated off him like foam from a mad dog.

  “Yes... Shawn’s brother is here. He has news about Shawn.”

  “Interesting. I’m looking forward to talking to him.” Alec’s voice grew louder as he made his way to the living room. He appeared fully dressed, the only indication that he’d showered his damp tousled hair.

  “I’m not finished with you,” Kyle said in a low menacing rumble to Rayna before turning his attention to Alec.

  Rayna winced, bringing her arms around her body in a hug, as if to protect herself.

  Alec walked up to him and extended his hand. “Kyle Paros, good to meet you. It’s remarkable how much you look like Shawn.” Kyle made no move to shake hands with Alec, and after a beat or two Alec lowered his arm. “Is there a problem here?”

  “If you’re screwing Shawn’s woman, there sure is.”

  Alec smiled good-naturedly. “Rest assured, nothing like that happened here.”

  Kyle remained on edge. He lifted onto the balls of his feet, rocking slightly, his arms loose at his sides, fingers flexing. He reminded her of a snake preparing to strike. “Really? Then explain why you’re showering here.”

  Alec raised his hands, palms facing Kyle in a peace-offering gesture. “Look, I don’t want any trouble with you, but you don’t have any right to demand anything of me.”

  “The hell I don’t. I’m Shawn’s brother. He’s not here to defend what’s his, so I’m doing it for him.”

  Rayna started to move between them, thought better of it, and spoke from the sidelines. “Now, just wait a minute. I’m nobody’s property.”

  Kyle raised a blond brow, keeping his gaze on Alec. “You saying you’re not his girlfriend? ’Cause he sure thinks you are.”

  “Well...yes, I am, but that doesn’t mean he owns me.”

  He cut his eyes to Rayna for a moment. “I’ll finish with you later.” To Alec he said, “Let’s go, Connor. I’m waiting.”

  Alec nodded, still placating Kyle with outstretched palms. “Okay, okay. Rayna has been worried sick about Shawn. To try and calm herself, she got a little too drunk last night. I stayed here to make sure she was alright. I slept on the couch. I have no intention of interfering with Shawn and Rayna’s relationship.” He motioned to the living room. “Now, if you have news about Shawn, I’d love to hear it.”

  Rayna bit her lip, hoping Kyle would accept Alec’s explanation. He hadn’t lied, just left out a couple of details. Like a heated kiss. Which she didn’t want Shawn or his brother to find out about. Alone, Shawn was a dangerous man, but he and Kyle together represented a formidable threat. More than that, they were aliens, and she didn’t know how they’d react to foolish human foibles.

  Kyle offered a curt nod and turned his hardened gaze to Rayna. “Got anything to add?”

  “No. He’s telling the truth. Please, tell me about Shawn?” She begged with her eyes, desperate to know what was going on with him.

  “Alright, then.” Kyle let out a breath, bounced on his toes a couple of times, and strode to the couch. He perched on the arm and crossed a leg over his knee, motioning for them to join him.

  Rayna gaped at the transformation. He’d become the carefree man who’d entered the apartment a little while ago.

  Still wary, she joined Kyle on the couch, sitting on the cushion farthest from him.

  Alec surveyed the scene before taking a seat on the recliner facing the couch. He adopted a relaxed pose, but a pulse beating at his temple betrayed him.

  Kyle’s gaze moved from Rayna to Alec, and back to Rayna. His smile had disappeared, but his anger hadn’t returned.

  “Well, class, ready for today’s lesson?” He didn’t wait for a reply. “Shawn is alive and well, but that doesn’t mean he’s not in danger. He is. In all this time, he hasn’t been able to get his target alone, otherwise, he would have already completed his mission and gotten the hell out of there.”

  Rayna sat forward, hanging on every word. She had many questions but feared interrupting.

  Kyle pierced Alec with a cutting look. “He doesn’t think you have a single clue what’s actually going on.”

  Alec opened his mouth to reply but Kyle waved him off with a hand. “Shawn and Ramón are in the Yukon Territory, not Quebec like you thought. Quebec is only a front, a place for Ramón to pick up jobs. The bigger part that the CIA has no idea about is that Ramón Soriano has amassed an army of assassins with killer instincts.”

  “Oh, my god.” Rayna’s hand went to her mouth.

  Kyle flicked his gaze to Rayna, but quickly returned his attention to Alec and kept it there. “That’s why Shawn hasn’t been able to do the deed. Ramón is always surrounded by this army, and there’s no way for Shawn to get him while this is the case. He’s also hindered by the fact that Ramón doesn’t trust him yet. Shawn is waiting for his target to give him some sort of test to prove his faithfulness.”

  “I see.” Alec nodded thoughtfully. “We’d heard rumors to this effect.”

  Kyle laughed, slapping his thigh in mock amusement. “You’re full of shit. You haven’t heard a damned thing.”

  Alec narrowed his eyes, but didn’t refute Kyle’s accusation.

  “Anyway, the message is, don’t give up on Shawn just yet. He’s working every angle he can to finish this up and get back home. It’s just taking a hell of a lot longer than anticipated.”

  “This test. My best guess is it’ll be to kill someone for Ramón,” Alec said.

  Rayna barely held in a gasp.

  “Yeah, probably.” Kyle nodded. “But until Ramón gives him the test, we’re all in the dark.”

  “Where in the Yukon are they?”

  Kyle leaned toward Alec, a tight smile on his lips, and shook his head. “I’m not going to tell you that.”

  Rayna had kept quiet during this exchange, but she needed things to keep moving forward. “Kyle, please, cooperate. For Shawn’s sake.”

  “Darlin’, Shawn is my only concern in all of this.” Kyle settled back and threw an arm over the back of the couch. “You see, if I tell Connor here where Shawn is, he’s likely to set his own army up against Ramón’s, and Shawn wouldn’t care for that one bit. Too many innocents would die in the crossfire. Shawn wouldn’t have that. When Shawn or I can tell you more, you’ll understand.”

  Rayna sighed, tears springing to her eyes. “I just…”

  “He misses you too,” Kyle said in a quiet, sympathetic tone before turning back to Alec. “So, that’s that. You don’t have much choice but to give Shawn more time. Now, if you’ll scram, I’m taking Rayna out to dinner.”

  Alec’s eyes flashed in anger, but he kept his tone level. “Can we get a message t
o Shawn? Communicate with him?”

  “No, and I’m not going back there either. It’d blow his cover.” He hopped up from the arm of the couch and made exaggerated shooing motions with his arms. “Scram now, like a good little agent man. Go on, git.”

  Rayna tried to stifle a laugh, clamping a hand over her mouth, but some noise escaped anyway. Kyle glanced at her and winked.

  “Alec, please?” she said, begging with her eyes not to take insult.

  Shaking his head, Alec stood and walked to the door, Kyle following on his heels. Springing forward, Kyle opened the door and waited with a taunting smile for Alec to depart.

  “Don’t hesitate to let me know if you need anything,” Alec said to Rayna, ignoring Kyle’s attempts to get a rise out of him.

  “I will.”

  Alec gave a curt nod and left the apartment, Kyle shutting the door almost before he was across the threshold.

  Kyle came back into the living room, a broad smile on his face. “Dinner time!”

  “Wait, now will you tell me everything?” She didn’t want to go anywhere with him. Not with how unpredictable he had been. All she wanted was the additional information about Shawn that he had.

  “Not here. I don’t trust agent man to not have this place wired for sound.”

  “Oh, no, he wouldn’t…” she started to say, but then stopped. He had done it before. She sighed, the decision about whether to stay or go taken out of her hands. “Alright, out to dinner it is.”

  She didn’t think she could eat a bite, but she needed to find out more about Shawn.


  At the South Street Seaport, Rayna and Kyle sat with their legs dangling off the edge of the dock, a pizza box between them. She and Kyle had taken the subway downtown to Lower Manhattan soon after Alec left her apartment. After stopping at a pizza place, Kyle had led her to this scenic out-of-the-way spot where they could talk and eat.

  It had turned out to be a lovely evening. The November night was so warm, the jacket she’d brought with her now served as a seat cushion. The sky had already darkened but there were enough lights in the area to see by. The view of the Brooklyn Bridge was especially stunning, all lit up to assist with the typically abundant nighttime traffic.


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