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Monsters' Gift (Crude Hill High Book 2)

Page 14

by Sam Crescent

  “Not going to happen, Em,” I said. My friends agreed.

  “You say that now, but people change.”

  “You’re right, people do change,” Caleb said. “But we’re not like other people. Sharing you is all we want to do. I’m not interested in any other woman.”

  “Anyone else could have saved Gael,” she said.

  I chuckled. “It’s not just about Gael.” I touched her ankle. “You feel that. The rush? We all get that by being near you. Seven years and I’m not going to lie to you, Em, we did shit that embarrasses us. Some of us did try to use other women in a way to forget you, but I speak for all of us when I say we weren’t able to go all the way. Kissing them, holding them, even thinking about fucking them, was a betrayal to you. All we want is you, and we’re willing to make this work. You as our woman. We don’t want lists, or charts, or schedules. We only want what is natural, which is you with us.”

  “No jealousy?”

  “None,” I said.

  “We’re very good at sharing,” Gael said.

  “However,” Caleb said.

  I turned toward him, wondering what the fuck he was doing throwing a wrench in the works. We didn’t need a however, or any fucking but coming along.

  “We all know you’ve experienced a life without us. Without being hit or scared for your life. We all get it and we know it’s a lot to ask for you to stay with us. To take a chance on us.” He sighed. “If you don’t want to live this life, be our queen, then you’ve got this one chance to tell us. When the danger is over, we’ll take you back to your life, far away from us, where you don’t even have to think about us. We’d make sure you want for nothing and live in peace and happiness.”

  Okay, what the fuck? It was all right for Caleb to offer this, but I didn’t want that. I sure as fuck didn’t want to lose her.

  We’d only just gotten her and now he was talking about letting her go. I didn’t see a future without her in it. I refused to see any kind of life without her in it.

  “You’d let me go?”


  “But, doesn’t that go against your feelings?”

  Hell, yeah! I kept it to myself. Caleb was clearly working on an idea, even if I did think it was completely stupid. Asshole.

  “It does. I didn’t say it would be easy to let you go, Emily. I’m offering you a chance because the moment you agree to stay with us and make a life here with us, none of us are ever letting you go. I can’t let you go. I don’t want to.”

  She licked her lips and I saw tears in her eyes once again. I was getting tired of us hurting her like this. It wasn’t exactly fair of us.

  “So, er, what you’re saying is, if I stay, I’ll be by your side for the rest of my life?”

  “Yes. You’ll marry one of us,” Caleb said. “Probably me, but you’d be married to all of us, Em.”

  She smiled. “You know, I wondered about this. I thought I wanted my old life back in England. The peace and quiet, but while I was there, all I wanted was to be here.” She sank her teeth into her lip. “I could have died tonight and when he had his fingers wrapped around my neck, all I wanted to do was live.” She looked up. “All I want in my life is to be with you guys. I don’t know what it is you do to me, but I don’t want to be anywhere else. This is home. With you guys. I still don’t think it’s the perfect setup, but if you want me, then I want you all so much.”

  “Then we’re going to make it work,” I said.

  “Fuck, yeah,” Gael said.

  “I like that Caleb gave you the illusion of having a choice,” Vadik said.

  Emily laughed, resting her head on his shoulder. “I love you all. All of you crazy, stupid men.”

  “We’re stupid, crazy in love with you,” Gael said.

  She shook her head. “That’s not good. What do you guys think about kids?”

  “Love them,” I said, and I did. I wanted a whole load of kids, but I had a feeling Caleb wasn’t so fond of the idea, especially after what happened to his mom.

  “I want them,” Gael said.

  “Me too,” Vadik said.

  Caleb was silent.

  “It’s a lot to take in,” she said.

  “We’ll make it work,” Caleb said. “We all will make this work.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Ashley and Earl were due to arrive any time now. They didn’t exactly give us a time for when they would be here, just a day. Emily stood in the closet, a towel wrapped around her body as she fingered her way through the endless supply of dresses, skirts, pants, and shirts. We’d fully stocked her closet.

  I was distracted by the small gap in the towel that kept showing off an impressive, juicy thigh. Emily had lost weight during her time away from us, and I hated it because I knew it was down to sadness. When Emily finally fell asleep last night, we all agreed to do our part in taking care of her. We weren’t going to fail her again.

  She was the love of our life in every single way that counted. We were going to make this work, and part of that was taking out our family once and for all.

  I never wanted Emily to know the truth of the extent of torture I put my father through, just for the pleasure of it. He’d hurt me and I had gone out of my way to hurt him. If I didn’t find him first, I knew it was going to cost me in a big way. He’d hurt Emily and I couldn’t allow that to happen.

  “I have no idea what to wear,” she said, taking out a black dress, which looked a little too formal to me.

  “She’s your best friend, right?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Then why not just go with the whole casual look?”

  She groaned. “We haven’t seen each other in so long.”

  “Emily, babe, it has been about a week.”

  This made her stop and turn toward me. “Are you kidding me?”

  I laughed and stepped into the closet. “I’m not kidding you at all.”

  “Wow,” she said. “Really, a week?”

  I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close and breathing her in. “I’m not joking. It’s been a week.”

  “It feels like I’ve never left.”

  “You haven’t left this house in nearly a week, Em.” It was clearly messing with her mind and I didn’t like that. Pressing a kiss to her neck, I held her tightly, never wanting to let her go. She meant everything to me. I couldn’t get enough of her. I knew my friends felt this way, too.

  “I’m so stressed.” She rested her head back onto my shoulder. “Why do I feel this way?”

  “It’s your best friend and you know what is going to happen today. You’re nervous. If Earl has agreed to bring Emily, then you need to know he’s not hurt her in any way.”

  “Do we really need him on our side?” Emily asked.

  “Why don’t you wait to see Ashley to see what she thinks of everything happening? What if she likes belonging to Earl? You enjoy being ours.”

  “But that’s different. I’m in love with you. Earl only wants her for what he can get and that’s not good. Ashley deserves better. She wants to be a cook and write cookbooks, and make cooking shows, and do all that stuff. She’s normal.”

  I slid my hand between the slit of her towel and cupped her pussy.

  She gasped. “Vadik?”

  “You need to relax. You’re way too stressed, and panicking like this, it’s not good for the soul.”

  She was wet for me. I slid my fingers across her clit before moving down to plunge inside her.

  In and out, I fucked her with my fingers, making her take me. With my other hand, I pulled on the towel and relished the sight of her naked body as it fell to the floor. Bruises covered her body and a fresh wave of anger erupted within me, but I didn’t stop. Kissing her neck, I slid my tongue across her pulse as I began to fuck her cunt, getting her wetter for me.

  She reached behind her, stroking my cock and I gritted my teeth, trying to gain control. I was so fucking hard.

  Emily surprised me as
she tore out of my hands, and then sank to her knees before me.

  “You want to distract me, but I think it’s exactly what I want to do with you.”

  I didn’t fight her as she eased the top button of my pants open. She wanted to play and suck my dick, and I wasn’t going to fight her. Reaching out, I stroked her face as she took my long length into her hand.

  I grew harder with every passing second, and when her lips surrounded the tip of my cock, I was in heaven. I closed my eyes for a few seconds, counted to ten, and opened them. Control was what I needed. Her mouth was so perfect.

  If she kept on teasing me, I wasn’t going to last long.

  Emily tongued the tip, sliding across the tiny hole before sucking me into her mouth. She took more of me this time until I hit the back of her throat. She gagged but it didn’t last long as she pulled up. Then she released me to glide her tongue down the vein and all over my cock. I watched her, enjoying the way she loved my cock. With her tits out and her body on display. All I needed was a mirror and for her to spread those ass cheeks wide so I could watch.

  Pulling away from her, I stepped out into her bedroom, and Emily crawled toward me. Her room had a full-length mirror and as I stood in front of it, she settled in front of me.

  “Grab your ass and spread your cheeks wide,” I said.

  Her cheeks went a beautiful shade of red, but she did as I asked without a second’s hesitation. I watched her do it and stared into the mirror. It wasn’t perfect, but I saw her tight little asshole. Emily took me into her mouth and began to bob her head, sucking me hard and deep, but I couldn’t tear my gaze away from her asshole. I wanted inside her, to claim her.

  I once again pulled out of her mouth and this time, I reached for her, getting her to her feet and pushing her over the bed. Holding on to her hips, I was careful of all the bruises. I don’t want to mark her perfect body. Finding her entrance, I slammed inside her pussy, hearing her cry out, the pleasure echoing around the room. I pounded inside her cunt, getting her nice and wet.

  “Hold your ass open for me, princess,” I said.

  She hesitated for a few seconds, but I waited. I was a patient guy, and Emily needed this time to be distracted. I didn’t care if Earl had arrived or not.

  With her holding her ass open, I slicked up my fingers with my spit and applied it to her tight, puckered hole. She tensed up but didn’t let go of her cheeks. I smiled as I worked a single finger inside her. She didn’t stop me as I continued to fuck her pussy and spread her ass as I pushed another finger within her, using the two to begin stretching her ass. A gentleman may have given her time and a little more practice, but I’d never claimed to be a gentleman, and well, I wanted to take her asshole. I wanted to take all of her.

  I eased out of her cunt and my length was covered with her arousal. I pushed the hard tip to her anus and her tension mounted. After I put a hand at the base of her back, I slowly worked past the tight ring of muscles and fed her asshole my dick. I watched her spread as I did. I was one of her masters, and her body was made to be fucked, to be pleasured.

  Her anus was a lot tighter than her pussy, but I didn’t care as I put my hands on her hips once again and held myself balls deep within her. She was still holding on to her cheeks and with my other hand, the one that hadn’t played with her ass, I reached between her thighs and stroked her clit. I didn’t intend to get her off, at least not yet, but to get her to a point where she started to fuck back against me. She’d be so perfect.

  Teasing her clit, I felt the answering ripple as she squeezed me. The moment I suspected she was close to orgasm, I stopped touching her pussy and began to fuck her asshole. In and out, I was slow at first, allowing her to become accustomed to the feel of my large cock inside her.

  “How does it feel?” I asked.

  “Er, big … tight. A little too big.”

  “Do you want me to stop?” I didn’t want to, but if she couldn’t handle me or this, I’d wait patiently for her to be ready. There was a lot of fun to be had in waiting, in preparing as well.

  “No. It feels good. I don’t want you to stop.”

  I smiled. Our woman had a wicked side to her, and I wanted to explore that. I watched her, enraptured with how fucking sexy she was, taking all of my dick and moaning as she did. I stopped again to work her clit, drawing her closer to her orgasm, only to stop. She cursed me, telling me she hated me and to just let her come, but that would be giving in way too easily, and I wanted to make her wait for me, for this.

  My orgasm was close but I wasn’t going to come before her. Emily would be rewarded, and as I took her pussy and worked her harder than ever before, I immediately stroked her clit, bringing her to orgasm. Her pleasured cries filled the room as I stroked her. I didn’t stop as she came, allowing her a few seconds to bask in her release, but when I couldn’t take the tightness of her ass anymore, I started to fuck her, finding my release. I held myself deep within her and flooded her with my cum, closing my eyes.

  Taking her asshole meant I hadn’t helped my friends with getting her pregnant, but they’d understand. We all wanted to bind her to us. We hadn’t come to the decision lightly, but we all knew what we wanted. I knew Caleb was scared of wanting her to be pregnant, but I knew Emily was a fighter. Not all babies were the same and what killed his mom wouldn’t kill Emily. Even as I took her asshole now, I would help to knock her up. She was too tempting to deny.

  “Wow,” Emily said.

  I leaned over her, kissing her neck and running my hands over her back. “I need to take you for a shower.”

  “A shower sounds good. I had no idea it could feel like that.”

  “It gets better. Wait until you’re used to taking cock, you’re going to crave it.”

  I kissed her, pulled out of her ass, and I had time to see some of my cum spilling from her cheeks before I picked her up in my arms and carried her through to the bathroom.

  “Thank you for the distraction, Vadik, but I still don’t have a clue what to wear.”



  The moment Earl Valentine walked into our home, I wanted to kill him. The only thing holding me back was seeing Emily and Ashley rush at each other and hug. I got that level of friendship, I did.

  Caleb, River, Vadik, and I, we weren’t huggers, but we were closer, always had been and always would be. I loved my brothers and I’d do anything for them. Earl had his own men at his back. He was a tall and well-built fucker. When I first heard about this bastard all those years ago, I’d expected some old dude with bald hair and a large beer gut. Not a clue why, but Earl, if we’d given him a chance, could have well and truly won our girl over, no doubt about it. As it was, he wasn’t going to win anything, not from us, and certainly not our woman.

  “I’ve missed you so much,” Emily said, drawing my gaze.

  “Missed you too.” Ashley cupped her cheeks. “It doesn’t look like you’re happy.” She shot a glare at us. “What did you do to her?”

  “None of your business,” Caleb said.

  Emily waved her hand at us. “Don’t mind them. I’ll tell you all about it. Come on.”

  “What about dinner?” Earl asked.

  I noticed Ashley tense up the instant asshole spoke. I couldn’t see any visible bruises, and as Ashley glanced behind her, Earl was only interested in her.

  “We’ve got business to attend to. If it would make you feel better, I’ll have one of your men, as well as one of mine, escort them to a safe place where they can’t run away together,” Caleb said.

  “I don’t find this amusing.”

  “Well, seeing as we played our part in the deal and you didn’t, I’d say you’ve got a lot to be worried about. As it is, so long as our women wish us to play nice, nothing bad is going to happen. Ashley, do you want me to end this fucker now?”

  In answer, Ashley looked behind her at him. She nibbled on her lip and finally, after a few minutes, she shook her head. “No, it’s fine.”

�ll call our man,” Caleb said, pulling his cell phone out.

  “I’m already here,” Drake said.

  “Holy crap, Drake! As in crazy Drake?” Ashley asked.

  Drake whistled and winked at her. “You sure look fine, sweetheart.”

  Emily rolled her eyes. “He doesn’t even remember you.”

  “Sure do. New girl. You actually got this chick here all fired up in protecting you. I thought that was damn fine!” Drake whistled. “Where do you want them to catch up?”

  “The library,” Caleb said.

  “Not a chance.” This came from Earl.

  We all turned toward him. I hadn’t taken my attention from him, but now I looked at him.

  “You think I don’t know there’s an exit in the library? Not happening. You’re not stealing her away.” Earl tensed up and I put my hand to my gun hidden beneath my jacket. I wanted any excuse for us to make this right with our woman, and if that meant popping him, then I was in a good enough mood to do it.

  I watched him in case he decided to make any sudden moves.

  “Our intention is not to steal her away.”

  “Good. She can go to your office then, Caleb. You’re the one in control. We’ll be the ones to go to the library.” He moved toward Ashley, leaned down, and whispered something to her ear.

  She pressed her lips into a firm line but stepped away from him.

  That clearly displeased Earl.

  It would all be easier if I just took him out. One glance at Caleb and he shook his head at me.

  Fucker. It would do the entire world good to end this asshole.

  But then, it would probably do more people good to end us. I kept my hand on my gun, but I didn’t kill him. I considered this all progress.

  Drake led the two women toward the office, while Caleb took the lead in walking us all the way to the library. I couldn’t believe Ace was dead. Out of all the men, he’d caused us the least trouble during our takeover plan. He’d wanted death, and we’d kept him alive.

  “You betrayed us and now you think you can come into our domain and bark orders?” Caleb asked.


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