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Monsters' Gift (Crude Hill High Book 2)

Page 16

by Sam Crescent

  “You’ve been reading one too many books.”

  “And I also know that before you approach a possible target, you do your research. You’re not a fool, Earl. You’ve been watching me and Ashley. Gaining as much knowledge as possible before even approaching us. I know Ashley. She’s a different kind of woman than you’re used to in these circles. She’s strong, sweet, kind, loving. She has an innocent look on the world that you and I do not. It makes her alluring to us. Are you in love with her?”

  Earl stared at me.

  Time passed.

  I waited.

  I rarely had much patience, but it would seem when it came to my friend, I somehow found a great deal of it.

  He opened his mouth, closed it, and walked to the door.

  “If you hurt her, I’ll kill you,” I said.

  Earl looked at me. “First, you’d have to catch me.”

  He exited the room and I was okay with that. I had a feeling I knew his answer, even if he didn’t yet. Ashley, for now, was in good hands. He wouldn’t hurt her. If he intended to, she’d have already lost her virginity.



  Dinner had been a tense affair.

  Ashley and Emily had kept the conversation while me, my boys, and Earl had glared at one another.

  Drake had also helped to carry the conversation along. They made no show of recognizing the tension. They were more than happy to talk. Now as I stood in my office, Earl and Ashley gone to a safe location of his own choice, I wasn’t happy.

  I threw the contents of my desk to the floor.

  “Do you think that is going to help?” Emily asked.

  I turned to see her already taking a seat on the sofa. She’d changed from the black cocktail dress into a rather revealing negligee. The curves of her breasts on full display and distracting me from my dark thoughts.

  “You shouldn’t come in here.”

  “Why? Because you’re pissed?”

  “You’re not to be alone with that asshole.”

  “I agree,” Gael said, entering my office.

  River and Vadik were not too far behind him. Drake was nowhere to be seen. He did these little vanishing acts from time to time, and he always came back with information. There were moments I didn’t think I could trust him. He’d been volatile during school and now he always seemed to be the perfect specimen of calm and control. I didn’t buy it, but he had yet to give me any doubt as to his intentions.

  “I didn’t call for a family meeting,” I said.

  “No, you want to sulk all on your own. Not going to happen,” Gael said.

  Emily chuckled. “I don’t see why you’re sulking at all. This is a good thing.”

  I looked toward her with a question. “Vadik gave me the heads up,” she said. “I know what you all talked about.”

  I glared at Vadik.

  “Don’t get angry at me. We promised we wouldn’t keep her in the dark. Besides, she’s part of this.”

  “Yes, I am,” Emily said, sitting back.

  “And how do you get that this is all a good thing?” I asked, pointing around the room.

  She sighed. “You’re in a mood because you have no reason to kill Earl. I’d say while he’s helping us, he gets a free pass.”

  “Even though he’s fucking your friend.”

  She shot me a scowl. “Anyway, the moment he does hurt my friend and all this crap is over, we can take him out. Not before then. We don’t know what he’s capable of.”

  “Emily, he’s the one who made the deal to have you killed if we approached.”

  “And he’s also the one who has made sure that didn’t happen. Any attacks now come straight from your parents and you’ve also discovered there are men who want you all dead. I’d say that is a lot more important right now.” Emily ran her fingers through her hair.

  “You’re being awfully reasonable about all of this,” Gael said. “I thought the moment you saw Ashley, you’d want to cut his dick off.”

  “I do. I really do, but Ashley, she has always had a way that makes me calm and if she has the same impact on Earl, then I think we’re all safe. I need you all to promise me you won’t kill him. At least not yet.”

  “I’m getting whiplash,” I said.

  Emily rushed toward me. “I get that you’re angry and you’re stressed.”

  “Three fathers with a serious case of revenge are right now out there plotting our deaths. Not to mention they know how we all feel about you. I … I can’t let anything happen to you.”

  She grabbed the back of my neck, pulled me down, and kissed me.

  I couldn’t resist grabbing her ass and holding her close. Letting her feel just how much I wanted her to be there.

  Breaking from her lips, I trailed mine down to her neck, flicking across her pulse. Her moan filled the air and I groaned. In that instant, all I wanted was for her tight cunt to be on my dick, taking all of me. The desk was already clear and I spun her around, lifting her onto the desk and stepping between her spread legs.

  She stared at me, and her hands moved across my chest, grabbing my shirt, and pulling it apart.

  Buttons sprayed in all directions, and I didn’t care. Sinking my fingers into her hair, I tugged her close and took her lips.

  I sank my teeth into her lip as she rubbed my cock. Damn, I wanted her. I really did. Her negligee was flimsy against my strength and I had it torn from her body within a matter of seconds.

  Her large tits ready for my mouth.

  I loved the sight of her nipples, tightly puckered.

  I didn’t care that my friends were here. They knew how I felt. We all knew what each of us felt about this woman. At this moment, though, I didn’t care what they saw or if they wanted to be in my place. All I cared about was getting my dick wet.

  She pushed her hand inside my pants and grabbed my dick. I was already way ahead of her, unbuckling my belt, releasing my fly, and she pulled my cock free. I grunted as she ran her hand up and down the length, her thumb sliding across the peak. Pre-cum leaked from the tip and I gripped her neck, drawing her in, kissing her. With my other hand, I discovered she hadn’t even bothered to wear any panties.

  Feeling her slick heat, I fingered her pussy, running my fingers up and down her slit. Her clit was lovely and swollen. My need knew no bounds. Pushing her hands away from me, I bent down and took her cunt into my mouth. I slid my tongue inside her, feeling her begin to erupt against my tongue. I closed my eyes, enjoying her rocking against my tongue. I wanted her to take her pleasure, for her to be completely consumed by me.

  Behind me, I heard my friends, and I had no doubt they all had their cocks in their hands, enjoying the show.

  I ran my hands up her body, touching her tits. I gave them a squeeze, pressing them together. They looked so perfect. One day, I intended to slide my cock between those mounds and to use them until I came all over her chest with her mouth open to receive my cum.

  There would be time for that because with Earl’s help, I’d make sure she lived long enough for us all to enjoy the experience. All in good time. I came back to the present and all I was focused on right now was getting her off with my mouth. Staring up the length of her body, I watched as she closed her eyes, licked her lips, and then opened her eyes to watch me. Her gaze didn’t just stay on me, though, it went behind me to my friends, and the look that crossed her eyes turned me on.

  Her pussy was so freaking wet. She was aroused from seeing them, I just knew it.

  Drawing my tongue up across her clit, I sucked her into my mouth, using my teeth to create just the right amount of pain that had her arching up. It was at the point where it was either too much or not enough, but I didn’t care. All I wanted to do was make her come, and when she did, it was such a beautiful sight. She didn’t hold back and I needed that. I craved every single part of her and all of her reactions. They were all mine to enjoy.

  I wasn’t done with her yet.

  We hadn’t worn condoms since she’d
come back into our life, and I wasn’t about to start now.

  With my cock at her slit, I slowly began to fuck her wet lips. The tip brushing across her clit. It made her quiver with each touch. When I couldn’t take another moment, I went to her entrance and began to fuck inside her. Going deeper than ever before. In and out, I took my time, building up the pace until I grabbed her hips, held on tight, and fucked her harder and faster than ever before, making her take all of me. Every single inch.

  The desk didn’t give way and I was so thankful for whoever’s bright idea it was to have it nailed to the floor.

  She took all that I gave her, wrapping her legs around me, and I felt the first stirrings of my orgasm.

  I didn’t hold back, though.

  I gave it all to her, and as I came, her name spilled from my lips. She was everything I wanted and so much more. I could never be without her. Didn’t want to and I knew as soon as our fathers were gone, we’d all finally be free.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Another new day.

  Still stuck inside their home.

  Well, I guessed it was my home now as well. It still seemed surreal to me to think of this place as my home, but this was how I was supposed to view it.

  “Could you pass me the cumin?” Ashley asked.

  I ran my gaze across the jars of spices.

  After last night in the office, we’d all slept in the same bedroom, but when I woke, none of my men were to be seen, and I had Ashley’s pretty face smiling at me. I loved her, but not enough for her to be that close, or to see me naked.

  Back in London, I’d rarely slept naked because of Ashley bombarding into my room at any point, offering me up spoonfuls of food.

  “I don’t think we have cumin,” I said, noting coriander, cardamon, cinnamon, and a few I couldn’t even pronounce.

  “Nope, it’s here. I asked Earl to get it.”

  “And you don’t think he screws up?”

  “I know he doesn’t screw up.”

  “He’s a lot older than you.”

  Ashley laughed. “Is that what bothers you? The fact I don’t want to run off and he’s a much older guy?”

  Before Ashley had taken over the kitchen, I’d given her the chance to run away. Drake would have helped, at least I think he would have. I wasn’t sure. I still wasn’t entirely sure if he was as loyal as he claimed. I just wasn’t very good at believing people, and well, I guessed I needed to learn to have a little faith.

  Ashley came over and instantly picked out a jar, holding it up for me to see. “Cumin.”

  “Wow, you’re like a kitchen warrior or something.”

  “I like to think of myself as more of a goddess.” She offered me a smile, taking her teaspoon to measure out.

  “What are you cooking, anyway?”

  “Not a clue. Earl offered to buy me whatever I wanted and seeing as money isn’t a question right now, I figure to have some fun and to just cook.”

  “It looks like a curry.”

  “It may be one.”

  I loved Ashley’s curries, especially the coconut ones she did. Not too hot, but so much flavor. Just thinking about them back at her apartment made my mouth salivate.

  “So, are you going to tell me all about Earl and your time with him?”

  Ashley sighed. “So long as you tell me about you and your boys.”

  This made me pause. “What exactly would you like to know?”

  She winked at me. “How about this, you ask a question, I ask a question. Deal? We’ve got to be open and honest with each other.”

  I wasn’t so sure about this, but I agreed.

  “You can go first,” she said.

  “What’s Earl like?” I asked.

  “He’s … I don’t know. There’s nothing I can’t have. Even when I suggest it, or make you know, wishes, he always finds a way of making it happen.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “Nope. You don’t get to ask that. One question at a time.”

  I groaned to which she giggled. “Are you sleeping with all four men?”

  I stared at her. “That makes me sound like a slut.”

  “Is that a yes or no?”

  “Does that class as two questions?”

  “You didn’t answer the first one. Come on, no avoiding. That’s cheating.”

  Running fingers through my hair, I nodded. “Yes, I’m sleeping with four men.”


  “Yeah, tell me about it.” I honestly couldn’t believe I was either. It sounded exhausting and yet here I was, more than capable of keeping up. “My turn.”

  “You already asked your next question.”

  “Right, but you didn’t answer.”

  “Easy, I told Earl that I wanted to eat dinner while the sun set. To be out on the main boat thing. What’s that called?” she asked. “You know where you can sit on the dock? Is it a dock?”

  I shrugged. I didn’t have any idea.

  “Well, one night after I suggested that, I hadn’t been allowed outside, but as the sun was setting, he brought me out, and as you can imagine, it was beautiful. We had some of the nicest food, and it felt like a real date.”

  “It sounds wonderful,” I said, meaning every single word.

  “It was. I think it may have been the first time I didn’t see him as a monster.” She shrugged. “My turn to question you.”

  “Go on. I’m all ears.”

  “Who is better in bed?”

  “I cannot compare.”

  Ashley gave me a look.

  “Is that sending me a question with those eyes?”

  “No, and I’ll give you that one for free. So, they’re all good in bed?”

  “I’ve got no complaints. What is the sudden interest in my sex life?” I asked.

  “Is that another question?”

  Seeing as it was my turn, I nodded.

  She stopped stirring, her teeth sinking into her lip. “It’s nothing.”

  “Don’t lie. Something is going on. I can smell it.”

  “That’s the food.”

  “You’re avoiding the question, Ash. Don’t make me get that rule book you like to keep on you.”

  “It’s not that bad.”

  “Come on, talk to me.” I wanted to know. We’d gone seven years with the sex talk kept to a minimum. She’d gone on some dates, but not enough to make her want to have sex.

  “I guess I know Earl wants to have sex with me. He’s made it quite clear.”

  “And you want to?”

  “I’ve always wanted to have sex, Emily. I’m not some paragon of virtue. I do want to know what it’s like to be with a man. To see him completely drawn to me. No, not drawn, I want obsessed. You know, like they talk about in the books. The kind of men who only want one woman, and are desperate to be with her and would do anything to be with her.”

  “Wow,” I said. “You’ve thought about it a lot.”

  She nodded. “There are times I catch him looking at me. I wonder if he sees me, or if he just sees the trophy he’s got. I don’t know.” She rubbed at her temple. “My turn. Are you in love with them?”

  “That is an easy one and the answer is yes. I love them. I love all four of them. Even when they drive me crazy, but I do.”

  Ashley laughed. “You know, I haven’t seen you this happy. The danger aside, your men are so good for you.”

  “It was never you, you know that, right?”

  “Of course. You were heartbroken. Here try this.” She held the spoon out toward me and I took a sip.

  I winced at the sudden hit of heat and spice that burned the back of my throat. She saw my reaction, took a quick taste, and had one of her own.

  “Easily fixed. Way too much heat, I need to balance that out. Some lime, methinks.”

  I drank some water in an attempt to rid my mouth of the taste. It wasn’t her best. I knew Ashley, she’d get it just right.

  Watching her work had always been fun. Her hands c
utting, squeezing, sprinkling, stirring, tasting. She always looked off to the right when she assessed the flavor. Her lips pouting as she thought about it.

  “It needs a touch more sweetness, and let’s not forget the lime. Yum.” She did that, another stir, and a taste. “Yep, I got it.”

  She offered me some and I hesitated. “Come on, Em, you know me.”

  “Yeah, and you could be punishing me.”

  “I’ve got nothing to punish you for. I’m happy. You’re happy. As far as I can tell, we’re all happy, and don’t have a single reason to hate each other.”

  I took a sip and she was right, of course, she was.

  “Are you cooking tonight?”

  “Is that a question?” she asked, winking at me.

  “I don’t know, but who is next?”

  She shrugged. “Ask away.”

  “Do you want Earl Valentine to be your first?”

  She stopped and looked at me.

  I didn’t know what it was about my question that had her in such deep thought.

  “Yes, Em. I do. I probably should hate him. He kidnapped me. Wasn’t even polite about it. He’s always blunt and to the point. He doesn’t leave anything to chance and he’s been honest with me from the start. Not a lot of guys are like that.”

  “True, but you can do better than him.”

  “Better than who?” Drake asked, coming into the kitchen. He wore some gym gear, and he’d been working out, even though he should have been on guard duty. He’d left us alone with one of Earl’s men. I wasn’t a big fan of being left alone with an asshole’s minion, but at least I got to spend as much time with Ashley as I could.

  “We’re just talking about Earl.”

  “I can see that. It smells so damn good in here.” He nudged Ashley out of the way and took the spoon from her, helping himself. He groaned. “How about you marry me?”

  “No can do,” she said. “I’m already taken.”

  “I think we should steal her,” Drake said, looking toward me.

  “I’m with you on that one.”

  “What are you two ladies doing for the rest of the day?” Drake asked, already ladling some of the curry sauce into a bowl. I watched as he grabbed some bread and began to dip it into the sauce and eat.


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