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Somebody’s Perfect

Page 5

by Kallypso Masters

  Savannah, Marisol, and the baby were his whole life. He’d protect them no matter what so that nothing bad happened to them ever again.

  A half-hour stretched to an hour, and still Savannah was lost in her space. Chances of them having sex before heading to Dad’s were nil, but they had tonight. And a lifetime more of days and nights to enjoy each other’s bodies.

  After an hour, though, he decided he ought to bring her back out of it so she would be able to function tonight. She often described the state she was in as being drunk without any alcohol. And she sometimes acted a little drunk, too. He’d stay closer to her the next few days to watch for subdrop, but the slower she came down from the high, the less likely she’d have trouble. And if she did, they both knew what needed to be done—lots of cuddles, a little chocolate, and a few mind-blowing orgasms.

  All doable.


  “Yeah, bebé. I’m here.”

  “That was incredible. I can’t believe how fast I got there. I didn’t think we’d make it with only fifteen.”

  “That’s because you trusted me enough to let go, knowing you were safe. I’ll always protect you, querida.”

  “I know you will.” Her long pause made him wonder if she believed him. Then she glanced over at the window where this bedroom fantasy had taken shape. Her eyes opened wider when she saw that the curtains had never been opened. “Why, you—and here I thought I was displaying my naked body for all the neighborhood to see.”

  He chuckled. “I don’t share what’s mine. Oh, I might put you on display on occasion before my friends at the club, but they know you’re off limits and wouldn’t overstep. I have no clue about those horny teenage boys next door.”

  She smiled up at him. “Why don’t we go to bed for the rest of the afternoon? I want you to feel as amazing as I do.” She started to lift herself off his chest, but he held her tighter.

  “No, savita. In this moment, nothing will satisfy me more than to sit here and hold you. Besides, we need to head to Dad and Karla’s soon.”

  “I’m sorry I took so long to come down.”

  “Never apologize for allowing me to take you to subspace. It’s one of this Dom’s greatest rewards.”

  “Well, your amazing ability to put me into subspace makes you Captain Subspace in my book, Sir.”

  He chuckled as his mind conjured up an image of him in a ridiculous superhero costume with a cheesy pose. “Whatever you say, bebé.”

  They continued to snuggle another twenty minutes or so before he asked, “Should we check on the soup and start getting ready?”

  She sighed. “I could sit here all night, but you’re right.” She pushed herself up to a seated position, and he helped her to her feet. “I’ll get dressed.”

  When she assured him she wasn’t lightheaded, he helped her to her feet, stared at her beautifully naked body, and counted himself one lucky bastard.

  Chapter Four

  “Guess who I’m going to be for Halloween, Grandpa?” her daughter asked at the noisy dinner table. Savannah’s nerves had calmed immensely after this afternoon’s session with Damián, but she was a bit unsettled after going into subspace. She couldn’t wait to go home and cuddle some more. Subspace and aftercare made all the pain worthwhile.

  Adam seemed to contemplate Mari’s question as he chewed slowly on the green onion and cilantro toppings he’d put in his soup. He always treated the eight-year-old’s questions with great respect and seriousness. Adam glanced at Savannah for help. She smiled back knowing the answer but not wanting to spoil the great reveal for Mari.

  “Want a hint?” Mari asked.

  Adam swallowed. “I might need one, hon. You have a wide variety of interests.”

  Mari smiled, taking his words as a compliment, as she should. “She’s strong and brave. A warrior.”

  “Xena, warrior princess?”


  “Never mind,” Adam said. “I guess she was before your time. How about another hint?”

  “She’s a Disney princess.”


  “Grandpa, be serious!” She rolled her eyes. “Really strong—and super brave.”

  He’d never guess. Savannah wondered how long Mari would string him along at this guessing game.

  “I’ve got it!” Adam announced. “Merida from Brave!” He and Damián had taken Mari to see the movie soon after it released over the summer and Merida was all she talked about for weeks.

  A good choice, but Mari shook her head. “No. I still like her a lot, though.” She turned to Savannah and asked, “Can I learn archery sometime?”

  “We’ll talk about it later.” Savannah smiled, feeling somewhat guilty. She hated saying no to her daughter’s many interests, but between her work at Doctor Mac’s clinic and the extracurricular activities her curious and enthusiastic daughter already pursued, archery might be more than Savannah could take on at the moment.

  Damián patted her belly, but addressed Mari. “Maman has enough on her plate already, princesa.”

  Fortunately, Mari flitted away from that notion almost as quickly as it occurred to her, and soon, she focused again on her adopted grandfather. Having Adam in her children’s lives would enrich them in so many ways.

  “But Merida wasn’t disciplined enough. I want to be the bravest warrior ever—like you, Daddy, Tío Marc, and Tía Grant.”

  Adam’s eyebrows rose briefly before he smiled. No doubt, he didn’t count himself among the heroes, but everyone around him did. Savannah thought his eyes brightened a little, but it was hard to tell in the dim lighting.

  Mari had been obsessed with heroes of all kinds lately, even naming Adam and Karla’s puppy, Hero. No doubt Grant’s private lessons had influenced Mari in a number of ways, too. She’d not only been teaching the girl martial arts, but, while babysitting after school, Grant and Mari had been watching age-appropriate movies depicting strong female heroines. Grant’s choices were spot-on, even though she didn’t have children of her own. Perhaps she had other nieces and nephews. The woman was so private no one really knew anything about her family.

  Savannah wanted her daughter to be able to defend herself against any threat should the need ever arise. Marisol had come so close to being kidnapped by Lyle and her…and Gentry. Her appetite gone, Savannah wiped her mouth and set her napkin beside her half-empty bowl. “Adam, you might want to surrender on this one. I don’t think you’ll guess in a million years.”

  “Okay, I know when I’m licked. Tell me what you’ve decided on, punkin.”

  She gifted him with a triumphant smile and announced to everyone at the table, “Mulan!”

  “Well, no wonder I couldn’t guess. I haven’t seen that movie yet,” Adam confessed.

  “Oh, it’s very exciting!” Mari began. “When her father gets constrippted…” She looked toward Savannah for help with the word.

  “Conscripted. Drafted might be an easier choice of words.”

  “Con-scripted,” Mari corrected herself, never one to shy away from using a more complex word, “into the Chinese army, Mulan, his daughter, knows he won’t be able to fight any more battles at his age.”

  Mari looked pointedly at Damián as if she’d do the same for her daddy, and Savannah thanked God his fighting days were over. He’d sacrificed enough. But her daughter’s obsession with the Marine Corps and being a warrior had Savannah more than a little worried. The thought of watching her go off to war someday…

  “So Mulan disguises herself as a boy—she even cuts off her super long hair—and takes her father’s army papers and goes to fight for her country. She knows she could be killed by her own people if they ever find out, but she goes anyway.”

  “Did they find out she was a girl?” Adam asked, seemingly enthralled with the story already.

  Mari sighed. “Yes, after she’s wounded by a sword. But the officer in charge doesn’t kill her. He makes her return home and leave the army, though. Tía Grant and I really didn’t like that
part at all.”

  The two men at the table who had served with Grant shared a smile. Damián shook his head. “No, I imagine Tía Grant didn’t care for that one little bit.”

  Savannah didn’t know a lot about Grant’s history, but from conversations she’d overheard, there had been something similar in Grant’s past in which she’d been sent home in the thick of things during a black-ops mission. The woman resented it to this day, almost two years later.

  “But then—”

  Adam held up his hand. “Hold on! Don’t tell me anymore. I want to see it for myself. Sounds like a great movie. Let’s watch it here after I buy a copy.”

  “I can bring my Mulan DVD for us, and we can have popcorn while we watch.” Mari loved any excuse to hang out with her grandpa, Grammy Karla, and the triplets.

  The baby inside Savannah chose that moment to attempt a back flip. “Oh!” The exclamation spilled out before she could stop it, and Savannah grinned before explaining. “Someone’s gearing up for an active night, I think.”

  Damián placed his hand over her belly and held it there until the baby rolled again. “I can feel him, too!” This was one thing about pregnancy that never grew old.

  “What makes you so sure it’s a boy?” Karla asked. “I thought you weren’t going to ask Doctor Palmer.”

  “We didn’t. It’s just a feeling I have.” Savannah smiled at her friend. “But I’m relieved that there’s no chance for a surprise like the one you and Adam received.

  Karla giggled. “Count your blessings, but remember that it took a while for them to see the second baby—and they didn’t see the third one until my C-section.” Karla stifled a yawn.

  “You must be in a perpetual state of exhaustion,” Savannah said.

  Karla smiled, her eyes missing that familiar spark. “Rori, once our Sleeping Beauty, hasn’t been living up to her nickname lately, so Adam and I have been taking turns walking the floors with her. She likes me to sing to her—”

  “My croaking just makes her cry louder,” Adam chimed in with a smile.

  Karla grinned back, but the dark circles under both their eyes told the story. “Probably colic. But Marisol was wonderful with her today, trying to teach her to crawl. She and Adam even gave me time to catch a little nap. I really appreciate that you made dinner, Savannah, giving me a little more down time. Thanks.”

  “No trouble at all. Glad I could help.” Savannah glanced at Damián. “See what we have to look forward to.”

  He leaned over, kissed her cheek, and whispered, “Can’t wait.”

  It pained her knowing how much Damián had missed out on from Mari’s early years, so she didn’t want him to miss a single moment with their second child. For the first few months, the bassinet would be in their bedroom. After that, despite being eight years older, Mari insisted that she be allowed to share a room with the baby for at least the next few years. The bonding that would take place in that room and beyond would be irreplaceable. Savannah would move the baby to another room if he or she was too much of a distraction and disturbed Mari’s sleep, though.

  Karla glanced at the babies scooting around in the multi-color, fenced-in play area in the corner of the dining room. Littermates Chiquita and Hero kept watch side by side, alert to the slightest distress among the babies. Adam and Karla had been taking turns keeping an eye on them, too, while trying to eat. “Let’s just hope tonight won’t be a repeat,” Karla said. Her face lit up when she looked at the triplets, handful or not.

  As if they knew they were being talked about, the triplets all began to coo and squeal for more attention. Karla had been finishing up feeding them when Damián and Savannah arrived in hopes that the grownups and Mari could enjoy their dinner with minimal interruption. Karla still nursed them several times a day, supplementing with formula when needed.

  Savannah looked forward to enjoying that special time with her second baby. Breastfeeding was among the moments she treasured most with Mari when she was a newborn.

  Unbidden thoughts of those first days, weeks, and months invaded her mind. Her breaths came in shallow bursts as she remembered looking over her shoulder in the hospital and refusing to let them put Mari in the nursery for fear those monsters would take her. Of being afraid to venture out even for Mass due to similar worries. With Gentry and Lyle in jail, would she have to concern herself with such matters this time?

  Damián stroked her arm, momentarily banishing the monsters to the past. “You okay, bebé?”

  No, Damián would make sure no one hurt any of them.

  “Just a little indigestion.” She smiled and stood. Needing a solid reminder that soon she’d have the trial behind her and would be holding her little one in her arms, she walked over to the play area to pick up Pax, who was making noise by banging together his wooden blocks. “Hello, big boy!” He latched onto her loosened hair and pulled hard. “My, you’re so strong!”

  Would Savannah and Damián have a boy this time? While she didn’t have a preference for anything but a healthy baby, God willing, it would be nice to have one of each. She wasn’t sure if they would try again, although she had to admit they hadn’t really tried either time she’d gotten pregnant before.

  Damián’s arm wrapped around her back as he joined her and grabbed her hair to pull her head back until she met his gaze. He whispered, “Don’t even think about cutting this hair into a mommy cut. I’ll be happy to find ways to keep your hair away from tiny little fingers.” Her stomach dropped, and she almost smiled at the excitement such a small Dom move could have on her. Maybe they’d both have a little fun tonight after all.

  Without waiting for her response, he released her hair and began making silly noises at the baby. Savannah blinked back unexpected tears. Her emotions were on a rollercoaster ride.

  Just a few more months. It seemed like a lifetime away, though, and so much could go wrong.

  Don’t think like that.

  She needed a distraction. Perhaps throwing herself into making the holidays special for her family, starting with Halloween, would help to keep the ghosts of the past locked away so as not to cast a damper on anyone else around her.

  “You look tired,” Damián said so only she could hear. “Why don’t we pack up and head home early tonight?”

  She smiled and nodded. Adam was there in an instant to take Pax from her, so perhaps he hadn’t spoken as quietly as Savannah thought. Or he and Adam had prearranged this early departure.

  At the door fifteen minutes later, Savannah gave Karla a hug. “Sorry we can’t stay longer.”

  “Don’t be. I remember how tired you get at this stage.”

  Not to mention coming down off an amazing session with Damián. She couldn’t wait to get Mari in bed and continue where they left off.

  After one more hug and kiss for Karla and Adam, they were buckled up and driving toward home. While Mari babbled with Chiquita in the backseat, Savannah laid her head against the headrest and closed her eyes. “Why am I so tired?”

  “Because you’re almost six months pregnant.” Damián knew it was more than that, but she appreciated that he didn’t bring up the subject again. “Nap on the ride home. It’s been a long day. I’ll have you in bed in no time.”

  The mention of going to bed with him got her juices flowing. She’d rest now so she wouldn’t be too tired tonight.

  The sounds around her faded away as sleep welcomed her with open arms.

  Suddenly, George Gentry’s face bombarded her.

  He stood in her bedroom, angry, pulling her kicking and screaming from under her bed where she’d sought sanctuary. Savannah tried to pry away his hand off her arm, but he was relentless.

  “No! Don’t touch me!”

  “Stop teasing me, and maybe I’ll leave you alone.”

  She continued to fight with everything she had as he carried her to his own bed. The place where he’d hurt Maman. No! Moments later, he ripped off her pajama bottoms and panties before laying himself on her. Naked. He fumbled to s
pread her legs.

  Smothering. She couldn’t breathe.

  Escape! Go to your safe place!


  A helpless whimper awakened Savannah. She shook her head to rid herself of the flashback remnants and glanced over at Damián whose gaze remained on the road. Good. She hadn’t screamed out anything he or Mari could hear. He turned to her briefly and smiled then reached across the console to hold her hand. “You okay?”

  “Fine. Just dozed off.” Her submissive nature warred with her reluctance to tell her Dom about this relapse. After so many months of being free from flashbacks and nightmares, today she’d simply had too much stirred up from the past. Savannah pulled her hand away and crossed her arms, rubbing some warmth into her upper arms.



  “A little,” she answered.

  He turned up the heat. “Gets cold a lot earlier in October here than in SoCal.”

  Oh, but San Diego County had its own brand of cold, the kind that seeped into your soul and never let go.

  All too soon she’d have to return to the place that held so many horrific memories for her and face the past again. She’d be near Rancho Santa Fe and the house she’d been violated in so many times as a little girl. Near the hotel in La Jolla where she’d been humiliated and tortured countless times. While she wouldn’t have to step foot on either of those properties, they would always reside in her psyche, just below the surface.

  Her dinner threatened to come back up, and she gripped Damián’s hand, hoping to draw from his strength to help her face those dark days ahead. She needed to show the jury what a monster George Gentry was. She needed to face him and crush him once and for all, much as Mulan did the Huns in Mari’s movie.

  Dear Lord, give me the steadfast strength of Damián and the fighting spirit of Mari to help me send that bastard away for the remainder of his despicable life.

  Chapter Five

  Damián listened as Marisol read them Esperanza Rising for at least the tenth time this month. He’d bought her the book because he wanted his daughter to know about the struggles of immigrants like her Orlando grandparents and great-grandparents who started out in America as migrant farm workers in the Thirties.


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