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Somebody’s Perfect

Page 14

by Kallypso Masters

  She made a vow not to hide her worries or negative emotions from him ever again. He was her Dom and part of what he’d promised to do was shoulder her burdens for or with her.

  Savannah was on the third page of today’s journaling her feelings about that last two days when Damián appeared at the doorway. “Ready for the next part of our special night?”

  She smiled. “Absolutely.” He crossed the room to help her out of their aftercare chair, which happened to be the most comfortable piece of furniture in their bedroom for curling up and writing.

  He held her hand as they exited the room, and she noticed the flickering of candles bouncing off the walls in the hall and stairway, coming from the living room. Her heart warmed to think of the planning and preparation that had gone into tonight, but she gasped when she reached the top of the stairs and looked down at what must have been a hundred candles of various sizes and colors arranged three or four deep, forming a horseshoe.

  “Damián, what a romantic you are.” Savannah leaned toward him to place a kiss on his lips, but he took her upper arms and pushed her away with firm but gentle hands.

  He smiled then drew a deep breath and sobered. “I’ve been planning this for a while now. After last night, I knew the time had come.”

  She cocked her head and wrinkled her brow, but he merely took her hand and led her down the stairs into the opening until she and her white dress were bathed in the warm glow of candlelight. Her heart beat rapidly. Had he done all this to set the tone for making love? Unlikely. He said he’d been planning this for a while. Seemed to be more than an ordinary date night with benefits. Something was up.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Damián moved to stand in front of her and took both of her hands in his. He was often serious but nothing like this.

  “Savannah, last May, you knelt before me in our beach cave and gifted me with your beautiful submission.”

  “And I meant every word I said, although I still have a lot to learn about what that entails, as you might have noticed last night.”

  He shook his head, a hint of a smile. “It’s a journey, but what we experienced at the club was a turning point. You trusted me enough to use your safeword, which, in turn, allowed me to trust you even more.”

  “I should have known I could trust you—”

  He placed a finger over her lips. “Trust is earned. I am honored that you reached a place where you could do so. I know this is often done more formally surrounded by others in the lifestyle, but I didn’t want to wait to schedule another night at the club. Besides, I wanted to be sure of your answer before putting myself out there in front of others.”

  She started to have an inkling of what this was about but wasn’t sure she was worthy yet. Not after the way she lapsed this Fall. But he seemed to be battling some insecurities of his own about where he stood with her.

  Savannah’s heart thumped so hard surely he could hear. They were about to cross an important threshold in both their marriage and their D/s dynamic. But what if she let him down again?

  “I welcome my role as your one and only man and ask you if you are willing to accept my protection and guidance as we go through the rest of our lives together as Dominant and submissive.”

  “Sir, I…are you sure I’m ready? In the past month or so, I’ve withdrawn emotionally, lied to you while trying to hide my deepest feelings, and regressed in so many ways.”

  Again, Damián halted her words, growing more serious. “Savannah, I’m not expecting perfection. We spoke about this last night on the way home from the club. You admitted how detrimental such behavior is to your well-being and to our relationship. And you’ve agreed that you have no intention of going down that path again. I believed you last night, and I trust you in the future to be honest with me.”

  “I’m so ashamed of my behavior. But I also know how lost I am without you by my side helping me through those dark places.”

  He cupped her face and leaned forward to kiss her before pulling away but keeping his hands in place. “Recognizing that and remembering how it feels is huge. We’re a team, savita. We’ve both been to hell and back, but now we need each other.” He swallowed. “You pledged your heart and your eternal love to me when we married, but…” He let go of her and bent down to pick up a square, flat box from the coffee table but didn’t open it immediately. “Tonight I will ask even more of you. I want you to wear a symbol that our D/s relationship is unbreakable. That we accept each other, flaws and all, and intend to spend the rest of our lives going deeper into the lifestyle together. I will grow as your Dominant, and you into your role as my submissive.”

  Her jaw dropped as tears pricked the backs of her eyelids. Early on, she’d wondered about being collared, after Karla told her about her own private collaring during their honeymoon. But she hadn’t given it another thought, assuming that she was far from ready given her myriad of mistakes.

  “But I still have so much to learn. Are you sure?”

  He smiled, relaxing his shoulders. “Yes, savita, I have never been more sure of anything. If this were any other thing we were discussing, I might remind you to trust your Dom’s judgment, but I can’t strong-arm or coerce you into this decision. It has to be one you’re ready for. And if you aren’t ready tonight, we will revisit this again sometime in the future.”

  No pressure. My decision. The sense of empowerment those thoughts gave her was earth-shattering.

  Before she could give him an answer, he continued. “Over the past six months, we’ve discussed every aspect of what we want our D/s relationship to be. You’ve explored anything I’ve asked you to without complaint or hesitance but with total trust that I would do you no harm and that exploring the lifestyle might actually provide more healing. I will never demand perfection or excellence, bebé. I only demand that you do your best and that you come to me whenever anything is bothering you rather than suffer alone in silence. Open, honest communication will always be my greatest protocol.”

  “Sir, you must know I will always do whatever you ask of me. I want to please you above all else. And I’ve seen what happens when communication breaks down. I was afraid you saw me as perfect—and I never wanted to disappoint you—but by hiding things from you, I did that very thing.” She blinked away the sting in her eyes, and he brushed a tear off her cheek with his thumb.

  “Does this mean that you are ready to wear my collar, savita?”

  More tears spilled as she nodded. “Yes, Sir. I would be honored to wear your collar.”

  He opened the lid of the box and lifted a platinum-colored collar from the cotton batting, letting the empty box fall to the floor. “This isn’t a sign that you have perfected all there is to know about submission any more than it means I am suddenly the perfect Dominant who will never make a mistake. We’re both human with a lot of baggage. But this I know—as we continue to explore this lifestyle together, the bond between us will grow deeper every day.”

  Too choked up to speak, she merely smiled. The circle of delicately etched metal had a pink sapphire in the front that would rest in the hollow of her throat. She dashed away the remaining tears from her eyes and noticed there was a tiny butterfly etched on either side of the gemstone.

  “Savannah, will you accept this collar as a token of my love, discipline, guidance, and protection?”

  She blinked, staring at the beautiful collar, and more tears spilled down her cheeks. Looking up at Damián, she detected a flash of uncertainty before realizing she hadn’t said yes. “Sir, if I wasn’t so pregnant, this would be the part where I would sink to my knees, bow my head, and pledge my undying loyalty and submission.” She did the latter two. “I am yours, Sir Damián, and I will proudly wear your collar as long as I live.”

  His eyes lit up with more than the reflection of the many candles in the room. Then he grew serious again. “You are not to remove my collar except under a doctor’s orders or if I grant you permission. It is much more than a pretty necklace.”

p; “I have no desire to ever remove it, Sir.” She reached up to place her hand over it.

  “And while wearing my collar, you will at all times remember our protocols. In addition to communication, that includes that you remember how beautiful you are, how worthy you are, and that you have honored and gifted me and only me with your precious surrender.”

  Pride swelled her chest. “I look forward to deepening our Dominant/submissive relationship in the months and years to come, Sir.”

  She remembered the first time she’d called him that, back in the beach cave on the day this baby was conceived.

  ‘One day, in a secluded cave by the peaceful sea, the princess had come full circle. She willingly submitted her body and mind fully to her noble knight. But not her heart.’

  She looked up at him, and he blinked at her.

  ‘Because she’d surrendered her heart to him, long, long ago.’

  He leaned forward and placed a kiss on her cheek. Had he been lost in that memory, too? She smiled, lifting her hair so he could place the collar around her neck. The cool metal soon warmed to her skin as the clasp gave a quiet snick. She wondered if he had a key for it or if the lock was merely symbolic.

  Damián took a step back and looked searchingly into her eyes. “Savannah, by accepting my collar, you’ve shown me you have the ultimate trust in my ability to fulfill my role as your Dominant and to work together with me to build and strengthen our married D/s life together. And if I fuck up, you have my permission to call me on it rather than keep it to yourself.”

  Nothing would change her mind about submitting and surrendering herself to this man, no matter how much time they had together. She grinned. “I have never lacked confidence in your abilities, Sir. Only mine.”

  “Confidence, like trust, increases with time.” Before she could say anything more, he added, “I know you have a lot going on right now, but remember this above all. With my collar resting at the base of your neck, you will find a grounding talisman with you at all times. Touching it will be the same as touching me. This collar is an extension of me and will be your rock when scared or simply needing to reconnect with me from afar. Know that, when wearing this collar, you will never be alone.”

  Damián wrapped his arms around her and drew her closer, bending to place a kiss on her collar first before homing in on her lips. He tugged at her hair as he tilted her head back and deepened their kiss.

  A sense of peace and well-being she hadn’t felt in weeks enveloped her. How their dynamic would change from this point forward, she couldn’t say. One thing she did know, though. While this collar came with great responsibility on both their parts, she would gladly spend the rest of her life giving him her undying submission and striving to make him even more proud of her.

  * * *


  As he deepened the kiss, Damián marveled at the sense of purpose and responsibility that washed over him seeing Savannah wearing his collar. He hadn’t expected it would move him to his core.

  While she’d been his wife for months, something about this moment changed everything for him. They had just cemented their relationship on even more solid ground.

  Grounded. That was the word for it.

  He held her tighter as he continued to explore her sweet mouth, tasting of lime, fruit, and Savannah.

  My collared submissive.

  He’d always taken his responsibilities as her Dom, teacher, and protector seriously, but just as placing a wedding band on her finger had taken their commitment to a deeper level, so did this collar.

  Pulling away, he cupped her cheeks and smiled. Her eyes burned with an inner fire he’d missed seeing there these past few weeks. No matter what adversity might line their path, they could tackle anything together as long as they stayed committed to one another in their marriage and in their D/s dynamic.

  Nothing could tear them apart. The two of them were two strong and determined survivors.

  He took her in his arms again and placed another kiss on her lips before trailing several more down her neck to the hollow where it met her shoulder. She gasped at the sensation. So sweet. He could taste her all night, but he craved a closeness they hadn’t experienced in a while.

  When they separated, she smiled. Before he could formulate a word, she said, “I need you inside me, Sir.”

  His cock jerked against his crotch. Apparently, he wasn’t the only one needing that intimacy. While he’d planned a slow seduction tonight, he wasn’t sure how long he could wait to bury himself inside her again if she kept saying things like that.

  “Let’s blow out these candles and go to bed where I can worship my submissive’s body properly.”

  Within five minutes, they’d extinguished all but one flame—the internal one that had been ignited more than eight years ago in their beach cave and had burned strong and bright ever since. Circumstances had threatened to blow out that flame many times, but it continued to smolder under the surface until they found each other again each time and rekindled their passion.

  He couldn’t bear the thought of being away from her for more than a few hours.

  “Follow me, querida.” He took her hand and led her to the staircase where he motioned for her to precede him. He wished he could carry her, but was afraid of what a misstep might do to her and the baby. Instead, he contented himself to ascend behind her in case she lost her balance. In the bedroom, he pulled the comforter and sheet back, turning toward her just as she presented him with her back. She held up her hair in a silent request to unzip her.

  As he drew closer, her essence swirled around him, arousing him even more. He bent to place a kiss on the clasp on the collar, capturing a bit of her silky skin above and below before trailing his lips up the column of her neck to her earlobe. Taking it between his teeth, he nibbled, first gently then harder.

  Her moan further ignited his passion. He made quick work of removing the dress, which had served its purpose. His own clothes followed, and he ground his erection against her backside, bare except for her garter belt. His hands cupped her breasts as he pressed her up against the edge of the mattress, careful there was ample room to keep the baby bump off it.

  Slow down, man.

  He didn’t want to rush things or this would end before it started. His hands roamed over her satiny body, starting at her shoulders, moving down her arms, and encircling her waist to cradle their baby within the womb. The garter belt framed her ass perfectly.


  “Sí, bebé?” He’d never grow tired of hearing her call him Sir.

  “Permission to take charge?”

  What the—? His dick surged against her ass, game to find out what she had in mind. He remembered a similar time in the past after she’d made a major breakthrough and suddenly felt empowered enough to take the lead—as far as he’d let her, anyway. “I’m all yours, querida.”

  “Lie on the bed on your back. Sir,” she added, as an afterthought.

  He chuckled but did as she instructed. His erection grew harder still as she crawled onto the bed to join him. When she straddled his hips, he nearly lost it.

  His gaze lowered to her brown nipples when Savannah leaned forward, grabbing onto the headboard. Her seductive smile stirred his passions to the boiling point.

  “Lick them.”

  He didn’t need to be told twice as he took one plump nipple into his mouth, while his hand squeezed the other. Whatever had gotten into her, he liked it. He’d been overly cautious making love with her in the past few months. Clearly, she was ready for more.

  “Are you ready, Sir, for the ride of your life?”

  “If I were any more ready, I’d be done.”

  Her self-confident laugh made him more than anxious to get started. Raising her hips, she released one of her hands to reach between their bodies.

  Damián halted her with his own hand. “Both hands on the headboard, bebé. I don’t want you to lose your balance.” Taking his dick in hand, he rubbed the head between her fo
lds to lubricate his dick with pussy juice but found she needed no help in that department. So wet. And waiting.

  Taking her by the left hip to indicate she should lift up, he positioned himself at her opening and smiled.

  She bobbed up and down a few times making sure his dick was coated before finally seating him fully. Home. Being inside her gave him a wonderful sense of belonging he found nowhere else. She flexed her pussy muscles, and he nearly came undone.

  “Thanks for helping me do my Kegels, Sir.”

  “Anytime. Now, let’s go for that ride.”

  Not comfortable simply lying there while she did all the work, he placed his hands on the sides of her belly to help lift the baby’s weight in the rhythm she set. At first, her lower body did all the moving, but then Savannah leaned down and offered him her breasts. He took one ripe nipple into his mouth and bit down. Her pussy responded by clenching his dick. She did love having her nipples stimulated. And he loved being the one to do it.

  When her pace increased, he knew she was ready to come. Hell, so was he. It had been too long. Not content to simply lie there, he lifted his hips in counter measure to her coming down over his dick, grinding against her as he buried himself deeper.

  “Oh!” Her eyes opened wider in surprise. Yeah, she liked that, too.

  He lowered his hands to just above her hips and helped set a new rhythm before slipping his hand under her belly and down to her clit. The swollen bud was hard against his finger. He stroked her with the same pace as he rammed himself inside her. Soon she was mewling and panting, her plump breasts bouncing above his mouth and harder to catch.

  “Come for me, savita.”

  “I…want…you…”—with each pounding of his dick, she got a word out—“to come, too.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be right behind you.” Well, under her, too.

  She squeezed her eyes shut as he stroked her clit faster. “Oh, Sir… Yes, Damián! There!” She said something incoherent, and his dick throbbed with his own impending release.


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