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His Dirty Promises

Page 9

by Fiona Murphy

  Alicia’s eyes go wide. “What did you do?”

  My face is so red I feel faint as I shake my head. “Nothing. I didn’t do anything.” Deny, deny, deny. “I’m thirsty, do you want a water?”

  “Bethany Marie Jeffries, get your ass back here.”

  I keep going out of the family room in time to see the guys go outside. How in the world did genetics create such gorgeous men all in a row? A hand shoves my shoulder. “Ow. You’re going to leave a bruise. Love shouldn’t hurt, Alicia.”

  She’s trying not to laugh, then gives up. “Explain yourself, right this instant.”

  I’m shaking my head as I unscrew a Pellegrino. “No. Nothing to explain.”

  “Liar, I saw your face. You are a sh—horrible liar.” She looks down at Matteo. “Don’t do it. I know he’s attractive, downright beautiful even, but it’s a road of hurt you’ll be traveling down. The worst idea you’ve ever had.”

  “Oh my god, you are way too negative. This is why I’m not telling you crap. Nope, not saying a word.”

  “Really, not a word? Even though I made you cheesecake, one for all of us and one to take with you? But if you aren’t going to tell me, then I’m keeping the one I made for you.”

  “You can be such a—” Matteo pats my leg for me to pick him up. “a witch. Whatever. It’s better I don’t have cheesecake. I don’t want the calories.” All I can think of is the cellulite on my thighs.

  A smack on my arm has me yelping. “Seriously? I don’t remember us being abused as kids. What is it with you and communicating with your fists, you witch?”

  “You were thinking stupid crap about your weight, I could see it. Don’t go thinking it. I told you before, Dante likes women with curves.”

  “Even curves with cellulite?”

  Her brown eyes roll. “Even thin women have cellulite on their thighs. You didn’t know?”

  “How would I? I’ve watched a few porn flicks, but I don’t really pay attention to the chicks. Really?”

  “Yes, really.” Cesare comes in from outside.

  “Came to get Matteo, Enzo’s talking kids again. I decided he needs a reality check. You doing okay, Bethany?”

  “I’m good.”

  His eyes narrow. “Okay.” With a kiss to Alicia’s cheek, he’s gone.

  We wait for him to leave before Alicia sighs. “Can you believe Lydia told me I was too worried about being fat? I needed to stop comparing myself to the women Cesare used to fuck and quit harping on it?”

  “That bitch!”

  “Thank you! Okay, I know she’s plus-sized too but still, don’t tell me how to feel about being fat for the first time in front of a man who looks like Cesare, or any man. Undressing and being fat, with all the stretch marks and the dimples and yes, a fucking roll of fat, isn’t something I’m comfortable doing at home alone, never mind in front of a man. It’s really fucking awesome she has self-confidence, but not all of us are so lucky. All I heard around me was men don’t want fat chicks. If some guy expressed interest in me I immediately doubted him. What was wrong with him for wanting a fat chick like me? Because fat women don’t deserve to be happy. They didn’t earn their happiness by starving themselves or working out for two hours a day or counting every calorie so no you don’t get a nice guy, two kids, a dog and a house in the suburbs. You have to be happy with your cats and your tent clothes, no guy for you.”

  “And if you’re lucky enough to have a guy willing to fuck you, then you need to give it up without hesitation or you’re a stuck-up bitch. I had a guy tell me once I would be lucky to be raped because I was so fat he couldn’t see a guy getting hard enough to fuck me.” I shudder as I remember the insult. It felt like I was being slapped across the face.

  She nods as she slumps against the counter. “Yeah, be grateful a guy wants to fuck you. There were women who even told me hook a guy with sex and work on building a relationship after. No damn way, I get some women can separate sex from love, and more power to them, but I couldn’t. I had to have a level of trust, before I could share my body with someone. Some people might laugh or think being a virgin at thirty-one is stupid or unbelievable, but it’s a hell of a lot more common than people choose to believe. It was right for me and I don’t regret it for a minute, not any of it, even the bad things I went through with those other assholes. They helped me see I deserved better, and I got it with Cesare. I wouldn’t change a thing.”

  I rest my chin on my hands. “I know you’re going to think I’m crazy, but I feel the same way about Dante. I feel like I could trust him with everything, all of me. All I wanted, in the beginning, was to lose my dreaded virgin status because it feels like an albatross sometimes. I planned it before I even left Iowa. I was going to find some nice, pleasant guy and get down to business. Then I met Dante.

  “I don’t even know what happened. I can’t explain it. I’m not dumb—all I’ve heard for the last two years is what a manwhore Dante is. I also know Dante is the one who pumped the brakes and gave me all the reasons us being together is a bad idea. He hasn’t given in, yet. So right now there really is nothing to tell except I’m not giving up on him. I’m not blind to what might happen, but I’m going to focus on now and enjoy each day as it comes.”

  Alicia studies me, then slowly she nods. “Okay. If Dante is what you want, then I’ll support whatever makes you happy. I’ll also do my best to prevent Cesare from breaking Dante’s pretty face when he finds out.”

  I straighten. “Why in the world would Cesare hurt his own brother over me?”

  She shrugs. “Cesare takes his responsibility to protect seriously. As far as he’s concerned, if a man is going to hurt you, he’s going to pay for it.”

  “I’m not some little girl who can’t take care of myself.”

  “It’s not that Cesare thinks you can’t take care of yourself, it’s that you’re important to him. For him it’s an issue of defending your honor from anyone who disrespected you.”

  “That’s stupid. I don’t need him or anyone defending my honor. Cesare needs to mind his own business.”

  Her laugh is soft. “That’s not how Cesare functions. Welcome to the family.”

  I’m not sure this whole family thing is as appealing as it first sounded.



  It’s almost nine thirty by the time we leave Alicia’s and Cesare’s. Everyone is quiet, tired from all the talking and laughter, still full from dinner and dessert. Enzo says he’s going to fall asleep then promptly does before we even make it to the first stoplight.

  “How does he do that?” I check and see he’s asleep.

  Dante chuckles. “Some special forces trick. They have to grab sleep when and where they can. He can also come awake in a split second without being tired and without any caffeine needed.”

  His voice is low, probably so as not to disturb Enzo. I match him. “I’m jealous, it takes me forever to fall asleep and two cups of coffee to form coherent sentences.”

  “You and me both.” He’s quiet for almost a minute. “You told Alicia.”

  “I didn’t blab, she figured it out. She knows me too well. I’m sorry. I also told her it was none of her business.”

  “I’m guessing she wasn’t able to make you see sense? How you and me are a bad idea?”

  “Nope. In fact she supports me. She was happy to see you were back to your old self again, happier than she’s seen you in a long time. She told me good job and good luck.” The butterflies in my stomach are becoming ginormous dragonflies, buzzing and sweeping around as I remember Alicia’s compliment while I helped her put Matteo down for bed. I had wondered yet been too afraid to assume it was because of me.

  “Hmm.” He’s looking out the window. I hate not being able to see his face.

  “Whatever. You keep saying this is a bad idea, but I’m not blind to the way you barely took your eyes off me tonight. You really doth protest too much, Dante Sabatini. It’s stupid. If no means no, then why the hell doesn’t yes me
an yes?”

  “Jesus, Bethany, just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. There are consequences that have to be considered, damn it.”

  “But if those consequences are on me, shouldn’t I be the one to make the decision?”

  “But it’s not just you or me, it’s Alicia and it’s Che and it’s our family who will have to deal with the fallout. Don’t you get it? If something goes wrong every Christmas, every birthday, weekends like this will turn into hell for everyone there.”

  “The light’s green,” Enzo says loudly from the back. My stomach drops and my face burns from embarrassment.

  “Sorry,” I murmur as I accelerate, my eyes glued to the road. Enzo says something softly in Italian. Dante’s response is a little louder, also in Italian. I sigh, still embarrassed, but my annoyance weighs out. “It’s rude to speak Italian when I’m right here.”

  I watch Enzo’s hand go through his hair, and he nods. “I apologize.” He grits the words out.

  My eyes flick to Dante; his jaw is clenched. And that’s how the rest of the drive goes until we get to Enzo’s.

  “Dante, a word. Thank you for driving Bethany. Have a good night.” He slams out of the car. Dante sighs then gets out. Enzo lets out a stream of Italian loud enough for me to hear even though they are over a hundred feet away and the windows are up.

  Closing my eyes, I don’t bother trying to follow the conversation. It’s too fast for me. I really need to learn the language asap. Almost five minutes later, Dante opens the door then slams it closed. I put the car in gear and pull an illegal U-turn as the street is dead.

  “What did he say?”

  “Exactly everything I’ve been saying to you and myself. You’re too young and innocent for me. We’re family now and when I screw this up, I’ll hurt not just you but our family.”

  I swallow against the lump in my throat. Dante wants me as badly as I want him, but he’s trying to protect me, protect the family unit that means so much to him. Lydia was wrong: Dante’s resolve is too strong for me to break. Parking, I turn off the car and hand him the keys. I keep my head high as I get in the elevator. I tried, but I’m not strong enough to keep fighting when he’s so damn resolute.

  So close, the elevator doors are opening when the tears escape as I run for my door.

  “Bethany, damn it.”

  “Go away. I give up, okay? I fucking give up. Are you happy? I’ll find some other man to fuck and leave you in peace and you can pretend this whole week never happened.”

  Holy shit, did he just growl? I’m pressed against the door and his hard body all over again, and it’s as awesome as I remembered it. “You’re fucking playing with fire, Bethany. If you aren’t careful you’ll get burned too.”

  I’m a freak, I had no idea. His anger, his barely leashed violence has my pelvis rocking against him like a cat in heat. I’m desperate to get closer until nothing separates us, until I melt completely into him. Taunting him isn’t a plan—I’m not capable of forming a coherent plan, it’s all instinct. “You told me no. You told me I’ll find someone else. Fine, I’ll find someone else. Another man who has no problem fucking a virgin. Another man who will take me to the deep end and we can drown together.”

  Dante is hewn from stone, diamond sharp; touching him could cut me. The words come from his chest, so guttural, his accent so strong I can barely make out the words. “Very soon, I’ll work out every bullshit word you just said by turning your ass so fucking red you can’t sit for days.”

  He takes a step back. I collapse without his support. A hand that’s far from gentle catches my arm until I find the strength to stand on my own. The moment I do he lets me go. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  I can only watch him walk away before he slams the door to his condo. Wait, what does he mean?



  My bladder nudges me awake. I take a deep breath only to wince. Every muscle in my body hurts like a motherfucker. My lungs suck in air fast as I move off the bed. Sonofabitch, inhaling has my core muscles screaming in agony. Moving slowly, I get to the bathroom and relieve my bladder. Done, I lean carefully over the jacuzzi tub and turn on my saved setting. As the water fills I hunt down some over the counter pain meds, knowing the tub will help but I need more.

  It’s been a long time since I worked out so hard. No matter how many times I beat off, my cock stayed hard for her. I spent over two hours working out until I could barely stand, yet when I tried to sleep I couldn’t. After an hour of tossing and turning I gave in to my need, but even when my cock was satisfied I couldn’t sleep. It took another hour in the gym until pain sent me back to bed, where I finally collapsed into sleep.

  Really? I’m hard all over again at the thought of her? This is some bullshit because I’m seriously pissed at her. The way she taunted me with the idea of her fucking someone else, of her allowing another man inside her when she wanted me. It pushed me right over the edge, I understood for a split second how people went off the rails and spilled blood over a lover. No one else is going to touch her. Bethany is mine.

  I can admit it now: something happened the moment I laid eyes on Bethany. All the lethargy, the angst, all the gray of the last year disappeared. I blinked and everything became vibrant, glowing; even the air felt alive and new. I blinked again and it was only the two of us. Nothing else existed or mattered but her and me. Until she threw the coffee in my face. Then I remembered she’s my sister-in-law’s little sister, Che wants us to be one big happy family, and the longest relationship I’ve had lasted six months.

  Last night, though, none of that shit mattered anymore. With the smell of Bethany’s pussy soaking wet for me, and her pleading, offering herself to me, all the chains I’ve been keeping locked on my desire broke. If I haven’t managed to scare her away this is happening, we are happening. Only, not yet. As much as it makes my cock ache to wait for her, I need to ease her into the shallow end of the pool first.



  I’m not surprised to find Che waiting for me in my office. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing? Bethany is too young and too damn innocent for you.”

  At least I make it to my desk without him taking a punch at me. “You aren’t saying anything I didn’t. I argued with her, but she was adamant I’m what she wants. I tried, but I want her too and I’m not going to fight it anymore.”

  “Anymore? You’ve known her for a week.”

  I wince—he’s honed in on the one thing still filling me with doubt. It does feel like too much too fast. I also know nothing has ever felt so right. “How long did it take you to know with Alicia?”

  Shit, I didn’t mean to say that. “What are you saying, Dante?”

  Even though I am dying to know when he knew, how he knew, I shake my head. “I don’t know. Forget it. You’re right, this is fast, a few times I thought the same thing. I also know it feels right. It’s almost like I don’t have a choice. Or if I do, it’s between Bethany and back to being miserable again.”

  “So it was her, this change in you. You smiling again, those lines gone from your forehead. It’s because of her.”

  It’s not really a question, but I nod anyway. “All her.”

  He sighs as he gets up then runs a hand through his hair. “When you hurt her—”

  “Jesus, Che, I’d rather cut myself than hurt her. Don’t say shit like that.” Why does he have to say it like it’s a foregone conclusion?

  Our eyes meet, and he nods. “All right. It’s not like I have a choice anyway. But I’ll support you the way Alicia asked me to.”

  God, I love Alicia. “Thanks.”

  He shrugs. “Lunch at one?”

  Che said his piece. It’s done. “Works for me.”

  “See you then.”

  When he leaves I exhale, releasing tension I had no idea I was holding. I wouldn’t have been able to walk away from Bethany even if Che told me to, but I’m glad he didn’t.



  My eyes flick down to the time in the corner of my laptop. It’s only three minutes later than the last time I checked. Oh my god, this day is taking forever. The guy in the video says a word that sounds like attention and I click out of it. I’m not paying attention. I’ve watched this thing almost fifteen times now. It’s the least annoying video and it’s laid out easier to follow than many of the others. I’m actually feeling a little confident.

  I dunk my teabag again before I take another sip. This damn tea is making me jittery. I thought green tea was all calming and healthy. Right now I feel like I could run a marathon, or at least get dressed and leave the house, on one cup. Not even espresso does that for me. My phone rings, and I get way too excited, then let down, it’s Alicia.

  “Ciao.” Alicia giggles then responds in a flood of Italian. “Okay, okay, you know I didn’t understand a word you said, showoff.”

  “I’m happy you’re trying. You want me to dig out my tutor’s number? I liked her, she was nice and patient.”

  “Not yet, maybe after another forty hours of the videos then I might ask you for it. What’s up, chica?”

  “I talked to Cesare. Good news: no bones are going to break. Cesare is going to be a good, supportive big brother. Until Dante makes you cry, then Cesare will break something.”

  I roll my eyes. “He’s so sweet. You know it’s a breath of fresh air to encounter Neanderthals after everyone was certain they disappeared.”

  Her laughter is loud. “Dante is only a tiny bit better, so don’t think you’re safe.”

  “Yes, yes, I’m aware. About that...” God this is embarrassing. I’m not even sure how to ask the question. Talk about TMI.


  “Is it weird or bad I like, um... I like, oh crap. Shouldn’t it not be a turn-on when Dante gets all rough and aggressive and threatens to spank me?” Oh shit, I did not mean to say the last bit. Kill me now. “Strike that last thing from the record. Council will forget I ever said it.” Alicia is laughing way too damn hard. “Alicia, this is a serious question here. I’m supposed to be a feminist. Does this mean I’m not?”


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