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His Dirty Promises

Page 20

by Fiona Murphy

  I can’t hold in the laughter anymore. “I’m sorry.”

  “I’m going to make you sorry. Ow. Is it over yet?”

  “Bethany, sweetheart, you don’t have to do this.” Max has finally finished the larger heart. He rubs the ink away as he bites on his lip not to laugh.

  “No, I do. I’m already starting not to hurt as much when I think of the baby. I’m already wondering if we should try and have another baby. A tiny part of me wished last night I could never think of it ever again. And I don’t want to be sad any more. I don’t want to hurt any more. And I don’t want to make you miserable any more either. I’m tired of crying. So I’m going to get this tattoo so I don’t forget. Because as much as it hurt losing the baby, I’m so grateful for everything it gave me. You proposing, us getting married now and not wasting time. All those amazing things you did and still do for me every day. This won’t be the last time I cry; I’m sure there will be other times in the future, but this is closing the chapter on what happened so we can move on to the next. I don’t want to get married being miserable with this hanging over us. It’s not how I want us to start our lives together.” Her eyes are soft green, filled with hope and love. Seeing it, the fear that’s been weighing me down is floating up and away.

  Max pushes away from Bethany with a smile. “Done.”

  “Done?” Bethany looks down in surprise. “I love it. It looks great. It’s exactly what I wanted.”

  I help Bethany out of the chair. Max applies the bandage to keep it clear of anything that could irritate it.

  “You next?” Max asks.

  “Yeah, same thing, same place.”

  “You don’t have to, Dante.” Concern creases her brow. I run a finger over them, no more of those.

  “I know. I want to. I agree with you, sweetheart. I’m ready to start new but I don’t want to forget either.”

  Her hand goes into mine. “Does it really not hurt you at all? Not even a little?”

  I laugh as I pull her close. “Maybe a little.” It doesn’t, but I won’t tell her that.



  At home, Bethany and I lie wrapped up in each other on the couch. As Maude and Mittens make a bed of my legs, I lay my head on hers.

  “What if I can’t get pregnant? Or what if do get pregnant and I lose the baby again? What if we don’t have kids?”

  I’ve been waiting for this question since the therapy session with Jennifer. After I carried Bethany home and put her to bed, Jennifer I talked for over an hour about all the stuff Bethany talked about, her fears of me growing to hate her for losing the baby, how she felt like she wasn’t a real woman because she lost the baby. All of those things alone were hard to hear, but then for Jennifer to call and tell me there were a lot more things Bethany didn’t even share that would come later. Going through them, considering the way I really felt and how best to say it to Bethany, I wanted badly to drink myself into oblivion.

  Running a finger down her cheek, I give my honest answer. “There are a lot of kids in the system who need families. If you’re open to adopting so am I. And if you aren’t, that’s okay too. We can be pet parents and spoil our nieces and nephews rotten, then hand them back to their parents. I’m okay with not having kids; I’m not okay with not having you. I love you for you, for the way you don’t let me get away with shit, the way you have an answer for everything I say, for the way your eyes go green when I’m inside you, the way your body fits mine to perfection. Everything else is a bonus. I told you, I can’t let you go—it’s like giving up a part of me.”

  “Are you sure? Even if I don’t know if I’ll have the strength to try again.”

  Meeting her gorgeous green eyes, I don’t blink. “I mean every word, forever and always. I know you are stronger than you think you are. But if you don’t want to try again, it’s up to you. I can take everything else except losing you.”

  “I love you.” She whispers against my mouth. “I have since the first day. I kept waiting for something to happen, for me to wake up from this amazing dream I didn’t deserve. When it finally did I was sure our time was over. Only I couldn’t, I couldn’t walk away either. It is like leaving a part of me behind. I felt so guilty I got your ring because of the baby, but then I couldn’t keep the baby. It was like I let you both down.”

  “It wasn’t because of the baby I bought this ring, and it was never because of the baby that I put it on your finger. It was you, Bethany. It’s always been you.” She swallows my promise with her kiss, the first since that night, and it’s a promise all over again. For what has happened and what will be, for us.

  One week later


  The alarm from Dante’s phone goes off. I sigh as I snuggle into Dante. His hand goes through my hair.

  “Are you ready to get married today? Become Mrs. Dante Sabatini forever?”

  “Yes please. I’m glad this is an afternoon thing and we can kick everyone off to sail away. I can’t wait for it to just be us again. I love Alicia, but she’s driving me a little batty asking me every five minutes how I’m feeling. Even though I’m sorry we aren’t having a normal honeymoon.” All I can think is how unfair it is to him.

  A finger goes to the line between my eyes. “Don’t even think it. I’m not sorry at all. Normal is a subjective word. The purpose of a honeymoon is for a newly married couple to spend time with each other without the worries of all the usual stuff getting in the way. We need this time together. It doesn’t matter if we won’t be making love; it’s enough for me you’re in my arms when I go to sleep, and you’re still there when I wake up.”

  “You always know the perfect thing to say.” I press a kiss to his lips, thankful once again for his love and patience. He sighs. “What?”

  “I’m sorry, I kept telling myself to wait until you bring it up, but I can’t stop thinking about it. Do you want to try for another baby when it’s safe or...”

  He’s trying so hard to shield his hope. I swallow against the lump in my throat. “I want to try again. You’re right. I am stronger than I think I am. I’m grateful for the pregnancy even though it didn’t come at the best time, but I would like some time for the two of us. For me to settle into my career. Is that okay?”

  I’m braced for his disappointment, for guilt to hit me at denying him this, for now. Yet he smiles wide, his brown eyes glittering with happiness. “Whatever you want is okay. A few more years with only you as my entire world is pretty damn appealing. All that matters to me is you are happy. There is no hurry; we have the rest of our lives.”

  Two years later

  I hold my breath as the wand goes over my stomach. Dante gasps at the sight of the baby on the screen. The 3D imaging is amazing; we watch as the baby shifts in response to the wand. “It’s a boy,” the woman announces.

  “Everything is good?” Dante asks.

  “Yep, take a look at the screen, Daddy. Spine is straight and gorgeous, heartbeat strong, everything looks good.”

  Dante squeezes me tight as I sag into him in relief. Even though I felt the baby moving, kicking like he was trying out to be a soccer player fear refused to disappear completely. Now seeing him on the screen so utterly real and perfect the fear floats away as if it never was.

  “I’m going to give you a thumb drive of everything, okay?”

  We nod, both too overcome as we stare at the screen.

  I trace my finger over the screen. “Everything is going to be okay.” I know it now, I can feel it all the way to the marrow of my bones. We’re going to have a perfect, healthy baby boy and more will follow just as perfect. Our life won’t be unicorns and gumdrops, Dante will still drive me crazy from time to time, I’ll still make him nuts but us, we’re going to be just fine for now and always.

  As I look up Dante, his eyes meet mine. He sees it all, and he nods in agreement. “Yes, sweetheart, it will.” Another promise in addition to all the others that I have no doubt he’ll keep.

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  The next book in the series is His Dirty Bargain and can be purchased using this universal link:

  His Dirty Demands

  BBW Romance

  It's hard to believe when I get the call: an offer to work for one of the Sabatini brothers. Cesare and Dante head a real estate firm that buys, sells, and owns some of the most spectacular real estate in Chicago. Dante Sabatini is the youngest of the brothers, and even though he's an arrogant manwhore he doesn't come close to the a$$hole level of the oldest Sabatini, Cesare. While I work for Dante, Cesare is in the office across the hall—and too close for comfort. I'm not sure what misfiring synapse has my stomach flipping a thousand times a minute or my skin hot and tight when the man is around, but I'm doing my best to ignore it. Even if I weren't a virgin, I'm very aware getting involved with Cesare Sabatini would be a complete disaster.

  Until the moment I find out Cesare is having the same problem. The insanely gorgeous billionaire wants me? I'm a plus-size woman who has become numb to insults I have heard about my weight. I'm far from numb at the idea of throwing caution to the wind and giving in to the dirty demands Cesare whispered in my ear.

  Then I get a call I never thought I would have to deal with. My little sister is being blackmailed. I need twenty five thousand dollars or her future goes up in flames. I'm borrowing it, I'll put it right back.

  When Cesare finds out, he demands twenty-five days and nights of my body. Only once I'm in his home and life, twenty-five days isn't enough—I want forever. But what does Cesare want?

  His on Demand (BBW Romance)

  To make my dream come true I’ll do anything, even put up with an a$$hole like Leandros Kaplan. Four years, five tops and I’ll have enough money saved to stop working and write full time. I know lying to him to get the job is crazy and stupid. It’s as crazy and stupid as the requirement for his new assistant to be married. I’m not married, and I’m not like his past assistants, the ones who dropped sexual innuendo daily and then would hand him their underwear when he asked for reports. I’m a freaking virgin at thirty-one.

  I swear I never thought I would fall for him, it doesn’t matter that he’s a gorgeous Greek god billionaire, he’s also a jerk who takes pride in being ruthless and cold-blooded. He’s so out of my league we don’t even play the same game. He’s into dating double zero models. There’s no way he would ever be interested in a plus size like me.

  When he finds out I lied I’m not surprised he wants his pound of flesh, I’m surprised he wants it in the form of my flesh, naked for him. The retribution he demands is me, whenever, however, he wants my body. I’ll give it to him, everything he demands. He doesn’t want my heart or tears, only I can’t stop giving him both, and it’s slowly tearing me apart. Can he ever forgive me for lying or will that one lie be the end of us?

  His Fire Inside (BBW Romance)

  Okay, I know it's crazy to hate someone you've never met before but Rourke Vega is not the average man. The arrogant billionaire manwhore is to blame for turning my beloved Austin from quirky, cool college town to hipster paradise.

  It's a good thing I don't have to deal with him while I help his mother recover from a stroke. Her, I love. Him, all right I might have this insane desire to lick the dimple in his chin. Then there's the way from the outside he's calm, cool, collected and in control as if nothing fazes him. It makes me want to press his buttons, to make him lose control, to see the fire he hides inside. The fire I felt all too briefly. The fire I can't forget even as I tell myself I'm crazy because no way could a man as gorgeous as Rourke want a plus size like me.

  If my plus size doesn't put him off my family situation will. Both of our lives are too complicated to add romance to it. Besides, he's made it clear for the six months I'm his employee I'm off limits. Except he's still staring at me with the heat of a volcano ready to explode.

  Like a fool, I'm drawn to the fire even when I know it means one of us will get burned, but who?

  His Sweetest Sin (BBW Romance)

  I can’t believe it. Christopher Baldwin, the baddest boy in baseball, wants me. Amelia Bishop...I was maybe a solid seven before an accident changed my life, leaving me fat, broken, and avoiding mirrors. If he hadn’t said it with a stare hot enough to melt brain cells, I would never have believed him when he told me my curves are what he wants.

  An arrogant a$$hole with tattoos, a diamond glinting in his ear, and a dirty mouth promising wicked things, Chris Baldwin is no boy. Chris is all man, and a lethally gorgeous one at that. With dimples flashing as he invites me to sin in a slow Southern drawl, I’m trying to remember I don’t swoon, sin, or—wait, what? I forgot not to stare directly at his dimples, and those bright blue eyes aren’t safe either. Sorry, as I was saying.

  As appealing as the idea of sinning with Chris is, there is no doubt in my mind I would fail miserably at it, even under his expert tutelage. Chris has been on a steady diet of strippers, women who have all the right moves. Me, I have no moves at all. Chris is major league; I would get laughed out of little league.

  I’m also his lawyer, at least until my brother, Ethan, comes back from vacation. Getting involved with clients is a huge no-no, no matter what primetime television might show. As gorgeous as he is, Chris isn’t worth the possibility of hurting my career or losing the hard-earned respect of my boss and brother.

  Only I can’t deny he makes being bad sound so good. Once Ethan is back I’m no longer Chris’s lawyer and it’s open season on all my good intentions. Being with him is still dangerous, as his fame attracts all sorts of trouble. Who knows what complications could tear us apart?

  His Under Contract (BBW Romance)


  I never thought I would end up a housekeeper scrubbing floors on my hands and knees for one of the most obnoxious a$$holes I've ever met. It doesn’t matter if the floors are in a million-plus dollar condo, in one of Chicago’s most exclusive addresses. I never had huge aspirations for my future but it certainly wasn't this. While even his sister thinks he’s best taken in small doses, she offers me a job I can’t refuse. I need this job, and it’s not like it’s forever, just until I’m not on the edge of poverty. Let him be the unrepentant manwhore who didn’t do repeats. It’s better for him not to be at home, so close that my stupid body goes nuts when I even think of him. It’s better this way, because he could never want me. I’m a plus size not a size two model he’s used to having. I’m safe, it doesn’t matter how badly I want him, he doesn’t want me. Does he?


  In my world, the stakes are high, million dollar high, so no, I’m not nice. I don’t say please or thank you and I never apologize. If you have a problem with that, it’s your problem not mine. I didn’t make partner at one of the biggest law firms in Chicago at only thirty-two with my winning personality. I’m on top because I make money for my clients, whether it’s a high stakes takeover, or a player getting paid every dime he’s worth. My clients come out on top. I have worked hard for the life I have, the million-dollar condo, the Ferrari in the garage, and the hottest woman on my arm and in my bed. So, if my b!tch of a new housekeeper wants to look down on me, like I give a fu*k. My one weakness, my little sister parked me with a housekeeper who is far from perfect. Okay, she has the cooking and the cleaning down. But damn, does she have an attitude and a mouth on her that smiles even when she’s insulting me. It’s a good thing she isn’t my type, or I would make he
r pay the best way possible. At least, I’m trying to tell my c@ck she’s not my type, only the a$$ole has had his own idea since he saw her. It won’t last long though, it never wants any woman for long. When she offers herself to me, it’s with a contract where I hold all the control, all I have to do is sign.

  His Healing Touch (BBW Romance)

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  Okay, maybe just this once and just until she can walk without crying. Besides this is a one-time kind of thing. It’s not every day a nearly one hundred pound Rottweiler takes off on her without warning. As soon as her right ankle stops exploding in pain when she steps on it and her left knee stops feeling like it’s being poked with a sharp object she’s out the door.

  She’s gone this long alone and really she’s happier that way, really. She doesn’t need some man to complete her. Now if it’s sex he’s after (with her?) that’s something she’s very willing to have the doctor’s healing touch for.

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  Carrie Whitney’s young twin brothers have messed up one too many times. Rafael Castillo now holds their future in his hands. The ruthless billionaire isn't interested in giving them a second chance. She has no choice but to go to Rafael to beg for her brothers to be given another chance. Nothing goes as planned, and in a whirlwind of tears and accusations, Carrie finds herself in the arms of a man she knows has the power to make or break her world. Never expecting to find someone like him, she is willing to take him any way she can get him. A relationship based only in her bedroom, no promises, no holding hands.

  Rafael Castillo wasn’t expecting the tiny woman with the bright blue eyes to turn his world upside down, and he doesn’t like it. This wasn’t the way it was supposed to go, and now that he’s lost in her beautiful body, the way out of their nights locked in her room, away from the pressures of expectation, is harder to find.


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