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Snowden the White Dragon

Page 6

by Raymond L. Weil

  “Harmon! Good to see you!” Alfred said, pumping Harmon’s hand and smiling. “The harvests have been good this year. What have you brought us?”

  The two went behind the wagon and Harmon began going over what was in the back of the wagon. Alfred smiled even bigger as he realized that if this kept up his store would be well stocked this year. He might even be able to trade some of the excess with the village of New Haven on the ocean shore. If he could trade for some good quality fish, the people of the village would be in for a treat. Fish always sold well.

  “Let’s go inside,” Katrina said to Ashley as she began to climb down from the wagon. “We can get our shopping done while your father and Stephen unload the wagon.”

  Ashley and her mother went inside. The general store in Plainview wasn’t as large as the one in Glendon, but it still contained a lot of different items. There were various vegetables, smoked and salted meats, canned goods and nearly everything else that might be needed in the village. Between Plainview and the local farms, nearly four thousand people called this end of the valley their home.

  On one side of the store were a number of small tables. The general store was one of the more popular places for the people of the village to meet and talk. Most of the tables were always full, and today was no exception. Ashley and her mother stopped and visited briefly with several woman and young girls they knew. After saying hello, the two turned to their shopping.

  Ashley and her mother spent quite some time gathering the items they would need. Katrina had a long list of supplies she wanted for the winter in case they became snowed in. After awhile, Ashley walked over to one of the store windows and gazed out. Her brother Stephen came in and, spotting a boy about his age, went over to visit. The two went to school together during the winter when the weather permitted. After visiting for a few minutes, he went over to help their mother. There was already a sizable pile of goods growing on the counter.

  Ashley knew her father had probably gone to the tavern to talk to her uncles. She wished she could hear what they were talking about. Continuing to gaze out the window, Ashley felt startled when she saw a familiar figure ride into town on a dark brown horse. It was Todd Sorenson! What was he doing in Plainview? Her father mustn’t see him. Ashley quickly stepped outside and walked rapidly over to where Todd was tying up his horse.

  “What are you doing in Plainview?” demanded Ashley, hoping no one else recognized Todd. “You’re not supposed to come to our side of the valley without being invited.”

  Todd turned around and grinned widely at Ashley. “I was coming to see you. I didn’t think you would mind.”

  “I don’t mind,” stammered Ashley, flushing slightly. “But you still shouldn’t be here. My father would throw a fit if he knew a Sorenson was in our section of the valley.”

  “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about,” replied Todd, his manner suddenly turning serious. “It may not be your part of the valley much longer.”

  “What?” Ashley gasped, not sure she had heard right. “What do you mean by that? Is this some kind of threat?”

  “Is there someplace we can talk?” asked Todd, glancing nervously around the street. There were a quite a few people about, and he didn’t like standing out in the street in plain sight.

  Ashley thought for a moment, and then pointed to a small diner across the street away from the general store. “We can go in there and talk. We will just need to order something to drink.”

  “No problem,” Todd replied with a nod. “I have some money with me.”

  The two quickly hurried across the street and entered the small diner. There were only a few others inside, and they took little notice of the two young people. Ashley led Todd to a table by the window so she could keep a watch on the general store. She didn’t want her mother to come looking for her.

  Once they were seated, a waitress came over and took their order. At Todd’s insistence, she ordered a slice of cherry pie and a glass of milk. Todd ordered apple pie and a glass of water.

  “Now tell me what’s going on,” Ashley demanded, her eyes turning toward Todd.

  Why had Todd taken the risk to come all the way to Plainview? It surely wasn’t entirely just to see her, even though she had to admit the idea made her feel warm inside. He must have been riding most of the night to get here.

  “It’s my dad and uncle,” Todd confessed with an upset look crossing his face. “They have been making their presence known in Glendon pretty regularly recently. The word is already spreading around the village that the Sorensons now consider it part of their section of the valley.”

  “And the villagers are just allowing it?” Ashley asked, shocked at hearing this.

  Glendon was supposed to be neutral territory. Ashley could well imagine how this news would affect her father and his two brothers. The Sorensons taking over Glendon was extremely bad news.

  “They have no choice,” Todd replied glumly, looking around to make sure no one else was listening. “My uncle and Edward have actually injured a few village people recently. Not seriously, but just enough for the villagers to know that the Sorensons aren’t to be trifled with.”

  “That’s terrible,” responded Ashley, shaking her head in disbelief. “How could they do such a thing?”

  “It’s how my brother and uncle are,” Todd replied, unhappy that it was members of his own family that had injured the villagers.

  They both became quiet as the waitress returned, setting their orders down in front of them. Todd paid for it with a few coins he had in his pocket and the waitress left with a big smile on her face. Todd had tipped her pretty well.

  “So is that the only reason you came to Plainview?” Ashley asked.

  She was surprised to see Todd’s face turn red. “I wanted to warn you about what was happening in Glendon,” Todd stammered his eyes looking down at his pie. “Ashley, you need to tell your father that it might not be safe for any of you to go there again.”

  Ashley was quiet as she weighed Todd’s words. She knew Todd had risked a lot to bring her family this warning. She reached across the table and placed her hand on top of his. “Thank you, Todd,” replied Ashley, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. “My father will appreciate the warning.”

  Todd smiled back at Ashley and then spoke. He liked the warm, gentle feel of her hand on his own. “If anything happens, just watch out for Edward. He has a mean streak in him that frightens me. His sorcery powers are getting stronger every day. Someday he is going to be very dangerous, Ashley.”

  “I’m glad you’re not like him,” said Ashley, nodding her head in understanding.

  The two sat quietly eating their pie, not sure what to say next. They both felt a little bit uncomfortable.

  “Todd, you can’t risk coming here again,” Ashley finally said as she finished the last bite of her cherry pie. “It’s too dangerous.”

  “I know,” Todd replied with a heavy sigh. “I wanted to warn you, but I also wanted to talk to you again.”

  Ashley smiled. “I’ve been wanting to talk to you, too. I really enjoyed the time we spent together in Glendon.”

  “Can I see you again?” Todd asked with his eyes gazing deeply into Ashley’s deep blue ones. “Maybe somewhere away from Plainview? I will meet you anywhere!”

  “I don’t know,” replied Ashley, slowly. She would like to continue seeing Todd. She felt a strong attraction to the young man. “We would have to be very careful. For now, it seems as if might be too dangerous to risk it. Let’s just wait and see how all this plays out.”

  “Okay,” replied Todd, sounding disappointed. “My family would punish me severely if they knew I was in Plainview. As it is, I am going to have to make up a good excuse for getting back to Glendon so late.”

  Ashley glanced out the window and saw Stephen come out of the general store. He looked around and then headed up the street. Ashley knew her brother was probably looking for her.

  “You’d better go, Todd,” Ashley spoke. “
My mother and brother will be looking for me shortly.”

  “I know,” Todd replied as he slowly stood up.

  He wished he could stay so they could talk more. Ashley was the first girl he had ever really connected with. He felt so at ease in her presence, and he knew he could trust her.

  The two walked to the door, and Ashley waited just inside as Todd mounted his horse and rode off. She stepped outside and nearly bumped into Stephen.

  “Was that Todd?” he asked suspiciously, gazing at the rider who was quickly leaving the village. “What did he want?”

  “Yes,” replied Ashley, knowing she couldn’t deny that it was Todd. “Don’t tell Mom or Dad; I will explain everything later.”

  Stephen acted as if he was going to say something more, but a warning look from Ashley silenced him. The time for talking would be later.

  “Let’s go back to the general store and help Mom load everything,” Ashley continued as they started back across the street. “Dad should be back soon, and we can talk when we get back home.”


  The next day, Ashley and Stephen were working out in the garden together. Stephen had been dying of curiosity to find out what Todd had been doing in Plainview and why he had been with Ashley. It was all Ashley had managed to do to keep Stephen quiet the night before. She didn’t want her parents to know that a Sorenson had been in Plainview, at least not yet.

  “So what did Todd want?” Stephen asked as he pulled weeds out of a long row of leafy carrots.

  Ashley glanced nervously around making sure that her mom and dad weren’t within hearing distance. Neither were in sight.

  “He came to warn us about his family,” Ashley replied as she pulled a stubborn, long rooted weed out of the turnips. “He said they now control Glendon and that we should stay away.”

  “But Glendon is supposed to be neutral territory!” objected Stephen, raising his head up and staring at Ashley in surprise. “How can they tell us to stay away? We have just as much of a right to be in Glendon as they do.”

  “We may have no choice,” answered Ashley, standing up and stretching. Her back was stiff from spending the last hour pulling weeds. She wondered if she could find a spell in the sorcery book that would do away with weeds in the garden. “Todd says Edward is becoming very powerful in his sorcery skills. His father and uncle are quite strong also.”

  “Stronger than our family,” Stephen spoke in understanding. He knew that their family had always been the weaker of the two families where sorcery was concerned.

  “Unfortunately,” replied Ashley, wishing things were different.

  “I wish I was stronger,” spoke Stephen, despondently. “I can just barely light a candle.”

  “You will get stronger as you get older,” responded Ashley, wanting to give Stephen some encouragement. “You know as well as I do that as you age your sorcery powers will become stronger.”

  Stephen stood up with a questioning look upon his face. “I don’t know,” he spoke slowly. “Mason is fifteen, and he can already do a lot of things I can’t.”

  Ashley nodded. Mason was one of Uncle Mark’s children. “I know, Stephen, but Mason is a year older. You just need to give yourself some time.”

  “We may not have that time,” responded Stephen, using his foot to kick a weed down the long row of carrots. “What if the Sorensons come to our side of the valley? What if they’re not satisfied with just Glendon?”

  Ashley was quiet for a moment. This was something she hadn’t seriously considered. Was that the real reason Todd had come to Plainview? He had made that one cryptic comment about this end of the valley not being under control of the Andrews much longer. They had spoken so much about the trouble in Glendon that she had forgotten about it until just now.

  “I need to go start splitting wood,” Stephen said in a dejected voice. “At least that’s one thing I’m good at.”

  Ashley didn’t know what to say as Stephen trudged off toward the woodpile. As she watched him, she could understand her brother’s frustration; Stephen was disappointed in his sorcery. She hoped Stephen didn’t give up on it. She loved her brother and knew he needed some help.

  Letting out a deep breath, she gazed at all the weeds they had pulled out of the garden. Looking around, she saw that only Stephen was in sight, and he was concentrating on the woodpile. She watched him pick up an axe and start splitting the wood. Reaching to the top of her blouse, she pulled out her amulet. Closing her eyes, she concentrated and moved her hand in a series of rapid movements. When the spell was completed, she cast it over the garden.

  Opening her eyes, she watched as all the pulled weeds started to wither and dry up. In moments, all that remained were a few of the thicker stems. The rest had turned to dust and returned to the soil beneath. Glancing at her amulet, she saw that it was glowing brightly, and then the glow began to fade.

  “Come to me soon,” a voice spoke in her mind. Ashley was startled. She realized it was the dragon. “I will,” responded Ashley, concentrating as hard as she could.

  Ashley turned and began walking toward the house. She knew her father was still inside talking to her mother. She needed to tell him what Todd had said. He wouldn’t be happy when he found out she had been keeping this information from him and that Todd had been in Plainview.


  Harmon looked at his daughter with frustration and anger covering his face. They were both sitting at the kitchen table. Ashley had just finished telling him about her meeting with Todd Sorenson. He took several long breaths, trying to calm himself down before he finally spoke. “You should have told me a Sorenson was in Plainview!”

  “I knew it would upset you, and Todd isn’t like the others,” Ashley said, defending Todd.

  “You’re too young to be the judge of that,” her father said in a stern, disapproving voice.

  Katrina stepped over and put her hand on her husband’s arm. “Harmon, she didn’t mean any harm, and you don’t know what this Todd is like. You need to trust our daughter.”

  She looked over at Ashley. She suspected Ashley was attracted to this young man. Katrina remembered her early days when she and Harmon first met. They had been so hesitant and nervous those first few times they had been together. She suspected that Ashley wasn’t telling them everything.

  “He’s still a Sorenson,” Harmon insisted, but in a calmer voice. “Mark and Robert both agree that trouble is coming from the Sorensons. If what Ashley said about Glendon is true, that trouble is not far off.”

  “What are we going to do?” asked Katrina, stepping behind her husband. She put her hand on his shoulders and squeezed gently. “Todd came to warn us; at least we know what’s going on.”

  A long frown crossed Harmon’s face. “I don’t think they will do anything until Edward is older. It’s his surprising strength in sorcery that has given the Sorensons the nerve to try to expand their control in the valley. I don’t believe they want open conflict with us, at least not at the moment.”

  “I’m sorry, Dad, for not telling you sooner,” Ashley spoke apologetically. She didn’t like upsetting her father.

  “I guess I understand,” Harmon responded, his eyes focusing on Ashley. “But next time Todd comes to talk to you, I would like to speak with him. I promise I won’t threaten or scare the boy.”

  Ashley nodded her head in understanding. “I will tell him, but I don’t know if he will be coming back. I told him not to.”

  After a few more words, Ashley left the kitchen and went to her room. She needed to tidy up some and think about a few things.

  Harmon watched her go, shaking his head. What had his daughter gotten herself into with this Sorenson kid? “I wonder if this Todd will come back?”

  Katrina smiled knowingly. “He will be back; I think you can count on that.” Katrina walked over to the sink and starting working on the breakfast dishes. Oh, yes, the young man would be back, but she didn’t tell Harmon the reason why. She didn’t think he realized yet that his li
ttle girl was growing up.


  Ashley finished cleaning her room and sat down on her bed. It had been harder to tell her father and mother about Todd than she had thought it would be. She wondered about her own feelings for Todd. She did find herself strangely attracted to the young man. It’s nothing, she thought. Todd is just becoming a friend. Besides, they had only talked to each other a couple of times.

  Walking over to her window, she gazed outside. From here, she could just barely see Beaver Mountain. She had already decided that, in the next day or two, she would have to go to the mountain. She had an appointment with a certain dragon.

  Chapter Five

  Ashley was nearly to the dragon’s cave on Beaver Mountain. Her father and mother had gone off to visit one of the neighbors and wouldn’t be back until late that afternoon. He was going to use his sorcery to help clear a field of some nuisance weeds.

  She had bribed Stephen to finish weeding the garden for her. He had asked suspiciously where she was going. Ashley knew that Stephen probably thought she was meeting Todd somewhere. She was careful not to say anything to cause Stephen to think differently. If their parents came back before she did, Stephen was supposed to tell them that she had gone horseback riding and would be returning before dark. Ashley hoped she would be back before or immediately after they were. If not, then something unplanned had occurred on the mountain.

  Stepping around a large pine tree, Ashley spied the cave entrance a short distance ahead of her. She glanced at the pinecones scattered on the ground and breathed in the fragrant scents that were in the air. She looked over at the beckoning cave entrance and hoped she wasn’t making a mistake.


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