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Vegas Love

Page 14

by Jillian Dodd


  "Yes, sometime I will have to show you."

  "You could show me something else for now," I say, finally pulling her dress completely off and reveling in her naked beauty.

  Negative Press


  I get an email from Vanessa every day with what she calls my daily dashboard. This is something that Brandi never did for me, and I'm not sure I like it. Part of me wishes I didn't know what people were saying about me, but Vanessa has a completely different approach and it feels much more cultivated and professional.

  Listed first on my dashboard is the positive press.

  There are multiple links for stories and photos of me attending the fashion shows and parties from yesterday.

  Under the neutral category are all the stories regarding my secret engagement to Zach.

  Are they or aren't they?

  Will Zach choose love over his family?

  Zach in hiding while Ashlyn attends Fashion Week.

  Then there is the negative press column.

  Zach's mother says the couple broke up last week and are not engaged.

  Zach defies his family with secret proposal to Ashlyn.

  Mama Ellison refuses to sit by Ashlyn Roberts at fashion show.

  What follows is an article quoting Zach's mother--live from Fashion Week--saying that her son is not engaged. Which must have led others to infer that Zach is defying his family.

  Another article goes on to report that there is more to the story. Their inside sources close to the family say that Zach's mother was very upset by my sex tape. That she will never allow her son to marry someone of my moral character.

  There is yet another story falsely claiming we were seated next to each other at one of the fashion shows and that there was much drama when Mrs. Ellison refused to sit next to the tart and the designer was forced to rearrange the seating to accommodate her.

  I call Vanessa. "This is bullshit."

  "From everything I have heard, Mrs. Ellison is a very nice woman. Do you believe what the press is saying?"

  "She may not want me with her son because of the sex tape, but I don't think she would say those catty things even behind closed doors."

  "From what I've seen, his mother avoids the press. Any statements their family makes come through their publicity team. So where is all this coming from?"

  "I don't know. Part of me wonders if Zach is playing it. He told me something in Vegas that I didn't catch at the time, but I realize it could be important now. He said that his publicist wants him to have a sexier image, so he could launch a solo career. Which is weird, because Zach always refers to their publicists as the team."

  "Do you think he's hired someone on the side to help him break away from his family?"

  "I think so. I'm also thinking he purposely leaked our meeting for drinks to the press."

  "I'm going to see what I can find out. I'll get back to you."

  An Easy Target


  We're drinking champagne in one of the Fashion Week tents when a guy walks up to Ashlyn and says, "I really need to talk to you."

  "Luke, I don't want to talk to you. Don't do this here."

  Luke? As in asshole sex-tape-releaser, Luke?

  "She said she doesn't want to talk to you," I say quietly, but sternly.

  "I need to," he argues.

  "You need to go fuck yourself," I say, taking Ashlyn's elbow and leading her away.

  But later, while Ashlyn is backstage at a show talking to Vale, he comes up to me.

  "Are you Ashlyn's body guard?"

  "No, I'm--I work with her agent. And it's taking all my self-control not to punch you in the face right now. So get away from me."

  He hands me a slip of paper with an address on it. "If she won't listen to me, maybe you will. Meet me. I have proof that I didn't release the sex tape."

  While she's at another show, I do just that.

  Then I call Vanessa Flanning.

  When Ashlyn arrives back at our hotel suite, she finds Luke, Vanessa, and me sitting at the dining room table and asks, "What is he doing here?"

  "Luke has been trying to talk to you, because he didn't release the sex tape. He didn't even know about it until after he broke up with you."


  Luke stands up and walks over to Ashlyn. "Come sit down and let me explain."

  She looks at me and I nod, indicating that she should.

  When she sits down next to him, he says, "Let me start by saying that I'm an idiot. I loved you, but I got caught up in wanting it all. The fame. The tours. The gold records." He lowers his eyes. "Which made me an easy target for Brandi."

  "If you think you're going to blame it on Brandi, it's not going to work. I'm the one who asked Brandi to help you."

  "You did, but I doubt you asked her to seduce me. And I doubt you told her in confidence that you were going to break up with me."

  Ashlyn can't hide her shock. Her mouth is hanging wide open. She finally recovers and says, "You're right, I didn't."

  "The night she covered for me was the first time we had slept together. I felt horrible. And you knew it the second I walked in."

  "But that doesn't make sense. If she seduced you, why would she cover for you? Didn't she want you for herself?"

  "She did, but she hadn't made the sex tape yet. Think about it, Ash. Who told you to go buy something sexy to wear? Who drank with you and sent you to my apartment? Brandi. She set it up. I didn't know about the tape until I told her that I was going to come clean. That I was going to tell you about my indiscretion and that I was going to beg you for forgiveness. She told me if I did, that she would release the tape. That's why I left for sushi and never came back. I was trying to protect you."

  "So then a year later, after your last album bombed, you call me back and miss me? And when I say no, you release the sex tape? Or are you going to blame that on her too?"

  "I'm going to blame her, because she is responsible. I called you because I was trying to get you away from Zach. I thought maybe if I sweet-talked you like I used to that you would agree to meet me. I didn't expect her to release the tape so soon." He hands me a photocopied sheet of paper with Brandi's handwriting on it.

  Zach Ellison

  Solo Career Track

  1. Zach records solo song.

  2. Start a website dedicated to him. Included are numerous photo shots with him shirtless, highlighting how sexy he is, to break his teen boy band reputation.

  3. Zach takes Ashlyn to Vegas to do an event. This will be the first public hint of him going solo. He needs to show his sexy side. (Send cocaine with him, so he will freaking loosen up!)

  4. Release sex tape of Luke and Ashlyn, driving a wedge between Ashlyn and Zach's family from which she could never recover.

  5. Zach stands by her--asks for fan's prayers and best wishes through their trying times. (By staying with her, women will appreciate his faithfulness. His willingness to stand up to his family for the woman he loves. Women will see him for the grown-up, sexy man that he has become.)

  6. Get him a contract with an underwear designer. Want him on a billboard in Times freaking Square.

  7. Ashlyn and Zach's courtship becomes sexier. Not the sweet sugar shit. Clubs. Late nights. Drunk public kissing.

  8. Zach goes to red carpet event with Ashlyn. Accidentally lets it slip that he's working on a solo album.

  9. Family won't know what to do. They will have to act like he has their support.

  10. Release solo song.

  11. Sign with big label for solo album.

  12. Worldwide solo tour.

  13. During tour, Zach and Ashlyn break up due to "their schedules".

  14. Zach announces that during the tour he fell in love with his publicist, Brandi, and they are dating.

  15. Big, amazing, romantic, and very public engagement. (Reminiscent of TomKat.)

  16. Televised wedding.

  17. $$$$

  "Wow," is all Ashlyn says. I want
to sit next to her and wrap my arms around her, but I know this is something she needs to deal with on her own. It's time for her to take control of her career in the way my brother thinks she should.

  So I sit and wait to see what she does next.

  And what she does, surprises me. She grabs Luke and pulls him into a hug. "I'm so glad that I was wrong about you."

  Then she leans back and looks at all of us. "So, what are we going to do about this bitch?"

  Vanessa sits down on the couch next to her. "We take away what she wants."

  "And what is that?" I ask.

  "Zach," Ashlyn says confidently. "I think she's working Zach like she did Luke. I doubt he knows her full plan."

  "I don't think he knows either," Luke agrees. "I'd bet that she's telling him what he wants to hear. That he should go solo. She's been helping him plan it, but I highly doubt he knows she wants to marry him. I'm sure she's sleeping with him too."

  "What, does this girl have a golden pussy or something?" I ask. "What is it about her that causes you guys to become such idiots?"

  Luke shakes his head. "She's crazy in bed. You dream of a threesome, she'll set it up. You dream of a solo career, she'll convince you that you can do it. She listens and she manipulates. And she's damn good at it. The sex is just a small part of her allure. She strokes your ego. That's how she does it. Maybe you can convince Zach you should get back together, Ashlyn. Steal him away from Brandi."

  Ashlyn shakes her head. "No, we need the only woman who could steal him away from her for good to get involved."

  "His mother?" Vanessa asks with a grin.

  "Yes. I think I'd like to sit next to her at a fashion show tomorrow and then take her to lunch. In fact, I'm going to call her now."

  She gets up and paces while she waits to get through to his mom.

  "Mrs. Ellison, it's Ashlyn Roberts. I know the press is saying all sorts of stuff about us. About Zach and me. I'm really sorry about all that's happened. I was wondering if you might be willing to have lunch with me after the Ralph Lauren show? I'd like to apologize in person."

  She pauses then smiles. "Awesome. Thank you so much. I look forward to seeing you." She turns to us. "She said yes."

  Cheap Pussy


  After a very cozy and very public lunch with Zach's mother, where I filled her in on everything that has been going on, I send a group text to Zach and Brandi.

  Time to let Brandi know that we're on to her and let Zach know what's up.

  Group message: Hey, wanted to let you both know that I had a lovely lunch with Mrs. Ellison today in New York.

  Brandi: I don't give a shit what you do anymore. You fired me. And I'll be suing you for everything you are worth for breaking our contract.

  Me: Zach, I told your mom how much I respect your family and how I hate to see Brandi taking advantage of you.

  Brandi: You don't know what the hell you are talking about. I'm not working with Zach. His family has their own publicity team.

  Me: Zach, I also told your mom about the drugs in Vegas. Even shared a photo of you doing the cocaine Brandi gave you. I told her that not only are you sleeping with Brandi, but that she's helping to plan your solo career. Your mother was very grateful and gracious about the information.

  Zach: I'm so fucked.

  Brandi: Don't be ridiculous, Zach. She has no proof of anything. Your mother has been trash-talking her all week.

  Me: Actually, that's not at all correct, Brandi. His mother hasn't been trash-talking me. She told me she was sorry that I had to go through what I did and that she has been praying for me.

  Brandi: Whatever, she's polite. She still doesn't want you with her son.

  Me: She doesn't want you with her son either. Turns out when you are screwing guys and pretending to love them and then you dump them for the next big thing and release a sex tape of them, it pisses them off a little. Luke gave me proof of your plans. Your little checklist on how to marry Zach, which I shared with Mrs. Ellison. Luke will be testifying that you are the one who released the sex tape. It's YOU who will be sued for everything you are worth. Not to mention that Luke and I are going to do a joint press release exposing your plan, which means you will never get another client again.

  And, Zach, just a word of advice from someone who has been screwed by Brandi too, your family loves you and has your best interests at heart. If you want to go solo, your mother said she would fully support it. Don't fuck everything up for cheap pussy.

  Brandi: You bitch!

  Me: Actually, I'm pretty sure you've already won that role.

  "Oh, that felt good." I say, setting my phone down and letting out a happy little squeal. I can't wait to get back to the hotel to fill everyone in on the news.

  As we're heading to the airport, I get a daily dashboard.

  This time, everything is in the Positive Press column as Mrs. Ellison made one of her first ever statements to the press, setting the record straight.

  I look at the ring sparkling on my finger and the handsome man sitting next to me and know that the press is never going to have anything else bad to say about me--unless it has to do with a movie or an outfit--because my life is going to be perfectly, romantically, wonderfully boring.


  Believe in Me


  I get a call from Cade just as I'm unpacking from our trip.

  "I'm just getting ready to call Ashlyn, but I wanted to give you a heads up first."

  My heart drops into my stomach, wondering what now. I thought all the drama was behind us. "Okay," I say slowly.

  "It's good news, Cash. I have two offers on the table for her. The one the studio rescinded on was re-offered."

  "What's the other deal?"

  "The movie with Palmer."

  "Ashlyn read the script on the plane. She loved it."

  "The timing works out that she can do both roles if she chooses to, and she'll have about three months off before the next one starts. That would give her time to find a house and get settled, so things seem to be working out for her. You've done a good job, Cash. And speaking of that, I think you're ready to start taking on clients of your own. You're going to make a good agent. I even have a few potential clients lined up for you to meet next week."

  "What about Ashlyn?"

  "What about her?"

  "Will I still be working with her?"

  "Not as long as she stays out of trouble."

  "Oh, okay," I say, hanging up. And although all of this is really good news and I should be excited, I'm not.

  I should unpack, but instead I grab my phone. I'll give Cade a few minutes to talk to her and then I'll call her. I dropped her off at her house all of about fifteen minutes ago and I already miss her. I scroll through my emails to kill time, finding one for a new real estate listing. I scroll through the photos and am in awe.

  I don't think twice. I call the realtor and ask to see it right away.

  When I get there, the realtor starts his sales pitch. "This is an outstanding property. Two acres of land set on a hill overlooking the Pacific." As we walk up to the entry, he continues, "The double entry doors are antiques imported from Italy."

  I close my eyes, trying to drown out his voice.

  Finally, I say, "Would it be okay if we skipped the sales pitch and I just look around? If I like it, we can go over all the details later."

  "Sounds good," he says.

  I walk into the house, instantly feeling at home.

  After I see the property, I call Ashlyn and tell her I'm coming over. I can't wait to tell her I found her dream house.

  Hopefully, our dream house.

  But when I pull into her driveway, she's standing outside.

  "What are you doing out here?"

  "Waiting for you. I assumed you were coming over, so we could both go to Cade's office." She flashes a huge smile. "He has two deals for me!"

  "That's awesome," I say, even though I feel disappointed.

; I quickly shake it off.

  I'll tell her later.

  Business before pleasure, right?

  It's better this way. She'll be excited about what's next in her career, and I can finish off the day perfectly by taking her to see the house.

  She holds my hand the whole way to the office, but quickly drops it when we pull into the parking lot.

  I look down at my empty hand and feel nervous. Like it's a sign of something yet to come.

  Is she going to be on location somewhere and I won't see her?

  Will this movie deal break us up?

  Before we go inside, Ashlyn wrings her hands. "I'm nervous."

  "Why? You've done so many movies. This should be old hat."

  "I know I should be grateful they offered me the sequel, but the fact that they rescinded the offer in the first place upsets me. It's like they didn't believe in me."

  "I know I'm new to the business, but here's my take on it. Acting is a career for you, but it's still personal. What you do is an art. It's in your soul. For the studio, it's about the money. The bottom line. No matter what any studio says or does or offers, you've already had great success. If you want someone to believe in you, then you need to believe in yourself first. Be proud of what you've accomplished. I saw the stats from the first movie. They know you are talented. They know you draw crowds to the theaters and you sell videos. They pulled their offer because they were worried about your future. If you know what you want--if you believe in yourself--the negotiations will fall into place."

  She takes a step toward me, getting as close as she can without actually touching me. "I know what I want, Sexy. I want you in my future."

  I lean so close that our lips almost touch. "I want to kiss you so bad right now."

  "I want to kiss you so bad right now too. Thanks for the pep talk. I needed it. You really are going to make a good agent. Maybe I'll fire your brother and hire you."


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