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Wild, Crazy Hearts – the Bradens & Montgomerys (Pleasant Hill – Oak Falls)

Page 12

by Melissa Foster

  I’m good at nudging.

  Pushing. She was good at pushing.

  But wasn’t the elation on Trace’s face worth a little push?

  The old Brindle would have jumped on that bandwagon, but the new and improved version of herself needed to learn the art of nudging. She added that to her list of things to discuss next week during the meeting of the married minds with her sisters and mother.

  “I’ll see what I can do,” she finally answered. “And, Sin? Thank you for seeing in Trace what most people overlook.”

  “What’s that?”

  “That he’s so much more than just a good-looking cowboy.”

  LATER THAT DAY, Brindle went shopping with Lindsay and Trixie for a new outfit to wear on her date with Trace. She’d thought shopping would take an hour, maybe two, but three hours, four stores, and one power lunch later, she was standing in front of a three-way mirror holding her boobs and laughing hysterically.

  “Seriously, you guys,” she said. “Look at them! They’re like grapefruits!”

  “Melons,” Trixie said. “Big ones. The kind people use for target practice.”

  Lindsay grabbed Trixie’s arm, doubling over with laughter. “Little watermelons.”

  Brindle turned sideways in the tight black dress Lindsay had insisted she try on. She put one hand on her pooch of a belly and said, “I’m all belly and boobs. Trace is going to run the other way.”

  “No, babe. No way,” Lindsay said. “I think you look beautiful. Besides, Trace is a boob man.”

  Brindle put a hand on her hip, raising her brows in amusement. “How do you know what he is?”

  “He’s with you, and according to Montgomery lore, you’ve got the best boobs in the family,” Lindsay reminded her. It was a long-running joke between Brindle and her sisters about who had the best body parts. She’d sprouted C cups practically overnight the summer she’d turned twelve, and by fourteen she was a full D cup.

  “Aren’t all men into boobs?” Trixie said. “I swear, if we stared at guys’ crotches the way they stare at our breasts, we’d be arrested.”

  “God, isn’t that the truth?” Brindle agreed.

  “Well, some of us don’t have that problem.” Lindsay glanced down at her perfect B cups. “But I’m glad I don’t, actually. The last thing I want is to be hounded by guys. Anyway, you want to look special for this date, right? That dress is special. It will blow his mind.”

  “I don’t know. I’m trying not to look like typical me, you know? We’re starting over, and I don’t want to look like I just want to entice him into bed.”

  They both gave her a deadpan look.

  “Trust me, Brin,” Lindsay said. “It doesn’t matter what you wear; you’re still going to look like that. You’ve got this natural seduction thing going on that most women would pay big bucks to master.”

  “Thanks!” Brindle smiled and shrugged. “What do you think, Trix?”

  “I think that smile-shrug thing you do underscores what Linds just said.” Trixie began leafing through a dress rack and said, “You could wear pajamas and my brother would still be gaga over you.”

  She knew that was true. “But I do want tonight to be special. We’ve never really gone on dates, you know? I’m not sure what to expect. He wouldn’t give me any indication of where we were going. Do you guys know?”

  Trixie turned away. “Did I tell you Nick’s coming into town for the last jam session of the year? Yup, he’s coming out.”

  “Good. I could use some man candy,” Lindsay said. “Nick is the perfect mix of cowboy and biker, which is so not typical. Is his you know what as impressive as his biceps?”

  Trixie laughed. “How would I know? He’s an arrogant, pushy pain in my butt. I might like to check out his ass, but I’m not checking out his package.”

  Brindle rolled her eyes. “Okay, I get it. You both know what Trace has planned, and you won’t tell me. Some friends you are.”

  “We’re the best friends you could ever have because we aren’t going to ruin your surprise.” Trixie spun around, holding up a long-sleeved gray minidress with a boat neck, and said, “This is perfect! It’s short and sexy, but it won’t be tight, and if you pair it with those black thigh-high boots you love so much, you won’t be too cold.” She pushed Brindle toward the dressing room and thrust the hanger into her hands. “Go try it on.”

  She changed into the soft, cotton dress, and knew the second she slipped it over her head that it was perfect. It hung to the middle of her thighs in the front and was a little longer in the back. It was just snug enough to draw attention to her breasts without making them appear too prominent, and it hung loose around her belly, with a slight flare at the bottom, which enhanced her waist.

  Before she could step out of the dressing room, Lindsay and Trixie barreled through the curtain.

  “We found accessories,” Lindsay said, putting three long necklaces over Brindle’s head, while Trixie slipped a handful of bangles over Brindle’s hand.

  “And look.” Trixie held up a pair of silver earrings with dangling gray and black jewels. “What do you think?”

  “I think y’all are goddesses for spending so much time helping me find the perfect outfit.” She admired herself in the mirror, imagining her thigh-high boots, and said, “This is perfect. It’s understated, and the boots will make it just sexy enough. I’m not sleeping with him tonight, by the way.”

  “Uh-huh,” Lindsay said.

  “I don’t want to hear about it if you do,” Trixie reminded her.

  “I’m seriously not going to. That’s not what people do on first dates, right?”

  Trixie looked from Brindle to Lindsay and said, “Don’t look at me for answers. Jeb’s scared off most of the guys around here. I’m like untouchable territory.”

  “Tinder users might disagree with you, Brin,” Lindsay said as she gathered the discarded dresses.

  “Tinder?” Brindle asked. “You use Tinder?”

  “I never said that, and I have to go put these away.” Lindsay hurried out of the dressing room.

  “Do you think she does?” Brindle asked as she began undressing.

  Trixie shrugged. “Maybe. I know she’s not hoping for a ring on her finger.”

  “But neither was I, and I’d never use Tinder. That’s a hookup app.”

  Trixie handed Brindle her shirt and said, “That’s because your hookup is always ready and willing. Lindsay doesn’t date anyone around here. She’s mysterious about her personal life, isn’t she?”

  “Yeah. It’s kind of weird,” she said as she pulled on her jeans.

  Trixie grabbed the rubber band Brindle used for the button on her jeans from the bench and handed it to her. “That’s only because you’ve always put yours out there for everyone to see.”

  “That’s the old me, and it’s changing.” Thinking of her discussion with Sin as she hooked the rubber band through her buttonhole, she said, “Do you guys have any trouble getting temporary help on the ranch? Like, if you needed someone to cover for a few hours two or three times a week, is that doable?”

  “Trace and Shane handle the schedules for ranch hands,” Trixie said. “I’m sure it can be done, but if it was that often, they’d need to find someone they trusted. Why? Are you worried that once the baby comes you might need Trace’s help here and there?”

  “I don’t know what I was thinking,” she said, because she didn’t want to make the mistake of sharing her thoughts about Trace coaching with Trixie before she shared them with Trace.

  Brindle pulled on her cowgirl boots, grabbed her coat, and said, “Come on. Let’s go get Lindsay to spill her sexy Tinder secrets.”

  TRACE STOOD BEFORE Brindle’s apartment door as nervous as he’d been the first time they’d had sex. He didn’t know squat about first dates, and he didn’t want to mess this one up. It was kind of hard to learn dating etiquette when he’d never formally dated anyone. He and Brindle had met up, hooked up, made plans with other couples, skipped o
ut on other couples, and done just about every other form of dancing around the dating game there was. Which was why he found himself a few years shy of thirty, trying to figure out how to romance the woman he’d loved since he was a teenager.

  Better late than never.

  He hid the bouquets he’d brought behind his back and knocked on the door.

  When Brindle answered, he nearly dropped the bouquets. She looked gorgeous in a little gray number with sexy thigh-high boots. “Holy smokes, darlin’. How am I supposed to behave with you looking like that?”

  She looked down at her outfit and said, “I tried not to dress too sexy. Do you want me to change?”

  A low laugh rumbled up his chest and he shook his head. “It wouldn’t do any good. You could wear a burlap sack and you’d still be too hot to handle.”

  Her eyes darkened with the compliment. “You’re looking pretty hot yourself, cowboy.”

  She grabbed the front of his dress shirt, pulling him in for a kiss. His hand slid down her back, coming to rest on the curve of her ass as their lips met. He couldn’t resist deepening the kiss. She made a sweet, sexy noise, and that was all it took to make him hard as steel.

  “This feels a lot like the old us,” he said against her lips, holding her tight.

  “I like the old us.”

  She tugged him down for another kiss, and he slanted his mouth over hers. His arm circled her back, crushing her to him.

  She gasped, prying his arm from her side. “Something pricked me.”

  “Damn. Sorry, darlin’. Roses.” He handed her the bouquets. “I couldn’t decide between a dozen red roses and chocolate roses, so I got you both. I know how much you love chocolate, and I figured red roses were a first-date tradition, right?”

  She smelled the flowers, with a dreaminess in her eyes that made him want to bring her flowers every day.

  “I don’t know anything about first-date traditions,” she said sweetly. “But this is about the most romantic thing you could have done. Thank you. Come in. Let’s put the roses in water.”

  He followed her into the kitchen, and when she reached up to get a vase, he moved behind her, retrieving it for her. He set it on the counter and said, “You smell amazing.”

  “It’s your favorite,” she said as she filled the vase with water. “Juicy Couture.”

  “We should buy stock in it.” He kissed her neck as she arranged the flowers.

  “These are beautiful. You’ve never given me flowers before.”

  He turned her in his arms and said, “I’ve picked wildflowers for you before.”

  “Yes, and that was romantic, too. But being given flowers before sex feels totally different.” She put her arms around his neck, brushing her body against his, and said, “Almost like foreplay.”

  “If you do that again, our first date is going to take place in your bedroom,” he warned.

  “I don’t think so, cowboy. I’m a proper lady. I don’t do that on the first date.” She took his hand, leading him toward the door.

  He snagged her keys and phone from the counter and pocketed them. As he helped her on with her coat, he said, “How about the second date? Because I could leave and come back in two minutes.”

  “Why, Mr. Jericho, you are a naughty boy.”

  He slipped his arm around her waist as they left the apartment and descended the steps. “Word around town is that Miss Montgomery has a thing for naughty cowboys, and you know how I love to be the teacher’s pet.”

  “We’ll have to straighten out that dirty rumor,” she said. “I have a thing for only one particularly naughty cowboy, and he’s already earned an A in romance.”

  “Mustang, you ain’t seen nothing yet.” He drew her closer as they crossed the parking lot and said, “I can’t wait to earn extra credit.”

  TRACE DROVE PAST JJ’s Pub. The parking lot was empty, and there were no lights on, but JJ’s truck was parked out front. “Whoa. What’s going on at JJ’s? They’re not supposed to be closed.” He pulled into the lot and parked. “Do you mind if we run in just to make sure everything’s okay?”

  “Of course not. Let’s go.”

  He came around the truck and helped her out. “Something must have happened.”

  They hurried to the front door, which was unlocked. Trace called out, “JJ?”

  He pretended to try the light switch. “He must have an electrical issue. Come on, let’s check the other light switches.”

  “You should lock the door,” she said, holding on to his arm. “It’s so dark in here.”

  “Good thinking.” He locked the door, keeping her close as they headed for the office, which was also dark. “Let’s check the back.”

  They went past the room with the mechanical bull, and he flipped the light switch in the bar, bringing her surprise to life. He watched with joy as Brindle’s eyes swept over the lanterns he and his brothers had hung from the rafters and the canopy with cream-colored silk drapes they’d erected around a table in the middle of the dance floor. They’d decorated the canopy with red and pink roses and wound strings of tiny white lights around the frame. Three paper lanterns hung over the table, which was set with fancy place settings and silverware atop a red runner covering the center of the white tablecloth. Beside the table was a champagne stand, the bottle of sparkling cider peeking out the top.

  “Trace,” Brindle said breathlessly, gazing down at the trail of red rose petals leading from where they stood to the table. “You did all this for me? And you had JJ close the pub?”

  He put his arms around her and said, “We’ve been in the spotlight of this town forever. Tonight I want you all to myself, basking in my spotlight.”

  Her eyes glistened with happiness. “I can’t…You…Trace, there are no words big enough…I never wanted to be a princess, but you’ve just made me feel like one.” A tear slipped down her cheek.

  “You are my princess, Mustang. You’re my princess, my wild girl, my everything.” He touched his lips to hers in a tender kiss. “But I can’t take all the credit. Lindsay helped me plan out the decorations, and my brothers helped me set up. I’ve always wanted to do things like this for you, and now that you’ve given me the okay, I want to be sure I’m doing enough.”

  “Enough? Trace, you literally blew me away. I will never, in my entire life, forget this feeling or how beautiful everything looks.” She gazed up at him and said, “And I’ll definitely never forget the way you’re looking at me right this second.”

  “I’ve looked at you like this since you were a teenager, when I had no business looking at you at all. We’re going to figure out how to do all the right things together so our baby, and everyone else in this town—in this world—knows we are unbreakable.”

  “I don’t care what anyone else thinks. I only care that we’re the best we can be together and that it’s enough for our baby to feel safe and loved every day of its life.”

  “Aw, sweet darlin’, we’re going to be more than enough.”

  Chapter Ten

  TRACE HAD THOUGHT of every little detail. They enjoyed a delicious steak dinner he’d brought in from the best restaurant in town and sipped sparkling cider, serenaded by all of Brindle’s favorite songs playing on the jukebox. They held hands across the table and talked about everything from Trace’s ranch work and coaching the morning game to Brindle’s first week back at work and what she was planning for the drama club—a holiday play written by Natalie, who was being mentored by Grace. Brindle couldn’t imagine a more perfect evening.

  Except she could, because there was still an elephant in the room, and she wanted nothing more than to scatter mice, forcing them to deal with it so they could put it away once and for all. She’d gone someplace wonderful, and even though she knew it was a sore subject for both of them, it kind of hurt having to avoid talking about it. But she didn’t want to ruin their evening by bringing it up, because that’s what the old Brindle would do.

  Navigating better communication was tricky, and she wa
sn’t exactly sure how to handle this, but she knew it needed to come out.

  Maybe just not right now.

  Trace stood up and said, “I’ll be right back, darlin’. It’s time for your favorite course.”

  “You on a silver platter?” She reached for his hand, pulling him closer. “I never thought I wanted, or needed, to be wined and dined. I’ve always loved that we could hang out with friends, take advantage of spur-of-the-moment get-togethers and parties, and sneak away to be alone. I thought being treated like this would make me seem needy or materialistic. But I was wrong, Trace. I love spending time with only you, when we’re not just making out, talking about work and our families. Thank you for doing this and opening my eyes to what I was missing.”

  He crouched beside her, gazing into her eyes with a sexy smile. “I’ve always wanted to take you out on dates and plan things for us that didn’t include half the town. But you pretty much shut that down early on, and as I’ve said, I wanted you any way I could have you, Brindle. Thank you for letting me do it my way now.”

  “I think I ripped us both off. Everything feels different now that we’ve finally confessed our true feelings for each other. There’s a sense of calm inside me that I’ve never felt before. I know we have a lot to work on, but I really believe we’ll get there.”

  “I think we’ll always have things to work on. It’s kind of who we are.” He kissed her, and then he said, “I’ll be right back with dessert.”

  As he picked up their dinner plates, she said, “I can help you.”

  “I’ve got this.” He winked, then carried the dishes away.

  She watched him disappear through the kitchen doors, and her gaze fell to the rose petals scattered along the floor. She’d once said that Trace Jericho didn’t need to romance a woman because he was six-plus feet of deliciously rugged seduction. She still believed that, but she couldn’t deny the fullness in her chest that he’d put so much effort and thought into their special night.


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