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My Ex-Boyfriend's Dad: An Age Gap Older Man Younger Woman Romance (Silver Fox Daddies)

Page 13

by K. C. Crowne

  Her wellbeing came before mine.

  That was the job.

  Chapter 21


  I didn’t know what upset me more: the fact that Jesse was suturing his own wound at the kitchen table, or the fact that he refused to even look at me.

  I sat across from him, squirming in my seat, not because his at-home surgery was freaking me out, but because it looked painful, and he wouldn’t let me come anywhere near to help.

  Jesse winced as he applied antiseptic.

  I reached out to him. “Please, just let me—”


  It was difficult to breathe past the sticky lump lodged at the back of my throat. I hadn’t been able to stop shivering since we got back. I wasn’t cold, just nervous. My body couldn’t tell the difference.

  He winced again while trying to apply his own bandage. No surprise. Conducting medical care with one hand was difficult to begin with. Being both doctor and patient was an added complication.

  “Please,” I said firmly. “Just let me do it.”

  The muscles in Jesse’s jaw tightened. He turned away slightly, but grumbled a bitter, “Fine.”

  I moved with nimble fingers, applying the fresh bandage as delicately as I could. My heart twisted in my chest. He still wouldn’t look me in the eye. My fingers lingered on his skin when I was done. Tentative. Questioning. “Jesse, I can explain—”

  He stood up abruptly, ignoring me, and stalked over to one of the many kitchen cabinets and fished out a bottle of ibuprofen. He unscrewed the cap with one hand and took two pills dry. He remained at the counter, breathing deeply. Every muscle in his back was tight. The silence around us was crushing.

  I wanted to cry. I couldn’t stand the thought of Jesse being upset with me. Disappointed in me. It made me sick to my stomach, even though I knew I did what had to be done.

  “Reckless,” he hissed. “You were absolutely reckless today.”

  “Jesse, I was only trying to—”

  “Don’t. I don’t want to hear it.”

  “I needed to find proof so I could help find—”

  “To help find Molly? By going back to the first place the cartel would think to look for you? Did it ever occur to you that they’d have men ready to steal you away the second you stepped foot through their doors?”

  “Steal me away?” I echoed. “What? Are they thieves in the night?”

  “I’m not fucking joking, Vivian. Take me seriously.”

  “I do take you seriously.”

  “Then why didn’t you listen to me?”

  “Because I feel fucking useless, alright? I need to do something to help her!”

  “You’re not qualified to handle a situation this delicate.”

  I stood up, fury rising in my chest. “She’s the closest thing I have to a family, alright? She’s my best friend. It’s my fault they took her. If anything happens to her, I—” My throat closed up, a terrible pressure building behind my eyes. “They should have taken me. I was the one who discovered the discrepancy. She’d be fine if it weren’t for me and it’s all my fault.”

  “You can’t help her if you’re dead!” Jesse snapped. “Do you have any idea how fucking worried I was? You might not care what happens to you, but I do.”


  “Because!” he bellowed.

  “Because why?” I yelled back.

  In three long strides, Jesse closed the gap between us and pulled me into him, his lips crashing against mine. It was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. Heated beyond measure. Desperate beyond sense. He pushed me back until my hips hit the edge of the table. There was no place left to go, leaving his body to press flush against mine.

  His tongue swept past my lips and over mine. Demanding. Obsessive. He swallowed every little whimper and moan that escaped my lips, leaving me no time to catch my breath. I was dizzy. Seeing stars. Clinging to him like a lifeline.

  Jesse picked me up by the waist and placed me on the table’s surface, making quick work of my pants, practically ripping them off in his haste. I spread my legs for him, the tips of my fingers and toes tingling with excitement. Heat pooled between my legs, my pussy already aching for his touch.

  There was nothing elegant in the way I took off my shirt and bra. It didn’t matter. The time for games was long gone. This was pure carnal desire. Screw eloquence. Screw seduction. I just wanted to feel him filling me up. Jesse pulled his cock out of his pants and plunged into me, ripping a loud groan from my lips.

  “Jesse,” I whined, breath shaky and thin. “Jesse, fuck yes—”

  “Quiet,” he snapped, claiming my mouth in yet another bruising kiss.

  He fucked me against the kitchen table, stretching me wide. The head of his cock swept over my sweet spot repeatedly. An alarming heat bloomed in the pit of my stomach, an intense flame turned uncontrollable wildfire. His pace was relentless, each thrust of his hips met with the sound of skin slapping skin. The table squeaked in protest beneath our combined weight, but we didn’t stop. We wouldn’t.

  I threw my head back and screamed as climax rippled through me, crashing over my senses like a tsunami. There was no fighting it. I drowned in pleasure, emerging to the surface for air a few minutes later when I finally came back to reality.

  Jesse was still going strong, beads of sweat forming across his brow from the exertion. I reached up to stroke his face, but he knocked my hands away. “No,” he said gruffly, turning me so he could bend me over the edge of the table.

  He plunged his cock back into me, the new angle unlike anything I’d experienced before. I was still sensitive from my first orgasm; stars scattered across my vision. My toes curled as he pounded my pussy from behind, pulling my hair back with one hand so he could suck marks into the side of my neck.

  My walls pulsed around him, the familiar boiling heat once again pooling deep within my core. I was desperate for something to hold onto, but the table was too smooth to offer any support.

  Jesse held onto me as my body trembled, the orgasm hitting me like a bomb. Explosive. Bright. Brilliant. Almost devastating. I’d never experienced such a release before. I knew it was a cliché, but I honestly felt like a brand-new woman.

  He pulled back and allowed me to touch my feet to the floor. I turned to him, knees suddenly made of jelly.

  “Wow,” I breathed. “That was amazing.”

  He chuckled, something deep and dark and amazing. “Oh, you thought we were done?”

  My breath caught in my throat. “A-are we not?”

  “Not by a longshot,” he said right up against my lips. He held my gaze, unwavering. “I’ve been too lenient with you. Turns out, you’re a bad girl, and bad girls get what they deserve.”

  “Are you going to teach me a lesson?”

  “That’s right.”

  “What are you going to do to me?”

  “Nothing you won’t enjoy. Now—” He picked me up and slung me over the shoulder of his good arm. He smacked my ass hard and without warning, the sting making me impossibly wet. “Let’s go somewhere a bit more comfortable, hm?”

  “But I kind of liked the table.”


  “Don’t talk back to me.”

  My pussy quivered, a shiver rushing through my system in its wake. “I’m sorry, sir.”

  “That’s much better.”

  He carried me to his bedroom, practically tossing me onto his bed rather than placing me down as he had before. I glared at him. “I don’t appreciate being manhandled.”

  Jesse pushed my knees apart and grazed my pussy with the tips of his fingers, gathering the wet heat gathered there. “I think you like it just fine. Now, stop with the backtalk and lie down.”

  I licked my lips. I lay down with his pillows propped behind my head and back. Jesse crawled onto the bed after me, pulling off his tie before taking my wrists and crossing one over the other.

  “This is a special kind of knot,” he explained matter-of-factly. “The
second you’re uncomfortable, all you have to do is let go.” He placed the tail end of the tie in my palm. “Demonstrate so that I can see you understand.”

  I complied, releasing his tie. My wrists immediately came free. “Did they teach you this stuff in the army?”

  “I was a boy scout, actually.” Jesse re-tied my wrists. “That’s enough talk out of you. The only thing I want to hear out of your mouth from here on out is if you want me to stop.”

  “Why would I want you to stop?”

  “In case it becomes too much. Tell me to stop, and I will. You’re in control. Do you understand?”

  My heart railed against my ribcage. I’d never done anything like this. Maybe once with a pair of cheap handcuffs, but those had been a gag gift. No prior thought or conversation went into that particular romp, and it had been understandingly disappointing. But this…

  This was something else. This was exciting and new and strange, but I felt totally safe with him. I trusted Jesse more than I could ever put into words.

  “I understand, sir,” I said, shivering with anticipation.


  And then he got up off the bed and started out the door.

  “W-wait!” I yelled. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  He smirked at me. “I have to clean up your mess,” he explained simply. “Do you think unconscious gang members and totaled cars clean themselves up? Do you think the police are just going to drop this because you’re safe now?”

  “But what about me? You can’t just—” I kicked my legs in frustration. “You can’t just leave me here.”

  “I think you’ll find that I can.”


  “Like I said, you can let go at any time. But if you do, that’s where it ends. Keep holding on, and I’ll show you what other tricks I have up my sleeve.”

  My cheeks burned. “This isn’t fair.”

  “You already came twice, angel. I think that’s more than fair. Be good. I’ll see you in…” He checked his watch. And then shrugged. “Whenever I feel like you’ve learned your lesson.”

  I squirmed, rubbing my legs together. I was in for an excruciatingly long wait.

  “Oh, and another thing,” he said, stopping at the door. “You’d better not touch yourself without my permission. You won’t be able to tie yourself back up without help, so I’ll know if you let go at any point.”

  “You’re enjoying this way too much, sir.”

  His eyes raked over my naked body. “And by the looks of it, so are you.”

  Chapter 22


  This was as much a test of patience for Vivian as it was for me.

  If I hadn’t been so hell-bent on teaching her a lesson, I would have taken her then and there, regardless of the restraints play. It seemed tame enough. Nothing too wild. Just a simple quick release knot and a tie. Child’s play, really. What this was really about was the dynamic. The suspense.

  And it was killing me just as much as it was likely killing her.

  I meant what I said, though. I had a mess to clean up.

  News outlets were all over it, though my preliminary search failed to pull up any images or video of Vivian specifically. That helped. I could focus more on damage control. Luckily, I had an entire legal department at Pegasus Star organized to deal with this sort of thing. They’d liaison with the police on my behalf, which freed up my time to handle the business side of matters.

  And to handle the angel naked in my bed.

  I took my sweet time. I was still annoyed as fuck that Vivian would do something so monumentally stupid. I was angry at first. Furious, actually. But only because I couldn’t stop thinking about all the awful things that could have happened to her. Things that I could have prevented if only I’d been paying more attention.

  It wasn’t productive to dwell on the what if scenarios. It was one of the first things I trained my bodyguards to master before I put them out in the field. They needed to be present, focused on the now and prepared for anything, not bogged down in what could have been done differently.

  Yet here I was, thinking about what could have been done differently.

  It was a mistake to take my eyes off her. I should have known better. Vivian was much too fiery to let out of my sight for too long. What if I hadn’t managed to get there on time? What if the cartel hadn’t sent five men, but twenty? What if I had been stabbed instead of swiped? What if they managed to get Vivian into that fucking van and drive off to God knew where?

  I glanced at my watch. I figured it best I didn’t keep her waiting any longer, or she might fall asleep on me.

  The first thing she did upon my arrival was kick a pillow at me with impressive force.

  “You jerk,” she grumbled. “You were gone for two hours.”

  “Are your arms alright?” I asked. “Numb or sore at all?”

  “They’re fine.”

  “Then I guess I could keep you waiting a while longer.”

  “Don’t you dare!”

  I chuckled. She looked delicious like this. Hot and bothered and the mildest bit crazy. “If it bothered you so much, you could have just let go.”

  “Didn’t want to give you the satisfaction.”

  “You know, this exercise was supposed to make you more compliant. I see that it’s had the opposite effect. Maybe I will wait another hour.”

  Vivian tossed her head back into the pillow and bucked her hips, sighing and growling and whining all at once. “Please,” she begged. “Please, don’t go. I…”

  “Say it.”

  “I need you, Jesse. I need you to fuck me so bad.”

  I swallowed. The sound of her pleas went straight to my cock. “Alright,” I said, stripping out of my clothes slowly just to torture her. “I guess I can do that for you.”

  I climbed onto the bed and kissed her breasts, teasing her nipples between my teeth as I stroked my hands down her waist. I gripped her waist and nudged her knees apart with my shoulders, settling between her legs.

  She was glistening with want, her clit swollen with arousal. I drew lazy circles against her sensitive bud with the tip of my tongue, memorizing the sound of her satisfied sigh as her knees trembled on either side of my head. I liked how soft she was. Couldn’t get enough of the way her legs felt when hooked over my shoulders. Everything about her was sweet, like fruit and vanilla mixed into one.

  Her breathing grew ragged and high-pitched. I could sense that she was close by the way her body grew tight and rigid, bracing for the inevitable explosion of ecstasy.

  So I stopped.

  “Jesse!” she moaned. “Why? I was going to come!”

  “This is what happens when you sneak away,” I said simply. “This is your punishment.”

  “You intend to edge me as punishment?” she asked, incredulous.

  “Smart girl. Now close your eyes and concentrate.”

  “So you can pull the rug out from under me again?”

  “Yes. Trust me. I'll make it worth your while, angel.”

  With a frustrated grunt, Vivian lay back down. She still hadn’t let go of my tie that was binding her wrists together. She gripped the end tight, making sure not to release the knot.

  I continued my fine work, moving on to use my fingers as well. Her walls fluttered around my fingers, growing tighter and tighter until I had her wound so tight I was sure she was about to explode. Once her telltale signs of ragged breathing and rigidity came back, I stopped and pulled away.

  She was a mess. Hips bucking, toes curling, eyes screwed shut while her mouth hung open with a silent scream.

  “Please,” she blubbered. “Please, Jesse, I need…”

  “What, angel? What do you need?”

  “I’m sorry, okay. I’m really sorry.”

  “For what?”

  “For… For leaving. For going out on my own.”

  “For putting yourself in danger.”

  “Yes. Yes, that. I’m sorry, alright? I’ve learned my
lesson. I swear I won’t do it again.” Her voice was high and tight. She was getting far too worked up for my liking. It was time to give her what she wanted.

  I left her for the briefest moment to retrieve a condom, rolling it down my throbbing cock before returning to my rightful place. I kissed her tenderly on the lips, pressing my forehead against hers so I could look her in the eye.

  I snapped my hips into her, her slick heat making it an easy task to enter. She was so ready for me, stretched and needy and perfect. I stroked her hair. Kissed her face. Thrust into her in search of that sweet friction we both needed.

  “You feel so fucking good,” I grunted against her cheek.

  Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, nothing but overwhelmed panting escaping her lips. She came so hard that her back arched and body shook.

  “C-can I let go of the tie now?” she asked. “I really want to t-touch you.”

  “Sure, angel. Let go. I want you to touch me, too.”

  Vivian released the tie and wrapped her arms around me. She continued to kiss me, tired but eager. She dragged her fingers down my back, combed them through my hair, touched whatever she could get her hands on. She was exceptionally gentle when it came to my injury, hovering right over it to avoid unnecessary contact.

  The tight coil in my gut grew hotter and brighter. Every thrust pushed me closer and closer to the peak. There was no point staving it off. Pleasure soared through my veins and left me high for what felt like hours, when in reality was only a few beautiful, brief seconds.

  I rolled onto my side and pulled Vivian to me. She was still shivering from the aftershock. I kissed her forehead, the tip of her nose. I covered her in my blanket, creating a protective burrito of sorts.

  “Are you okay?” I asked softly. “I know that was harder than usual.”

  “I liked it,” she whispered with a sleepy smile.

  “Are you sore anywhere?”

  “No. Just tired.”

  “Go to sleep, angel.”

  “Will you stay?”

  I held her tighter. “Of course.”


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