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Dating My Brother's Best Friend

Page 14

by Sofia T Summers

  I bit down on her shoulder and thrust into her, my free hand still working her clit, driving myself mindlessly into her as I chased my orgasm and brought out hers. Cass clawed at me and sobbed against my hand, and I felt her fluttering and clenching around me as she came.

  Fuck yes. It felt so fucking good to feel her coming around me, but also just knowing that I’d made her come, that I was still the person who could do this to her—it filled me with a savage pride that nothing else in the world could.

  See? I wanted to whisper to her. See how good I can be for you? See how well I take care of you like this? I can take care of you this well in everything else, too.

  I fucked her harder, harder, losing control, grunting wildly as I came inside of her.

  Cass sagged back against me. “Holy fuck,” she murmured.

  “Oh,” I replied. “You think I’m done with you?”

  I wrapped my arm around her waist to keep her pinned against me. “Not a chance, sweetheart.”

  I was going to fuck her a second time.



  I gasped as I tried to stand up and Raff kept me pinned down with an arm around my waist. “Oh, you think I’m done with you? Not a chance, sweetheart.”

  I shivered all over. I’d just come so hard and fast I’d felt like I’d shattered into pieces, and he wanted to do it all again?

  Well, I supposed that was what I got for being so aggressive with him. God, I felt like my blood was on fire. I had my point to make, but so did Raff, and the two of us clashing together like this was inevitable, really.

  He wanted another round? Fine. He’d get one. He was going to see that I could not only keep up with him, I could outpace him. Sometimes I was fucking right, and he had to fucking admit it!

  I wasn’t going to let him think that he was totally in control here.

  I clenched around Raff’s cock, teasing him, and Raff groaned. Mmm, yeah, two could play this game. His oversensitive, softening cock was still tight inside of me, and I kept squeezing it rhythmically, feeling it get harder and harder again inside of me.

  “Not so old after all, huh?” I teased him.

  “You’re a fucking menace.”

  “Takes one to know one.”

  Raff teasingly trailed his fingers up and down my stomach, then squeezed my breasts, tweaking the nipples through the fabric of my blouse. “Look at you, keeping me nice and warm, getting me ready to fuck you again.”

  I swiveled my hips, clenching rhythmically, reminding him constantly that I was inside him, that I was doing this to him, that I was able to drive him crazy just like he drove me crazy, damn it. If Raff thought that he was the only one who had a point to make, he was wrong.

  Slowly but surely, Raff hardened inside of me. It was an intoxicating experience, feeling him getting aroused, feeling him go from soft to hard and thick, filling and stretching me all over again. He’d gone into me a little early, just enough that I had felt the sweet burn and stretch of it. All the other times he’d entered me when I was so slick and loose that it had been like a hot knife into butter, but this time we were arguing, rough with each other, and I’d loved that sensation of feeling every inch of him splitting me.

  I’d grown comfortable with him inside of me, softened, post-orgasm, and now I was reminded of how big he was. I was turned on all over again, and his cock made me squirm. Fuck yes.

  “You know I’m right about Furio’s company,” I gasped, grinding down onto his lap, taking his cock in all the way to the base. I could feel his balls slapping against my ass and I groaned in pleasure.

  Raff nipped at my neck. He was leaving marks, marks I’d have to cover up later with makeup, but I couldn’t bring myself to care no matter how reckless it was. I wanted to look at myself in the mirror and see the evidence of his desire for me, that wild need that meant he just couldn’t help himself.

  There was a dark part of me that thrilled at being able to make him lose control like this. Raff was so in control and just… alpha. He was in command. To know that he was growing nuts over me and was losing that sense of control was intoxicating.

  By now, Raff’s cock was hard enough that I could start thrusting properly, pushing myself up and down on Raff’s cock. Raff put his hand over my mouth again as I started to gasp and groan, and it was probably a damn smart decision, because I couldn’t have kept my noises to myself if I’d tried.

  Fuck, it was so much, just right on the edge of too much, having him inside of me like this, right after my orgasm, and then becoming hard again and fucking me a second time—it was pushing me right up to the brink.

  I was shaking all over, my legs burning, but it felt so good I didn’t want to stop. Raff fucked up into me, grunting rhythmically, apparently overwhelmed. Fuck, he wasn’t even dirty talking me like the other times, he was just growling like an animal as he fucked me roughly, and I kind of loved it. I’d pushed him into being nonverbal, into being just his pure animal instincts.

  The one problem with this was that I couldn’t kiss him, not without turning my head and getting a crick in my neck. But I could rest my head on his shoulder and expose my throat, my breasts, all of me to his hands and to his mouth. It made me feel a little bit like I was on display for him, and a little bit like I was being held captive by him. It made everything that much hotter, sexier, and I could feel my orgasm starting to spiral through me, driving me even wilder.

  We ground together frantically, the only sound in the room our delicious, dirty slaps of skin against skin—until we came hard at almost the same moment.

  I felt like all the bones in my body had turned to liquids. I tried to move, but didn’t really manage more than a half-hearted shift before I collapsed back against Raff’s chest.

  Raff’s fingers lightly trailed up and down my arms and stomach, soothing me. It wasn’t as good as if I’d been naked, but it still felt nice. I couldn’t be sure if he was doing it just for my benefit or if he just wanted to keep touching me. Maybe it was a combination of both.

  God, I needed a minute after that to catch my breath. That orgasm was like having a bomb go off inside of me in the best kind of way.


  The door opened before I could even inhale enough breath to speak, and Kelly stepped inside.

  She froze.

  All three of us went stiff for a second, staring at each other. There was really no doubt what could have possibly happened in here, just now. No way Kelly could misinterpret this.

  “Kelly.” Raff sounded out of breath still. “I can explain.”

  He lifted me up and set me on my feet. I tried to adjust my clothes, gripping the desk for support.

  Kelly’s shock slid away from her face, replaced with a triumphant smirk. “Oh, don’t worry. You don’t have to explain anything. I know exactly what’s going on.”


  This was her chance. The one she’d been waiting for. Kelly had straight-up told me back when I’d first started here that she had ambitions and that I needed to get on the right team—her team.

  Now she had the chance she’d wanted, the chance to unseat Raff and get him fired and get herself in his position.

  “And in your own office no less?” Kelly went on, her voice taking on a vindicated purr. “Now, now, Rafferty, I expected a little more discretion from you. Ah well.”

  I looked over at Raff, who looked—well, not just shocked, but betrayed.

  Kelly winked at him and then walked out the door.

  At least she closed it behind her? Thank heaven for small mercies and all that.

  “Fuck.” I ran my hand through my hair. “This is the opportunity that she’s been waiting for. The chance to get you ousted so she can steal your job.”

  “Wait what!?” Raff stood up and opened a desk drawer, pulling out some tissues to clean us up with. “What are you talking about?”

  I sighed. This was the one area where Raff was arguably the naïve one. And it wasn’t even that he was naïve or
stupid. Far from it. But Kelly had obviously done a good job of earning his trust all these years. It would be hard for him to hear this.

  “When I first started working here, Kelly got snobby with me. I stood up to her, politely, and pointed out that I was only doing the work you had assigned me. Kelly replied that I had to be careful who’s side I was on, because she didn’t plan on being in her position much longer.

  “She made it clear that she wanted your job, and she was going to do whatever it took to get it. And now she’s got that chance. She’s going to use this to get us both fired.”

  Raff stared at me in horror and realization. “I had no idea. I considered her a good work partner and a friend.”

  Impulsively, I pulled him into a hug. Raff hugged me back, tightly, and I let him have a moment as he processed this information. Yes, I still wasn’t sure about us and what we were, and this new development was scary. But he’d just learned that someone he trusted was going to betray him. And Kelly wasn’t reporting this out of any sense of principle or honor. She was doing it specifically for her own personal gain, to get at his job.

  It had to hurt.

  After a few minutes, Raff pulled back. He took a deep breath. “All right. Go on home, spend time with Chelsea. I’ll… deal with this.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Raff nodded. “I’m the boss. It’s fine.”

  I didn’t think that it would be fine at all, but I didn’t know what else to say or do. So, I did as he told me.

  God, this was going to be such a mess. And I had no idea if either of us would have a job, or a relationship, by the time it was all said and done.



  I wasn’t surprised when Parker was in my office the next morning.

  Parker owned his own jet, so he could get just about anywhere when he wanted to. He was mainly based in New York City but if Kelly had told him immediately last night, as I had no doubt she did, he must’ve chartered his jet to get him down here first thing today.

  I was sure that Kelly hadn’t skimped on the details. She was a detail-oriented person, and now all of that was focused on the single-minded task of getting me out of this office so she could claim it for herself.

  Honestly, that hurt. I felt sick inside whenever I thought about it. If Kelly had reported us because she genuinely felt like it was the right, principled thing to do, then I would have understood. I’d known that our sexual relationship was unprofessional. God, how many times had Cass said that? How many times had she told me it wasn’t a good idea? But I’d been so carried away, so lost in my desire for her, that I hadn’t listened.

  But Kelly wasn’t doing this because she felt she had to. She was doing this because she was taking pleasure from it. I would never forget that smug fucking look on her face as she’d gotten over her shock and realized what was happening. I hadn’t thought her capable of such cruelty, of delighting so much in the suffering of others.

  Was this how Trevor had felt when I’d betrayed him by just leaving without a word? I was closer with Trevor, or at least had been at the time, than I was with Kelly, so it must’ve hurt even more. I’d always known intellectually how much I’d hurt him but now I could feel it. Now I knew firsthand.


  Parker sighed as he stood up out of my chair. “Close the door behind you.”

  He sounded exhausted.

  I did as I was told, my heart hammering. I was worried for myself and for Cass. More her than me. I could get back up to my feet and dust myself off. But she’d warned me multiple times, and then I’d seduced her anyway, convinced her to go along with it, and now she’d pay the biggest price.

  I felt like shit.

  “You’re sleeping with your assistant,” Parker said. Clearly the man wasn’t in the mood to mince words. I hadn’t expected him to. “Cassidy.”

  “Yes.” What point would there be in denying it?

  “You have to know how highly unethical this is.” Parker walked over to me. “Raff, I’m—I’m seriously shocked. When Kelly first told me, I didn’t want to believe it. You’ve never done anything even remotely out of line this whole time. It came out of left field for me.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry for what I’ve put you through. And I want you to know I take full responsibility.”

  Parker’s eyes flashed. “You damn well will take responsibility. You’re her supervisor. Hell, you’ve opened me up to a lawsuit or sanctions for what’s going on. If anyone found out and went to the press—hell forget the press, what if the rest of the company finds out, period? I could have a massive walkout. People wouldn’t feel safe working here and I wouldn’t blame them.”

  “Everything was consensual,” I assured him.

  Parker shook his head. “But you can’t really tell, can you? You’re her boss. She might have felt that she couldn’t say no.”

  I could tell him the whole truth. The history between Cass and I would explain how it was consensual, if tumultuous, and that our relationship wasn’t exactly the typical boss-assistant one. That I’d always seen her as more of an equal, and that she’d certainly never deferred to me as a typical assistant should, because of our shared past. But I didn’t think that would be helpful and it would probably only land us in deeper water because Parker would want to know why we hadn’t told him of our personal connection earlier.

  Maybe I should have told him. Gotten Cass assigned to someone else in the company. I’d been selfish and stupid, wanting to keep her next to me, with me, and that was why we were now in this mess.

  I didn’t really see what good it could do now. It would only put us in a deeper hole. And we were in enough hot water already.

  Fuck. I should’ve listened to Cass. I owed her big for this. If I got her fired, she would never forgive me, and she’d never let me see Chelsea. I couldn’t let that happen. I wanted to be a part of both Cass and Chelsea’s lives. I wanted both of them with me.

  “I don’t think that anyone could make Cassidy do something she didn’t want to do,” I replied, “but I understand your point. We can’t know for certain. Since I’m her supervisor.”

  “Do you understand what this could do to my company of it gets out?” Parker asked. “This isn’t just about your reputation, Rafferty, although God knows you should’ve thought more about that. Our company, hardly any company, can handle a black stain like this on their reputation. People are going to wonder how I let it slide and who else in my company might be engaging in this kind of behavior—if I’m engaging in this kind of behavior myself.”

  “Is Kelly going to tell anyone else?” I couldn’t believe that she would be that awful, but she’d just betrayed me for her own ends, and I’d thought we were friends so, what did I know?

  “Not that I’m aware of,” Parker replied. “She said that she wasn’t interested in ruining the company.”

  That made sense. If she wanted my job position, then all she had to do was get me out of the way. It would only make it harder for her—and for no reason—to drag Parker and the entire company through the mud so long as I was gone, and she could assume my position.

  Hell, she wouldn’t even have to threaten to go public. She was clever all right. She’d had me thinking this whole time that she was my friend. I was sure she was doing the same with Parker. Making nice, acting like this was all based on her desire to do the right thing, maybe even painting it like she was concerned for Cassidy’s wellbeing and that she was trying to stick up for another woman in a bad position.

  No, it wouldn’t do Kelly any good to expose the company or even threaten that. She’d want to keep her blackmailing and ambitious tendencies out of Parker’s eyesight for as long as possible. She wanted to play the good guy just as she’d done with me.

  “But that doesn’t mean others might not learn about it,” Parker went on. “If she found out then others might have noticed something too. News travels fast in an office, it’s like high school. And we can’t afford any bad publicity.”
r />   “I understand.”

  “Do you?”

  “I put the company in jeopardy by doing this, and I apologize. You know that I care about you, and this company. I didn’t mean to do anything to endanger it. I wasn’t thinking right.”

  “And you know that I have a zero-tolerance policy for supervisors dating their underlings. If she hadn’t been your direct assistant and if you’d told me about things first—but you didn’t, and she is. You know the rules.”

  “I do, sir.”

  And God, Cass would’ve fucking killed me. She didn’t want to be with me. Telling my boss that I was dating her, or trying to? Or that we’d hooked up and sort of gone on one date that neither of us admitted was a date?

  “You’re a good employee,” Parker said, and immediately, I knew where this was going. “I like you as a person, too, Raff, you know I do and you know that I value your hard work and all you’ve done for me. It’s been a great four years together. But I can’t make any exceptions. If I make one, then nobody trusts my word. It’s a slippery slope.”

  “No, sir, I completely understand.”

  “You’ve been a model for us but… screwing your assistant in the middle of the afternoon? Not a good look. There’s really no way we can cover this up. I don’t know what you expected to happen.”

  Yeah. I was feeling pretty damn mortified, I could admit to that. “I wasn’t thinking, sir, that’s all I can say.”

  Parker nodded. He looked disappointed. “Well, I’m sure you’ve figured it out by now, but… you’re fired.”



  I was at my desk, trying to avoid looking at anyone, when Parker stopped by.

  Nobody seemed to know what had happened, which was an unexpected relief. I supposed that Kelly had decided it would look better for her if nobody knew about my tryst with Raff? I’d thought she’d take the chance to spread the gossip far and wide but looked like she was taking the high road.


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