Book Read Free

Summer Swing

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by Ben Boswell

  Summer Swing:

  Hotwives at the Beach

  Ben Boswell

  Swinging Summer: Hotwives at the Beach All Right Reserved © 2018 by Ben Boswell

  Cover image © iStockPhoto. Used under license. Cover design by Kenny Wright

  First digital edition electronically published by Ben Boswell, February 2018

  With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without explicit written permission of the copyright holder.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events, or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.


  It has been a long time since I published a new novel. A year actually. So I hope my old fans remember me, and I appreciate your patience. I think you’ll enjoy this book. I try to alternate between more serious and less serious books. This one, like most of my beach stories, is pretty frothy, but if you’ve enjoyed books like Honeymoon Hazards and Dark Tide, I suspect you’ll enjoy this one as well.

  To any new readers, I hope you find this book fun and sexy. And I hope it encourages you to seek out my other works.

  I am experimenting with releasing this book on both Amazon and Smashwords. If you purchased this through one of the non-Amazon sites, you’ll be able to find the rest of my works at Amazon.

  I want to thank, as usual, Kenny Wright for his encouragement and plot suggestions, and also for his marvelous cover design. I’d also like to thank Robert C. and Marge G. for copy-editing help. Any errors that remain are, of course, my own.

  Ben Boswell

  March 2018


  “Okay, okay, I know I shouldn’t be telling you this,” my wife, Marie, began. But from the mischievous sparkle in her eyes, it was obvious she was dying to tell us whatever this was. I was impressed she’d managed to hold out until dessert. “But Lena just broke up with her boyfriend.”

  “Again?” Claire replied.

  “I know!” Marie enthused to her best friend.

  “What happened?” Claire asked.

  I exchanged a glance with Claire’s husband, Brad. He lifted an eyebrow but didn’t comment. I knew what he was thinking. Lena was gorgeous but batshit crazy. She had a constant stream of boyfriends because guys couldn’t resist her, but after a few weeks of what was surely extraordinary sex and even more extraordinary drama, they punched out. And honestly, I couldn’t blame them on either score.

  My wife shrugged. “I don’t know. Dan and I are meeting up with her for drinks next week, so I’ll get the scoop.”

  Claire was shaking her head. “She’s so pretty.”

  “And she has a good heart,” Marie added.

  I couldn’t even look at Brad. I knew we’d both crack up, and then I’d be in the soup. My wife is, normally, a very astute, insightful, clear-eyed person, but she has a soft spot for things and people sometimes, and loses all perspective. Like our cat, Muffin, a ragged, unpleasant elderly beast whose main contribution to our household is stashing puke in various nooks and crannies around the house. Marie loves Muffin. And of course, there is Lena, Marie’s baby sister -- not that there is anything old or mangy about her -- but she’s a needy wreck, a classic hot mess, who my wife seems to think is just unlucky at love.

  “She needs an older guy,” Claire suggested.

  This time I couldn’t help myself. I peered over at Brad. Another eyebrow raise. He would be happy to volunteer for that duty. I wondered if Lena would go for him. She usually went out with guys her own age. The last one was a vain, handsome, twenty-four year-old narcissist. Brad, like me, is thirty-six, so a bit old for Lena, and also too stolid for her. Brad’s idea of a good time is going hiking. I’ve tried to keep up with him, but at 6’3”, and four inches taller than me, he has longer strides and more practice, and it leaves me winded. On the other hand, as I like to point out, I can bench twice as much as he can. Those are the sort of small victories men creeping up on middle age begin to hoard.

  “I don’t know,” Marie replied.

  “Not an old guy, but older. You know, someone who’s got something going on besides a pretty face and daddy’s Porsche.”

  My wife laughed. “Johan did have a pretty face,” she said about Lena’s most recent breakup.

  “And abs,” Claire added.

  I cleared my throat. “You know, we’re right here.”

  Marie smiled at me. “You’ve got great abs too, Dan.”

  “Too bad they’re hidden under a layer of whale blubber,” Brad joked.

  “And yours are hidden under a carpet of body hair,” I replied.

  Brad had a bit of a mountain man look to him. Thick, wavy, chestnut hair, a heavy beard, and a mat of the stuff all over his chest.

  “Is that right, Curly?”

  I, on the other hand, am follicly challenged, at least on my head, which I now keep shaved.

  I gave him the finger. He laughed.

  “What do you think?” Marie asked. I realized she was looking at me.

  “About Lena?”


  What did I think about Lena? Careful, buddy, careful. Lena was dangerous. Just thinking about her was enough to scramble a man’s brain. I’d known her since she was sixteen, and even then she was a menace—sexy, flirty, more than a little crazy. Both the baby of the family and a girl, she was always fawned over. It got worse as she matured. Blond hair, blue eyes, a petite, little thing, even now she topped out at 5’3”, but even that was all tits and ass. The kind of girl that makes you feel sorry for her father since it was all too easy to imagine the tempest that followed her around.

  “She could use an older guy,” I replied.

  Marie smirked. “You know I don’t mean you, right?”

  “Of course not,” I sputtered, realizing a millisecond too late that she was teasing me.

  She laughed. It was long recognized, though never explicitly acknowledged, that I was attracted to Lena. I wasn’t the first of Marie’s boyfriends to feel that way. It was probably lucky they were seven years apart so that Marie never felt too jealous of her sister, not that Marie is any slouch herself in the looks department. Marie is a taller, more athletic version of her sister, less curvy and with hazel eyes, but the same blond hair and classically beautiful face.

  “No, I mean it,” I said, trying to dig my way out of my ditch. “I think she would definitely do better with more of a self-made man. You know, a guy with a job and an education, who has better things to do than hang around in nightclubs and cultivate drama.”

  Marie laughed. “I think she likes drama.”

  Claire nodded. “Well, sure, but at some point she’s going to want to grow up. She’s, what, twenty-four?”

  Brad leaned in. “Why are you so interested?” he asked his wife.

  Claire grinned. With her auburn hair, and green eyes, she could have been cast as an Irish lass in a Guinness commercial.

  “Because, I think I have a man for her.”

  Brad chuckled. “Baby, I told you, anytime you want to bring a third into the bedroom, I’m up for it, but Lena might be hitting a little close to home.”

  Claire shook her head. “You can barely handle me.”

  “Ouch,” I teased.

  Claire shot me a playful glance. You couldn’t handle me either.

  “So, who? Oh, God, not your brother,” Marie said. “She’d eat him alive.”

  I laughed. “I bet he wouldn’t mind.”

  My wife rolled her eyes.

  “No, no,” Claire replied, “Not Billy. But there is this guy at my office—”

  Brad laughed. “Oh, this again.”
/>   “What?” Claire demanded.

  “What? You’ve been trying to get this guy laid for weeks.”

  “I doubt he needs any help,” she replied.

  “Exactly!” said Brad. “It just seems like you’re unaccountably interested in his love life.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  Brad chuckled again. Then addressing Marie and me rather than his wife, he said, “It means, if we weren’t married, she’d be sitting on his dick herself.”

  Marie nearly spit out her wine.

  “Who says I’m not?” Claire asked.

  “Are you?” Brad countered.

  Claire just smiled. Then she turned back to Marie. “His name is Chris. He’s our new CTO, and—”

  Marie scrunched up her nose. “A tech guy? No, that—”

  “He’s dreamy,” Claire insisted. “And smart and funny.”

  “Big hands?” Brad joked.

  “Big everything,” Claire replied.

  Brad rolled his eyes at me, but he was obviously having fun teasing his wife about her crush on this guy.

  “Totally tall, dark, and handsome,” Claire added.

  “Did you just say totally?” Brad asked

  “I’m totally going to smack you if you don’t stop,” Claire replied.

  Marie laughed. “Okay, so what? You want to give her his number?”

  “Oh, no, if we’re going to do this, let’s do it right,” Claire replied.

  “Maybe he can send her a dick pic on Snapchat,” I suggested.

  They all groaned.

  “Oh, I’m the one who took it too far?” I mock whined.

  “Invite them both to the beach,” Claire said. “Now that Jack and Bren are out we have space.”

  For the past five years, we’d rented a beach house with another couple for a week, but they had recently had a kid and decided to start their own, less boozy, family tradition. I think we all knew that this would probably be the last year for us as well. Both Marie and Claire were off birth control and at least Marie and I were actively in baby making mode.

  “Especially since you’re expecting them to share a bed,” I said.

  “Well, there is the sleeping porch as well if they don’t hit it off,” my wife replied.

  “I’m pretty sure this guy, assuming he’s not an out and out poofter,” I said, “will be plenty interested.”

  “And I guarantee,” Claire added enthusiastically, “that Lena won’t be able to resist either.”

  Brad laughed and stood up. “Alright, Baby, time for us to go home. I’m not going to waste this guy getting you all worked up.”

  “I’m not worked up,” Claire protested.

  “Uh huh, so if you were alone with Chris right now, I’d have nothing to worry about?”

  She grinned. “Nothing at all.”

  He laughed again. “Come on, Hot Stuff, let’s go home and you can tell me all about how you’d pass a quiet, chaste evening with him, playing Scrabble, maybe?”

  “Hmmm. I can think of a few choice words I’d like to spell out right now.”

  I shook my head. “Alright, you two, get a room.”


  “Claire and Brad are crazy,” I said as I dried the dishes.

  “They’re cute,” Marie replied as she placed them back in the cabinet.

  “Do you have a crush on anyone at work?” I asked. I’m not quite sure where that came from, but apparently my wife’s mind was in the same vicinity. She answered right away.

  “Ha. No. But I’m not really in a target rich environment.” As an elementary school teacher, ninety percent of her colleagues were women. “Maybe I would if I had a Chris around.”

  “Have you met him?”

  “Who, Chris? No. When would I have?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. A happy hour or something.”

  She put away the last dish.

  “Can’t say I’ve had the pleasure.”

  “The pleasure, eh?”

  She laughed. “Don’t tell Brad, okay?” she began conspiratorially. I nodded. “But he would totally have something to worry about if Chris got Claire alone somewhere.”


  She smiled at me and walked out of the kitchen. I let my eyes linger on her shapely, jean-clad ass before following her back into the living room. Marie sat down and poured herself another glass of red wine. She tilted the bottle in my direction. I nodded and she refilled mine as well. She took a deep sip.

  “I wouldn’t say it was love at first sight,” Marie continued, “but maybe lust?”


  She laughed. “I don’t know. She likes to be silly. But she did text me the day he started to announce she’d found her next husband.”

  I laughed. “Husband? Well, at least she’s thinking about keeping things nice and legal. No messy affairs for Claire.”


  “Hmmm, what?” I asked.

  “Well, it is a little weird that she wants to invite this guy to the beach with us.”

  “You think she’s serious about that? About setting him up with your sister?”

  “My sister, hmmm?”

  I laughed. “What’s with the hmmms?”

  “I don’t know. It feels a little pretexty, doesn’t it?”

  “Brad will be around,” I replied. “I mean, unless he gets eaten by a shark. And I doubt Claire is counting on that.”

  “True,” Marie replied. She ran her finger around the lip of her glass. “But he won’t be around all the time.”

  “I would think if she wanted to do something, it would be easier at work.”

  “No. Claire would never do that. Unprofessional. Too easy to get caught. And anyway, no bikinis and margaritas at work.”

  “Speak for yourself,” I replied.

  “Oh, PWC is instituting swimwear and frozen drinks Fridays?”

  “Um, no. Just wishful thinking. My next career maybe, when I’m running a beach shack down in the Bahamas. So… you serious? You think Claire is really looking to fool around?”

  She shrugged. “Like I said, I don’t know. But…. Brad was weird about it, too.”

  “How so?”

  “Well, Dan, you tell me. I tell you I’m attracted to someone at work. Then I suggest inviting my crush along to the beach vacation. How do you react?”

  “Depends,” I replied. “What does she look like?”

  Marie laughed. “Idiot.”

  “You do work with mostly women.”

  “So you’re saying you have a crush on one of my co-workers?”

  “Well, it is a target rich environment for me.”

  “Sorry Bubby, I’m the only target you get.”

  “Are you coming on to me?” I asked.

  She laughed. “You are my best source of sperm.”

  “Awww… you’re so romantic.”

  She stood up, peeled off her tee shirt, and threw it at me.

  “How’s that for romance?” she asked.

  She walked toward the bedroom and unsnapped her bra and slid it off her shoulder, dropping it on the ground. Next, she unzipped her jeans and wiggled out of them.

  “Getting better all the time,” I replied.

  I followed as she disappeared into the bedroom wearing just her panties. She threw those at me as I came through the door. I caught them and pulled them over my head.

  “Like my hat?”

  She hopped into bed, a thin sheet draped over naked body.

  “I’m here naked, and you’re wearing my panties as headwear.”

  “So you don’t like it?” I stood in the doorway preening.

  She laughed. “Get in here, Silly.”

  “What? Or you’re going to find yourself a different sperm donor?”

  She threw off the sheet and lay there naked. Damn, she was a sexy woman, long-limbed, tight body, smallish boobs, but with these amazing, long, dark red nipples that just begged to be sucked all night long.

  “Maybe I sho
uld ask for Chris’ number,” she teased.

  “Sounds like you’d have to get in line.” I stripped off my shirt.

  I do have a layer of fat, but I know I look good despite that. I’m barrel chested, and have thick arms. Marie eyed me excitedly.

  “Sounds like it would be worth it,” she replied.

  I pulled down my pants and my boxers.

  “You saying I’m not man enough for you?”

  Now she glanced at my cock.

  “I didn’t know there was such a thing as enough.”

  I climbed into bed beside her.

  “And I didn’t realize you were so insatiable.”

  She turned toward me. I kissed her and cupped her breast, feeling her nipple stiffen between my fingers. I could taste the wine on her tongue. She shivered as I ran my thumb down her spine.

  “Maybe I just need the right man to bring it out in me.”

  “Chris, you mean?”

  I leaned down and sucked a nipple hard into my mouth. She hissed and grabbed at my cock, stroking it roughly.

  “Maybe,” she replied. “Why should Lena get all the fun?”

  I switched nipples. She cupped the back of my shaved head.

  “You’d have to wrestle him away from Claire, too.”

  “I could take her,” Marie said.

  “I’d pay to see that.”

  “I bet you would.”

  Would I ever. The thought of Marie and Claire writhing together was wildly exciting. I can’t say it was my go-to fantasy, but I’d certainly imagined them together on many occasions. In fact, it was exciting enough that, combined with my wife’s hand on my prick, I was dangerously close to failing on my baby making responsibilities.

  I slid down between her legs and spread her thighs wide. I licked and nibbled up her left inner thigh, closer and closer to her landing strip.

  “Only if you wrestled naked,” I said.

  I flicked gently at her slit with my tongue. She shivered.

  “Of course,” she sighed. “After all, the winner should be all ready to fuck Chris.”


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