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Summer Swing

Page 9

by Ben Boswell

  For some reason hearing her plans to taunt her husband got me even more excited. I didn’t know how long I’d last, and I knew I needed to get her off. I slid my hand down her belly, just as Chris had done to my wife, and began playing with her juicy slit. She moaned. I pressed two fingers inside her, shocked at how easily I could feel my cock going into her ass. I curled my thumb and found her swollen clit. She hissed as if stung, but her pussy gushed and her ass seemed to stretch to admit me deeper. I thrust in hard, nearly balls deep, my fingers deep inside her as well, my thumb pressing on her clit.

  “Oh, fucking shit,” she groaned.

  Her cunt spasmed on my fingers and her ass clenched my cock. She rocked back into me. Inside the room, I saw Lena lean forward and dangle a tit in Brad’s mouth as his hands spread her butt cheeks and his finger tickled her ass. From behind me, I could hear rhythmic slapping coming from the porch as Chris pounded my wife yet again.

  I came, hard, bright lights and a buzzing in my ear. Claire’s ass squeezed my cock again and again milking every last drop of come into her ass.

  We were both gasping and gripping the door frame for support, but Claire was more drained than I was. She collapsed into my arms. I gathered her up and carried her upstairs to bed.


  By the time I awoke, Claire was gone. On the whole, that was a good thing. I wasn’t sure what I’d say to her. I took a quick shower and went downstairs, at which point I realized that her ducking out early didn’t actually solve anything.

  Here is a question for Miss Manners: After a vigorous night of wife swapping, who do you greet first at the breakfast table the next morning?

  Your lover? You were amazing last night.

  Your wife? Did you have fun fucking another man?

  Your lover’s husband? Damn, your wife is a hot piece of ass.

  Your wife’s lover? So, what did you think? Good eh?

  Actually, it was just Brad and the girls, so I was temporarily spared the awkwardness of looking Chris in the eye, knowing he’d probably defiled my wife six ways from Sunday. And actually, I think only Marie and I even felt particularly awkward.

  Lena was bright eyed and excited, and wearing just a long tee shirt. Maybe it was the lingering effect of Brad’s big dick, but actually I suspect it was more that she was just reveling in the chaos. Claire was all smiles, although I noticed she was holding Brad’s hand tightly, perhaps to make sure he didn’t slip away again with Lena. She’d put on a pair of shorts and a bikini top. And Brad was looking at me eagerly. He definitely was looking for a review of his wife’s performance.

  I nodded at Marie who was dressed in shorts and pink tee shirt. I forced a smile. “Hey.”

  She smiled back. “Hey.”

  At least we didn’t hate each other. I had the better case, of course, but the fact that I’d fucked her best friend probably was hard for her to swallow as well. I could see how she’d consider that a worse betrayal than a tumble with an old flame regardless of who went first. I turned into the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee. I peeled a banana and took a bite.

  Chris swept into the room, wearing nothing but a pair of boxers that did little to hide his big, swinging dick. He didn’t seem at all uncertain about protocol. He walked right up to Marie and kissed her cheek.

  “Good morning, Beautiful,” he said.

  “You’re in a good mood,” Lena said.

  He chuckled. “Anyone else get a lovely head start this morning?”

  Marie turned bright red. Brad grinned and raised his hand.

  Lena laughed. “Way to go, Big Sis. I knew I wasn’t the only slut in the family.”

  Claire shook her head at me. “Sorry, Dan, I owe you one.” She turned to the table, “Dan, did get anal though.”

  My wife shot me a dirty look, which was oddly reassuring. Chris may have fingered her ass, but he apparently didn’t get his dick inside her butt.

  Marie rose suddenly. “I’m going for a walk.”

  “Want company?” Chris asked. God, the guy was insatiable. He’d fucked her all night, gotten a morning hummer, and he was still all over her ass.

  Marie looked at me and nodded toward the door. I nodded back and stood up. “I’ll go with.”

  Chris slid back down in his seat and raised an eyebrow at the rest of them. Lena grinned. I knew she’d love to hear what Marie and I said to each other, but we weren’t about to give her the satisfaction.

  It was already a warm morning, and I knew it was going to get really hot. We walked in silence for a bit, until we reached the water. We turned to head north, our feet in the surf.

  “So, I guess I should explain,” she began.

  “No shit.”

  “Hey, Bubby, seems like it all turned out okay for you, even if you didn’t get woken up as you might have wished.”

  I sighed. “I thought all that stuff you were saying to me before we came was just playing around. I didn’t really think—”

  “It was. I swear. I had no idea Chris was C.J.”

  I snorted.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Then how did you end up screwing him on that pool deck? Just fell onto his dick? And then decided to just keep going?”

  “I… I don’t have a good excuse… well, any excuse. I just didn’t want him screwing Lena. I don’t know why. It just rubbed me the wrong way.”

  “You sound jealous.”

  She chuckled ruefully. “That’s what he said.”

  “He was right.”

  She shrugged. “Maybe… I don’t know… one minute we were yelling at each other, the next he had his tongue in my mouth and his hand in my shorts. I can’t explain it. It was an out-of-body experience right up until I started up the stairs and realized I’d have to face you.”

  “And then Lena saved you.”

  “And Claire… especially Claire. I guess she gave you a good experience?”

  She sounded a little insecure.

  “She’s kinky.”

  “I heard.” She was thinking about the revelation about anal.

  “No, I mean… we… a lot of what we did was watch you guys.”

  Marie stopped walking and turned toward me, a look of shock on her face. That left me a little shaken. I had sort of hoped she’d seen us and was putting on a show rather than being so enraptured with Chris to not even realize she was being watched.

  “You really didn’t notice?”

  She shook her head. “What did you see?”

  I started walking again so that we wouldn’t have to look at each other as we continued the conversation.

  “A lot.”

  I thought mostly of his hands. The way he’d played with her nips. How he’d rubbed her clit while fucking her from behind. And most of all, his fingers plunging into her pussy and ass as she enthusiastically swallowed his come.

  “It… probably… I mean… it wasn’t what it looked like.”

  I laughed. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Like I was totally into him or something.”

  I laughed louder. “If you weren’t, you’re an amazing actress.”

  “Fuck, that’s not what I meant.”

  “What did you mean?”

  She hesitated. “That it was meaningless, you know. Just… shit… all this talk… and Claire acting like she’s all in heat… and that stupid strip poker game….”

  “And the booze,” I suggested. “Don’t forget the booze.”

  “Right. And I was jealous and worked up and fuck…. Do you hate me, Love Bear?”

  “Do you hate me?”

  “A little,” she admitted. “I know it’s my fault, but I sort of wish that instead of going off with Claire you’d, I don’t know, thrown a fit or something, dragged me out of there.”

  “You didn’t seem to mind that I didn’t…. Anyway, I was in shock.”

  “I can’t believe you fucked her up the ass.”

  “I can’t believe you woke up this morning and had to bl
ow him again.”

  She sighed.

  “Truce?” I offered.

  “Truce,” she acknowledged.

  We turned and began to walk back to the house. I know we both had the same question in our minds, but neither of us was willing to ask it. What happens now?


  We got a hint when we got back inside. Lena had changed into a butt-floss bikini with a top that barely seemed able to contain her boobs. Luckily, they were firm enough that she didn’t need any support, but it definitely put on display her lack of modesty. She was leaning over the deck railing, and Chris was eyeing her hungrily.

  “Where are Claire and Brad?” Marie asked as we approached her sister.

  Lena chuckled and nodded back over her shoulder. The blinds in the room were drawn.

  “Fucking,” she explained. “The minute Brad heard that Danny had plugged Claire’s asshole, he got that loving look in his eyes.”

  “Sort of the look Chris is giving you?” Marie suggested.

  Lena nonchalantly shook her ass in his direction. “Maybe, but he’s going to need to work for it a little. He needs to learn that not all the Nowak sisters will fall on his dick at the drop of a hat.”

  “Christ, Lena,” I grumbled.

  She laughed. “Anyway, I don’t think the rotation will play out that way tonight.”

  “What rotation?” Marie asked.

  Lena gave a small shrug. “Well, I think Claire would claw out my eyes if I jumped the queue with Chris anyway. She’s only forgiving you because of your past relationship with him. And Brad is going to need to even things out.”

  “What’s that mean?” I asked.

  “Oh, come on Danny, you fucked his wife in the ass. Seems only fair that he gets to have fun with Marie, doesn’t it?”

  I looked at my wife who seemed as confused as I was.

  “And of course,” Lena concluded, “that means you get to see if you can handle me. Think you can?”

  I blushed and looked down to avoid making eye contact with either my wife or her sister.

  “Um, do we get a say in this?” Marie asked.

  Lena smirked. “Better if you don’t. That way you can get what you want without having to come out with it.”

  “Lele --”

  “Relax Sis. No one’s going to force you to do anything you don’t want to, but you’d be an idiot not to take the opportunity to spend some time riding Brad’s dick. Just feels delicious sliding in and out. And I know Danny’s not going to object, are you Sweetie?”

  She reached out and ran her hand up my inner thigh. I jolted backward, but she yeah, she was right, I wasn’t about to object. I’d fantasized for years about Lena. She turned back toward her sister.

  “Let’s just play it by ear,” Lena said. “But in the meantime, why don’t you change into a bikini? Even if nothing happens, a little teasing will make whatever does happen hotter, right?”


  Lena laughed and swished toward Chris. “So you just going to stare all day, or are you going to make me a Margarita?”

  “What do I get?” he asked as she approached him.

  “I think you already owe me for letting you stare at my ass half the morning.”

  He chuckled. “Fair enough.” They went inside.

  “You are not fucking my baby sister,” Marie said.

  “That is no baby,” I replied.

  “You’re sick.”

  I laughed. “Says the woman who wouldn’t mind doing exactly as her little sister suggested with Brad.”

  “Would not.”

  “Uh huh,” I replied skeptically, thinking about how she checked out his prick and how excited she was in bed after strip poker.


  “Let’s just play it by ear,” I suggested.

  Marie threw her hands up in the air. “Oh, for fuck’s sake, now we’re taking advice from my crazy sister.”

  I laughed.

  “What’s so funny?”

  I turned to see Claire walking through the sliding doors to join us on the deck. She was wearing only skimpy panties and a loosely-tied, thigh-length silk kimono that barely covered her pendulous breasts.

  “Jesus, Claire,” Marie began. “How about a little modesty?”

  Claire laughed. “I thought we were beyond all of that.”

  “Yeah, but this is a family neighborhood.” Marie gestured toward the surrounding houses. “Do we really need everyone thinking this place is orgy central?”

  “You need to relax, Ducky. I’d have thought getting fucked silly by Chris… well, I guess we should call him C.J…. all night would have loosened you up.”

  My wife looked anxiously at me. Claire laughed. “Oh, don’t worry about Dan. I cleaned his pipes too, you know.”

  “Jesus,” Marie groaned.

  “When did you get so religious? I guess it must run in the family. Lena kept calling out to Him too when she was bouncing on my husband.”

  “And that doesn’t bother you?”

  Claire shrugged. “It just seemed to make him that much more eager to reconnect with me this morning. Have you two fucked yet?”


  I laughed. “She has a point,” I said to my wife.

  Marie rolled her eyes.

  “You’re all crazy,” she said as she headed inside, leaving me alone with Claire.

  “Uh oh,” I said.

  Claire shifted to watch Marie go, and in doing so gave me a flash of nipple.

  “Didn’t you get enough of me last night?” she asked.

  My prick twitched, but I also sensed danger. Whatever else was going on, I knew that hooking up again with Claire before getting some resolution with Marie was a recipe for disaster. I decided to deflect.

  “Rumor has it that you have your eyes set on Chris?”

  “Hmmm. I did even before I knew he was C.J. But now that I have all of Marie’s old stories about him in my head, well, I don’t think I could live with myself if I missed the opportunity.”

  “What stories?”

  She gave me a saucy smile. “Well… there was the time they screwed in the back of a taxi… and the night on the beach in St. Lucia… that was apparently epic… I’m pretty sure that’s what she was thinking about when things got hot and heavy last night... but, what you really need to ask her about is….” She trailed off.


  She shook her head. “No, I don’t think you really want to know how much of a bad girl Marie can be. Last night was just a taste.”

  I thought of my wife working on C.J.’s fat tool, swallowing his load, and then continuing to suck him hard so he could fuck her again. I thought of his fingers deep in her pussy and ass.

  “Tell me!” I growled grabbing her shoulders.

  She chuckled. “Easy Tiger. Save that passion for Marie… or Lena.” She reached down and ran a finger along my crotch. “Yummy.”

  She turned and walked back into the house, leaving me alone on the deck with my thoughts and my hardon.


  I waited for my erection to subside enough to walk back into the house without being bent over, though judging from the amused grins from Claire and Lena, I might have still been showing. I stormed upstairs.

  I could hear the shower running, and without thinking I walked right in. Marie was soaping herself up and softly humming. She startled when I pulled aside the curtain. Her nips were hard and I had the impression that she might have been playing with herself before I arrived, almost surely thinking of C.J., either their adventures last night or some other event from their past.

  “Thinking of him?”

  “Who?” she asked. Then, “Oh... C.J.?”

  Little miss innocent.

  “Yeah, C.J.,” I snapped.

  She glanced down at the tent in my pants. “Are you thinking about Claire?”

  “No. And don’t change the subject. Tell me about St. Lucia.”

  She laughed. “Oh, looks like L
ittle Miss Clean His Pipes has been blabbing. Was that before or after you fucked her in the ass?”

  “You’re changing the subject again.”

  “And you’re getting water all over the bathroom.”

  I stripped off my clothes and climbed into the shower with my wife. I closed the curtain. I was rock hard.

  “Better?” I asked.

  “You’re stealing my water.”

  “Then we better get closer,” I suggested, pulling her into an embrace.

  She grabbed my cock and we kissed. I palmed her pert breasts and teased her nipples.

  “St. Lucia,” I said.

  “You sure?” she asked.

  “Tell me.”

  “We fucked. First on the beach. Then in the water. Then on the beach again.”

  There was more to it. “And?”

  She smirked. “We weren’t alone. There were some guys watching us. I… wanted to stop and cover up… but C.J. wouldn’t let me.”

  “I’m betting you didn’t fight him too much.”

  “Maybe not. Maybe it sort of turned me on to know a bunch of strangers were watching me suck his big cock. And maybe, it turned me on even more when he got me on my hands and knees and took me from behind.”

  I don’t even know what came over me. I grabbed my wife by the shoulders and spun her around. She braced a forearm against the tile wall and pulled me close with her other hand. I stabbed at her with my prick, and it sank into her very wet pussy.

  “Oh God,” she and I groaned simultaneously.

  I reached around and found her clit. She gasped and thrust her ass back at me. Her pussy clenched my shaft, and I exploded inside her at the same time. Sex act from start to finish: twenty seconds. But mind blowing all the same.

  I slowly pumped my shrinking cock inside her.

  “Tell me about the taxi,” I said.

  She spun around, sliding my prick out of her snatch. She kissed me.

  “Later. Now… get out and let me finish my shower.”

  I’d have protested, but my orgasm had left me lightheaded, and I was worried I was going to collapse in any case. I wrapped myself in a towel and returned to the bedroom.


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