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Love's Choices

Page 5

by Flynn Eire

  “Don’t do anything scary. I’m chicken,” he blurted like I might show him aliens invading. I did file that information away for later.

  I went the other way and showed him my new fantasy of him and I sharing one of the cute pre-trans. “I’d never scare you.”

  “You can do more than sex stuff, right?” he checked, clearing his throat nervously.

  “Is he not your type?” I asked, shutting it down.

  “Not particularly,” he admitted, blinking rapidly as the effects dissipated. “More, just, um, weird seeing that with someone I actually know. You know?”

  “No, because I can’t do it to myself,” I confessed.

  “Oh, right, that makes sense. For the record, it’s disturbing.”

  “Normally the people don’t know it’s not real. I didn’t push that into you.”

  “Ahh, makes more sense. I was wondering how the fuck they didn’t know it wasn’t real.”

  We ate a bit awkwardly for a few minutes, and then I decided to get back to where he was excited, telling him about the plans with the cartel. He sat there staring at me like I was a god, completely cool in his eyes.

  “I wish you could come with me,” I admitted when I saw we only had a half an hour left of lunch.

  “I’d like that. I don’t know if I could ever be badass, but it sounds so cool.”

  “I don’t want to burst your bubble and admit it’s less movie cartel busting cool and more sitting there with humans while they think more is going on. I basically make them shoot each other and take the good stuff.”

  “Still cool,” he murmured as he cleaned up. “You’ll be safe and come back, right?”

  “I’m sure I will if I get some hot kisses goodbye.”


  I got more than kisses. I got hot sex too. It made me not want to leave, and that was a first for me. I might have taken him harder than normal because the realization hit me during, and then I was reminded Verge was going to New Orleans with Nero to have fun.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck.


  As much as I loved how intense Gaius could be, sometimes he was a bit much. It was like he always floored everything, and the car didn’t need to go a hundred and twenty miles an hour to run to the grocery store. If that made sense?

  He also didn’t need to try and cram a few days of sex into one quickie at lunch. I was actually super sore when it was over. He was ancient, and I wasn’t. He apologized when he realized it, muttering something about New Orleans, and I got he didn’t want me to go with Nero alone.

  Right, but I was excited, so fucking me sore wouldn’t make either of us happy.

  Either way, I kissed him and wished him luck before showering and packing… Except I had no idea what to pack.

  I jumped when there was a knock at the door, hurrying to open it. “I don’t know what I’m doing.”

  “I do,” Nero chuckled, leaning in and kissing me. Then he came back for another, a very gentle and loving one. I adored that about him. He made me feel warm and fuzzy inside, special and wanted.

  But I also liked Gaius’s intensity and fire. I wanted both.

  He walked over to my closet and opened it, flipping through what was there. “I thought you might not have a suit, so I called a tailor in New Orleans I trust and told him your measurements. We’ll go before the meeting and make sure it’s fine. I’m not worried. Other than that, pack what you’d wear to clubs. We’re not going anywhere super fancy. I thought relaxed and some dancing.”

  “I love to dance,” I admitted.

  “I know, love,” he chuckled, shooting me a smirk. “You might have thought I wasn’t paying attention or didn’t know your last name, but I do, Verge Harris. I’m Nero Price. It’s a pleasure to meet fully.”

  “It is,” I agreed. I nodded to my closet. “You’re my date to these clubs, so pick what you want. Everything hanging is what I have besides work stuff and jeans.”

  “Mmm, bring jeans. I bet your ass is fabulous in jeans.”

  “Okay.” I went to my dresser and grabbed the pair that did make my butt look good, some underwear and socks, and hurried to stuff it into my suitcase. He ended up taking one dress shirt and adding it to his garment bag while I got the other necessities like toiletries and chargers, that sort of thing. A few minutes later, I was locking my door and hurrying after him.

  We got a ride over the airstrip from Norris who looked at Nero’s private plane with longing. Nero caught on, and when he thanked Norris for the ride, promised next time Norris and Philo could join us and fly it themselves. That appeased Norris, and he wished us to have fun and bring back presents.


  We loaded up, and I was shocked when he said I could sit in the other pilot’s seat when I didn’t know how to do anything. He showed me how to strap in after securing the door and quickly went through his checklist. Minutes later he had it fired up and called in we were taking off.

  It was a rush, a terrifying rush to sit in front. It was terrifying also to see nothing but sky, like reminding me how far we could crash down.

  “I might have an issue with heights,” I realized, shooting him a glance so he saw I was scared.

  He reached over and clicked something on my seat, turning it so I was facing away from the windows. “Better?”

  “Yes, thanks,” I admitted. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Always,” he answered easily, as if it was the uncomplicated sentiment in the world that he would be open to me. I liked the idea.

  “Are you mad at me for not saying I wanted to date only you too?” I murmured, terrified of the answer.

  “Not at all,” he assured me, reaching over and rubbing my arm. “I much prefer that you’re cautious and wanting to go slow rather than rash or flippant. We both wanted you and decided to play. That was what you thought, and we, well, I, changed in wanting to develop something deeper.”

  “I’m not against that, but the flip threw me,” I admitted. “I mean, I like you guys, so it’s not like I didn’t give a shit and it was just sex.”

  “And that’s a good first step. I’m not angry or upset at all. I still have you in my life, my bed, and within reach. I’m thrilled. I worried we screwed up so bad you would tell us to take a hike.”

  “No, no hikes,” I chuckled.

  “Can I ask you a question?” he checked after a few minutes.

  “Always,” I told him, meaning it.

  He smiled that I did. “You’re smart, so you know Alastair immediately came and told us what you said. Can I ask if I’m chocolate or the cake?”

  I hadn’t been expecting that, and I laughed, which he didn’t get upset about. “I don’t know. I really don’t. It was just the analogy I came up with for how different you are, but both nummy, and chocolate cake is the best ever, so yeah, I liked having both.”

  “Makes sense. I guess I don’t see Gaius and I are so, so unlike. I’m trying to wrap my head around what we do so differently or what you like so differently about us.”

  “That might be a can of worms to ask that,” I worried, not wanting the trip to be ruined.

  “I promise I can take it,” he chuckled. “Something is screaming inside of me that I’ll be okay with the answer, and I tend to trust my gut.”

  I let out a slow breath, thinking it wasn’t something I could put the lid back on. “You’re sweet to me. You treat me tenderly, lovingly like I’m precious. You call me ‘love’ and always, always check I’m okay. You put me first, and I can feel you care. It’s amazing.

  “Gaius is like fire and passion and he could die if he doesn’t get me right now. It’s intense. He’s intense. And he likes to play, says he likes my sass when I taunt him against his commands, but the commands are intense too. So it’s not fire and ice, as you’re not cool for sure, but yeah, it’s like, well, I’m not sure I know how to say it in any other way.”

  I glanced at him, and my heart fluttered at the look he was giving like he’d eat me and in the best way.

  “Gaius is a bit overbearing, and that comes with being ancient and so much older and experienced than everyone,” he informed me, his tone deep, almost dark. “I thought both of us acting like that would scare you, so I toned it back. I see that was a mistake, and I won’t anymore. If you want fire, love, you’ve got it.”

  “Okay,” I breathed, turned on beyond words.

  “I got you a present to celebrate our first trip together.” He reached over and handed me a gift bag I hadn’t seen before so he must have unpacked it. “I want very much to see you in it.”

  I took it from him, a shock going through me from our fingers touching I was so wound up from what he said, one look. Shit, apparently he was intense too.

  Oh, was he ever. I looked inside and found a butt plug that was connected to something that wrapped around a person’s dick and balls. I shot him a shocked glance, shivering when I saw his smirk even as he focused on flying.

  “It’s remote controlled and teases the prostate. I thought it would be a fun way to spend a four-hour flight. Will you give me what I want, love?”

  “Yeah, I can do that,” I panted, getting out of the belt how he taught me and heading to the bathroom. Shit, he was awesome. I mean, I wasn’t stupid. I knew him swinging me to come on the trip with him to a place like New Orleans was to woo me.

  Fuck it. Woo away.

  It took me a bit to figure out what I was doing, handling the batteries first. I went back and gave him the remote, and he informed me there was lube in the bag, which basically covered the rest.

  I was naked when I went back to the cockpit, careful not to look out the front before sitting back down. “It feels funny.”

  “Come here, let me see,” he said, doing something with the controls and waving me over. I went to him, and he had me straddle his lap so he could see over my shoulder just in case. Then he fingered my hole with the toy, chuckling when I moaned. “You are so perfect.”

  “I’m glad you think so.” I gave him a quick kiss, worried about distracting him and moving off his lap.

  “Auto pilot handles a lot, but if you’re worried, I’ll keep looking and not get too distracted.”

  “Yeah, sorry. I had no idea I’d feel the need to puke from watching out the window.”

  “It’s not for everyone, and yeah, some people have that reaction.” He shrugged like it’s no big deal. “Do you still want to play, or would you rather go in the back and nap for the flight?”

  “Always worried about me,” I chuckled, shaking my head. He went to all the trouble to start some fun, and he offered for me to sleep.

  “We have more than enough fun ahead of us. I don’t want you scared or upset, especially if I’m going to teach you to feed tonight.”

  “What?” I gasped, my eyes going wide as I plopped in the other chair. “That’s not allowed.”

  “I know.” He let out a sigh as I basically freaked out we were going to break such a big rule. “It’s not safe for you not to know. I’m not saying you forget blood bags, but every vampire should learn to feed in case of an emergency. What if something happens and we have to go to ground? What if tomorrow there was an attack and we had to scatter to keep from being detected by the humans? It’s happened before. Every vampire should be prepared.”

  “I don’t disagree, but it’s against the rules.”

  “Not for long,” he assured me. “The Wyrok were unaware that most councils had put that rule into effect. Others have not, and we have spoken to Alexander about the dangers, and he agrees. Alastair will teach Zibon. Of this I’m sure. Others have spoken of teaching their mates. I believe Roarke has or said he will as well. It’s just something that won’t be discussed until the law is fixed.”

  “Wow, you know how to have a trip, Nero,” I murmured, trying to wrap my head around it. “You hide the pain of the bite, right? That’s the main worry? That they’ll feel the bite, but the wound heals almost instantly after we pull out our fangs. And not to get blood anywhere. So how do you do it?”

  “Me? I tend to make out with someone and pinch their nipples to blur the pain and pleasure while they think I’m making a hickey on their neck. The moment our fangs pierce, they inject the same substance we need after mating, and it gives a slight numbing of the area that keeps it from bruising and closes the wound.”

  “That’s a smart way to do it,” I praised. I opened my mouth to ask something else and gasped instead as he turned on the toy.

  “Lessons later. I want to play and watch you have fun. I love watching you have fun. I might not seem it, but I am a jealous, jealous man. I would go postal if someone touched you without me being there or my permission, which was why I wanted to make sure you knew how I felt and that I wanted us together for real. But I love that you like to play. I love playing like that with you. I would never want us to stop.”

  Yeah, I heard him. The fun would never stop even if I picked him, was with him for real.

  “I don’t know what I could handle,” I admitted after thinking about it. “I think I might not be a fan of you fucking others.”

  “Really?” he asked, his eyebrows shooting up.

  I frowned. “I don’t know.”

  He must have sensed discomfort in my tone because he reached over and teased my abs. “You don’t have to. There’s also no right answer. I don’t care for you less than you do me if I like watching others join us. You come apart when you’re being so well tended to. If I wasn’t involved, I’d lose my ever-loving mind.”

  “Oh, um, well, Gaius and I—”

  “Not him. I understand what we all are. I mean if I walked up on someone touching you at the club later. Or you kissing another man. He might become a dead man with my temper because you’re dating me and he shouldn’t touch unless we agree to play first.”

  “I’ll be careful,” I panted, totally turned on. Not about him threatening to kill this mythical man, but that he would go that off the rails over me.

  The toy ended up being lots of fun… But so was Nero. He teased and joked with me and then teased and pleased me. I had a great time.

  The landing was another thing. No more sitting up front for the landing even if my seat was turned around.

  “Are you okay?” he asked me gently after he pulled us into the private hangar and shut down the plane.

  “Are you going to kick me out for almost puking in your fancy plane?” I checked, completely mortified I was having this reaction.

  “No, love, though if you’re still feeling sick, I might change where we eat. Let’s get you a soda and meet the car.”


  “Always,” he promised, rubbing my back.

  I’d gotten dressed again before we were to arrive so I wasn’t sitting there naked as I begged my body to stop flipping out. “I think I need to get used to flying more and the difference between fancy, private planes before I ever try the cockpit again.”

  “I think that wise,” he agreed. Yeah, I hadn’t even been all that quiet in freaking out.

  He got someone to find me a ginger ale, which ended up not being a big deal, as there were vending machines right outside the hangar for employees. I let Nero handle the bags after he showed me which car was ours. The moment I sat down and had a few sips, I was fine. He slid in after me, and I told him I was.

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to—”

  “I promise, I’m good,” I murmured, leaning in and kissing him. “Sorry I messed up our flight.”

  “Never,” he growled, kissing along my neck as he raised the partition between us and the driver. “I had lots of fun and got to learn more about you, which was all I wanted. I’ll just have to tucker you out this trip so you sleep on the way home.”

  “Something I would show my appreciation for,” I assured him, angling my neck to give him more room.

  “Of that, I have no doubt, as your giving and kind heart is part of what I like most of you.”

  “What else do you like?” I asked, soaking up the prai

  “Hmm, I’m not sure you’ve earned that yet. Might cost you more, as you rarely tell me what you like about me besides what I do to your body.”

  I heard the hurt in his tone. “Maybe, but that was all I saw, so now we’re getting to know each other and I’ll see more. I do believe I’ve said I like how kind you are, how you treat me. That’s more than sex.”

  “Too true.”

  We got out at the Bourbon Orleans Hotel, which was a nice place, cool architecture and history… And right at the start of the gay part of Bourbon Street. Hell, the hotel had a gay bar in it. Awesome. He winked at me as we checked in, letting me know he’d planned it so I could see as much as we could with a short trip.

  After we got settled in the room, we changed to go out, and I about swallowed my tongue at what he put on. He wore flattering black dress pants, but the top, a fitted V-neck, was the same green of his eyes, and he pushed the sleeves up to his elbows.

  “Mmm, I knew you would look magnificent in jeans,” he complimented, moving closer to me. “Real men don’t wear skinny jeans. I’m glad you’ve got the taste to know that.”

  “Plus, I look like a dork in them,” I chuckled, leaning in and kissing him. “Maybe we should just stay in?”

  “Oh no, there’s too much to see, but thank you for liking my outfit too.” He moved his hand to my lower back and guided me out, waiting as I had to go back for my phone after I checked I had my wallet.

  Bourbon Street was amazing. I took it all in, smiling as I did.

  Shivering when he moved his hand to my back pocket for all to see I was his.

  “First, we have dinner at one of the best places for a variety and fun,” he explained, nodding ahead to keep walking.

  “I like variety and fun.”

  “I know.” He gave me a quick kiss. “After, we’ll get some souvenirs for our friends and maybe swing by a daiquiri bar, drop off our purchases, and hit a club.”

  “You know how to plan a date, Nero.”

  “I try.”

  I just bet he did.

  We were shown right in, and I didn’t miss Nero slipping the host some money, so either we had a table waiting or he wanted to get us a good table. It worked because we were seated at one of the tables right by the open doors to the street, able to see all the people and hear the live music playing.


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