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Love's Choices

Page 10

by Flynn Eire

  His eyes filled with something impish. “What was your favorite part?”

  “When you got me the ginger ale and beignets.” His eyes flashed shock, and I smiled. “You took care of me. Wanted me to get everything fun out of the trip. It was so super sweet.” It made me remember what Zibon was saying about Nero’s designs. “Can we get a batting cage? More physical fun stuff you build in the super secret mansions? I think that would push more to be active and not fucking lazy vampires.

  “Like gun ranges they could use too and make it fun so they stop assuming everyone will do everything. Like my stupid parents who think god will save them. No, my grandparents were awesome, fighting zakasacs who came to their farm when we were young. They died, I mean, they used pitchforks and their farm tools, but they fought. They fought to give me and my sister time, and I just think if someone gave them the chance to just use guns.

  “It could have helped, you know? Give our people a chance, even if they don’t rush into the fight. My parents, they gave up. Like it was all beyond them, but it doesn’t have to be like that. God won’t save any of us. Let people have hope they can help. Get them in better shape and like Bowie’s friend who came from Denver and trained coven security. That’s awesome. So yeah, batting cages and shooting ranges and oh, like some indoor American Ninja Warrior shit.

  “Zibon’s got a whole sketchpad of ideas he doesn’t think any of us know about, but like duh, we all shared the pre-trans dorm. We knew. And they’re good. But do some of that, you know? And those people can get the snazziest rooms. Don’t make it about money. Too many let money or shit blind them. Give our people a chance to actually work for it, like yeah, and I know a bunch of people who’d want to get out of our coven and away from their parents if they got a new—”

  His lips mashed to mine, and I moaned as I kissed him back, rubbing up against him like no one else was around.

  “You amaze me every second of every day,” he whispered against my lips. “Anything else you’d want?”

  “Yeah, go green. Do like solar roof tiles I heard they have now, and I know Alastair is getting wind turbines, but make everything super green. Hydroponic herb gardens in kitchens and cool shit like that that’s good. Some sort of composting and recycling everyone has to do or out they go. If they’re getting to live in a cool place and ultra protection of you guys and us, then they have to earn it.”

  “As you wish,” he agreed after a moment, smiling.

  “Do I get whatever I want?” I teased, returning his grin.

  “If you keep smiling like that, sure. What do you want?”

  “Oh, that’s so open,” I purred, nibbling his lower lip. “Add a dungeon somewhere for exploring and fun. Wally’s totally wanted to try all of that, and it sounds interesting. I mean, not mean stuff, but yeah, fun. We like fun and exciting.”

  “You weren’t supposed to tell anyone that, Verge,” Wally bitched, smacking the back of my head.

  “Did I say Wally? I meant me.”

  “Nice try,” someone drawled behind me. Yeah, I had a big mouth when high apparently.

  But it was still fun.

  I got all my favorites for dinner, Nero and my friends making sure I kept eating instead of rambling. It worked. I was mellow by the time dinner was over instead of high as a kite. The brownies got hidden somewhere though. It took them a bit to talk Alexander into it, but they could be fun if no one ate the whole brownie.

  Or they could be fun then too. I had fun.

  Nero and I went to watch the movie with tons of munchies, him laughing at how my stomach was a bottomless pit. I’d been called worse, though. We weren’t far into the movie when the other side effect of pot hit me and I snuggled down to sleep curled up against him. If I was honest, I liked being curled up by him or him me. It kept the monsters and bad dreams away, which was nice.

  Very nice.

  7 ~ Nero

  The familiar tingle went up my spine, waking me, and I bolted out of bed. I leaned over and shook Verge as I grabbed clothes. He didn’t want to get up, and I about dragged him out of bed. “Wake! Zakasacs are here!”

  That woke him up. His eyes went wide, and he smacked himself across the face. “You’re sure?”

  “Yes, I feel them. I don’t know how many yet.”

  “Tell me what to do,” he said as he leapt into action and went for his clothes. “The emergency alarms are in ops.”

  That was what I needed to know. “Bang on doors and meet me there.” I grabbed my sword and raced out of the room. Gilroy was in the command center handling the overnight shifts when his mate, Xana, had watch tower duty. “Sound the alarms. Zakasacs are coming. I don’t know how many yet. My range is far to sense them.”

  His eyes went wide as he rolled over and slammed his hand down on a button, not even questioning what I was saying. It made sense people did, especially Verge when he’d been completely asleep and for a while, but I liked the kid who just did as he was told and believed the ancient before him.

  “I need a map,” I told him next, and he led me over to a large table. He flipped through a few sheets and pulled out the right one, a huge satellite map of the area.

  The phone in command rang, and he raced over to answer it. “Yes, it’s real. Nero’s here and says zakasacs are coming but doesn’t know how many.”

  “My gift is Dimitri’s, but my range is extensively farther,” I told him, listening as he relayed it into the phone. I focused on my gift, letting my mind scan far and wide, frowning at what I found. “One? Why would only one come?”

  “It would only take one of you guys to tear through all of us, right?” Gilroy offered, shrugging as he started pulling things out of cabinets. I wasn’t sure what they were, but the phone rang again, and he said he had drone controls ready, so someone had to pull them out. Made sense. It was command after all.

  “Mark’s getting the drones out,” Wally announced as he raced into the room. “Roarke went to help get the pre-trans and get a head count. Verge ran off. He said get the drones in the air and west and then ran off.”

  West? I glanced at the map and smiled. “You’re so smart, love,” I praised as if he could hear me. “West is the tunnel. The tunnel that goes through the fence from Ashton’s property. That would be how I’d sneak in.”

  “Yeah, smart,” Wally agreed as he put on a headset. “Drone six coming online.”

  Some of their post-trans came racing in, and I was impressed at how they had their acts together. They immediately went for a cabinet and pulled out headsets that were sitting in chargers. I got handed one, and the guy showed me how to turn it on, sticking it on my ear.

  “Announce when you get on, and the person on duty in ops makes sure everyone gets them,” he told me.

  “Nero on,” I said, unsure of what else to do. Gilroy gave me a thumbs up he heard me.

  “Alexander on,” I heard the man say.

  “Read you, Alexander,” Gilroy confirmed. “Drone six is in the air. Verge guessed to check the tunnel first, we’re sending it there.”

  “Smart. Do it. Xana, what do you see?”

  “Nothing, Alexander,” he answered.

  “I feel one. Far but closing,” I said after tuning into my gift again. “I’m heading out to the tunnel. Have the others take a direction.”

  “Understood,” Gilroy told me as I headed out. “Keep the earpiece in.”

  I nodded and hurried out the door. As much as I wanted to know where Verge was, I knew he was safe as long as I kept track of the zakasacs and handled the problem. Why only one, though? Were others too far out? No, why would they do that if they were attacking? They couldn’t know we were here or what we all did unless they had inside information.

  I reached the tunnel where it broke open the fence until we were done. I scanned out and still only felt one.

  “One is closing fast,” I told them, wanting to keep them updated. I kept focused even as I heard people getting on the coms in my ear.

  “How far, Nero?” Alas
tair asked.

  “Twenty miles and coming fast,” I told him. I should have easily been able to see them by then, but if they were moving too fast, it would look like nothing but darkness.

  “Shit, I don’t have anywhere near that range,” Dimitri grumbled.

  “You’re young,” I snickered and then focused again. “Why only one?”

  “Could you be wrong?” Helios asked, his tone respectful.

  “We can always be wrong, but I never have been before,” I growled, more annoyed at the situation than him.

  “It only takes one to launch rockets,” someone drawled. “Or one they’ll sacrifice to get an EMP in here. That would still open us up, and tomorrow the rest could come or something.”

  He was right. Terrifying and evil minded but right.

  “I caught something in infrared, but fuck, it’s fast,” Wally told us. “Getting altitude to scan a larger area.”

  “Ten miles from my position,” I told him.

  “Roger that, moving to there now.”

  I felt relief when I heard Verge sign on, knowing at least I could talk to him or would know he was okay.

  “There’s only one I’m seeing, and he’s headed right for Nero,” Wally informed us.

  “Good,” I chuckled darkly, my fangs sliding out as my hands changed. I was more than able to hold my sword with the claws, but they would help. Moments later I saw the figure. “You have no chance, demon.”

  The man with red eyes snarled as he slowed his pace but didn’t stop. “I just have to get around you.”

  “Do your best,” I taunted. Then I thought about what the person had said about the rocket launcher, not seeing anything in their hands. “Just one of you can’t do much of anything.”

  “Fool,” he sneered. “There is more to this age than you know, and you idiots keeping to your old ways with swords will be the death of you all.” He opened his coat, and I saw one of those vests in movies, the ones with explosives attached to it. “You cannot win. You are outmatched in every way and in the dark too much.”

  Well fuck. Still if I killed him, I got within blast range. Even I couldn’t get out of the way of that.

  I heard the zip of something, and the side of the guy’s head blew open. A second shot landed right through his throat before I even blinked, basically taking his head. The body crumpled to the ground, and I stood there in shock before glancing over my shoulder, trying to figure out what the fuck just happened.

  And then I saw him. Verge on top of the warrior dorm with a rifle, hundreds of yards away from me, Mark next to him using a scope.

  “Wally, he’s down, but fly closer, I don’t know what’s on that vest or if there was a timer,” Verge said.

  “Got it. Nice shooting, buddy.”

  “Immensely impressive, love,” I murmured, still staring at him. He smiled at me, guessing I could see it.

  “Asshole wasn’t getting anywhere near you the moment he slowed enough I could target him,” he told me firmly. My heart raced as my love deepened for him, unable to stand it anymore.

  “Any more, Nero?” Alexander asked the same time Alastair did.

  “No, no more, he’s dead,” I assured them, my eyes never leaving Verge. “I call a melee.”

  “What?” Alastair hissed. “What does a zakasac have to do with that?”

  “I want him mine,” I snapped.

  “What the fuck is a melee?” Alexander demanded. “I am not young. These extra traditions are driving me mad.”

  “Welcome to what the rest of us have to deal with, babe,” Dimitri chuckled.

  “Hang on, bad guy and bomb first,” Wally interjected. “I see no timer. I see one of those handheld button things, but it’s still on the vest. I think Verge got him before he armed it.”

  “How do we check besides Nero going and looking and maybe getting blown up?” Verge demanded with a growl.

  “Leave him,” Alastair suggested. “The sun will burn him up, and the vest is far enough away still that if it goes off, it’s no threat. That handles if they had a remote trigger. We come up with a new plan once daylight hits and we can see it better.”

  “Fine, but I’m putting a few more bullets in him to make sure he can’t heal,” Verge grumbled and fired before anyone could argue. I watched the body jerk, and nothing was left of the head or shoulders.

  “His head is gone. That’s decapitation. You’re amazing, love,” I praised.

  “Yeah, so amazing you called a fucking melee,” Gaius snapped.

  “What do I have to do with that?” Verge asked as he sat up, staring at me from the building, frowning.

  “A melee is what a suitor calls to get everyone else away from the person they want,” Gaius explained “It’s like what Alastair and Zibon did, but it’s for everyone interested in you to either fight for you, like a fucking mad house melee, or fight other ways. Nero’s saying he’s taking on all suitors for you, and if he wins, we have to stop trying for you.”

  “I decide who can come after me,” Verge said, his voice tense, and I saw the anger in his eyes. “No one else. No one else has a say.”

  “It’s not like that, love,” I told him gently. “The fights were olden days to show which male could protect a female better. That’s the archaic way. This is to woo you, assure you who is best for you. You can change your mind later. It’s not mating. It’s me saying I want you as mine, and I’m willing to show everyone else who wants you why I’m the best choice.”

  “Dude, that’s hot,” someone said in the headset, and I hoped it was one of Verge’s friends, I really did because I wanted him. I wanted him so bad my heart hurt at the idea he could be taken from me by another. We could play all he wanted, I didn’t care if Gaius kept joining us in bed because Verge loved it.

  But I wanted him in my bed. I wanted to be in his heart as first and his. I loved him.

  “You can’t reject it, Verge,” Gaius chuckled darkly. “Nero called it. It happens. You can tell him to fuck himself after, but he called it, so yeah, it happens.”

  “Tell the others,” I said firmly, freaking out at the same time hope rushed me that I could make Verge mine for real. I thought I could. I hoped I could after what we’d shared in New Orleans.

  This had to work, or my heart would break. I knew it was fast but… I loved him. Was there really anything else to say?

  Twenty minutes later, everyone was in the cafeteria for early breakfast since we were all up and dawn was approaching soon.

  And Verge wouldn’t speak to me.

  “You called this thing without talking to me first, so I don’t want to hear what you have to say,” he bitched, hurt in his voice before he turned away. It wasn’t like that.

  “You deserve that for calling a fucking melee right after you got back from showing him such a good time in New Orleans,” Gaius taunted.

  “Fuck you,” I snapped, my fangs wanting to come out. “You made it sound like dogs fighting for a bone.”

  “A melee is that.”

  “If it’s bastardized,” I snarled. “That’s not its intent. That’s what fucking assholes do. You know it’s more like what Alastair and Zibon went through! It’s about showing how far you’re willing to go for the one you want, not the strongest carries off the wench like a prize.”

  He opened his mouth and then closed it, shaking his head. “It was like that in my coven, with my family. Those who didn’t fight and wooed were pussies.”

  “You’re more evolved than that,” I told him firmly, losing some of my anger.

  “I hope so, but that’s what I really know of it. Fine, I’ll do it more like Alastair and Zibon’s thing.”

  “You sure about this?” Alastair asked me after Gaius stormed off and got coffee.

  “I love him, Alastair,” I confessed quietly.

  “I know, but he doesn’t understand what’s going on,” he said gently, rubbing my shoulder and nodding to Verge who looked like he was about to break. “He thought you’d kiss him for taking out the
threat to you, not start whatever a Royal Rumble is.” He wished me luck and moved to the large space away from the tables, bringing one chair with him. “Verge Harris, a melee has been called for your attentions.”

  “I don’t want to play,” Verge bitched.

  “I warned you we had other traditions, young Verge,” Alastair told him with a smile. “It happens whether you join or not, but if you don’t, others could decide for you.” He nodded to Verge’s friends who seemed to be picking like they might horses at a race.

  Verge let out a growl and then went over to the boxes of king cakes we’d gotten and left to share. He cut himself a massive piece and then sat in the chair with a huff.

  “Does anyone object to my officiating?” Alastair asked all who gathered.

  “I have no idea what’s going on, but I just like Verge and wanted to go out with him,” William said, raising his hand, the other two guys on the regular construction teams I used agreeing.

  Alastair nodded. “And what would you do on that date? Tell that to Verge, as this is your chance to sway his attentions to you. That is the point of this. Not beating each other to win him in the end. He picks.”

  I wanted to kiss Alastair because that seemed to appease Verge, his shoulders relaxing.

  “Anything?” William asked, moving away from the group. “I mean, we’re kind of limited here, and I can’t just fly him off like Nero or Gaius.”

  “Sky is the limit. It’s your dream of what you would give Verge if you could.”

  “I would take you to Pastry Live,” I blurted, moving closer to him, relieved when he at least looked at me. “Two days of all the craziest cakes and chefs competing, putting them together. Chocolatiers coming up with awesome stuff in amazing ways. Pastry competitions and all sorts of fun. You like sweets more than they’re tasty. They make people happy. There’s so many of them. I want you to see that, get to experience, and fine, eat until your bottomless pit fills.”

  “Is that a date you would accept?” Alastair asked Verge, and my heart soared as he nodded, his anger gone.


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