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Midnight Rain

Page 8

by Cecily Magnon

  That had to be it.

  So, why was her gut telling her to keep digging?

  Chapter Ten

  January 23rd, The Order’s Estate

  “You’re holding back.” Ellie’s father pushed him through Lesson Two. “Don’t be afraid of hurting me, Jarron.” The man smirked making his silvery-blue eyes glint under the harsh fluorescent lights of the estate’s gymnasium.

  All around, small groups of civilians were hard at work learning defensive maneuvers. The twins, Maya and Marcus, were taking some time away from patrol duties to help train the civilians. They stopped to watch, the looks on their faces both amused and surprised. “Get him, Jay!” Maya called out. Maya was his second in command. Over the last weeks, his team had been through hell. They’d almost lost Adam. Maya and Marcus had both been injured badly. But despite it all, they came together and never gave up. Her big, brown, doe eyes lit up as she connected with him. “Kick his ass, Jay!” She hooted, causing her trainees to turn and look. He’d always treated her like a younger sister. Perhaps it was his own longing and wistful thinking of what it would have been like if he still had a baby sister. Hell, what his life would be like if his entire family had not been murdered by demons.

  “Jarron. Focus. You haven’t even tapped into your full potential. You went through a transmutation. You died, so you can come back better. Make it count.” The formidable being rushed him, black wings flared out, sword gripped to impale.

  Jarron stood. Sculpted, bare chest rising and falling, toes gripping the wood floor. Will was kicking his ass, but the angel was right. His powers were growing. But rather than embracing it, like Caleb did with his, he tried to control his. He limited himself and for what? He angled forward, readying for the strike, anticipating which way Will would choose to attack. He wasn’t about to be knocked down again.

  “C’mon Jay!” It was Marcus’ turn to encourage him. Maya and Marcus’ group had stopped training. They were standing together, waiting for his next move. Behind him, he also heard the abrupt stop of the springs bouncing from the boxing ring.

  The smug smile from his opponent hooked further up, accentuating the strong cheek bones that made Will Koraki resemble a Greek god. Will lifted, the breadth of his massive wings making him airborne.

  It was Jarron’s turn to smile. There wasn’t enough room in the space to get velocity in the air. The Dark One would have done better had he run at Jarron. Taking advantage of the error, Jarron met him head on, his own sword poised to strike. This was no longer an exercise about defense. He needed to change the course of the training to offense, and get Will pinned down.

  Metal on metal clanged loudly. The pings, bangs and grunts from both men resounding to every inch of the gymnasium and attracting a crowd. If Will didn’t think he had a fight on his hands before, he did now. Jarron charged, feeling his elemental energies rise within, energizing him. He pushed the angel back, forcing him down to his feet. Level the fight.

  Jarron’s light, White Purity ignited, carrying with it a breath of the dark one’s angelic energy from before. Adjusting his grip on the sword, he spun the blade tip from back to front. The sword hummed in his hand. The Great Angel, Michael’s sigil encrusted upon the hilt warmed and dug into his palm, elevating the strength of the angel energy coursing through his body. He breathed in, accommodating the speed of his racing heart. He felt expanded. Electrified.

  Archangel Michael’s sigil shone bright in his mind, the lines and angles of the symbol, morphing to sword strokes, and guiding the flow of his swing. The duel became a dance. He was matching Will, stroke for stroke. Warmth flowed from the sigil, up his arm, and into his consciousness. Visions of the Great Angel in battle played within his mind. But the vision did not distract him from the fight; he was present in both, the scenes melded into each other, the confrontation in both scenes synchronizing.

  As if in a dream, he was Michael, and the Great Angel’s tactics and maneuvers became his. The Great Angel’s armor shone bright, the thin but tough metal crafted by angel hands. Michael slashed his opponent in a wide arc, the sword tip glinting as it reflected the sun up above. The blade slammed down, penetrating an enemy’s shoulder, cutting down, and ending at the hip on the opposite side of his body. It would have been enough to slice the demon’s torso in half, but with Michael’s precise control, he only disabled his opponent, enough to bring him down, but alive for a few minutes to be interrogated.

  He felt stopped, unable to take another step or another swing suddenly. Visions of the Great Angel Michael receded steadily, leaving only his physical sight. He grunted at the physical force holding him back. He shook it off, startled with Katcher’s energy coming into view. She had her gaze leveled on him, sword tip held against his chest, opposite hand reaching down for Will.

  He recognized the sword immediately. It was one hanging on the wall near the gym’s entrance. It had a graceful, thin, double edged blade and a large red stone, crowning the buttress. In the right hands, the sword can be swift and precise. And with the correct force, can easily slice through flesh.

  A circle, three rounds deep had gathered to spectate his and Will’s exercise. How long had he been lost in the vision?

  Will took Katcher’s hand. A smile was back on his face, but this one wasn’t to taunt him, it was to congratulate him. “Good work.” Will squeezed his shoulder, both pride and affection present in the gesture.

  The crowd around them erupted in applause. Hoots and whistles came from all around them. The civilians amongst them showing the most enthusiasm. “That was freaking unreal.” Someone shouted from the crowd.

  Will stepped closer, his breathing just a touch faster than it had been earlier in their exercise. “We need to elevate this training.” He said in a hushed voice, eyes glinting. “Away from a crowd.”

  “What do you have in mind, William Koraki?” Katcher butted in, her scowl marring her normally stone-cold expression.

  Will regarded the Death Rider for a moment before answering. His chest rose once, stretching the leather straps crossing the well-fitting black t-shirt. Smooth with ease of practice, Will slipped his sword into the sheath slung behind his back.

  “I am joining your training.” Katcher announced, her gaze never wavering from the Dark One.

  Will gave him a quick glance, before answering the Death Rider. “Why? Is this to convince me to be your handler?”

  The normally emotionless woman looked uncomfortable for just a second. “No. You have made your decision. Wandalerius Magicae Album is correct, you cannot be my handler. That responsibility has been bestowed on Mahalel.” The woman lifted her chin, “until I can find Mahalel… and I can be a death rider again. I must find new purpose.”

  “Death Riders are warriors as well as reapers.” Jarron interjected. “We could use training from you.”

  Katcher turned to him, leather bound body, fit and strong. She crossed her sculpted arms stiffly over her chest. Jarron noticed the crimson bands normally crisscrossing her forearms were absent. In its place were both fresh and faded bruises. “What have you been doing?” His stare pointed to her injured arms, before locking on to her piercing eyes.

  Will followed suit, concern dulling his energy.

  “I have been going into the city, a place called the dead zone.” The woman stiffened. “I have not been successful…. There is a young man I said I would help.”

  Jarron and Will exchanged quick looks before turning back to the woman.

  “The dead zone? Who is this man?” Will asked first, his tone sounding like a protective father.

  “Eddie Montgomery.”

  Will turned to Jarron as if asking for support.

  “Eddie Montgomery? He’s a friend of Regan’s. A cambion.” Jarron recalled Regan and Eddie’s arrival at the estate. Chase had told him about how the two had helped Kimmer get out of the dead zone and volunteered to help the Anakim. After the chaos of the attacks died down, Eddie left the estate. Vowing his allegiance to The Order, but not wantin
g to stay at the estate. Chase let him go, vouching for the kid’s resourcefulness.

  “He lost his friends. He believes they may have been taken by demons.” Katcher added. “He returned to the city, hoping they would find their way back home.”

  Jarron’s heart twinged, understanding Eddie’s loss and Katcher’s need to do something. “Do you need help with Eddie?”

  Katcher turned to him. Her face cold, punishing. “No, Jarron St. Sebastian. Not Eddie Montgomery. I need help fighting the demons.”

  Jarron caught Will’s worried gaze, both their energies bristling automatically at Katcher’s admittance. “I’ll go out…”

  Katcher cut him off. “No. I must learn to fight them.” Her thin, dark brows pinched over the perfect ridge of her nose. “You do not understand, Jarron St. Sebastian.”

  Will studied the woman carefully. The angel’s energetic frequency had changed from steady to disconcerted. He turned away from them, hands on his hips, face pointed to the ceiling. “Come with me.” he called out. “Hurry, before I change my mind.” He started to walk away.

  Jarron held out an arm for Katcher, signaling her to walk ahead. He adjusted his grip on the sword, turning the tip to point behind him as he followed Katcher out of the gym. He acknowledged Maya with a shallow bow as he passed her group. He knew she’d been watching them the whole time. She ran to meet him before he could exit the doors of the gymnasium, the warmth of her energy reaching him like a hug. “How’s the team doing?” he asked quickly as he followed Will’s departure with his sight.

  “We miss you.”

  “How is Kimmer doing? Is he catching on?” He hadn’t been able to patrol with them, Kingston having partnered him with Brooks to stretch their numbers. He wasn’t used to not being with his team.

  “Yeah, he’s great. He’s ready for Kensy.” She looked down. “I don’t like being the Lead. You’re better at it.”

  He chuckled softly. Maya and Marcus were only twenty-three, but even in their early years, had had their fair share of battles with demons. The twins, both Earth Strong, were dominant forces, but Maya showed a natural ability to lead, though she often denied it. He’d often told her, leaders didn’t always volunteer, many times they were called upon. “I bet Adam would disagree.” he joked with her.

  Adam was their fourth member and Fire Strong like him. When all the shit started escalating in the city, Adam nearly died from a battle with water demons. He thanked the Creator every day for the stubborn guardian’s will to live. He really should be working in Control until he was completely healed, but nothing could keep the guardian from going back out--especially now. Maya had asked for Jarron’s help to keep Adam grounded, but he knew that would have been more detrimental to the warrior’s spirit.

  “Adam is just as unreasonable as you are.” She let out an exasperated sigh.

  Jarron chuckled at his Second’s frustration, but pulled her in for a brotherly hug. “And you are the only one who can talk sense into that man of yours.”

  She giggled against his chest confirming the truth of his statement.

  He pulled back. “Have you seen Caleb lately?”

  She nodded as she took backward steps back to her group, “Caleb and his team were sent out to patrol the outer districts. The hordes are expanding their perimeter. Kash and his team are out there too.”

  He watched Maya return to her group, concern for the wellbeing of his team riding him heavily. The Order was stretched thin. Caleb and Kash were patrolling further and further out. Even with their God-given abilities, the Anakim were still mostly human. They were not invincible, and the possibility of death was always just one fight away. But keeping them caged was not the answer. That could never be the answer. He wouldn’t want that decision forced on him, and he certainly would never impose it on anyone else…

  He walked out of the gym, his thoughts dragging him into guilt. His grip tightened on the sword he still carried. They had imprisoned Ellie. She’d asked to be let go. She had been kept against her will.

  Will appeared next to him. A big hand placed lightly on his shoulder. The mind meld was connected. “Focus. The Ellie we had here was not my daughter, and was not the woman you love. It was a shell of her.” Will’s energy was droning in sadness. “To get the Ellie we love, we must push to do impossible things.”

  Katcher appeared on his other side, her energy coming in like a warm, mild whisper. He studied her more closely, surprised he hadn’t noticed how soft her energy was in comparison to her physical presence.

  The woman returned his gaze, her own questioning. “What is it, Jarron St. Sebastian?”

  “Your energy, it’s not what I expected.”

  She turned to Will ignoring his remark. “Training must continue.”

  Will shifted in his stance, big shoulders jerking back in a stretch.

  “Will is taking us to the Nether,” Katcher announced.

  He looked at Will, anxiety making his pulse speed up. “The last time we were there, I nearly killed you.” Thank God, Brooks had acted fast, and bound him.

  “Which is why we need to return.” Will’s gaze slid to Katcher, who had gone quiet suddenly. “You both have work to do.” He clasped Jarron’s shoulder. “Jarron, you can fight demons all day long, but concentrated dark energies affect you. We don’t know what came out of the breach. We don’t know what kind of powers these demons bring with them.”

  Jarron knew Will was right.

  The angel turned his attention to Katcher. “You just shared with me that my father, Mahalel, never let you near demons. You are a warrior by training, but you have never fought or even been near demons.” Will’s gaze softened upon the death rider as he seemed to study her closer.

  Katcher straightened, and squared her shoulders, averting looking at him.

  Will cleared his throat. “Both of you have vulnerabilities that will place you, and those you fight with, in harm’s way.” Large wings appeared with a pop behind his back. “If you cannot learn to balance yourselves while being suffocated by darkness, how will you defend yourselves against demons who can harness Darkness itself?” Will handed Jarron a small, black duffel. “I brought your things--shirt, shoes, your kodachis, and a harness for your sword. It’s all in the bag.”

  Jarron took the bag, appreciative that he wouldn’t be half-naked and barefoot in the Nether. “Thank you. How’d you get these so fast?” he wondered. He’d only been talking with Maya for a couple of minutes and his cabin was out in the woods.

  Will shrugged nonchalantly, and stepped back from him and Katcher. Angel wings stretched to the side, and enclosed them in a wall of black iridescent feathers. The air wavered, thinned, and pulled into a vacuum. They were suddenly riding through a vortex of space-time through what felt like a tube of speeding colors. When the jump stopped; dark wings unfurled around them to reveal a vast space spilled over in black. Dirt and sky so black, the horizon was not visible. There were no stars, and no vegetation. The air was thick like sludge. All around them, wisps of dark souls moaned painfully as they flew by. They were in the Nether.

  “Lesson Three begins.” Will uttered with dread filled voice.

  Chapter Eleven


  Dark souls moaned past them, some lingering, while others rushed by. Tendrils of the souls’ wispy forms graced over the living’s energy-filled bodies. “This isn’t a good idea, Will.” Jarron tightened as a brush of cold air streaked through him. He kept eyes on Will who had moved away from him and Katcher.

  Will’s gaze was distant, towards a shadow of what looked like a mountainous range. His wings had emerged and seemed to lightly stretch on their own.

  “Will,” he called to his new friend. He couldn’t feel the mind-meld and wondered whether Will blocked him on purpose or the Nether neutralized the connection.

  Jarron twisted suddenly, away from Will’s direction, as he tried to avoid an especially dark wisp coming for him. Unexpectedly, Katcher’s stiff back pushed against his. Her ener
gy came off in erratic waves. She was scared. “He is not a good teacher. Mahalel would not do this.” She hissed as she drew her sword from the sheath hanging next to her narrow hips.

  “He’s no Yoda.” He scanned the area in front of him attempting to force the Guardian’s Mask to root. He shook his head, knowing he was not expressionless. The tightness between his brows was beginning to ache. “Damn it,” he growled. He couldn’t even get something as basic as the mask to work. “Katcher. Give me space. I don’t know if I can hold it together,” he warned.

  Her erect back lifted from his slightly, no longer touching, but the warmth coming off of her body was still too close. “I am willing to take my chances with you, Jarron St. Sebastian. Our teacher is gone.”

  He stepped to the side, getting around Katcher and back to where he’d been. Will was gone. He hadn’t heard him take off or his energy recede. He swept the area with his gaze, his heart rate beginning to quicken, his gut twisting in dread, his palms heating. “Something is coming.”

  Katcher’s eyes darted, trying to catch sight of whatever may be coming their way. She stepped away from him, sword firmly held in her hand, posture guarded as she searched for an incoming assailant.

  Jarron headed towards the opposite direction, his own sword remaining sheathed behind his back. The ache between his brows increased, his breathing becoming ragged. The effects of the Nether were beginning to influence his system. He breathed deeply pushing down the phantom emotions playing with him.

  “Come out demon.” He heard Katcher call out. She didn’t sound like herself. The normally steady and warm voice mutated, sounding more like a screech. He knew something was taking over his perception, grating any patience he had. “Come out!” She screeched again. “Demon. Show yourself,” she cried again.


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