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The Countdown Begins

Page 8

by Patrick Higgins

  When Salvador Romanero shared what happened in Iran with the world the following day—naming all twelve countries involved in the surprise attack without even batting an eye—it made President Danforth look even more powerless and pathetic.

  I should have been the one sharing it with the world, not him! But how could he possibly share intelligence he never received in the first place?

  Even if he had advance knowledge of the sneak attack, what could he have possibly done to prevent it? Who would want to ally with the United States, after 70,000,000 of its own citizens had left the country for greener pastures, so to speak?

  The answer was glaringly obvious: no one. The biggest question on President Danforth’s mind now was what had prevented intelligence from reaching his desk? He feared a “deep state” or shadow government was in place, coordinated by career government employees, private citizens, and who knew who else, to influence state and national policy without regard for democratically elected leadership.

  President Danforth wondered how many in the government had already detached themselves from their sworn duties to the United States, and were now secretly working for the enemy? He feared this breach of protocol was widespread. This meant it was just a matter of time before some in his administration betrayed him.

  He knew Vice President Everett Ashford, Chief of Staff Aaron Gillespie, National Security Adviser Nelson Casanieves and Joint Chief of Staff, William Messersmith were with him. Other than them, who really knew?

  With hundreds of thousands on the government payroll, it was frightening to think just how deep the espionage went?

  Convinced beyond all doubt he could never compete with Salvador Romanero; after all, his name was written in the Word of God—not by name but by title, Antichrist—it was time to stop trying. The man had supernatural powers others didn’t have.

  He really was a Miracle Maker after all.

  Besides, how could he possibly cross swords with the young man globally, when he couldn’t even govern his own citizens, what was left of them anyway? With rumors abounding that America was next to be targeted, how many more Americans would soon flee the country?

  If President Danforth couldn’t find a way to stop this invisible government, massive decisions would soon be made on behalf of the United States without his knowledge or permission, and the turmoil unfolding across the Atlantic and Pacific oceans would visit American shores with little or no warning.

  Those closest to Jefferson Danforth knew he wanted to resign his Presidency. But for the time being he needed to remain on office. Too many safeguards needed to be put in place before he could ever think about stepping down.

  Unless, of course, he was forced out or carried out in a casket. Was it possible that what happened to the crown prince of Spain on live television—with zero resistance from Spain’s government or military—could happen to him as well? What was unthinkable just a few short months ago could no longer be ignored.

  Hence, the need for greater urgency and efficiency.

  Which is why Clayton Holmes and Travis Hartings were back at the White House two months sooner than scheduled.

  But they weren’t alone this time. Two other men representing another grassroots organization rapidly gaining steam in the United States were also in the Oval Office meeting with President Danforth—the American Freedom Keepers.

  Much like the ETSM, the AFK was adding thousands to their fold each week. Comprised mostly of military personnel—both active and retired—these men and women believed America should remain the superpower of the world. They were willing to fight and die, if necessary, to keep the United States a sovereign nation.

  America’s truest twenty-first century patriots were fed up and weren’t about to lie down and let some young, egotistical foreigner take their country away from them without giving it their best fight. If other countries—and weak-willed Americans for that matter—were willing to yield to Romanero’s New World Order, that was their problem.

  Their courage was commendable, as was their determination, but no matter how much they steeled themselves against the enemy, they had to come to grips with the fact that America would never again be the superpower it once was. In short, they were still in denial.

  The three most obvious differences between both groups was 1) whereas the AFK was willing to accept anyone sharing the same love of country and disdain for Salvador Romanero into their group, the ETSM was an invitation-only clandestine group whose members all had similar dreams before joining; 2) whereas members of the AFK were deluded into thinking they could ultimately defeat the Miracle Maker and his global coalition, members of the ETSM knew this was an impossibility—after all, it was written; 3) the AFK was more militarily minded, and willing to do whatever it took to preserve the United States of America, while the ETSM was more concerned with the soul of the nation.

  The four men were ordered to take separate commercial flights to Washington D.C. Upon landing, to avoid being followed, all were given precise instructions to adhere to, which resembled your basic wild goose chase, before finally arriving at their designated pickup locations.

  From there, they were met individually by secret service agents of the President’s choosing and driven to the White House in government-issued vehicles, then smuggled inside without incident.

  Even though President Danforth no longer was the most powerful man on the planet, and the country they loved had shrunken by nearly half since the Rapture, it was impossible not to feel the full weight of being ushered into the Oval Office to meet the man.

  As America’s highest civil servant, the President still had access to every perk and luxury afforded his position. No one had to remind the four men that having him on their side was a major asset. It gave them access to numerous resources.

  The President began, “Thanks for coming on such short notice, gentlemen.”

  “Our pleasure, Sir,” the four visitors said in unison. It was evident to each of them that the President was under severe duress. He looked consumed by anxiety.

  President Danforth placed his hands behind his head and stretched his arms upward, “Time is short, so I’ll be brief. Instead of shaping world events like America’s done for many generations, it seems we’re suddenly at the mercy of them.”

  The President leaned forward in his seat, “Especially if we don’t stop the shadow government Salvador Romanero has put in place, with the help of so many willing Americans—government official and private citizen alike. Essentially what this means, gentlemen, is the real power no longer resides with our publicly elected officials, but with many others exercising power behind the scenes, beyond the scrutiny of our democratic institutions. I don’t know when this new shadow government was formed. But what I do know is if we sit back and do nothing, it won’t take long before America is reduced to ashes.”

  President Danforth winced at his own words, “reduced to ashes”. They made him think of the earthquakes, which, in turn, made him think of the supernatural power his chief nemesis possessed in great quantities. Are we really the next to be leveled?

  Brushing off a shiver, he went on, “It’s with that in mind, gentlemen, that I’m in the process of creating a secret counter government, if you will. If everything goes as planned, and that’s a big ‘if’, this shadow government will once again become the true executive and military power. Only those who have proven their loyalty to us will be part of it.

  “As promised in our prior meetings, both of your groups will be awarded underground properties scattered all across the mainland. Due to lack of use, most are in need of complete overhauls. All will be fully mobilized with the most advanced and secure military-strength technologies available to man.

  “Each will be stocked with food and water supplies to get many of you through the next seven years. Jesus will return long before the expiration dates pass on the MREs (Meals, Ready-to-eat).”

  The two AFK leaders nodded politely.

  The two ETSM leaders, on the other
hand, wanted to high-five each other.

  “The good news is you won’t be the only ones living in sub-terrain structures. In fact, most of the new construction taking place in the world is being done far beneath the earth’s surface.

  “People are frightened and are moving underground in record numbers. Many living in the central U.S. are reconstructing tornado shelters and underground crawl spaces just in case. This will only increase in the coming days.

  “Which is why I’ve ordered for a quadrupling of underground shelters through this invisible government, effective immediately. Aside from your basic construction machinery, I have secret access to dozens of tunnel boring machines, also known as ‘metal earthworms’. They’re quite remarkable.”

  Travis Hartings said, “I once saw a documentary on it. Fascinating.”

  “Yeah,” the President said in reply. “They’re guided by laser light and can break apart a hundred feet of earth in a day, six feet at a time. Using hydraulics, eighteen-ton concrete blocks are constructed as makeshift walls to maintain the tunnel’s integrity.

  “Once the walls are in place, the TBM rotates in round, circular motions, easily removing the earth like it wasn’t even there. The dirt is then placed on conveyor belts and moved to the back. Thousands are in use as we speak.

  “Naturally, all locations you inhabit will eventually have the proper sewage, air and water filtration and ventilation units in place. Without these things, long term survival underground would be impossible. Not only that, most will be built fifty feet beneath the earth’s surface and will be able to withstand a twenty-kiloton nuclear blast. But earthquakes are altogether different, I’m afraid. There isn’t much we can do to protect from them.”

  No one dared asked him to further elaborate. They knew exactly what he meant.

  Travis Hartings said, “What about above ground locations?”

  “Those, too, will be needed in great quantities,” the President said in reply. “But it will raise the stakes by making us more out in the open. I happen to have secret access to dozens of mobile bricklaying robots which are earmarked for your organizations.”

  “What are those?” asked one of the AFK leaders.

  “Let’s just say they can build homes very quickly and cheaply. They can lay a thousand bricks per hour, twenty-four hours a day, which means above ground homes can be built in a day or two.

  “Much like TBM's they are laser guided so each brick is stacked perfectly. Once programmed, the bricks interlock like Legos and are sealed with a special glue, leaving room for windows and doors, which are added last.

  “Once above ground locations are built or refurbished, walls and rooftops will need to be lined with copper a few inches thick, which I’ll also be providing for you. The hope is that it will prevent the enemy from honing-in with high-tech satellite surveillance devices, including sonar and thermal imaging.

  “Each above ground house you plan on occupying should be hermetically sealed with additional thick inner wall walls built approximately a foot or so away from outside walls. This will help prevent heat seeking technologies from detecting human body heat inside. If you really want to get creative, you can wallpaper them to project images of dining rooms, living rooms, kitchens or bedrooms.”

  What a great idea! Travis Hartings thought. He was partly embarrassed for not thinking it up himself.

  “Gentlemen, I plan on making dozens of mobile bricklaying robots and tunnel boring machines available for your exclusive use. That said, I’d suggest you start purchasing as much land as you possibly can.

  “Don’t concern yourselves too much with the condition of above ground structures. Chances are they’ll be leveled anyway. The key is to acquire vast amounts of land fast, so we can build upon it quickly, above ground and below.”

  “Sounds like a plan, Mister President,” Travis Hartings said.

  President Danforth said, “There will be another meeting next week at the same location where we first met. I’ll need the names of the top five-hundred leaders from both of your organizations.

  “Since the properties you’ll be living on will be scattered across the country, I’ll want all states represented. I’ll need their names by the end of the day, so they can be properly vetted.”

  “Yes, Mister President,” all four men said at the same time.

  “Everyone on the list will be placed under constant surveillance, including the four of you. Until cleared, no one can know anything about the meeting. If at any time someone is viewed as a potential threat, they will be scratched off the list. Are we clear, gentlemen?”

  “Yes, Mister President,” all four men said again.

  “Very good then. A final list will be emailed to you two days before we meet.”

  “Understood, Mister President,” Clayton Holmes said.

  The President looked at his watch. “Thanks for stopping by the White House, gentlemen. I’ll advise the four of you to exercise extreme caution from here on out, especially when you’re no longer under the protection of the secret service.”

  “It’s an honor seeing you again, Sir,” said one of the AFK leaders, before he and his partner were escorted out of the Oval Office.

  President Danforth motioned for Holmes and Hartings to remain seated. Pulling a Bible from his desk drawer, the President said, “I’ve been reading it ever since our first meeting. I still have many questions, and was wondering if the two of you could help me make better sense of it...”

  Holmes and Hartings glanced at each other. Holmes quickly looked away, seeing tears in his partner’s eyes.

  “It would be an honor, Sir,” Holmes managed to say.

  “The First Lady will join us shortly for lunch. I hope someday soon she, too, will be eager to read it. For security reasons, we’ll adjourn to a more secure location for lunch. Don’t know how many in the White House can be trusted...”

  “As you say, Mister President.”


  THE SECURE LOCATION ENDED up being an underground bunker just beneath the White House Situation Room. With lunch finished, the President crisscrossed his knife and fork over his plate and motioned for the two men to proceed. He was eager to begin.

  The same couldn’t be said about the First Lady. She was completely unmoved by her husband’s newfound spiritual enlightenment. In fact, it was starting to irritate her.

  “Shall we, gentlemen?”

  Travis Hartings said, “Where would you like to begin, Mister President?”

  “Since the two of you understand the Word of God better than me, why don’t you tell me?”

  Travis glanced at his partner and Clayton Holmes leaned up in his chair. “The only way to fully understand the Word of God, Sir, is by having a proper understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  “The word ‘gospel’ actually means Good News. But in order for it to be seen as good news, I believe we first must consider the bad news. Namely, our sin condition. Because of sin, God can’t even look at us.”

  Grabbing the Bible on the table before him, Holmes gazed deep into the President’s eyes, “Sadly, most people read this Book for all the wrong reasons. Some read it hoping to increase their knowledge. Others read it seeking wisdom. Many more read it to gain a broader sense of Jewish and church history. As a known historian, I’m sure this is of particular interest to you as well.”

  President Danforth nodded politely.

  Holmes went on, “That’s all well and good, Sir, but did you know countless multitudes have read this Book over the centuries only to end up in hell?”

  President Danforth winced.

  “It’s true. In and of itself Bible history has never saved anyone’s soul. Anyone can read the Word of God from cover to cover a hundred times, a thousand times even, but only those who approach it with repentant hearts and broken spirits can gain a clear understanding the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s impossible to come into proper fellowship with the Most High God any other way.”

  Holmes grew more solemn
, “Believe me, I know what I’m talking about. Before the Rapture, I was considered by many to be an expert on Bible prophecy and history. And look where it got me? My still being here proves I was nothing but a false convert.

  “Not to come off as disrespectful, Sir, but when it comes to God’s salvation, being President of the United States counts for nothing...”

  President Danforth gulped, then looked at his lunch guest blankly. Having listened to his preaching online the past few months, he knew not to expect sugarcoating. It was too late in the game for that.

  The First Lady flinched and shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She waited for Holmes to tell her being First Lady couldn’t save her either. Thankfully he spared her that rebuke.

  Holmes noticed her uneasiness but went on. It was that important. “Bottom line: our sin is an affront to God’s holiness. And who, being of sin, can atone for sin? The answer is no one.

  “Here’s why: regardless of where we end up in life, whether one becomes president or merely a pauper, we all start out at the exact same place: spiritually dead. In other words, the moment we come out of our mothers’ wombs, we’re physically alive, but from a spiritual standpoint we enter this world dead on arrival...”

  President Danforth nodded thoughtfully, as if in total agreement.

  The First Lady shot Holmes an almost sarcastic sideways look. “Why are we born ‘spiritually dead’, as you say? I’m having difficulty wrapping my mind around it.”

  Holmes chuckled to himself. He sort of felt like Jesus explaining to Nicodemus what it meant to be born again. Only the First Lady didn’t ask if she must crawl back inside her mother’s womb. “Like I already said, Madam First Lady, because we’re all born of sin, just like our parents, grandparents and great grandparents were. This dates all the way back to Adam and Eve.”

  Melissa Danforth looked increasingly confused. This way of thinking went against her belief that humans were inherently good, unlike what this man was suggesting.

  Clayton Holmes said, “I agree it’s difficult looking at newborn infants and having even the slightest inkling that they could possibly be born of sin. Newborns look so innocent. On some levels they are. After all, what infant commits sin? None, right?”


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